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IoT Based Water Level Control and Monitoring System
Jul 16, 2024
IoT Based Water Level Control and Monitoring System
Project: Build an IoT-based water level control and monitoring system
Main components: ESP8266 Wi-Fi module, waterproof ultrasonic sensor, OLED display, Blynk platform
Modes: Manual and automatic
Manual mode: Switch water pump on/off anytime
Automatic mode: Set logic for pump operation
Demonstration setup: Two buckets (one for the reservoir, one for the tank)
Components Required
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module
0.96 inches I2C OLED display
High link AC to 5V DC converter module
Single channel relay module
Push button switches
SR04 waterproof ultrasonic sensor
AC water pump (any compatible pump)
Water pipe for transportation
Zero PCB board
Schematic and Assembly
Software: Fritzing for schematic design
Power: High link AC to 5V DC converter module powers the device
Relay controls motor on/off
Motor powered via 220V AC
OLED display connected to I2C pins of ESP
Ultrasonic sensor’s echo and trigger pins connected to ESP digital pins
Three push buttons (mode selection, buzzer, relay control - using 2)
Assembly on Zero PCB board
Connection of AC lines to high link input terminal and relay
ESP8266 board placed into holder, ultrasonic sensor connected
Option to create a custom PCB for a professional look
Blink App Setup
Login to Blynk web dashboard
Add components:
Gauge (water level indication) - assign virtual pin V1
Switches for relay control and mode selection
Setup virtual digital pins to configure functions
Mobile dashboard setup similar to web dashboard
Coding and Testing
Libraries: Add required libraries to library folder
Pin assignments: Follow circuit diagram
Modify authentication token, Wi-Fi SSID, and password
Select NodeMCU board from list, select COM port, upload code
ESP8266 connects to Wi-Fi, sends data to Blynk
OLED displays water level, manual mode status
Motor starts, fills tank, sensor measures level
Motor stops at 100% water level
Auto mode: Assign start/stop levels in app, automatic operation
Example: Motor turns off at 96% water level
Source code and written tutorial available on website
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