so hello us again engineer queen here saying if you really want to have sex the girl you love do it with the safest thing a like hi for today let's we're going to discuss module 1 all right let's check the line screen glass yeah so for module 1 glass ready to discuss history of civil engineering foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 1800s [Music] first century is from zero to 99 somatic i'm 18th century stop at 1700 1799. all right so yeah first engineering school donating classes at all national france i know 17 48 that way more first so your first engineering society and i think yes yes engineering class the united states [Music] [Music] history of civil engineering civil engineering hello foreign 18th century [Music] foreign [Music] hi nowadays treatment of water necrophilia more on the sanitary engineers trying chemical engineering distribution clean water all right engineers [Music] okay 1905 [Music] foreign okay so one topic nothing for that class prior same code of ethics so number one rule class first rule of code of ethics class of a civil engineers or engineering as a whole every criticism is never laugh i know owner [Music] human welfare the world peace class as a civil engineer should be honest and impartial in serving the public right that was third class yet striving to increase the competence so double [Music] supposedly we are to support other engineers [Music] three classified internationally issue public statements only in an objective and truthful matter okay so india as a civil engineering cluster but be careful of what you seek is so everything we say class can and will be used against us all right let's work just even engineers shall app in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees as well avoid conflict of interest as a civil engineer be honest uh [Music] uh fundamental kindness and principles not in them right that's supposedly class we should always keep in mind your sustainable development so definition attention sustainable development we should always consider you next generation all right development that means the needs of the present without compromising the ability of the future generation okay you have to always think class of the future generation of [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] then again subcontractor more vertical structures your more buildings and right engineering professional horizontal bridges classic roads and so on plasticity sanitary plants plants right so again english summary prime professional and vertical structures architect horizontal structures class engineer all right so so no building glass will stand without an engineer so for plants and designs cluster but get an architect and an engineer [Music] building plus architecture [Music] foreign curriculum construction [Music] six architecture [Music] nothing so architect or civil engineer okay so afternoon re-9266 selenium class foreign uh is foreign design subjects want a disadvantage all right so nothing plus yeah [Music] comparison right organizations professional organization of civil engineers supposedly classical engineer very strict more or less an advantage in class seminars all right [Music] accreditation yeah okay so tingles releasing bye see you see me see me at the next video