Hello, I am Dr. Shashi Agarwal. I am a consultant in obstetric and gynecology. I am practicing currently as a consultant in Agarwal Healthcare, Bangalore, India. Pregnancy right after periods, it is definitely a possibility, though not very common. It depends on many factors, whether the cycle of the woman is longer, that is the...
She bleeds for longer duration, for example 5 to 7 days. Or women with shorter cycles, that is about 21 to 25 days cycle, which is a common occurrence. They can conceive just right after periods. Normally in women with the 28 to 30 days cycle, which is regular, she ovulates around 14th day, that is 12 to 14 days before the next cycle. So she enters the fertile window in that duration.
That is she can become pregnant if she conceives in that period. In a woman with shorter cycles, this window becomes even shorter. That is 12 to 14 days before her next periods.
In a typical 28 to 30 day cycle, the fertile window varies from about 11th to 21st day of the cycle. Starting from the first day of cycle. The sperm can be alive for about two to three days up to five days and the ovum can be alive for about three days.
So this fertile window is extended and one can get pregnant around five days before the ovulation window. So especially for women with shorter cycles or who tend to bleed for a longer duration they can get pregnant right after periods.