all right welcome back so this is going to be our sixth and final part for our histology lecture and this is going to be a very short part because all we're covering is nervous tissue so nervous tissue is the last of our tissue type so we've covered epithelial tissues we've covered connective tissue we just covered muscle tissue in the previous lecture and now we'll look briefly at nervous tissue so nervous tissue is part of the nervous system it's what makes up the nervous system and being consistent with our definition of tissue being made up of more than two types of cells or at least two types of cells we have two types here we have neurons and we have what are called neuroglio cells sometimes it's referred to as glial cells right so to start off first if we look at the neurons neurons are our actual electrical cells that are initiating electrical impulses and Cindy's electrical impulses down the length of their cell to some type of effector so a muscle or gland or they can receive it and send it to another neuron or some other type of cell okay so we have different types of neurons we have motor neurons and we have Sensory neurons and we'll talk more about that when we get into more specific nervous system lectures but they form what are called synapses with each other and synapses are just these connections between adjacent neurons so there is a synapse at the end of one neuron in the beginning of another one that's an easy way to think about it all right so neurons are the cells that send and receive electrical impulses the other type of cell are the neuroglial cells right so neuroglial cells are uh what you can think of as supporting cells right so these are going to provide structural support protection nourishment uh to the various neurons and the tissue of the brain and the spinal cord and the rest of the nervous system so different examples of these are microglia cells astrocytes Schwann cells and all good endocytes two really important ones they're all important but two that we'll talk about in detail in later lectures are Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes these help form something called the myelin sheath and for now you can just know that the myelin sheath is a wrapping this kind of insulative wrapping around the Axon of a of a neuron that helps to speed up the conduction of the electrical impulse or speed up the conduction of the action potential all right and so we'll talk about specific types of neuroglial cells in later lectures there are different types of neurons and so we said there's motor and sensory but there's also different ones based on their shape so there's multi-polar neurons and bipolar neurons and unipolar neurons and we'll go into more detail on those later but in general you can see in these images down below that these large purple cells that you see here these are the neurons so the middle region this large purple region that is the Soma or the cell body in that you would have the nucleus you have generally one long extension coming off one side of the cell and this is called the axon okay so if you look at the smaller image above you see the cell body here with the nucleus in the middle and then you see this long slender axon coming down okay the axon is what the action potential or the electrical impulse travels down after it leaves uh the neuron itself okay the way the neuron receives the electrical impulses are through these small extensions called dendrites and so the dendrites receive some type of impulse from a from a previous neuron okay all right so if we look at an example here um the example is going to be very easy because we just see nervous tissue right so there's it's generally pretty um identifiable so these large kind of purple brown cells these are the neurons and then all these small dots that you see around these are all of the glial cells or the neuroglial cells all right now you can't tell based on a light microscope image like this what specific type of glial cell it is so just know that the large cells with these large projections the dendrites and the axons these are the neurons and then all these smaller ones are the glial cells you should note also that the neurons are not as great in number as the neuroglial cells so in other words there's far more glial or neuroglial cells than neurons okay the neurons are larger but the glial cells are more numerous okay all right you find this in the brain you find this in the spinal cord nerves and and so on okay all right so this covers uh our nervous tissue and this ends our histology lecture so if you have any questions at all uh please uh feel free to reach out email me get in talk get in touch with me and I will be happy to answer your questions all right I will see you in the next video