welcome to agency accelerator week my goal here is to take you by the hand into a world that you didn't even know existed a world which is going to reveal to you real life strategies and tactics that 20s something year olds use to get paid thousands of dollars every single month with their agency business these tactics have been field tested for over 6 years by thousands of students regular people who went from working very regular jobs as waiters cashiers corporate jobs studying in University and some even in high school and allowed them to Achieve Financial location and time freedom and will allow you too to go from wherever you are right now to wherever you want to be in life financially and lifestyle wise essentially fulfilling all of your greatest dreams and this is what you're going to learn how to do step by step inside agency accelerator and the idea for this event is very simple instead of trying to convince you that agency accelerator is the best program out there when it comes to starting a $10,000 a month online business from scrap I'm going to give you the actual classes from agency accelerator so that way you can start taking action today and by the end of these seven master classes you can have your own agency business up and running ready to start paying you anywhere from $500 to $10,000 a month and my promise to you is during this event I'm literally going to show you everything you need to start signing your very first clients in today's episode you're going to get the six-step action plan to start your agency from zero on episode 2 on Wednesday I'm going to reveal why most people live in a vicious cycle of failures and how you can actually break free from this trap on episode 3 on Friday I'm going to give you the map to get to $10,000 a month with your agency and exactly what you need to do in the first 100 Days Broken Down week by week inside episode 4 on the next Monday I'm going to have the most important episode of them all where I'm going to personally give you the proven plan to sign your first client in 6 weeks and these are all of the core master classes taught by me and then the last 4 days of the event are going to be all about your implementation with our guest instructors that teach inside of agency accelerator the first one will be a master class on email Outreach with Gom who's the founder of LM list which is a multi hundred million email Outreach tool then we have Josh who owns an agency with over 350 active clients who's going to teach you how to put together an irresistible offer that clients can't say no to and to close it all off my business partner Pierre is going to show you how to provide your clients the world class client experience so that way not only can you sign clients but you can keep them for as long as possible now all three of these implementation master classes go live from the 22nd to the 24th and if everything goes well you're going to be ready to sign your first client by the end of the event inside of today's class already I'm going to give you the six-step action plan that you need to make that happen this way we can get started with the most actionable content you could get so make sure you stay tuned until the very end and without further ado let's get into it so ladies and gentlemen Welcome to our very first I guess actual module inside of agency accelerator the last one we basically went over the program foundations basically just got a lay of the land but today's module is very very important because in today's module I'm basically going to give you a high level view I'm going to give you a 30 foot overview about this entire agency model and how to actually run it today in today's day and age now how to run in 2018 or 2021 or 2023 how to actually succeed with it today so that way you can know exactly what we're doing as an agency how we are using this new and improved agency model and also so you understand the components as to why this is a best business model to make 10K a month consistently so by the end of this first module you're going to have a complete understanding of how an agency Works what you need to do to sign your first client and then I'm going to give you the six-step action plan to actually start making money with your own a agency so the first part is going to be a little bit conceptual because I need to give you the foundation that you need and then we're going to get into the more actionable stuff with that being said let's get straight into it so let me just tell you why the agency business is the best business now what you need to understand is that this is the superior business model to get you to $10,000 a month it may not be the sexiest but it's the one that actually works and to be honest that's why you don't see as much online about it compared to drop shipping trading real estate affiliate marketing because I'm going to be entirely honest with you it actually requires you to do actual manual work and talk to real people and get paid so it's harder to convince people to do it you know it's way easier to convince an uneducated unaware audience that they can make millions as a beginner by simply copying a proven Shopify store template and then you just create some simple Facebook ads to it and then you're magically printing money for every $1 you put in you get $5 back and you can do all of that without ever having to talk to anyone have any team members that you work with nothing it's just you're printing money on demand you're looking at the screenshots in your and chilling by the beach people want to believe that's true because they want to find the hack they want to find the loophole that no one is talking about and the truth is there's no loophole every single business model out there will require you to put a lot of work into it listen I hate to Brak it to you but you're not going to make millions of dollars as a beginner with any business model and when I say Millions I mean you personally cuz what the business makes and what you makes are two very different things for most businesses that is so you're not just going to start a business and become a multi-millionaire straight off the bat it's just with business models people can hide the fact that there's a ton of work Associated to it and that there's a whole host of issues and they can hide behind a wall of proven Shopify templates the AI automations that do everything for you the wildly profitable Facebook ads the new AI robot trading strategy so on and so forth and by the way don't get me wrong I'm not saying that these are bad business models and they don't work inside of digital Launchpad which is my e-learning platform I have Educators teaching 10 to 20 hour programs on all of these the difference is those are all great business models to to make your first $1,000 online but what if you don't want to just make $11,000 what if you want to make $10,000 a month consistently month after month and do it with the lowest risk possible well if that interests you well then there's no better business model than an agency business because with dropshipping you might do very well at first to make a few thousand in one month and same with trading you know you might get lucky or competent and make a $2,000 at first here is the big problem between all of them it doesn't matter how well you do in a month because next month you're going to have to do it all over again starting from zero there's no guarantees that because you did well in one month you're going to do well in the month after if you want to make $10,000 a month with e-commerce for example every single month well then you're going to have to sell 200 to 500 units of your product and you're always going to have to start the month at zero which is extremely hard to do and by the way that's why you see so many of these online millionaires they come and they go they might hit the jackpot once that's the easy part the hard part is hitting the jackpot every single month consistently month after month year after year and that is why an agency model is the best for you to make $10,000 a month consistently because majority of our deals are something called client retainers meaning once you sign a client they don't just pay you once they pay you recurringly month after month after month so that every single new sale you make every single new client you signed it just stacks on top of each other if you sign a client for $1,000 today well the next month you start at $1,000 even if you make no sales now if you do sign another clan for $2,000 well then now you're at $3,000 a month in recurring Revenue meaning the month after that you're already starting at $33,000 and that is how you keep building step by step until you get to $10,000 a month and this is the concept you need to internalize and use as your north star monthly recurring Revenue it is the eighth wonder of the world because it's compounding and it gives you predict ability and it gives you consistency and by the way that's exactly what investors look at when they're acquiring big software or service companies what is their monthly recurring Revenue because the bigger the monthly recurring Revenue a business has the safer that business is the more predictable it is and the more valuable it is and that's why the agency model is the best business to make $10,000 a month not once but consistently month after month because it optimizes for the best metric that a business could have which is Mr monthly recurring Revenue obviously there's caveats with that too you know you can also lose monthly recurring Revenue if clients are not satisfied and leave you and that's exactly why we have stepbystep strategies on how to deliver services for your clients or get them delivered for you not 2019 strategies not 2020 strategies The Cutting Edge stuff and we're adding things to the program every few months so losing a client because you didn't deliver the services well is something that you will never ever have to worry about listen some clients end up leaving just because but you can't control that the point is what is in your control which is the quality of the Services Agency accelerator as well as the bonus programs I have literally brought the best experts in the world to teach you a whole host of services that you can offer and how to be the best of the best at them step by step over the shoulder as they show their screen and their computer so now let's talk about how the agency model works you see I ran an agency starting in 2016 and I ran that for over half a decade and then from 2019 I've personally coached alongside with my team countless agencies some starting at zero some starting at $100,000 a month I've worked with agencies in all ranges I've seen it all and I've helped people at wherever they're starting out and throughout these years the agency model has evolved and it has adapted a lot and looking back over this time I mean as I said I got involved in the agency space 8 years ago and I've been still involved in it over the space of 8 years and I really consider there to be three different stages that the agency model has been through and I think it's extremely important that you're aware of these stages so that way you understand why we operate the way we operate and why it is the ultimate business model today and most importantly you always want to be ahead of the curve and in order to do that you have to understand how things evolved and adapted in the first place now it all started with what I call 1.0 agencies and really today majority of the agencies out there are still operating like these 1.0 agencies and to be honest that's why they struggle and more and more often big agencies they used to be around for decades are going out of business because they just got stuck in the old 1.0 agency model now the first characteristic of a 1.0 agency is that they have offices and a lot of Staff now that's a big problem because an office one costs a lot of money that cuts into margin it also limits your talent pool to one specific location and with a lot of staff comes a lot of cost High payroll and thus a lot of risk remember we want to keep things as lean and as simple as possible so that is the exact opposite of the structure we want to have and the reason why they do all of that is because 1.0 agencies are revenu driven business models so they offer a lot of services to a lot of clients which requires a lot of Staff in order to increase their revenue as much as possible and usually they call themselves full service agencies meaning they do a bit of everything for everyone and in the result of that well they can definitely attract more Revenue but at a massive cost because think about it they need so much staff their payroll goes through the roof and at the end of the month their margin range is between 15 to 10% and that is the profit margin of the average 1.0 agency out there meaning if you make $100,000 a month in Revenue after all of your staff and fixed costs you end up with only $10,000 a month in Revenue now listen I know that $10,000 a month is still a solid amount of money but considering the amount of risk you're dealing with here and the volume you're moving on a monthly basis you should personally have way more left over at the end of the month and this is not where you want to be then we have the agency 2.0 model and this was the next evolution of the agency business and honestly looking back I think it ALS started with Ty Lopez back in 2016 when he started promoting his agency program now if you've ever heard of the term smma this is the type of agencies that we're dealing with here basically the social media marketing agencies and the idea here was great instead of having a lot of clients let's just focus on the ones that pay the best and instead of getting a bunch of staff to fulfill them for you let's focus on services that are simple enough for you to fulfill yourself so that you don't need to have any staff to get started it was a very do-it-yourself approach and that was what allowed a lot of people people in their 20s to start making full-time incomes online $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 a month online and it was in that era that I got started with my content production agency and the idea here was that instead of trying to work with everyone only focusing on businesses that sell services for $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 a pop so that you only need to generate them a handful of new clients a month to justify the fee that you were charging them think dentists real estate agents chiropractors car dealerships mostly local businesses that you can find in your city and then you'd provide them with what I call a convenience offer now a convenience offer is an offer that saves the business time by them not having to do that themselves and still impacts their bottom line by bringing new customers think about video editing creating content for social media social media management Etc and when I first started with my agency I did all that and again with the agency 2.0 model I managed to make very very good money honestly the only problem I had was that with that model 80% of my time was spent on Service delivery so very annoyingly you never have time to work on getting new clients to grow your business you're stuck working in the business instead of on the business and the thing is very quickly you hit a ceiling with this one I personally noticed that around $5 to $7,000 a month that was the area for most people where they got stuck and the reason for that is that you simply wouldn't have capacity left to fulfill more work past a handful of clients and in order to scale that you need to hire people to do the work for you and then it was very easy to run into the same problems as with the woman .0 agencies which is very low profit margins and very complex Clan fulfillment so the 2.0 agency model fixed a few of the problems of the 1.0 model especially by making the barrier of Entry to businesses extremely low but it still had some issues that didn't allow you to turn this into real scalable business and that is how we finally get into the ultimate agency model which is the agency 3.0 model now the idea with this model is to keep things as lean as possible and as simple as possible because when your operations are lean and simple they can scale and this model fixes the two big problems the previous models had you see for the 2.0 model you were essentially a self-employed freelancer you didn't have a real business it was a one-man show and really not that much different than having a self-employed job to have a real business you need a team and if you're doing it all alone you don't have a business now the problem with the 1.0 model was that by having a team that would mean running at 15% margins in order to afford them and with the creation of the three 3.0 agency model we managed to have a real business with a team that takes care of all the service delivery for you so that way you can focus on growing your agency instead of working on it all while maintaining 70 to 80% margins and yes it's possible and I'm going to explain in just a second now first of all with the agency 3.0 model we focus on picking a single service and a single Niche and being as good as possible with it now with the past models there was a lot of focus on offering different services to maximize your Revenue per client but as we know that comes at a cost which is complexity and having to hire a bunch of people to fulfill all these different Services now with the 3.0 agency model we don't provide any additional Services why because we don't care about maximizing our Revenue per client the only thing we care about here is profit I don't want to make $100,000 and only keep $10,000 of that I want to make $100,000 and keep $70,000 $80,000 $90,000 of that and we know that it is way more profitable to only have one service and be very good at that so that way you can have multiple high paying clients for that service while the Fulfillment is always the same and since it's always the same it becomes very easy for you to get one or two contractors that will get all of the service delivery done for you without you ever having to touch that side of the business while still getting great results for your clients because obviously with a great client results your monthly recurring Revenue will naturally grow month after month and if we keep things lean and simple as I'm going to show you how to do majority of that Revenue will be profit once again we're talking 70 to 90% profit margins when structuring things properly with your 3.0 agency it's really all just a matter of specialization versus generalization we all know that brain surgeons make way more money than General Practitioners yet the 1.0 and 2.0 agency models try to be as general as possible to appeal to as many different clients as possible not realizing that it is way better to appeal to only a hand ful of very good clients that pay well and streamline all of your operations again revenue is a vanity metric here we only focus on profit now the real beauty of the 3.0 agency model is that since we don't have an office and we're not attached to clients of any specific locations we can not only get clients worldwide but we can also work with Talent worldwide and you can get incredible talent for $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 while having multiple clients paying you 2,000 3,000 $5,000 a month each and using a simple strategy that I've created you won't ever need to pay anything out of pocket I call it contractor Arbitrage and with it you only have to pay your contractors after the service has already been delivered and the client has already paid you meaning you never run the risk of getting into any cash flow issues or high payrolls exactly like what happens with the 1.0 agencies now I'll go ahead and explain exactly how that works shortly but what you need to understand for now is that with this model you can spend 80% of your time on reaching out to potential clients which is the activity that actually grows your business and that will allow you to scale to $10,000 a month without ever sacrificing your time and location freedom and this is how you build a cash flow business now the only thing you need to focus on here is getting great client results and building your cash reserves and by the way here's where you can spot people who actually have experience running a successful agency or to be honest just a cash flow business in general versus the ones who do know I hear this all the time and I'm sure you've heard it too once your business starts making money just reinvest it all into the business and surely once you're first getting started and hiring your first few contractors that does make sense but once you start making good money consistently with your agency you're going to see that there's not that much to reinvest back into listen it's not as if we're running an extremely complex business that requires thousands of employees like it happens with software companies for example where you need a bunch of developers listen I have many many businesses where I reinvest all the profit my eyewear business gadgy which makes millions of dollars a year well what do I do I reinvest that into better terms with my manufacturers I reinvest that into New Stock my software businesses my main software business Floy for example we reinvest that back into the team new developers new offices we reinvest that into new acquisition channels big day for example which is my Beverage Company we get money in and we invest that into new product SKS we reinvest that into more stock we prepay so even get better terms with our Logistics Partners I can go on and on with my list of businesses the one business I genuinely could never find a way to reinvest back into was my agency I got to a point where I was making such healthy cash flows and I didn't need more employees to service the clients and even if I did bring on another full-time employee at that stage that meant that I was able to unlock so much more potential Revenue in terms of our capacity to deliver services so speaking as someone who has so many businesses personally as well as so many businesses I've invested in I can genuinely tell you agency is the one where you don't need to reinvest it's just a cash cow it produces money you take that money you go invest in other businesses or you take that money and you use it to start other businesses or you take that money and you live like a king whatever you want to do you really can take the agency any way that you want for example with me I took a million dollars of profit from my agency I publicly invested that into Bitcoin in November 2020 the other big thing I did that year with my agency profits I took that money and invested it into my software company with my business partner which since then we've now grown to the point where we have 30,000 agencies on there so I know that was a little bit of a rant but it always frustrated me when I heard people saying that ran agencies oh reinvest back into business and I'm like are we like running the same business like what are what are you talking about because I will tell you the truth when it comes to this business reinvesting in your agency is the biggest lie that you've been told and trying to reinvest everything you make back into the agency is the number one way to ruin your business your cost destroy your margins thinking you're scaling a lot because your revenue is growing while you're still making the exact same amount of money every single month in profit with a lot more complexity a bigger team a bigger operation and overall carry caring way more risk and when you're in this situation only takes one thing to go wrong for the entire business to fail because now you have a lot of staff to pay and you're investing thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars a month into ads you're investing into this thing and that thing and that thing and then you have one bad month your Revenue drops a bit and then now all of a sudden you're in the red with a lot of staff that you need to pay and this is precisely how you get into cash flow issues and this is exactly how 90% of businesses go bankrupt and why does that happen in the first place because you've shifted your focus from our North Star metric which is profit and instead you focused on a vanity metric which is revenue remember we want to keep things lean simple and profitable you want to build a cash flow business that allows you to spend 30% of what you make from the business and the other 70% you invest and this is how you become wealthy you spend 30% of what you make and you invest 70% into actual Investments not back into your business eventually your investments will make just as much if not more than your actual business itself and at that point you you get to choose when you work how long you work or even if you want to work in the first place and that is the path to wealth and what you need to get there is a cash flow business and that my friend is why the agency 3.0 model we optimize for cash flow now it's very important that we get clear on what we're actually doing here because I know that at times it can get confusing and if you are confused don't worry about it I know it's a lot of new content a lot of stuff to digest and it is good that you're feeling like like that because it means that you're learning something new now we're about to clear all of this confusion and really understand together what we're doing here as the 3.0 agency really all we're doing here can be summed up to one sentence we are delivering a service to a client where the ROI is higher than the fee we're charging Roi stands for return on investment by the way to put it simply we charge a client X and they make 5 10 20 x that and the way that we do this is by taking advantage of what I call the Arbitrage economy and that's what allows 3.0 agencies to exist and operate the way that we do now for you to understand what the Arbitrage economy is think about businesses that are winning and made it big over the last few years Uber Expedia Airbnb Tik Tok the way that all of these businesses operate is exactly the same none of them deliver their final product or service themselves Airbnb doesn't own any houses Uber doesn't have any cars Expedia doesn't own any Airlines and Tik Tok doesn't even produce any content all they do is connect someone who is looking for a house a ride or a flight to another individual or company who can deliver that service that they're looking for and then they package all of that under their own brand and take a cut of the final price charged for the service in the Arbitrage economy the person that wins is not the one who delivers the service but rather the one that orchestrates it even better Airbnb Uber Tik Tok the individuals who deliver their services for them are not their employees they're not employees they work with contractors and most importantly the contractors only get paid after they deliver the service meaning there is absolutely no added risk to the business I mean think about it Uber has no added risk when a new driver registers to it because they only have to pay the driver once he has already generated money for the company and this is the same concept that we apply to our 3.0 agency when we work with contractors because you only pay them once they already generated you money so instead of being a cost to your business they become an asset and the way we do this is by adopting the cash flow model and what I mean by that is you charge your client on day one before you provide them with any Services which is standard when you're working with agencies by the way and then your contractor fulfills on the service and only then at the end of the month once the service has already been fulfilled on day 30 you pay your contractor and that's exactly what is Ed in this case because clients know that agencies and any other service provider really they charge upfront and contractors and employees well they know that they get paid at the end of each month basically what we're doing here is we're just being smart with our cash flow so that you don't ever need any money to hire those contractors in the first place because they generate the money before ever getting paid and that is what Arbitrage is and that's how people get super wealthy using Arbitrage and leverage and the smartest investors are the ones who do it with no risk and that's exactly what we're doing here now a lot of people have a few questions here such as but then how do you present a contractor as a part of your agency or do you tell your clients that you're Outsourcing this service or basically like how does that work and the answer is very simple it's once again the same thing as with the Uber driver you see the Uber driver as a part of the company they're just part of uber you don't ever see it as Uber is outsourcing the service to contractor no it's just your Uber driver they're they're a part of uber and the same thing applies for a contractor they're part of your agency you present them as a part of your team you don't have to disclose if they're a contractor or if they work part-time or full- time with you what matters is that they are a part of your team and that's exactly how you present them to clients and by the way that's how you should treat them internally too as a team member and then people usually ask well why wouldn't the client hire the contractor directly then and again for the exact same reason as to why you don't hire your Uber driver you don't call up a driver and have a log of all the drivers no you want to have the convenience and the safety of working with a brand a company instead of just taking all of the risk of hiring someone random it's the same for your client they are looking to work with an agency exactly because they don't want to hire employees to do that there's too much risk associated with it it's way easier to hire an agency because it's more hands-off it doesn't require any management and it also ends up being cheaper for them most of the time in the exact same way it's cheaper for you to grab an Uber whenever you need it instead of having a full-time driver now another mental barrier that you're probably going to run through here when you're first starting out is to think oh wow $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 that's a lot of money why would clients spend that all me and it's true ,000 $2,000 $55,000 is a lot of money when thinking about it from a personal setting like if you're personally spending that that's a lot of money but when you approach it from a business perspective it's totally different because a person would think a lot before spending $5,000 on something but when you're thinking about a business investment the mindset is totally different businesses spend that type of money or on services on rent on software on staff every single day and that's because they know that these investments will generate them a return so it's not as if they're spending $5,000 with an expense they're investing $5,000 which is a huge difference it's the difference between seeing seen as an expense versus being seen as an investment and then again if you take the average e-commerce business doing $50,000 a month which is not much by the way because of all the reasons that we mentioned previously the costs the margins Etc so let's say for example they have 30% margins it means that they're already spending $35,000 a month on the cost of goods marketing Logistics storage staff Payment Processing etc etc etc so they're already spending $35,000 a month do you really think that $1,000 $2,000 even $5,000 a month on top of that will phase them not really especially when it's viewed as an investment so don't worry about charging these prices at the end of the day as I said it's not like the client is personally paying out of pocket themselves it's not like they're sending you the money no they're investing into their own business which for the businesses you're serving makes sense as I've mentioned that is how they should see their service and inside of the full offer Master Class here inside of agency accelerator I'm going to show you exactly how to frame your offer so the prospects see you as an investment versus an expense so that way it becomes a no-brainer for them to invest into your services but that's for later on so now that you understand all of these Concepts I want to show you what the process is to actually signing clients and making money with your agency in fact I'm about to give you a six-step action plan you can start implementing today to get started with your agency by the way this is the exact same action plan that every single student we have that's generating thousands of dollars a month with their agency with the exact same system that they follow so if you can send a few messages on Instagram and jump on a few Zoom meetings well then you can do this and after you finish this video you will already have everything you need to start making anywhere from $500 to $2,000 with your online business so if you're tired of feeling like you're just wasting time now is the time to get out of the inertia and change that so let's get into it as I said this plan is broken down into six phases and if you log into the agency accelerator platform you're going to see these same exact phases here they are phase number one is foundations and this is where we go through all of the setup we need to get started with your agency such as choosing your service and your niche as well as getting your entire agency set up as well as your website your onboarding funnel contracts templates business email everything it's all plug in play Click one button it Imports straight in all of the templates plug and plays it's all done for you and that's where you move to phase two mindset in the same way you have to set up your business you need to set up your mindset because if you don't have the right worldview if you don't understand how to be the person that can make 10K a month well then you're going to inevitably fail so I don't want you to hear mindset and roll your eyes basically the mindset training is a way for you to have the correct worldview okay basically imagine right now you're wearing glasses but you're wearing the wrong lenses so you can't see the world clearly which means you can't get to the destination you want to get to phase two make sure that you have the right lenses for your eyes so you can see clearly and get to where you want to get to without bumping into walls and hurting yourself along the way which is what you're currently doing now phase three is Outreach and prospecting and here I'll tell you how to find clients and what to say when reaching out to them now phase four is sales so from your Outreach efforts you're going to start to get meetings booked and here's how you learn how to turn simple Zoom meetings into paying clients that put thousands of dollars into your bank account month over month now phase five is systems and processes once you sign your first client inside of phase four here's where we put the processes in place to give your client a great client experience and ensure that they stay with you for a long time now phase six is Service delivery and here's where you're going to learn how to get the service delivery done for you by someone else using contractor Arbitrage or even by yourself if you prefer to go at the do ofyourself route and my objective here today is to run you through the six-step process so that you can first understand what running an agency looks like and second give you a 30ft overview of each step so that way you can start implementing it and work towards signing your first paying client without having to wait all the way until phase six so phase one is foundations now your job as a 3.0 agency is to find one single problem big enough that paying top dollar to fix it is a no-brainer basically what you're doing is getting paid to fix problems for businesses now you have to ask yourself what is a problem that a business would pay you to get fixed and there are countless ones each Niche and industry has its own peculiarities however there's one big problem that's shared between pretty much all businesses and that is sales if you can get a business to sell more they're going to pay you gener ly so now the question becomes how can I help businesses sell more and again you can do that in a variety of ways you can help them design better product pages you can help them shoot content better you can help them take better product pictures you can help them run better ads you can help them write better emails you can help them position better on Google searches all of which leads into getting more sales what I recommend you is to think about how you can leverage different services in a way that allows businesses to make more sales with them and let me explain what I mean by that let's say your service is video editing for example majority of the agencies providing the service simply edit regular institutional videos they usually don't have much value for your client because no one really watches them and they don't really generate any Roi you know return on investment for your client and that is why I call it a convenience offer it saves the time of that client from having to edit the video themselves but it doesn't really provide much more value than that and that is the type of service that a 1.0 and a 2.0 agency provide and that is why they struggle to sign High ticket clients now with the exact same service you could find businesses that run ads for example and help them create better ad creatives for their ad campaigns better ad creatives for them means lower costs on their ads which means more profitable ads so there is a clear Roi on the service you are providing them or in simple terms it will bring them more sales and because of that you get paid way more and that is how you take a regular convenience service and turn it into an Roi service and that is what we offer as a 3.0 agency now another example is if you're good at writing or if you get a contractor to do that for you you can either spend time writing blog posts which again don't have too much value or you can find e-commerce stores who have email lists of customers and write daily emails to that list which is usually the store's number one source of repeat purchases therefore it becomes an extremely valuable activity for such business now there are a lot of very simple and easy to offer high paying services that if framed correctly as an Roi service you can leverage to get to $10,000 a month with your 3.0 agency now what you have to keep in mind here is that the easier it is to attribute a monetary value to the service you offer the easier will be to justify charging higher prices meaning if at the end of the month your client can say okay this guy's service directly brought x amount of sales to our company which in total represents x amount of money in our bank account how realistic do you think it is that you will be able to charge a reasonable percentage of the amount that you brought them I mean it's a no-brainer and that is why I always recommend choosing services that are easy to attribute a monetary Roi to them now here are a list of my favorite Roi services to offer paid ads so you've got Facebook ads Google ads YouTube ads and these are the easiest ones to attribute results to you have content creation Now I like to use this one specifically for ads or sales videos where that specific piece of content is responsible for bringing sales you have conversion rate optimization which is b a fancy name for saying taking an e-commerce's product page and redesigning it in a way that gets more people to buy their product and it's way easier than designing a completely new website from scratch you have email marketing which is basically writing daily or weekly emails and you'd be astonished if you saw the amount of Revenue that emails can bring to an e-commerce store plus by the way majority of these stores have big email lists which they invest a lot to acquire each contact in so for them it's kind of like free marketing since it doesn't cost anything to send an email to their already existing contacts it is pure bottom line for them now here inside of agency accelerator you get three entire bonus programs for each Service delivery each one of them teaches a different service that you can either learn yourself or use to train your contractors we have inbox insiders that teaches email marketing we have ADD architect the teaches paid ads and we have pen to profit that teaches copyrighting now lastly the thing you still need to choose here inside of phase one is your Niche your Niche is who you're going to be offering your service to remember we don't want to Simply appeal to everyone here here our goal as a 3.0 agency is to focus on providing one service to one Niche and getting very good at it now we have an entire module here in Phase One on choosing your Niche so I won't get into too much detail here but just to give you some pointers I have two main things I deem as important when choosing a niche first is choosing a niche that you're knowledgeable about because this is going to make it 10 times easier to build trust when talking to potential clients now if you're not knowledgeable about any specific Niche or industry just choose something that you're passionate about so that you're more excited to learn about it and second make sure to choose a niche with a business inside of it have high Revenue numbers and good enough profit margins this is going to make it way easier for you to get higher paying Clans Pro tip by the way a lot of people get stuck here overthinking what's the perfect niche as if they only have one chance of choosing it and they're going to get married to it and they're going to have to stick to it forever remember you can always change this later and if you're in doubt just select two different ones and go prospect on both of them to see which one works better for you talking about getting stuck this takes us directly into phase two now phase two is mindset and I've given this exact same action plan to thousands of people some of them went on to make thousands and then dozens of thousands and then hundreds of thousands with it and some even got to Millions now at the same time there's a lot of people who never managed to make a single dime from it and the difference between the people who have an incredible success with this compared to the people who never make a single dime is the ones who succeed weren't afraid to execute they weren't afraid of taking wrong decisions because they knew that eventually they would take that one right decision that would outweigh all of the wrong decisions that they've ever were taken so they just executed while the people who never achieved anything with this plan they got stuck they got stuck choosing their Niche their service or on one of the following steps of the plan the point is they never pulled the trigger they were overthinking it too afraid to take a decision whereas the ones that fail with this plan are the ones who don't execute now mindset is pretty much all we've been talking about this point that's all mindset and inside of agency accelerator we have one of the best mindset trainings you can find online and by the way that's where my viral monk mode routine comes from you know all those people who make monk mode videos or talk about monk mode that was a module inside of one of my old agency programs almost half a decade ago and that's how monk mode became popularized now getting into all of that will be out of the scope of today's module but throughout this module you already have all of the mindset training you need to get started so now you have to answer the question are you going to be one of those people who fall through the cracks or are you going to be another master of your own fate this decision has to be taken now because once you do it you have what it takes to get to the next phase the phase three is Outreach which is learning how to find and approach potential clients and this is going to be your most important activity as an agency owner Outreach and that is finding and approaching potential clients because that is the only way you're going to sign new clients and signing new clients is the only way you're going to grow your agency and this is where you should spend 80% of your time as an agency owner prospecting new clients and here is where most people up with this business model as well because there is endless ways to outreach cold calling cold email sending looms Instagram DMS LinkedIn and the list goes on the problem is majority of people just start prospecting without ever working on coming up with a highquality list of people to contact in the first place you know what's the number one denominator of success when it comes to outreach efforts most people think it's about the script they have or the words they use inside of their Outreach message and that indeed matters a lot if you have a weak message no one's going to respond to it however that only accounts for around 20% of your success when contacting potential clients the other 80% is about who you choose to contact in the first place you see most people try to reach out to potential clients through cold email with an email list they scraped from some free website and then their response rate is terrible and they think that's because of what they're saying in their messages it's not majority of those scraped email lists from free websites completely suck so it doesn't matter what you say in your messages your Outreach efforts won't work what you have to do instead is find out where your ideal customer hangs out and go there to talk to them and by the way I don't mean physically go there let's say for example the niche you've selected is with e-commerce Brands you want to know the best place to find them well there's a lot but here's a few very easy ones first open your Instagram and search for an influencer that teaches Ecommerce I won't name anyone here cuz otherwise everyone will start reaching out to their followers but you can find someone on your own now what you have to do is go on this influencers followers list and start opening profiles in there and just read their bios and soon you're you're going to find a bunch of e-commerce brand owners and then all you have to do is list them all and contact them which I'm going to show you exactly how to do in The Next Step you can also do the same thing on Twitter by the way by searching on the followers list of Shopify for example and you're going to find tons and tons of brand owners there as well Facebook groups also work here you can also find people on LinkedIn and contact them there or find their email from their profile really the options are endless but inside of phase three of agency accelerator we have literally the best Outreach training that's possible so you're going to to learn all of these strategies and the reason I say it's the best is because it's taught by Gom who is the founder of LM list which is the Outreach tool that literally tens of thousands of successful agencies out there used to reach out to potential clients through cold emails so he gets to see the inner workings of the Outreach process for thousands and thousands tens of thousands of agencies and knows exactly what works and what doesn't and most importantly what is working today so with that being said whatever approach you decide to take work on compiling a list of contacts and that will make your job 10 times easier and just remember we literally have the owner of a software company that's worth hundreds of millions of dollars he is literally the king of Outreach cuz he owns the software that everyone uses in order to do it and he is the person that's teaching you Outreach you're never going to find a better person on Earth to teach you the proven strategies that are working today I'm sorry I'm getting a little flustered I'm sorry I'm getting a little excited but it's just like what we have put together here inside of agency accelerator it's the Dream Team it's the best the best and I'm just so excited for you to see all of this training so I'm going to tell you exactly what to say when reaching out to potential clients and then I'm going to give you a step-by-step breakdown on what it takes to sign your first client so after you have compiled the list of potential clients you now have to message them and here's the million-dollar prospecting script the book meetings on Demand with potential clients and it's composed of five parts first you say hi second you give context and express a common value that unites you and them and then you use the common value to Pivot to an opportunity point and then then you take the pressure off of them and then you show them that you can help them by actually helping them and finally you invite them to a meeting so let me break it down what that would look like in practice using the example of selling Facebook ads to an e-commerce brand owner step one say hi hey John how you doing step two you give context and express a common value I stumbled across your profile while reading one of the influencer of your choices post and notice that you also follow him and have a brand that sells online now this is important because whenever someone receives a message from someone they don't know the first question that they're going to ask themselves is how did this person find me step three you're going to Pivot to opportunity Point anyway I was taking a look at your store and notice that you currently don't have any active ads running now this answers their next obvious question which is why is this person contacting me step four you want to take the pressure off of them by saying something along the lines of now not sure if that's something you're currently working on or you just haven't had the time to look into it yet you never want to point out a problem in their business without acknowledging the fact that it's not their fault that such problem is happening otherwise you're going to come across as an step five you want to show that you can help them by actually helping them something along the lines of but I'm sure a few ads will help you increase your sales so I've taken a look at what a few other brands in the space are doing and I found these few ads that are working very well for them and I recorded this quick video breaking down these ads and the strategies for you and this is where you put a loom link here is where you send them a loom breaking down the ads or whatever relevant info you can provide them based on your service now if you don't know what a loom is it's just a simple Chrome extension that allows you to record your screen while you talk over it and easily send it to people now the thing here is since you'll be prospecting people in the same Niche you only need to record one loom and you can use it with all potential clients so record it as if you're speaking to one specific person just make sure not to mention their names so that way you can always use the same Loom now you can find good ads by searching on the Facebook ads library for some ads that have been running for a few weeks or a few months now it should take you more than 10 minutes to find them and record a quick 3 minute Loom and you can do the same for emails if you offer copyrighting video creatives If you offer video editing product pages if you offer conversion rate optimization and so on and step six you want to invite them to meeting something along the lines of if you think those could work for you I have a few angles in mind that we'd be able to quickly record and put them to test within a few days you're down to jump on a call so I can walk you through them question mark and you should also do the same invitation at the end of your loom by the way and make sure you send each one of these as separate messages if you're doing it on Instagram it's going to look way more organic that way and that's it no need to over complicate things and if you're wondering if this actually works in practice here's a screenshot inside of our private Community where we have a wins Channel where everyone shares their agency wins here you can see Phil who signed his first client 9 days after he started reaching out to prospects you can also see John B who made $1,500 in profit 2 weeks after starting his Outreach efforts then 6 days later he posted again saying that he signed his third client in 3 days quoting him perfect your Outreach and the money will come rolling in and by the way that's exactly how I signed my first few clients back when I started my own agency and I still have the videos on my YouTube channel by the way it still works to this day because the concept Remains the Same show your prospect that you can help them by actually helping them and it's funny I was watching one of our recent student interviews with one of our students who started from scratch he didn't have an agency when he got into our previous our old agency program and within a few months he scaled to over $50,000 a month and use that money to invest into two other businesses that he's now an owner in his name is Armando and there was two things he kept repeating over and over throughout the interview the first one was how he was focused on providing value upfront before ever working with a client and how that allowed him to attract a lot of clients in his Niche and number two how he focused on specializing in one single Niche and getting very good client results for that specific Niche with his specific service which is exactly what I've said to you here inside of this module now phase five is sales once you dial in your Outreach you're going to start getting meetings and inside of agency accelerator we have an incredibly in-depth phase on how to convert these meetings into paying clients taught by Josh and Matt who have over 350 active clients in their agencies and they manage teams of dozens of sales reps actively selling prospects into their agency Services every single day meaning they know how to sell clients into agency Services much better than even I do myself so you are going to be learning from the best of the best their agency does upwards of $400,000 a month now I'm just going to give you a quick 5 minute summary on how to approach these meetings so in those meetings you should come from the exact same frame as your first conversation through message which is someone who genuinely wants to help them now obviously make sure you do your homework before hopping on the call study their website their products and everything they have available out there then compile a list of things that they're doing well and opportunities for improvement so if you promised that you had a few angles for ads in mind go in there and give them these angles and explain why they would work well for their business now by doing that you're going to first create a lot of Goodwill and this is going to let their guards down because they'll see you as someone who is genuinely trying to help them rather than someone who's just trying to sell themselves and secondly it's going to show them that you understand what you're talking about and it's going to get the prospect to see you as an authority and a trustworthy figure and most importantly ask them questions figure out what are their goals and current struggles pay attention to their answers and use that as ammo help diagnose their problem and then give them Direction which should lead directly into what you offer the more digging you do here to really uncover their problems and motivations the less objections you're going to get later down the line now you can go really deep in this one usually this part of the call is called digging phase or Discovery phase and it's really where most of the sales training available out there focuses on inside of agency accelerator we have a set of questions to ask here specifically for agency sales but when first starting out don't overthink it just keep it simple the best sales tactic I could ever give you is just be completely honest whenever I'm on sales call and I'm not sure if I can help a client I literally just tell them I'm 50/50 on this I'm not totally sure that we can get you results and this has a weird reverse psychology effect on them that gets prospects trying to sell you into accepting them as your clients but above anything else it just clearly signals to them that you're not trying to or sign them at all costs then after you go through all of these simply ask them if they know how to execute it on their own if they don't offer to help them explain exactly how your offer works and give your price I suggest that when you're first starting out you divide this process into two separate calls where in the first one you go through this discovery process that I just walked you through then once you have all these inputs from the prospect this last part of presenting them with an offer can be done on a follow-up call this is going to make it easier for you and also take pressure off of your back now for this follow-up call I always suggest offering a money back guarantee in case you don't generate the desired results this makes it a no-brainer for the client and takes the pressure off of the decision-making process again in phase four of agency accelerator Josh has an incredible class on how to structure these no-brainer offers for your sales meetings is going to convert majority of the qualified prospects that you talk to when it comes to pricing I suggest you start at $1,000 to $2,000 a month and you work your way up as you get more experience and inside of the offer class in phase one I'm going to show you how to structure performance-based billing models which is the easiest way to double triple or even quadruple the size of your client retainers but at the beginning you should just avoid going that route and keep it stupid simple nothing find the systems and processes once you sign your first client it's important that you have a few systems in place to provide them with the ultimate client experience and ensure that they stay with you for a long time now that includes having a smooth onboarding process selecting what client communication tool you're going to use how you're going to get paid how often you're going to have calls with your clients and a bunch of those little details that we Overlook at first but are incredibly important to the client experience but no need to worry about that for now once you sign your first client you can worry about this now phase six is Service delivery and here's where things start to get fun now there's two paths to follow one is delivering the services yourself and the second is taking advantage of contractor Arbitrage to get the services delivered for you now the real perk of this business model is that you get to decide if you want to approach it as a oneman band where you do everything you take care of the sales aspect of it as well as the service delivery aspect of it and this is great for people that like to work on their own don't like depending on others and have extra time to invest in their business on the other hand you can also approach it as a businessman who just works on the business and puts other people in place to take care of the service delivery but without having to pay a single penny out of pocket so if you want to fulfill clients yourself we literally have three bonus programs inside of agency accelerator the first is ADD architect and that's teaches you how to run Facebook ads Google ads Tik Tok ads and everything you need to know to provide clients with paid traffic Services next we have inbox insiders and that teaches you how to offer email marketing services for clients then we have pent to profit and that teaches you the art of copywriting which you can use to provide clients with copywriting Services now let me cover how to get the services delivered for you if you observe how traditional service based businesses operate all they do is hire someone for x amount and then they sell that time to their clients for 2 3 5 10x would they pay the given employee that is extremely profitable for the business but it comes with its own risk what if they end up losing a few clients and they have a fixed number of employees on payroll well the employees still get paid no matter how many clients the business has and this can get pretty dangerous pretty fast now if a business is making $20,000 a month and they have a payroll of $10,000 a month in the case they lose half of their clients in a month they're now losing money and still have to pay their employees for the entirety of their contracts and that's why we use contractor Arbitrage the beauty of it is that instead of having to deal with with the risks that come with the typical employment relationship such as fixed payroll and long time frame contracts what we do is we hire contractors on a per service basis that means that we're essentially hiring someone at no risk because they only get paid after the client pays you so you won't ever have to pay anything out of pocket now the way it works is that you pay the contractor based on how many clients they're taking care of so the more clients they take care of the more they get paid but if you lose a client they also stop getting paid for that specific client and as I mentioned earlier the way we teach you to structure this inside of agency accelerator is that you as an agency always gets paid upfront by your clients and you always pay your contractors at the end of the month this way you are never running into any cash flow problems and the real beauty of contractor Arbitrage is that you can hire people who already have experience with the service you offer meaning this way you can deliver services that you don't know how to deliver yourself and if you want to learn them yourself the best way to learn them is actually hiring contractors who know how to deliver said services and learn it from them as they do it themselves and that's exactly how I learned Facebook ads I moved from a Content creation agency to an advertising agency and I hired a contractor to deliver the services for my clients and I learned from him as he delivered the service to our clients at iig media and the craziest part of all of this is that it is cheaper to hire an experienced contractor who speaks impeccable English from countries like South Africa Colombia Brazil Algeria Indonesia Philippines that it is to hire someone who just graduated a marketing University in the US or Canada and has literally zero experience this contractor my contractor for example was from Columbia I've hired contractors from Brazil South Africa Algeria Spain and a few other countries who are at a top level at their craft now the question I get the most is how much should you pay a contractor basically you can work different deals with them but the way our students structure their deals with contractors is they pay them $250 to $1,000 per month per client then they charge these same clients anywhere from $1,500 to $10,000 when this contractor I mentioned first started working with me he was charging me $600 per month per client and I was charging these clients anywhere from $3,500 to upwards of $10,000 and you can work this out depending on your client retainers and amount of work required to service each client now people always ask me why would they accept to get paid these amounts knowing how much you're charging the client and the reason is that if they were to work the same job in their own countries they would usually get paid 5 to 10 times less usually because of the huge discrepancy in currency exchange rates so this is a huge amount of money to them and usually the best contractors don't want to be business owners and have to deal with sales and management all they want to do is just focus on their craft and get paid for doing that now if you don't know where to find these type of people the best place is on Facebook groups related to the service you offer you can just create a job post there and you're going to get a bunch of applicants you can also look on LinkedIn upwork and other business-oriented social platforms again inside of agency accelerator we have a 40s something minute long class that covers all of the ins and outs of contractor Arbitrage in excruciating detail all right so I covered a lot in this module and it's literally all of the content you need to get started with your agency inside of the next modules we're going to go deeper into each one of these Concepts that I presented to you today and show you how to put everything in place so if something wasn't super clear for you don't worry about it this is just a highlevel overview we're still going to go a lot deeper with that being said I want you to start executing right away you already know what to do you already have the six-step action plan so the only thing between you and your first paying client is putting in the work execution so don't wait until phase six of agency accelerator to start taking action start taking action right now the earlier you do so the earlier you're going to start signing your first client and just remember as always I'm watching from afar and I'm rooting for you so that was the very first class from this week's event and you have one task to complete until episode 2 goes live on Wednesday which is to start taking action my promise for this event was to show you how to sign your first client and I just did now it's time for you to do your part you now have the six-step action plan to sign your first paying client but you're only going to get a client if you put in the work and start outreaching and I can't do that for you so if you want to finish this event with a paying client it's time to do the work and don't forget to post on your stories tagging me with you putting in the work and reaching out to potential clients I'm going to personally be reposting some of your stories again our second episode goes live on Wednesday and it is a must that you watch it live so make sure to join the telegram group in the description and that way you have access to all of the downloadable files for each episode and with that being said I will see you on Wednesday