Transcript for:
Indian Constitution and Government Structure

hello everyone welcome to 247 500 plus MC class four doesn't matter but first question first question to say which article of Indian constitution directs the state to take steps to separate the Judiciary from executive in the Public Services of the state options article 58 44 52 50 okay organs of government sorry legisl exective judiciary UNC ex Jud 58 44 52 correct answer yes very good article important next question next question okayif for election of president be eligible for president as a president unless he okay next he has completed the age of 35 years 35 years complete a president or election qualify minimum age liit 35 years okay next say is qualified for election as a member of as a member of House of the people member okay uniform civil shall be a presid of India head of the government head of the nation president president head of the government head of the nation yes very good the president National yes head of the government prime minister okay of the na okay head of the government Head of the State St president PM okay St okay form of government Federal structure with unary okay yes very good next question the right to move freely throughout the territory of India comes under which article 1113 19 and 22 okay 1 2 3 4 Artic Article 19 article 1900 right yes very good six are right from move yes very good 11 11 11h Rel article important yes okay very 19 right to move freely throughout the territory of India comes under article 191 191 of the Indian constition it comes the right toed directly mention right to Freedom okay next question how many fundamental Duties are noticed in the constitution of India FAL right sorry uh fundamental duties fundamental duties answer to D 11 fundamental Duties are noticed in the Indian constitution 11 the fundamental Duties are included in 51 a part 4 a which the 42nd Amendment act 1976 has incorporated fundamental duties 42nd Amendment 42nd Constitutional Amendment act 1976 incate 51 part 4 okay DS okay yes 11 11 number fundamental duty to fundamental Duty okay yes very good next question to sound the foundation of the finance commission is laid down under which of the given articles Finance commission 202 280 263 23 one yes to develop scientific temper yes yes 6 to 14 cinimon yeah 202 280 263 231 okay Finance commission commissioner kiman B 280 pass okay nextstate Council sorry 23 okay on public interest okay next 231 establishment of high court for two or more States okay establishment of a common high court for two or more States yes alone yes Parliament okay very good which of the Indian Constitution's given article has the right to privacy right to privacy 15 17 21 23 privacy yes financial statements 52 53 54 55 headline to same okay okay 15 17 21 23 15 17 21 23 so answer okay discrimination prohibition of discrimination on the ground of what discrimination religion sex next1 right to life and personal Liberty pr3 23 23 yes 21 education 23 23 23 24 yes right against exploitation right against exploitation article3 23 against exploitation explo traffic in human being for labor in human being article 21 yes traffing labor yes next question which of the given article of Indian constitution prescribes for the submission of an annual report of work done by the state Public Service Commission State service 320 323 326 330 okay somebody Service Commission State Public Service Commission report report report subm sub 323 of Indian constitution prescrib for the submission of anual service state Public Service Commission Service Commission service yes govern un yes un yes question next 320 functions of Public Service Commission Public Service Commission function2 okay 326 elections to the house of people and legislative assembly okay to be on the basis of adult franchise House of people3 Indian constitution is the reservation of the Indian constitution is the reservation of seats in the House of people for and question to change answer to next in which part of the Indian constitution we find the provisions relating to citizenship citizensh part part five easily answer yes okay the part two keep keep very good part C part part yes DPS very good citizensh conr the citizenship is subject to list Union list State list concurrent list yes very good unhip related next question say which article of Indian Constitution states the directive principles of State policy on promotion of International Peace and security directive principl of State policy of State promotion of International Peace and security 57 51 5 9 49 directive principles of State policy okay concept of directive principles of State policy relace International Peace and security article 51 okay principles of State Poli EnV AR yes 48 a this 48 a 51 important next question which article of Indian constitution describes the Texas and texes are and collected by the center but distributed between the center and States impose collect C 322 270 380 251 correct answer correct answer 322 uh 270 318 251 yes important 18 article 18 article 18 article 18 artic okay yes yes very good yes 270 next question which of the given articles of Indian constitution is regarding the duties of chief minister with respect to the Furnishing of information to the governor chief minister 167 195 187 165 chief minister counc of Minister State Council of min minin Min between the cabinet or Council of Minister cabinet counil of ministry govern link to mininet okay okay [Music] Min reply 167 next question to S which article of Indian constitution deals with the imposition of president's rule 344 356 375 346 correct answer National State financial pres okay 356 355 pres with Ral of the parliament president declare yes 352 356 360 Yes Financial emergency okay next question which article of Indian constitution deals with fundamental rights right 351 71 12 35 46 59 question 35171 12 35 46 59 okay article AR 20 article 20 Article 2 conviction for offens okay ticle 12 what is there in article 12 article 12 yes protection yes offenses protection against conviction for offenses yes very good article 12 article 12 state definition definition State okay to State relating to St local article 12 yes Article 13 Jud yes very good Jud next say which of the given article of Indian constitution deals with national commission for SC National commission for okay answer to check answer c c yes answer C the 65th Amendment of the Constitution replace the one member system M special member okay special officer 65th Amendment okay special officer okay for and am next say which of the given article of Indian constitution empowers the high court to issue REITs reads article 223 229 232 226 226 32 yes High Court 226 or Supreme Court say 32 yes very good which of the given article of Indian constitution the provision of Election Commission is mentioned Election Commission cour mentioned article 320 24 330 336 correct answer correct answer coril Election Commission answer to B 324 article 324 of the Indian con tion provides that Election Commission comprises the election commission Chief election commissioner question let me know in the comment section okay okay okay Maxim okay thank you for watching thank you for watching for