Transcript for:
Complete Guide to Drawing a Turret

hello ace you can see that there is a turret here and today I am going to show you how to draw these here in AutoCAD 2d so let's begin just click here and open a new window and I don't need this this thing's real grief so I have to give the gifts at first put it draw and select the construction line and switch on the ortho mode and property online and then draw horizontal line and exit now put a circle and select Center - Center diameter circle and from the center draw a circle the diameter will be three point three three three millimeter inter this is very small so magnify this one okay I have got the circle now again select the center radius diameter circle and from the center draw the circle and the diameter will be three millimeter inter to repeat the vault and draw fix it again select Center diameter circle draw the circle and the diameter will be two point five seven one millimeter okay now put good offset and select offset command and now select opposite distance the distance will be zero point zero four seven we limited inter now select this one click in this site again select this one including this site inter now again select the offset command and take the distance zero point one three millimeter inter now click the middle one select the middle one click the upper side again select the middle one and click the yellow side inter so exit now again select offset command and select offset distance it will be 0.107 valuated inter let's like a vertical one click one time and click again inter ok now select and select trim command and trim this part till it so I have got this part now just here is this portion ok now select this one and from the array select polar array now select the center and the item will be 18 items filter now for Eric okay now go to our can select 3-point arc no make up from this point so click here this midpoint and this in point repeat arc just click the right button and repeat arc and this click here place midpoint ad flip flop sweat I like button okay exit noise here is this wise okay now select Phillip and the filler radius will be 0.06 to millimeter inter now select radius radius will be 0.06 to millimeter now select this line this one internally with the previous command is what and description into exit now this portion and carefully erase this arcs okay it is you select an it is dispersed now select this one select cream in two entities and clean the outer parts inter select this one select from entities and loader purse to go back go back now select are this portions and erase now select this one and this one also erase this portion I'll select this one and select cremate it is this part in trip okay now click this portion of and here is them okay now select this teeth and again select tool on array select the center of the circle and make 1840s and close so now we need to join these two lines so for this one from here here select billion curves and now select this light and then this line complete now we need to convert this one into polyline so double click on this line and click on convert to poly line now select this one fix it now select slide now click on polar array now select the centre of the circle and make 18 point is closed Larry okay now you got the tip now in more circle in the center so good a circle and select Center radius circle and from the center draw a circle and radius will be 0.25 millimeter in that will delete the comment and we have a circle and now the radius will be 0.5 millimeter in check to the FinTech amount as the circle the radius will be 0.1 to be limited actually delete this one ah give me the cycle comment and this will be one milling with one believe it is to be capturing delete this one select circle and from the center's are Ross arc and radius will be one millimeter so this which seems to be small digit intro I get a sub tail and it usually I believe it then okay check it again select circle Italy point to five millimeter now here we need to make a key for this one we need to draw circles so go to circle and select circle so it's silic rectangle i am drawing a rectangle here so from here select dimension and the length of the rectangle will be zero point one two delimiter in de la diameter will be 0.06 we leave it up inter I'll select this one and click on move it it is selector switch of thoughtful note now just click here again select here click this one and get a moving degrees here and just switch one or shop and carefully just click here ok now fill it is portion eat on free and pimp this part into now our drawing is complete and we have got Rick here and this one cut left just remove the circle is the circle okay so our drawing is complete I hope you enjoyed the video don't forget to subscribe if you are new and hear the like button share with your friends and make a comment if you like this one and if you have any question please ask in the comment box thank you