Transcript for:
Module 1.2: Output Devices

[Music] right Learners Welcome to our video today we are going to continue in module 1.2 and we're now picking up from output okay so we spoke about input we're looking at our output devices this brings or gives us the results of processing and the purpose of output is to provide a user with feedback in the interaction with a Computing device provide a user with a more permanent copy of the results and allows the transmission of data between computers and electronic devices so we have different types of output we have visual output now these are terms that usually get asked your soft copy and your hard copy our sound output our touch screen our touch output and we have other output as well so just go through the four categories uh make sure you understand understand what is being meant by that as we go further through this module okay so we look at our Display Devices Now display options that allow the user to make choices while they interact with the program and operating system so how things are displayed on the screen remember the display will show you the results of your processing now some advantages and please when you think of a display device think of your monitor right it provides immediate feedback it allows for interaction between the user and the computer it displays the content so it can be easily changed or updated and the text can be enlarged for visually impaired um users some disadvantages um output is not permanent because obviously if you change what's on the screen it's going to move right output is difficult to share so I can't if unless I have a massive monitor or I have a data projector then I can show everyone what's on my screen it can lead to eye strain so you don't want to sit too close to the monitor as well and the work is not private cuz if people are walking know standing over you know behind you and things they can see exactly what's going on and in you know as is the case in gaming if you have a very expensive Monitor and you have somebody you know knock that over and break it yeah that's that's going to be um quite expensive to replace there all right so we can go through the rest and again like I say you need to probably just know like two of these okay when it comes to again choosing a display device there are a number of things number of things we need to we need to look at right we're going to go through a few of them so first one we look at is resolution and the resolution refers to the number of individual dots of color known as pixels contained on a display it's measured by identifying the number of pixels on on the horizontal axis and the number on the vertical axis so the higher those numbers are the better the quality of the picture displayed is going to be right then we have our aspect ratio which is something that gets asked regularly as well this refers to the width of the display screen in relation to the height now we all know this and why do I say that well just just have a look at this right um this is your wide screen this is your letter box and when you look at it here now we know what you're talking about so there's our wide screen remember what it's saying this refers to the width of the display in relation to the height so the first number deals with your width the second number deals with your height first number width so the width in relation to the height so that's how your image or your video is going to display then we have our contrast ratio now this is defined as the ratio of the luminance of the brightest color in relation to the darkest color that the display can produce that is your contrast ratio your response time is the amount of time a pixel in a display takes to change it's measured in milliseconds obviously you want that to be extremely quick okay so these are some of the things you need to take into consideration when you're going to be buying a dis display device also you need to look at the type of ports that the display device can take now if we look at most TVs um most of them will come out with HDMI ports and why because HDMI takes video and audio um when you look at monitors for your PC and that some of them will take HDMI they'll take VGA as well some of them will have two or three different types of inputs but these are the things you need to consider and look at um and ask yourself what am I going to be doing with it what am I going to be using it for and that will definitely help you remember big difference between the VGA and HDMI is VGA transmits video only HDMI is video and sound right then we have our printers now with printers there are certain specifications we look at things like speed resolution monthly duty cycle the number of colors the paper options and the connections so here for example example is a color laser printer now I can see that because this is toner theyve got my black toner and similarly to my inkjet printer I've got three main colors that make up all the colors that I need um cyan yellow and magenta I know this is a laser printer cuz I can see the Bold where the paper comes out over there and goes in at the bottom um so so that's how I identify this picture as a laser and a color laser for that matter now Laser Printers are more reliable they are easier to maintain they are better for black and white especially if you're going to be printing in bulk um because they are cheaper to run but more expensive to buy at the beginning your inkjets are cheaper to buy they are more expensive to run and maintain um but they are better for your photo quality prints okay so just remember that cuz in grade 10 we already went through the difference between a laser and an inkjet but now we bring in our 3D printers so our 3D printers allow you to create physical three-dimensional objects using 3D modeling software so this is the filament that is used this is your print head and it's this filament that goes through the printed onto this platform here to then create the threedimensional object that you are Printing and this is known as your bolt plate please know this so that if you get a picture based on this you know how to identify these things now there are some advantages and disadvantages advantages obviously faster production cost effective you have complete control over the quality you can tweak that and you've got almost an unlimited design capacity but it does require a lot of electricity there is a high cost to purchase it there's special material like that filament that you need need to use um and unfortunately like with everything it can be used to print some dangerous weapons okay we also have wireless technology in output devices so Wireless Technologies Wi-Fi Bluetooth NFC are used to increase flexibility and the usefulness of output devices so we can do wireless printing wireless video sound without wires as well okay so they just they just bringing that in cuz some of us have wireless headphones right we do Wi-Fi printing which is using the technology that's there then we have our interactive whiteboards something that comes up as well you can see this is a special board we've got our projector over here that shines the image on there but the obviously the um the main advantage of our interactive whiteboard is now I can actually um write on the screen and it will actually save any notes that I made I can then interact with whatever's been shown here on this particular board so that is a massive massive Advantage because the computer functions can be manipulated on the board there's better interaction and participation and notes made there as I as I mentioned um can be saved right and obviously with this I can use a whole range of multimedia format but there are distinct disadvantages um like you need to have a dly lit venue the boards are sometimes difficult to read some of them are small at times they don't use normal whiteboard markers um you need to bear the cost in mind as well and then suitable software is not always available and like I said this big one big one it's not affordable for many schools as a result repairs um because of all of this repairs to something like this can be quite expensive as well unfortunately the biggest disadvantage is that teachers themselves are sometimes hesitant of using the newer technology especially teachers who have been there for 20 30 years um they are fine where they are with what they have some of them just are not interested in this as well so what makes it all work this is the big question one of the things that makes it all work is something called drivers now we did this in grade 10 a driver what is it it is a program it is software that allows a computer to communicate with Hardware or whatever devices and control them now your operating systems have a large collection of standard drivers built in this means that I can plug a device into my computer and windows should be able to pick it up um and get the relevant driver and then know how to work with it the feature from the operating system that allows you to actually plug something in and use it is your Plug and Play Now the operating system here automatically detects and configures a device you know this when you work with your flash drives you plug in your flash drive drive and it tells you a device has been inserted maybe it asks you to scan it and then you are able to use it so the computer will check if it has the driver to control it and then move along with that process and then I think the last section deals with and this is a big one um the input and output for physically challenged users now please bear in mind there is a difference between a visually impaired individual like myself who wears glasses as opposed to someone who is blind they cannot see at all okay this person can see this person cannot see so you need to read the question where that is concerned for example a braille keyboard and Braille display device that's going to be for someone who's blind right the person who needs a magnification device what does that mean they are just making whatever's on the screen larger visually impaired large key keyboards visually impaired Braille printers that's going to be for someone who is blind okay please please get the difference into your head same with yearing impaired and deaf right um a lot of you when you're listening to your parents and they start shouting you become hearing impaired because you don't quite hear what they say unless some of you take the step to just um pretend to be deaf yeah as a parent uh we know how that works right so if we get on screen notices or flashing screen instead of sound that's going to be for someone who is deaf maybe a vibration device right um for the Y in imped I can turn the volume up but the volume's going to end up being quite loud but that is an option for someone who is yearing impaired please when somebody's deaf you can't turn up the volume just saying right motor control we've got eye tracking devices there are head movement devices large keyboards large track balls and joysticks that can be used as well so motor control maybe the person is paralyzed maybe the person um doesn't have full control over their their limbs as well um that's that's all to do with motor control all right um here for example is a track ball here is a puff suck switch device this enables a quadri plgic user to control a computer simply by breathing simply by breathing here is a foot Mouse this device can be used by a user that has limited or no upper arm movement right you see what's happening joysticks and track balls this is all to make sure that everyone can make use of the Computing devices yeah track balls you get different types of track balls and as well um here's an example of a braille printer so this printer prints embossing raised Braille dots onto Braille paper and then we also have our speakers and these can assist visually impaired learn users um and has special software you know that can convert text into speech and then what happens it is then broadcast in sound format okay so all of the these things are there to to help folks and then we also look at input and output and health issues so the way we sit and the way we use input devices can result in a sore neck backache headaches and RSI our repetitive strain injury you shouldn't be sitting like this or like this many of us do this right this is how you should be sitting you see the back support over there um I've seen this in some offices as well looks weird but it works and we've seen the introduction of um height adjustable discs as well where people are standing and and working it seems weird but uh it does actually work so you need to manage your work in style you know move around every hour or so don't stay at the screen for too long use keyboard shortcuts uh do exercises to relieve tension in joints I mean some of you one day are going to be working in envirment where you are in front of the computer quite a lot don't turn up the volume of the headphones and drown out surrounding in sound I know many of you walk around in shopping centers and outside there in the real world and you do this but it's dangerous because um yeah you don't hear anything around you and that can be from a car somebody trying to rob you you know anything like that and then you also want to adjust the monitor settings and position so that it does not hurt your eyes and folks that is it for module 1.2 [Music]