Profession: Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Current Practice: Agarwal Healthcare, Bangalore, India
Key Points on Pregnancy Timing
Possibility of Pregnancy Right After Periods:
It is possible to conceive right after periods, though it is not very common.
Several factors influence this possibility:
Length of the menstrual cycle.
Duration of menstrual bleeding.
Menstrual Cycle Overview
Cycle Length Variations:
Longer Cycle: 5 to 7 days bleeding.
Shorter Cycle: 21 to 25 days cycle is common.
Regular Cycle: 28 to 30 days, ovulation occurs around day 14.
Fertile Window
The fertile window is the period during which conception is possible.
Regular Cycle (28 to 30 days):
Ovulation occurs approximately 12 to 14 days before the next period (around day 14).
Fertile window spans from about day 11 to day 21 of the cycle.
Shorter Cycles:
Women with shorter cycles have an even shorter fertile window, roughly 12 to 14 days before the next period.
Sperm and Ovum Viability
Sperm Lifespan:
Sperm can live for about 2 to 5 days in the female reproductive tract.
Ovum Lifespan:
The ovum (egg) can survive for about 3 days after ovulation.
Extended Fertile Window:
Due to sperm longevity, one can conceive up to 5 days before ovulation.
Women with shorter or longer menstrual cycles can conceive shortly after their menstrual periods due to the timing of ovulation and the lifespan of sperm and eggs.