hello and welcome that was a bit intense that was a bit intense oh [ __ ] hi I'm Jack how you doing welcome to the channel um it's a pretty momentous day all right it's the uh it's the first video of the channel um so it's horrendously exciting we're going to be watching a movie today it's called Pearl um and I've dragged my housemate Dan into watching this with me and we only realized afterwards that it's actually a prequel to another movie called X um so we're probably watching this in the wrong order but you know it is what it is I love the studio a24 they've done some great movies um off the top my head like the whale with Brennan Fraser recently um X macher Midsummer they've done they've done quite a few so I'm quite excited for this one right without any further Ado uh pull up a chair and let's let's get comfy let's settle in oh is that cringy it's kind of cring oh God I hope that was okay Fu it roll the video so right we're ready all right here we go okay so we're watching Pearl I know nothing about this should we just jump in then I think we should um we have our te's yeah cheers yeah nice oh the self-control to not choke myself all right should we try that again we have our we have our teas cheers is that right how have I forgotten how to drink a [ __ ] tea the [ __ ] right okay y uh let's just get into it let's just jump in yeah come on make sure them sub tiers are on yeah what else did they make X Machina uh hereditary uh that one with Florence Pew what was it called where she goes to like Sweden um midsummer Ikea okay so it's probably going to be pretty like creepy like based on feel really off and weird yeah yeah based on some of the other movies that a24 have done I'm I you know what I'm kind of hoping for that cuz I quite like that right like unsettling yeah okay this is a bit this is odd [Music] behavior this is where I'm waiting for the cow to come up now and see the farm life Ain for you one day the whole world's going to know my name I'll do anything to make it in the big city W thank you you know I can't help but think about Tropic Thunder and simple Jack you make me heavy getting Simple Jack vibes from this I'm getting so real immediately yeah yeah for who I [Music] am it's kind of wholesome to begin with [Applause] right she got a [ __ ] interrupting my [ __ ] sh she got a vendetta against Mr Goose does she oh [ __ ] I don't like the way you're looking at me I don't like the way you're honking That honk at me oh she actually oh she actually speared Mr Goose I'm going to make it in the big city 5 Seconds it Spears Mr Goose he just came in honking he's like he was like H he said I love the performance hey Mr Cow Mr sheep how are we all doing get speared you got like a pet shark or something a Croc yeah yeah of course a gator I believe yeah true true although what is it which are bigger I think think alligators and alligators are bigger okay I [Music] think would you not be [ __ ] yourself a little bit like if it pulls me in with it just oh yeah just overextends I wonder if Mom and Dad ever wonder where Mr Goose is disappearing off yeah they're like listen uh your father's favorite Goose uh we haven't seen Mr Goose now for for several days have you seen no mama the Pitchfork is Blood Stained I ain't not seen nothing I don't know what you mean M oh the Spanish influenza taking control of France supper's ready daddy oh [ __ ] hell he doesn't look ready for supper o God the M she hates her yeah she's a bit weird you father you know what he's going to need some he's e on soup only surely yeah no chewable th my precious Pearl I will always be proud to serve my country but one thing this war has made clear is that I cannot wait to return home and begin oh is that her sweetheart I never want to be away from you again so de to us part for love and hus oh she's married show all the best answers at the pictures in front of your own dad I mean I mean I understand that you might be on you might be on duty for your father for the evening could you like turn him around but exactly or why is he got to be in the room with you having a bath it's kind of weird this is F this is a bit fued yeah but she's just killed a goose so [ __ ] knows what else she's about to pull out of the bag yeah yeah she's a bit psycho yeah like can you not just getting socked it's pretty upbeat now yeah yeah what is this 2020 you guys got oh it's the Spanish Flu in it yeah yeah oh she catching a movie as well well she's in town her mom's not going to like that though she was being very selfish she was to get the [Music] medicine got to down them all ah she's just having a little Swig a mouthful as well H oh look she's fantasizing about this you remember how she was dancing at the beginning yeah but now she's high on morphine yeah uhoh who's this dashing fell enjoy the picture so this is a child please step back cigarette dashing fellow or pedophile nons nons oh getting a NY vibe from him o oh is he sending a an oldfashioned nude goes take this this is my nude when I get home oh she ain't getting home until she gets that back well that was silly wasn't it putting it right on the the pocket like put it in the pocket don't just let it yeah oh come on it's [ __ ] lost now it's like a needle and a hay stack or a film cell in a corn field this is where Mr Goose comes back with it in his beak saying looking for this how the turntables now Pearl [ __ ] you [ __ ] this is mine and he gobbles it up honk oh who's this weirdo it's a scarecrow I reckon do you think yeah that's [ __ ] creepy though is it that's actually really unsettling oh what [ __ ] up [ __ ] is she going to do now she going like Kiss it or something she's going to make out she's going to tongue it what are you doing she's going to kiss it she's going to do it give me some sugar I'm starting to think she killed Mr Goose exactly because he interrupted her in the middle of the thing do you think maybe go why is this got like a proper face it does look weird doesn't it like would the farmer really go through that much effort to make it look that good right you just need the general shape surely have you seen Jeffrey Dharma the Netflix TV show no all right he gets a bit weird with mannequins in that oh yeah this I would say that Dharma was obviously a bit more unhinged but she's going in the Dharma Direction so um basically we got to keep an eye out I mean she has kill the goose already and that's you know and that was straight away they actually do say serial killers usually start with animals yeah like when they're kids and stuff mhm technically still a kid she's now being weird with the mannequins just like Jeffrey Dharma and then his projection boarded like went over into bloody cannibalism right so she might get a bit peckish but no I reckon 100% she's going to kill her family at some point I reckon she might kill the dad and the mom the mom hates like I mean the the mom hates her but I I feel like the dad is like the burden on everyone and she's going to like see him as the thing that's holding her back and she'll just kill him yeah maybe that's actually good point because she can't do anything that she wants to do because she has to be at home helping oh I think I think we cracked the case I think we have do we need to watch the rest I think we've got it no I we're fine but I do think so uh she's going to kill her dad and then she's going to turn into a cannibal and eat his corpse sold it okay yeah to get rid of the evidence yeah oh [ __ ] knew it I knew it nice oh she's she got some tongue in there oh look going to open size oh man she's [ __ ] going to town yeah nice oh it's the movie man yeah oh she [ __ ] loves it yeah that was a I'm mared then why did you kiss me like scare like it wasn't me he's like I quite literally have no control over anything that's happening oh she's it's the morphin is it she's high as a right now true no what is happening now I'll do anything to make it in the the scare girl is like man I got quite lucky actually he's like for someone that can't move a single fiber I've done pretty well today I'm married then proceeds to ride the SC scarecrow if I played a m she just seemed to be cracking on with a lot of work the whole time you know you can't deny the work ethic of the mum here she unparalleled she might be a [ __ ] but she is Vigilant what took you so long [ __ ] a scarecrow when you finished your father needs changing oh God don't let him sit in his mess so the m is aware that he needs changing yeah so she's just out there cut wood she's like chop the wood don't let him sit in his mess I have been for the last several hours don't let him sit in his mess any longer he's already been like that for an hour and a half if you want to sort that out I've been chopping the wood I've been saving that for you I know how much you love doing that you you already like sitting in his dirty water in the bath after yeah so it's yeah it comes naturally to you I think I'm not too keen on this family Dynamic I'm going to be honest I mean it is pretty [ __ ] yeah yeah a little bit again with the bath the dad's like just kill me say I've been sting my own [ __ ] for six hours now what is she doing I'm sorry what is she doing oh she's she's dicing around there toying with the idea of inflicting pain on him now to see if he's if he's going to feel it m are you still in there he's completely coherent in his head do you think and he's like I'm still here all right have your bath and leave me in the other room [ __ ] how do I say I'm still here blink like what's he got he's like I'm [ __ ] here just wheel me out have your bath I'm going to be here for this it's the second time in two days oh God he's said oh thanks I've been itching there for three years oh [ __ ] another grip on that just testing she's like I run this house now that is enough then you ate the candy that was your supper but mama I wrote all that way I'm starving you may have what's left of it in the morning hey you know what [ __ ] Pearl I'm all for this please Lord make me the biggest s the world has ever know so that I'll make it far not sure that's how it works [Music] mate make a wish she wished upon it ah [ __ ] yeah oh she's going to get it now ah yeah nice you know she's a kind of crazy to just squirt that right in her mouth yeah hey Mrs thirsty the smacking of the there was wild oh is this a wish coming true immediately the next day we're looking for a certain Miss Pearl to star in an upcoming Motion Picture feels Wonder well that [ __ ] Fox scarf is a bit morbid though there's a dance audition this Saturday at our church for Christmas cor land to bring mer to folks throughout the state during the holidays word is they're put together a troop and we'll be tour in seven different cities before the year ends we should go together then oh this is perfect to better scle we got scaddle that's a word that's underused yeah it in 2023 see you later Pearl oh look there she goes skedaddling away so that's what a scadaddle looks like Charlie this could be it she [ __ ] T she did she did she kiss the [ __ ] she's like Charlie and I was like she's going to tongue it she [Laughter] goes do you reckon she's going to have to steal some of our mom's clothes to attend the uh the audition you think looks like [Music] it she's just sneaking out for a second round on the [Laughter] Scarecrow excuse me Mr the projectionist man can I get a free admission what's a girl need to do to get a little free admission does he sleep in there is a bed convenient oh you see those eyes rewind that look at those eyes oh he's making a move 100% making a move does this mix well with morphine but I've never really danced in front of anyone before what if I'm not perfect she just gets up starts like twerking sliding onto the floor let me just can I test a couple of moves on you it's the most outrageous [ __ ] he's ever seen what would you like to see F oh come on you saw that already how about something different tonight how about my sex tap how about a film nobody else has seen it's definitely a sex it's got be oh we were [ __ ] right yeah outrageous I know what's going to happen she wants to kill her parents she's going to tell this creepy dude and he wants to get into the adult film industry she wants to get into any industry he's going to help her kill her parents and then get her into some porn I still think cannibalism might come into it you think I think you're right because he's like a a nomad he can just pack him and leave whenever he wants he's got he's not tied down he can just kill him and then leave yeah he could get away with murder yeah and then she and then he's like I'll make you a big star if you come with me mhm and she'll be like yep prob [ __ ] a scarecrow what's uh what's a camera what's a what's a real person that's my bet I think you're on to it do you have anything to be up there oh God here it goes well then you ought to go overseas when this pandemic ends that's what I'm doing the Arts are so much more alive in Europe you could even be in pictures like this I know I'd watch you I should go now y I think it's a good time to leave thank you she's not like is though oh she going to smack a big wet one oh no she's not no no saving up for the Scarecrow on the wheel come on Billy Billy farmer shows up a week later and his pelvis is flat it's like a futur armor you know in the Amazonian women yeah death by snoo snoo sence you won't die like last men visit Amazonia what' they die of crushed pelvises yes oh look at that gray sky looming whatever bad's going to happen it's going to happen soon bit of foreshadowing maybe off you go Daddy yeah just no hesitation straight off this is where I killed Mr Goose dad ah the alligator is going to kill her dad I'm leaving soon oh she's unhinged she's completely unhinged I can't stay here any longer it' be easier for me if I didn't feel like I was abandoning you so I'm going to kill you instead her what are you doing talking with diry py was thinking like how would on Earth would she explain this to her mom yeah oh yeah the alligator gilled him oopsie although I feel like her mom shown up wouldn't stopped the I was kind of half expecting the alligator to just do it anywhere yeah like why twist yeah no way the alligator would be like oh I there's she's a bit of a hard [ __ ] oh I ain't EA in front of Ruth n babies baby Gators H she going to take one no she [Music] did the cow's like are you mad that's an alligator he's just I'm a cow that's what you did I'm just going to remind you of a little thing small thing you probably for it's called the [ __ ] food chain Pearl you brought a predator in here I'm a cow that is a ticking time bomb Pearl you want to keep drinking my milk couple months yeah well you better get that out of it then oh you like this huh you like this start squirting milk you want some of this do you Pearl you want to continue to drink my milk well you better keep that [ __ ] thing away from me get that out of there oh what does this symbolize [ __ ] hell oh scrambled legs yeah you know that that to me is symbolizing the uh the end of her romantic interest now in her husband yeah and she's fully on board with film porno she guy she wants her way out and she's cting all ties she tried to kill her dad she's just blew her husband up yep symbolically symbolically yep yep how's she going to get around Ruth though she's kind of a tough lady that's what I'm curious Ruth is an absolute hard nut yeah yeah I don't know what she's going to do there how'd you found that I am not blind to what was on your an here take your dinner stay in the bun what did she find oh the uh the cinema you should have thought of it before putting me at risk isol let yourself until we know you're not ill that is what's right I mean she's not wrong yeah there's a dance audition in town tomorrow I'm going up no you're not you think others won't notice you can't keep your true self hidden forever perar I watched you ride that scarecrow yeah I wish you choke your dad yeah that's like the weirdest one of the weird of it but I mean she caught her at the edge of the lake as well yeah with the dad which is like I mean you know if you think about that objectively she's walking up and seeing that I'm like that looks weird she must have heard what she was saying maybe yeah like I mean it would have been silent around her I shoulder AB burdened you will never understand spend my days feeding and wiping the snot off the face of the man I marit you dare sit there and talk to me about regret I was supposed to be his wife not his mother here take it that's what you really desire isn't it perhaps I should kill him for you well I know where we get the psycho unhinged behavior from yeah selfish dreams better what about us getting what we want the dad's like [ __ ] I'm sorry didn't mean to catch the flu I just don't want him to Black you off off she getting knocked down for that one yeah there it is yeah oh she's this is where it happened she's going to kill her M here I let what a word you are not better than me is that going to help hot water oh [ __ ] uh right okay now she has to care for both of her parents is this where she eats them but she's already barute is mom dead yeah I reckon is she dead dead or do you reckon she's like oh [ __ ] oh you know what we haven't had confirmation that she's dead yeah true oh he's like yep no hesitation bring her in oh God yeah I would love a little plot twist where the mom comes back at the end like all burned up yeah like a proper like superhero villain is 10 FPS what is this yeah pretty [Applause] much that a dad yeah I think it is and that'll be our M with the bones she oh [ __ ] yeah nice a nice toothy grin yeah that's mad by the way that she just set her mom on fire yeah threw her in the basement ran and then shed this guy right I need to [ __ ] him now like I'm for some reason I've just got rid of Mom dad's in the in the living room now I'm really horny got to [ __ ] that guy really Randy right now this is chain of events and now got like a checklist burn mother alive burn mother hide body [ __ ] that guy burn Mom check let me at least drive it home he sounds a bit like um Owen Wilson this guy do you think let me at least drive you home wow wow wow imagine that's her actual husband what do you know oh [ __ ] not really sure got by the way uh should let you know roasted mum last night don't go in the basement got barbecued mother I wonder where the dad is she she just left him in there yeah wait here one minute as if she she said yes to him giv her a lift home yeah oh God he's like I've [ __ ] myself he actually is still there daddy I'm so sorry theck yeah I'm surprised the mom didn't just throw it out yeah K come in this is my father let me go to my bedroom now I want this Farm forever gosh is she going to like check on her mom or something whatever that is we can't just ignore it is is the mom the your father for Christ sake not my father please don't go imagine if it is the husband knocking on the door ah so it's either the mom in the basement or the husband at the front door mhm oh God she's so psychotic isn't she she made a mess in the K while that was way so I put her in the root Celler I'm going to show you something we used to have many more animals but they all died what about your dog huh what's its name we don't have a dog oh she failed it that quick yeah I thought you said you uh did in the cellar oh boy oh I better be getting [Laughter] back it's nice seeing you Pearl why did you just go cold on me I don't know what you mean you're lying she going to kill him no I'm not yes you are I know cuz I feel things very deeply oh she's going to kill him 100% look I got to get back to work all right I'll I'll see you later when I wish you the best luck with your audition sincerely get the pitch fork out oh yeah no come on porn man run away run away oh where the [ __ ] is she you're not going to leave me here I'm not staying on this [Music] bar oh straight in the heart holy [ __ ] what was the thought process you're not going to leave me here kills him some anger management issues well that was an escalation wasn't it hey Mom remember what it feels like oh she's not looking too peachy oh [ __ ] up right I chill out oh my God D let's get you clean up oh my go she is bouncing all over the place yeah is portraying scared quite well considering he's very limited in his acting here I wish he wouldn't look at me like that but how's the audition going to go by the way just quick pause I have an idea about the the the rotting pork at the front all right I think it's reflection on Pearl's uh psychotic state do you think so the more the the meat is rotting so is Pearl's yeah uh mind yeah that makes sense like when he looked at at the door that was yeah there's something rotten underneath uhhuh is this it she going to kill him I don't know man no thank you for everything I know you look down on me proudly [Music] maybe I get is like we are eating but didn't she throw a body Johnny didn't she throw um a body down into the cell with a mum that was the mum what he just she pushed her down further yeah Ah that's what I that's what I assume that's to be anyway Quick Stop of the Scarecrow pre-show shag thank goodness you came is she going to get rejected and then kill every it's got like a rampage maybe right rumor has that they may only be taken one girl per Town it has to be me just going to go on a rampage killing every girl in town so it has to be her yeah pear is looking a pretty thousand yards still yeah I mean they're definitely going to pick Blondie and then thank you Pear's going to kill her that's what I re do you think yeah your turn Pearl time to show them what you can do I'm going to show them all come on pear it's tense man what the [ __ ] is going to happen in here she's going to smash it Let The Rhythm take control that's a bit Sinister looking isn't it [Music] yeah oh you should probably open up your piano mate just drums okay cool I'm not the okay she's opening I thought she started playing [Music] then this is me and the club same smile and everything yeah I've seen some of those moves before oh [Music] yes oh yeah oh the imagin is coming into play here it's really helping her out I feel [Music] mhm you know what this symbolizes we've got the uh the war stricken landscape yeah which is anything she's willing to do to get to ah the uh the fireworks and the yeah and the show there see it's like me like d that's your uh I'm I'm dissecting this scene analyzing uh what's been put before us here and um that's your conclusion that's the conclusion yeah yep yep so here she is dancing around the uh the the war stricken world that is her life trying to get to the fireworks mhm I think I see Mr Goose with a with an army hat on in the corner he's a sniper he's coming for him for sweet sweet [Music] revenge meanwhile those judges are like what the [ __ ] like that was weird I what so [ __ ] what's going to happen thank you yeah but it's going to be a no yeah she going to kill him she G she going to kill him sorry just not what we had in mind well that was the best dancing I've ever done we looking for something different today you know more All American younger and blond there you go the sister-in-law mhm I'm afraid so promise please just give me one more chance come on now that's all the people it's her dad as well the projectionist and the husband yeah oh god oh she's not taking rejection very well [Music] no and then the sister-in-law she's going to get it she's going to oh she hasn't even left she's just hanging around there's going to be a murder in tone and she's going to rip the face off her sister-in-law and be like here she comes I could be blond like wearing her hair and her face it's me you said yes to me oh God it's so awkward now right listen just leave like it looks bad enough don't even don't don't don't say you got it don't oh that's commitment to the role take you home oh God she doesn't want to go does she this is it look and now she's completely lost it rotten what she willing to do now to make it what's that rotten Pig going to do next should I go and fetch your mother oh no she dead darling how about I get you something nice to drink she I'll have a glass of morphine please it's just a lousy old church group those old adults they know the first thing about quality dancing heard her say who got who got in don't understand yeah she definitely did come on Pearl what's really the matter seems like there's something missing in me that the rest of the world has have you told Howard you ever feel like that sometimes uh all the [ __ ] time tell you so afraid of but I I might feel like that sometimes but I I don't kill Mr Goose you know know that's true that's true I don't kill the guys at the cinema you know yeah that's true yeah I uh certainly haven't set fire to my mother my dance in the local church would have probably been accepted though so that's that's where we deviate here yeah so you know maybe you you would never know you would never know how you would react maybe you would kill your entire family who knows maybe yeah but I've been blessed with rhythm and hips so you don't have to thankfully for them I don't have to kill everyone pretend I'm Howard and youd say whatever's on your mind oh Jes I can't yes you can this is actually quite interesting come on on get it all out she going to get carried away and kill her this is the moment I think go ahead she's quite sweet though really friendly and helpful yeah I hate you so much for leaving me here sometimes I hope you die and she's like [ __ ] that's my brother yeah sorry I'm sure you don't want to hear about a stranger satisfying your life and I swear it was only once it a mistake what else have you done bro oh hell honestly she she's lost it I know what I've done bad things terrible awful murderous things murderous like she's going to be looking at her like what scared she's like at the door like she's like I appreciate you being so open listen I'm going to go I've got the uh The Troop have uh taken me on I got to get out of it I got to make it in the big city is it that time already ah thanks for being so open about your murders I'll pass it on to Howard uh and I'll see you I'll catch you on the flip side yeah peace don't worry I'll uh pass every word on yeah even the bit when you said you wanted him to be dead uh yeah I'll pass it on I'll be going forever goodbye you if you want to see me uh catch me at any picture house cuz I'm going to be making [Laughter] it Ash probably get going now does see what I'm interest be wondering where I am if I'm not home soon oh [ __ ] that's got to sting her though open up yeah to then get shut down oh yeah oh she's getting K honestly she's going to be killed oh you think I'm sick yes quite severely mhm mhm she's like nope deserved it she did get get the it's okay don't have to pretend anymore my feelings won't be her if it wasn't me I'm glad it was you right I don't think she got it I think she's being honest yeah s well yes thank you oh okay well [ __ ] me right tell like yeah I know what you mean girl swell dancing around the state let get everything you want oh my God right quickly if I was uh just walk out just walk out you don't have to end the conversation turn around and break into a Sprint I'm off otherwise I'm going to end up like you're like that pig outside yeah I'm like speaking of it where's Mr Goose I'm not what she needs to do here bargain with her life she be like well because I'm you know a part of the trip I can put in a good word for you I I've got connections if you kill me you'll have no connections you've got no connections you know what it is though it's this the fact that she was like I won't be offended it's fine she goes all right well then it was me well and then she's like you always get what you want I just I would not have gone off maybe because she was like saying like don't lie to me I'd have been like right okay well I'll address it but she went off she was like it's going to be fun dancing around the St oh yeah she did rub it in a bit didn't she she was like it's going to be real swell going around the state scandling around the state scandling around the skate as I tend to do I hope you can come and watch it sometime you can't be in it though she [ __ ] up there was it she really did and I think it's quite obvious now Pearl is g to go um uh bat [ __ ] all over she's gonna get the Pitchfork out it's gonna be under the table or something Pitchfork is a two out of four kills right here yeah favorite weapon I would say she's proficient with the pitch for proficiency yeah pitch for proficiency 100% I'm wouldn't be surprised but I would but I would like to see um something else being used here perhaps something around the house a frying pan maybe the knife that almost got used earlier on okay let's see what happens oh [ __ ] she's dying 100% right oh yeah I'm not going to say anything anything are you no it's what you'd be putting on the performance of your lifetime wouldn't it be like no you're my sister-in-law I would never speak of this to anyone i' have just been like I mean say say what I got you s so there's the two Avenues either you go you got two options you're going to go Oscar winning perform or you just go super friendly I got you sis don't worry about that I got you let's see which one's going to pay off you know what she's nah she's she's going to come chasing her she's she's going to pause and [ __ ] look at the pig or some [ __ ] no the ghost of Mr Goose is coming get out of here Hong Hong leave while you can I'm like why is she following just stay in there stay in there darling it's absolutely fine oh there's the Pitchfork is it oh she going to J oh she got the oh that is [ __ ] creepy the axxe from the M take the heels off take the heels off look at that stride in the background there oh no for [ __ ] sake get up please take your time oh she ate that shot though oh yeah she's still going the adrenaline is what she's even Fallen two axes to the spine and she's still standing I won't tell anyone I'm going to wear your face and Enter The Troop myself I'll do anything you want it's not about what I want anymore M oh her mom's logic making the best yeah oh it's a cool line into the basement she's a goner right Mom oh 100 like third degree burns all over her body yeah no she going to sit and like cuddle in with her yeah [Music] probably it's the first time my mom ever gave her a hug how is oh my [ __ ] god what is see you later skull I can't this is [ __ ] how is this going to end is this it oh my God don't trust the goats freak me out man there so much blood I'm going have to be like what's the YouTube guidelines on showing blood she had a good point [Music] Jesus is she going to like burn the house down or something she's just getting them together for [Music] dinner jeez oh [ __ ] h no they're going to eat the pig what is this like reflection the split yeah what is this all about I'd love to know like what the uh artistic representation is supposed to be that's what's going on in her mind first time we've heard to speak German no way she's going to eat that no way oh there's more there's more the hus comes home yeah yeah yeah oh was it how long do you think it's been now since is she going is he going to walk in on the kitchen oh [ __ ] or he completely covered it up that would be cool if it's complet and he has no idea oh that' be yeah no oh okay they're looking a bit more worse for what yeah this been a long time look at the mold I'm so happy you're [Music] home I was like uh yeah actually oh there's another War coming in 20 years I'm just going to I'm going to be straight out there oh God just holding that smell how long do she last that looks so weird doesn't it like [Music] tortured she I think we should keep watching until she [Music] St that must have been hilarious to film by the way just as a side note that must have been so like ridiculous has she blinked yet I can't look I'm not I don't think I've blinked yet I can't look away oh she's really like trying not to now the eyebrows look oh God her poor eyes man yeah got great teeth though Pearl I know right yeah oh she's really this is an impressive performance by the way I've never seen a film end like this before yeah oh my God I can't look away though it's like fascinating yeah little jump SC at the end oh oh oh I mean very well done fair play to her Fair she held it yeah well thoughts [ __ ] hell eh what are your thoughts not exactly what we predicted was it uh no she lost her mind more than I expected yeah I yeah I was I didn't predict that she was going to be completely psychotic but she the actress whoever it is is it did it say Mia goth I don't know who it is yeah it was really creepy she did a really good job with that yeah and there's definitely I'm just so dumb I wish I could like look at the um like the symbolic uh visual artistic shots and understand in the moment what it was meaning I do think there was maybe some like link between like the rotting Pig and her rotting mind and stuff 100% yeah that was um and to be fair those things are always kind of like just tonal I think more than anything you can't like predict any specific plot points but you get like a theme of like oh yeah she's [ __ ] like rotting from the inside yeah um and it progressed it progressed pretty rapidly yeah yeah I didn't expect it to be like even as as like gory as it got I didn't think it like like brutal in certain points poor Mr Goose though yeah I know right robbed robbed of his star maybe the most undeserved of them all to be honest absolutely he just came honking his way in literally like oh did sorry if he interrupted something he lives there and she was like yeah time to die it was just such an unsettling feeling as well yeah but definitely loved it it was cool that it was like it definitely had that like old like I don't know specifically but that old like old movie kind of feel with the music yeah and that kind of thing some of the shots as well and and some of the graphics at the start and the and the trailers the sorry the credits at the end like it had that old feel but then also with like a creepy horrory kind of yeah tone as well like a sort of like a modern horror on some traditional period laid over some old sort of well that was fun and uh took a couple of twists and turns didn't it tumbles twists and turns everything you need bit of skedaddling involved there's plenty of skedaddling in fact I I would argue that there wasn't enough skedaddling and the girl at the end didn't scadaddle enough I have to yeah to be there that was after all of her like talking herself up SK adling yeah I was literally about to say that she would always sit there and be like yeah I skidadle all the [ __ ] time yeah she but as soon as she needed to she couldn't pull it out the bag she couldn't deliver so it's but you know what to be fair The Troop are better off without her because if she couldn't scadaddle in that moment she's not going to perform on stage like the weakest link breaks the chair all that right exactly I get it yeah and it's like you know she Twisted her ankle or some [ __ ] and she was like hobbling I'm like you know there's a woman there's an Axe Murderer behind you get up and get out of you want to just ignore that that twisted ankle for like 30 minutes although she did eat two of those axe swings to the spine that was without falling over without falling over didn't even Knock It To The Ground which to be fair on one hand you could look at as quite impressive on the other hand you could think well why the [ __ ] did she fall over the first time yeah she fell over with with zero axe wounds in her back she's like oh there's an axe in my spine a is what it isn't it that's fine Tak it in my stride literally mad Madness right how are we going to end this um so if you enjoyed scadaddle onto that subscribe button um and strike it with the axe with as much tenacity as pear did I would say I think that's a you know yeah yeah or Insanity Insanity either one I would say Insanity as long as it's enthusiastic that's what matters uh okay cool I see you see you around see you next time oh F that was bad I think we'll just leave it yeah oh God