Exploring the Dark Themes of 'Pearl'

Sep 19, 2024

Lecture Notes on "Pearl" Movie Reaction


  • Welcome to the channel, introduction by Jack.
  • Excitement for the first video.
  • Watching the movie "Pearl," a prequel to "X."
  • A24 Studio mentioned, known for great movies like "The Whale," "Ex Machina," "Hereditary," and "Midsommar."

Movie Expectations

  • High expectations based on A24's track record.
  • Anticipation for a creepy and unsettling atmosphere.

Initial Thoughts and Observations

  • Comments on the characters:
    • Pearl seems ambitious, desires a name in the big city.
    • Pearl's interactions with farm animals are highlighted (e.g., Mr. Goose).
  • Noticing foreshadowing and tone shifts:
    • Spanish influenza backdrop setting a grim tone.

Mood and Themes

  • Pearl exhibits odd behavior early on, hinting at a darker side.
  • Discussion of the family dynamics:
    • Unsettling relationships, especially with the father.
    • Pearl's complex emotions towards her family members.

Plot Development

  • Pearl's increasing obsession with the big city.
  • Fantasies driven by morphine, leading to erratic behavior.
  • Introduction of a dashing male character, creating tension.
  • Pearl's bizarre interactions with the scarecrow symbolize her mental state.

Dark Themes Emerge

  • Discussion on serial killers starting with animal cruelty.
  • Predictions about Pearl's potential violent actions against her family.
  • The chaotic family environment is critiqued.

Climax and Turning Points

  • Pearl's psychological state deteriorates as the plot progresses.
  • Key scenes where she contemplates killing her father and interactions with neighbors.
  • Predictive discussions about her ambitions and potential violent outbursts.

Final Events

  • Dramatic culmination with Pearl's violent actions.
  • Themes of isolation and desperation explored.

Closing Thoughts

  • Reflection on the acting and direction:
    • Mia Goth’s performance is noted as impressive yet unsettling.
    • Symbolism of rotting animals reflecting Pearl’s psyche.
  • Commentary on the film’s unique style blending old movie aesthetics with modern horror elements.
  • Ending thoughts about the film's impact and overall enjoyment.


  • Encouragement for viewers to subscribe and engage with the channel.
  • Closing remarks and farewell.