Transcript for:
Review and Analysis of a Thomas & Friends Movie

[Music] let's just get this over with [Music] [Music] you okay let's first address one of the biggest problems with this movie this shouldn't need to exist why there's already a series of videos from 2015 of Thomas traveling around the world over on the Thomas and Friends YouTube channel and that mini series is much easier and much more bearable to watch than this whole movie because one there's more realism and less cartoony things in it even though it's animated and - it's not whatever kind of stupid nonsensical [ __ ] Thomas did in that YouTube series I don't need to remember it because it's not canon or at least it's not connected to the actual show but now we all have to watch this nonsensical cartoony movie because it is canon like Gordon you always think I'm too small to do anything but I'm going to go far you've already gone far hundreds of times I'm I'm going to see the world one day just you what you see okay when the Reverend Wilbur Audrey wrote a Christopher at the start of the first Thomas book I'm sure what he meant by and I quote here is your friend Thomas the Tank Engine he wanted to come out of his station yard and see the world I think what he meant was Thomas wanted to explore the whole island of sodor instead of just being stuck at the station shunting trucks and coaches hence why he loves his branchline not literally see the world [Music] Wow thanks a lot the new character for this movie almost ran over the show's representation of the Reverend Audrey himself this truly shows how much you really care about the series now and here's a real joke let me say just went up to a memory day and ask is this destroying your creation is this nothing like your original vision yes good bread's and by Andrew Brenner was it really was it really written by one of the people who gave us the Renaissance era I can't see any of Andrew Brenna's writing in any of this I should be amazed that the Flying Scotsman is back and is speaking again but all of this bouncing animation and a striving like a lunatic is distracting me okay well one thing you might not know about me is that I'm a visual type of person I would normally love or hate a movie because of the visuals alone and the things I would normally remember after watching a movie is the visuals things like the writing or pacing or spoil Archer is not the immediate thing that I think of when watching any movie because I'm constantly distracted by watching the visuals on screen sure I will notice a plot hole or bit of character development here or there but for the most part the only way to know whether the writing and all story sucks for me at least is when I watch someone else's review or reaction to it I've said so in another video but I don't usually form my own opinion until I see someone else's opinion I find it quite hard to form my own opinion on the writing alone because I'm usually focusing on the anime or the visuals it was hard to me to find any problems in the writing of the MLP movie because all I was thinking office Wow look how amazing the animation is the point is that even if the writing in this movie is better than the great race or journey beyond Sodor which I doubt it is I would still call this movie the worst Thomas movie because of all the cartoony unrealistic animation that doesn't suit the series in the slightest [Music] you wouldn't want to run guests good I did not okay there is no way in hell that ace has a driver no human being would everything to speed down very narrow lanes almost running over people because of it or drive onto the railway tracks without thinking that there might be a train coming I mean I can tell after the first two minutes on screen ace has broken a dozen rules and driving laws I don't care if he's a race car don't race car drivers need to follow these rules as well what are they still doing here Tomas you need to take these fish drops to Vicarstown okay this is definite proof that these people clearly don't give a [ __ ] about realism any more fish crates in open trucks didn't we have this kind of [ __ ] years ago no people were complaining that carrying fish in open trucks was unhygenic so why are you doing this [ __ ] again especially after you've mentioned and show that the flying kipper in the season before this and what are those fish trucks even doing here anyway the fish is supposed to be delivered during the night so what was Henry and his crew doing leaving all of this here Thomas you need to take these fish drops to Vicarstown they're very smelly James are supposed to do that sir why James again what is Henry doing to be taken the biggest town and that's where Gordon is going he's just being extra useful today okay this movie has at least one funny scene in it and it fits in well what's all missus cheeky personality [Music] did you really reference a song from journey beyond Sodor did they really think that that movie was going to be loved by every single fan in the world that they had to reference it hey guess what a lot of people didn't like that movie [Music] I know ace is a racecar and he needs to practice for the first race and everything but does this guy know that there are speed limits at least when Bertie is racing Thomas he knows when to stop because of level crossings or passengers but ace doesn't seem to care at this rate he's going to be driving too fast to notice Teddy Boston crossing the road and he'll ride different continents did they even do giant international races like this one in the mid-sixties what that was when aces model was built there's a place here on Sodor on Sodor I'm here to catch a ship to get to the first rice why is the ship at Sodor you were coming in from the mainland right so why is it the ship to Africa in a mainland harbour like Southampton or somewhere why Sodor naturally since ace is Australia that why didn't he take a ship from Australia to Africa is there any reason why he's in Britain too Lord we're only six minutes into this 85 minute movie and there's already a massive pile of problems I've always wanted to see the world the more Dodger I do have roles in other countries you know okay this animation is seriously reminding me of all the cars movies and it just doesn't fit with Thomas at all timing around here Oh died I need to carry on with my spade rod you're doing speech files on Sodor and not on the consonants the first race is taking place in what do the narrow roads of Sodor have in common with the open spaces of the Savannah oh is that terrible smell isn't you Gordon are you throwing the flying kipper today oh they do women but the flying kipper exists then what were the fish trucks even doing there are you doing the flying kipper today or are those actually fish trucks at the back of your coaches every time I see the thing clergyman in this movie it makes me think that the people who made this movie made it to either pay tribute to Wilbur Audrey and his work or that they're so proud with this movie that he would be proud to accept fish delivered an open trucks a race car breaking the laws of physics and loads of driving laws and this is only scratching the surface so far if the Reverend Audrey Spirit was watching this movie he tried to kill himself again actually I wonder what Christopher Audrey's reaction to this movie would be like probably similar to mine Thomas thank you for sorting out those fish trucks earlier that was a great help problem always happy to be really useful and then immediately after saying that how would you like it sir if one of your engines could be the first railway engine to go right round the world he just said that he's always happy to be really useful but yet he still decides to go around the world round the world I've never heard of a railway engine going around the world yes I know sir he's probably never been done before this is a story about one steam locomotive probably the most famous in history one which has been around the world and is known to everyone Flying Scotsman well it would be a marvelous thing if it could be done Thomas but I doubt it's that easy the world's not all one big railway you know but it would be a marvelous thing yes Thomas it would so The Fat Controller isn't going to tell Thomas that this idea seems rather interesting on paper but that it's almost impossible to do in real life that's all Merce has his own jobs to do on his brush live James gets all the important jobs important jobs what important jobs are you talking about taking that good strain to bridlington but that's hardly the only important job what about the flying kipper or the mail train I know sir but James even looking after your brunch line is an important job Thomas hey wait I just thought of something after all the terrifying dangerous things Thomas did on the mail add-in journey beyond Sodor why is he still deciding to go around the world you would think after getting lost on his travels being lifted by a crane almost fallen and dying in molten steel and was almost trapped at the steelworks to work there for always and always and always he'd never want to go back to the mainland again not everywhere in the world is all happy and kind and welcoming some places will treat you like crap or will force you to do things you don't want to do so why is he doing this again oh yeah and obviously who will do all of Thomas's duties while he's away Oh bother that telephone if you can figure out a way of actually doing it wait what the [ __ ] troll is actually agreeing with this impossible idea does he don't realize the things that could happen Thomas's duties Thomas's safety the fact that Thomas might not come back this isn't something that will happen in one or two days no no no no this kind of thing could take weeks if not months what the [ __ ] are you I don't want to watch this anymore this movie has gotten so many things wrong in the first 10 minutes alone that I don't even want to imagine what the other 75 will throw at me if even the highest and most intelligent authority of the railway is agreeing with all this impossible pointless possibly life then I don't wanna watch I'm sorry but not even throwing in the biggest pile of continuity references it's not goanna may come for the cartoony animation or the unrealistic ideas or the [ __ ] riding it's fantasy to sell my land that unknown what if it was always covered in mist mmm that sounds very mysterious don't you dare remind people of one of the worst Thomas specials actually is anyone else thinking that they'd literally rather watch the shy Sharon Miller gave us instead of this yes yes yes I know I know it sounds as if I'm over exaggerating here but I'm serious why the same people who gave us what a half season of great entertaining stories would take such a sudden downfall by writing [ __ ] like this at least the nitrogen series didn't have Thomas abandoning his jobs to go into outer space or some [ __ ] like that prison in a steel world [ __ ] controller to major Thomas come in major Thomas stop messing around you're causing confusion and delays [ __ ] you fine I don't want to watch this anymore Thomas went down to the dark sir and Carly loading them onto a ship she did what but that means he could be anywhere in the world so let me get this straight Thomas just dumped annie and clarabel in a side eh never thinking about his jobs whatsoever went to the docks just told Carly to load him onto a ship that just so happens to be heading to Africa even though cranky is standing right there and should have stopped her from doing a crazy thing like that and wait a minute ace never told Thomas where the first ways was going to be anyway and Thomas just so happened to a find a ship that's heading to Africa at the exact moment he arrived and be nowhere the first race is being held even though viii never told him how much more of this am i forced to sit through 40 minutes of this crap help me dear Lord and Jesus help me oh so now you tell him ball we know Thomas might have made a mistake and the first race would have been in Asia or South Africa or some [ __ ] or is it possible that a stalled him about Africa off-screen but if that's the case how would he know that it's all so exciting I still can't believe we're had you returning this I can't believe it he can't believe it all of them can't believe it and even you can't believe it I'm coming with you [Music] how can a rail engine because a big sandy desert by the power of deus ex machina I have questions no tracks in the Sahara World War two your call of this dead [Applause] wherever that is yeah do you see the problems your ideas can cause for one thing you have no idea where to go go - Salam are you going - deri Salam we were hoping somebody could take us to Delhi salami I have an idea for a drinking game take a shot every time you hear the name of Doris Salam in this movie I'll have a resting bed and a jug of water waiting for you afterwards you look slow and much much less useful than the engine I was expecting it how are you going to pull so many trucks yeah a little engine like you the world is not all kind and welcoming and sunshine and rainbows just how you thought the world might be a Thomas but why would it be ok too long Thomas onto a ship that was going to Africa Carly yes thank you we need answers now Thomas told me that he asked you about it sir he said that you thought it was a good idea a good idea what did I say was a good idea Thomas B the first railway engine I bear that even if the fire controller declined Thomas's idea and told him that it was a stupid impossible idea I bet Thomas would have [ __ ] off to Africa anyway that's what happened in journey B on Sodor the Fat Controller taught Thomas his jobs on his branchline are important and yet he [ __ ] off - Bridlington anyway and because this special is acting like that special didn't exist and thus his terrifying dark experience on the mainland didn't exist he just decides to run away to pass he doesn't know I need to find Thomas and bring him back before something happens to him I need to be on the next ship Murdoch our way well I was about a question the fat controllers decision to go to donk ha but now I'm going to question what the hell you are picking up the Fat Controller with your hook and you were this close to seriously injury if not killing the one in charge of the biggest and most important railway on the island what the hell were the animators smoking who thought this stupid suicidal thing was a good idea how did the highest authority of Mattel approve of this I don't care if this was to entertain the kids you can't show them something like this all right no no no no no no no no you're not going to get away with a sari you could be scrapped for that I thought you were all right in season 21 but now I hate everything you're doing now you might think that I'm getting all angry over a little tiny nitpick but I don't see a crane lifting up someone with its hook as a nitpick I don't see a thing that they animated which would have had someone killed if it were to happen in real life as a nitpick at least when cranky did it it was by accident by accident but Kali here was doing it on purpose now what was I about to say I need to be on the next ship medaka so the Fat Controller has decided to leave Sodor and go to Africa to find Thomas oh my [ __ ] god this was something that bothered the hell out of me the second I saw this screenshot in the first trailer for the movie The Fat Controller is literally abandoning his duties as control of the whole railway to find Thomas hey writers Angela Brenner whoever have you ever heard of the expression two wrongs don't make a right two wrongs don't make a right precisely unbelievable why is he sailing to Africa does he realize that there's a massive responsibility that he's just leaving behind who's going to run the whole their way while he's away has he told anyone about this the engines mr. percival his mother his wife well judging by this see he hasn't been given any time at all to do any of that it looks as though he's going to die cos straight away now Thomas abandoning his branchline duties to go around the world can wear off for some people but this is the controller of an entire massive important railway it's not just doing a few jobs on a single branch line it's giving jobs everyone shaking over loads of edges loads of vehicles loads of workers sort out deliveries organize tie tables and loads of other important jobs to keep the railway alive and he's abandoning all of that as such but Thomas no no no I don't want to watch this anymore [Music] and of course all these African trucks look exactly the same as British trucks trust me there are loads of Li colours of British engines trucks coaches and locations even though this is all supposed to be in Brazil China India and Africa two engines are much better than one you know I don't need any help okay there is no way Thomas is able to move while pulling 19 trucks yes I did count them if an engine as strong as Samson found it hard to pull 18 trucks full of stone plus the brake fan yes I counted that as well then Thomas wouldn't be able to move a yard forward now you realize that now how many times have you pulled a heavy train up a hill at least 200 times I don't need help I was managing just fine when the trucks moved their bodies around like fast they move as if they don't have any cargo in them at all what if some of the cargo is fragile or requires delicacy I didn't realize you were going backwards for five I do that sometimes too you know why why did you do that it's a long way to die Scilab 5000 miles did we forget to say 5000 miles wait wait a minute let me check [Music] okay so this is what I found out Thomas arrived in Africa in dark hot dogs in Senegal which is here and he and Nia need to take all of these heavy trucks to Daraa salon dogs in Tanzania which is hair Thomas is literally going from one side of the continent to the other and traveling through at least ten African countries to get there oh and keep in mind this is how big the island of sodor is by comparison I can't even begin to tell you how ridiculous this is I can stretch my suspension of disbelief so far people Thomas is puffing through over 10 African countries through endless deserts through sufferable heath for a couple of days straight and wait didn't a say that there are no railway lines in the Sahara then what is all of this Thomas and me are puffing on is it a mirage no then it's [ __ ] everything in this movie is [ __ ] you track the time this is going to be a very long journey with that any music does every single special in the years to come have to be a musical the great race journey beyond Sodor and now this well most of the songs are the only saving grace of the movie but I think you songwriters would still have some energy and creativity if you left if you didn't put in seven songs in every special now I don't want to watch [ __ ] like this any further because of [ __ ] like this but something it's still making me watch it and I don't know what it is maybe it's curiosity maybe it's the song I don't know but I want it to stop I don't want to see anything that might be worse than this you can't just kick the trunk of a tree and loads of mangoes will fall off the tree didn't even shake when you kicked it you can't collect mangoes the Applejack way alleys not in the real world yeah I said real world if the past five seasons was written as realistically as possible just like all the old seasons and books that they were paying tribute to then what's this movies excuse we can't have cartoony movements and imagery in a series that's supposed to be taken as realistically as possible is a continent we've passed through many different countries already and it is [ __ ] ridiculous you've been traveling all across Africa for nearly a week at this point and neither Thomas or Nia is tired or sweaty or something I thought you said that you I used to animals on the tracks yes but we don't have giant oversized elephants on Sodor um circuses Animal Park Henry Charlie hello I wouldn't advise you to blow your whistle at him he might Wow Thomas didn't even blow his whistle and yet it charged anyway his Oh blue Tank Engine yeah he has the number one painted on the side of him yes oh oh do you not remember seeing him did you ever consider the fact that citizens in Senegal speak a different language yeah like that's most of them might not know much English cars they think I went off into the Sahara I wouldn't trust that guy if I were you he looks kind of creepy Sephora indeed okay really creepy is it really it looks like a redesign of Brendam docks to me look big Mickey is there and everything excuse me but can I just ask you something quick I suppose you better before you burn your boiler dry I'm really surprised it isn't dry already what with all the hate I can barely survive that he's here in the UK during the summer I can't even begin to imagine what the heat in Africa must be like lots of racing cars yeah you should have seen them near zipping about the earth like mosquitoes Wow so a Santa's non-existent driver aren't the only ones breaking driving laws but the other cars as well and not just on Sodor but in trans India and none of them ran over a single worker at these docks or crashed into any trucks I'll just find a ship and go to Rio by myself you are dead lucky that there's a ship that just so happens to be going to Rio and that it hasn't left yet since you haven't found ace I thought you were going home again who's supposed to be on this ship Jarrod I'm coming with you in case you meet another angry elephant or something you know so I know now Nia doesn't have a shed anymore but is she now abandoning her jobs here in Africa and leaving friends like Kohaku behind without warning what is this special telling the kids I've always wanted to see the world - I've always wanted to visit other places there are so many things to see and discover okay in the actual real world when someone had work needs some time off like go to a wedding or a funeral or to go on holiday or whatever they need to ask permission from the manager they can't just take a hard a tough grant just like that they needed to give them a side annual leave slips saying how long they'd be away for and even if they do ask the boss there's the slim chance that you can't go because everyone else is busy and can't take your work shift for you so you can't just leave Africa like that that's what would the dock manager say what would the sailors piloting the ship say in China they have mountains that look like rainbows and how do you know that if you've never been to China I didn't know where you've gone or which ship to get on and I don't even know where to go next after Rio well that's the best way free and easy take it as it comes but what if Thomas gets lost I can't find our way back all I'm saying is don't let anyone get in your way you don't want someone else telling you what to do you want to have fun yeah so let me see if I can understand what you're saying you're convincing Thomas to not listen to anyone and do things by yourself no matter what it is you do yeah when Thomas gets lost in the Amazon jungle I'm sure he'll be fine he can just find a way back home all by himself what is this movie teaching their kids say import Thomas I should get a little shut-eye before the next rice they can't have spent just one night sailing from trans India to Rio from my experience on cruise ships it takes about two or three days to sail from Southampton to the Caribbean the next race is a cross-country rally which goes through the Amazon rainforest I mean they were trapped there cool there are bound to be tracks it's not a hot dry sand okay there have to be places where there aren't any tracks not everywhere in the whole world has massive lies going for one country to another and another and another and another wouldn't there be plates where there are no tracks and Thomas would have to travel on a flatbed lorry or something I can be really useful hmm well I've got the good strain going through the Amazon bound for San Francisco if you can take that you can fill up with all the cola what do you need wait he's been asked to take a good train from Rio de Janeiro dogs to San Francisco are you [ __ ] me here is Rio de Janeiro and here is San Francisco you can't be serious right now there is no way that there is a single railway line that goes from rail dogs through the Amazon jungle through Mexico through the Grand Canyon and to San Francisco dogs this is just impossible not just the line structure but the journey getting there it's going to take Thomas and Nia another week just to get to California do you people really think that traveling from one continent to the other is as easy as the movie is making it out to be well it isn't not in the slightest a journey like that is nowhere near easy it takes a hell of a lot of time fuel and resources it be easier to just deliver the coffee by cargo plane why have trains to deliver it at all [Music] we go [Music] [Applause] yeah we all created lyrics in the chorus they're just two words repeated five times this is actually one of the few songs I don't actually like that much [Applause] now come on when you're in Brazil right now and yet you didn't use the original Raul design you brought back Sam Carlos young bow and in season 22 later on Rajiv and Ashima but not role in the same country here's Rob stop for water honestly near we don't have time for you to stop and fill your water tanks you don't have time to stop for water why is this making me think that Thomas seriously crossed from one side of Africa to the other without stopping for water or coal I mean we never saw him stop for water one of the malls we learned from this is show not tell being a super fast racing car is cool [Music] kids found the past five seasons boring they said all of this was to entertain the kids they said kids seriously deserve better than this fans like me had better as kids and do you know what we had the classic series realism clever writing and common sense just like season 17 to 21 oh and we didn't have cartoony bouncy over-the-top animation back then and we laughed the hell out of it so don't try to fix something that wasn't even broken oh the Fat Controller is dying of thirst because of you Thomas you should have been scrapped by the end of this movie to serve you right instead of what we actually get but we'll save that for later just a little accident one of the hazards of rallying you know I'm surprised you didn't crash ages ago on Sodor what with all the tricks you are pulling and the speed you were going yeah I'm out of this race but if I can get fixed up and taken to the Sun flats in one how did you get any sort of a flat bed did the mechanics car even arrive again sure don't tell leaves can be used to make all kinds of things look if I ever wanted to know things people do in foreign countries I just go watch the Go jetters they have easy access to CBeebies you don't need to have Tomas doing this educational [ __ ] it makes no sense you're lucky there was enough rain to fill your entire tanks are you seriously doing this [ __ ] again I'm telling you the fire controller is really going to die by the end of this movie and it will be all Thomas's thoughts or maybe khaalis I don't know and I'm writing guessing that this is why there are no railway lines in the Amazon rainforest in the real world based on the research I've done anyway [Music] okay unsuitable cartoony imagery aside I really like this song no wonder they brought in Peter Andre for this yeah first Eddie Redmayne and Sir John Hurt then tena Desae then Hugh Bonneville and now we have Peter Andre as the traditional one-off guest star [Music] still better than all the shiz hard hair family plays every three minutes yes I saw this engine he was the one taking the coffee to San Francisco Jesus Christ this particular class of Shanta diesel is everywhere when is it ever going to stop Thomas doesn't even remember Sam in this continuity we're meant to be being useful ace people are waiting for this coffee in San Francisco yeah does this remind you of anything Thomas I know how to have fun too you know [Music] why why why why why why why why you just said 20 seconds ago there are people waiting for this coffee so what the hell were you doing reversing down the hill and delaying yourself even more oops sorry no I never you mind now darlin no harm done off all the American engine design you've already got in the show that you could recolor you chose Frankie a British diesel design piece of steam engine correct so perhaps we might spot this thing coming up now why did it the Fat Controller just use a plane from the start we're gonna play a little trick on Mia what kind of trick a joke Thomas turn off yeah you're agreeing with ace to play a trick what is wrong with you [Music] what did I say earlier I don't want to see anything that might be worse than this well it has gotten worse stop making me wash this why don't the less I say about Thomas's driver a fireman in this movie the better somebody needs to fetch the breakdown crane we don't get really breakdown cranes around here Paul [ __ ] [ __ ] what happens when a train comes off the rails well sometimes they just lie there in the dust and get dusty unless it rains the course then they tend to lie there in the mud and get rusty dusty rusty you're laughing over at engines equivalent of dying because it can't get back onto the rails I hate you or if there's enough folk to do it we use people power to lift them back onto the rail how far back in time is the USA compared to the UK judging by aces model and design I thought this was set in the 1960s but these American folk are using people and horses to lift trains and trucks back onto the rails wasn't that something Cowboys did in the eighteen hundreds I really hope that mirrors okay say remember that entire song from journey beyond Sodor where Thomas says that he misses all of his friends back home well Thomas doesn't give two shits about them here consistency what's that oh don't you start going all americantale on me now just find him already find him punish him scrap him if you need to just fine Thomas so that we can end this faster doesn't it look like the moon Thomas don't you feel like you're in outer space don't you dare give him any more ideas good luck in the rally ace mate well farewell ace you'll come please anarta [ __ ] Thomas by her Thomas's whistle oh please don't drag this out any longer we are now past the 60 minute mark this should be over by now you have to load me onto a ship bound for China straightaway oh do I know yeah there's bound to be a second ship heading to China coming into the same dog yard right [Music] you that's exactly what I'm going to say you'd better not sing this apology song Taniya even though she is I'm there say sorry to the Fat Controller Annie and Clarabel all the engines passengers and so door friends you left behind say sorry to them as well please no it's this song still going that was the longest pause I've ever seen in a song I hope you Wow this by you being all excited about seeing Danny Aiden SIA earlier in the film you don't give a [ __ ] about them here God's sake I actually had to research the mountains online to make sure that they weren't pulling more stuff out their ass and they are real oh and there aren't any railway tracks in those mountains you're just adding them in there pretty much changing historical landscapes just to let Thomas see them but he doesn't care about them in the slightest in this scene so what was the point what have you learned absolutely nothing the past few weeks me has been hammering into your head that two heads are better than one but you still think that you can do this by yourself how many minutes of this movie do I have left eight minutes thank God I come from I randomly materialized here just in time I should never have tried to rescue you by myself oh they have breakdown cranes here in China but they don't have any in the USA so where are you going now Thomas back to Sodor and then Tomas will be the first railway engine to go all the way around the world um not to delay your return to Sodor even longer but you forgot Australia oh is that the reason why he's travelling around the world again in season 22 just to visit Australia but then why is he returning to China and India again Oh Indian telephone lines can reach all the way to Sodor can they and that signal one just so happened to have the phone number to the fat controllers office but wait if the Fat Controller is in the USA right now then who the hell is running the North Western Railway hello yes it is why mr. percival he's already got a busy railway to run of his own is he running both railways at the same time not only his smaller Skarloey railway but also the much bigger more busier more complicated North Western Railway could you ask someone else to run the railway he'll why not Dowager Hatt she ran the railway once when her son was ill I mean yeah she screwed everything up at the start but Emily helps her to run things more smoothly she'd be glad to do it again why not her or someone else for that matter instead of the Thin controller [Music] and I'm pretty sure that Thomas and Nia bumped into Geena either axel Etienne and all those mainland engines on the way back what's wrong Thomas on the other side of that bridge is Sodor Nia and when I get there I'll be home again and there will also be a lot of angry engines and controllers worried to death about where the hell you've been you'll have to go home again - that's not so easy for me Thomas they said I used to live in isn't even there anymore I don't really have a home to go back to why don't you have a shed anymore come the work run just maybe build another one for you all the resources really that low in Africa but that means you can come and stay on Sodor with me I'm sure the Fat Controller won't mind oh sure just take an engine who decided to leave her Railway just like how you did and instead of taking her back home where I'm sure all of her African friends are worried about where she is right now you're just going to make her live on Sodor for the rest of time even though you said in season 19 another engine sir but you already have so many why can't you be consistent anymore [Applause] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no they should not be happy about Thomas returned a well actually they should but they should be telling Thomas off for [ __ ] off like he did and leaving all the engines to do all of his duties as well as their own they should have angrily scolded Thomas that they were all worried to death about where the hell he has been remember this is during the 1960's so contacting Thomas about where the hell he is was nowhere near easy back then as it is today mr. percival should be especially angry with Thomas because he had to run to railways while Thomas was away and he didn't do this for a week or something he had to run to railways for about let's say two whole months this movie was trying to teach the kids a mall of some kind it might have been have fun and whatever you do or two heads are better than one but after watching this movie I think the mole they are telling the kids is it's okay to run away from home and leave your family and friends behind and to go to wherever you want to go because no matter where you go or what you do you will never be punished for it I am dead [ __ ] serious Thomas never gets punished for running away to Africa like he did in fact the exact same thing happened at the end of journey beyond Sodor Thomas just steals James's train and Foxx off to the mainland without the fat controllers permission and when he returns back to Sodor the Fat Controller never punishes him or scolds him friend like he should have and the same stupid thing happens here mr. Percival never punishes Tom for parking off around the world and leaving everyone on Sodor to do all of his and the fat controllers jobs this is a horrible thing to show to kids when I was a kid my mom never told me to ride my bike so far in the neighborhood by myself but one time I didn't listen I rode my bike to every corner of the neighborhood not knowing that I could have gotten lost or met a stranger or something that when I got back home my mom actually punished me she grounded me because I didn't listen to her I went off to strange part of the neighborhood and was not ready for what I might come into now I'm not seeing or expecting the kids to actually run off to strange areas after watching this movie but the way this movie is structured and written it gives me the impression that a couple of kids might not every kid but a couple of you or something is it over are we finally at the end I just need to speak to the Fat Controller but I thought he'd be with you me why me because he went looking for you so if he's not with you then where in the world is he I don't suppose you've seen this Tank Engine blue with the number one on the side of him he's cold Thomas he God no no no no no no no that that can't be the end day it can't be there has to be an after credit see that there has to be are you [ __ ] serious was this really the best ending you could have come up with was there really nothing else you could have thought of you just had to end it on a terrible joke if it even was a joke oh and this isn't going to transition into season 22 like most people have been predicting because in all the episodes of season 22 its features the Fat Controller on Sodor all fine and hunky-dory talking to Cyril the fog man so this is the ending of the story this is the legit ending of the movie it seriously ends with the Fat Controller on the other side of the world exhausted as hell still looking for Thomas and never finding him they never tell us if he ever found Thomas at the end if he ever punished him or scrapped him or took away his whale so that he will never pull a stupid stunt like this again if he ever made it back to Sodor if he ended up in Australia with Ace or anything the story just stops no proper conclusion it just stops this is the worst way you could have ended the movie what kind of ending is that this is like ending finding Nemo after Malin and Dory get swallowed up by the whale [Music] this is stupid this whole movie is stupid there is nothing good about it the animation the bouncing the cartoony image rate no consistency stupid decisions no realism whatsoever this is just oh this is easily the worst thing I have ever seen related to Thomas the Tank Engine well okay I really don't know if Misty Island rescue and day of the diesels is worse than this movie but holy [ __ ] after watching this movie I really want it to be worse than those two movies I never wanted to watch this movie even after the second it was first announced but why did I watch it anyway I don't [ __ ] know I really should have done what the unlucky tog did and just stopped watching new episodes altogether but no my curiosity forced me to watch this movie that's what my curiosity does it forces me to watch these stupid movies it forces me to watch these pointless episodes and I can't escape it I want to stop watching these terrible new movies but I can't I keep coming back and I see how much more they screwed everything up and do you want to know what the sad thing is no matter how much people like me and loads of others will rant about this movie no matter how long we say in full detail why it sucks Mattel creations is never going to fix it all no matter how many times we say that kids deserve much better than this they are not going to listen to us they are going to continue giving them [ __ ] because that's what they think the kids want to see and there's nothing we can do about it hell even knowing that this movie exists yes and we'll still exist for years to come it's still proof that the show will never redeem itself after all this is over even if they bring back characters like Cyril the fog man who we've only seen once in a run-of-the-mill season even if they stop using bouncing animation and add realism and the old narrator back into the show again all the [ __ ] featured all throughout this movie will still stay stuck in my mind and it will never ever go away so with God knows how long I spent Razzie after all of that I am finally done with this movie I don't have to talk about it again thank [ __ ] for that now I'm gonna try and calm down and I really want to spend about a month not making more YouTube videos to give myself a break to help me calm down because I've done a hell of a lot of editing recently constant re-upload because of copyrights all this editing all this recording all this script writing I want to take a month-long break from it all I don't know what I'll do in the mean time but I will be back soon just don't keep suggesting me things I don't want to do please treat my decisions with respect please right now I'm done with this movie I'm gonna go take a shower to calm myself down [Music] you should never go exploring by yourself and always make sure someone knows where you are that's the most important thing of all don't wander off without letting your daddy know where you're gonna be that goes for you too pals always tell your folks where you going and when you'll be back bad things can happen if you don't never go exploring in strange places unless you're properly prepared right whether it's a jungle or someplace they're a home make sure you know where you are remember anything worth doing is worth planning if you don't plan you're out in the land now I know and knowing is half the battle