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IoT Based Water Level Control and Monitoring System

hi everyone welcome to how to Electronics in this project we will build an iot based water level control and monitoring system using the esp82006 Wi-Fi module we will use a waterproof ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level the water level can be absorbed on an OLED display and the blink platform this water level controller project can be operated in both automatic and manual mods in manual mode you can switch the water pump on and off at any time in automatic mode you can set the logic for when the pumps will turn on or off you can also manually turn the relay on or off for the demonstration I am using one bucket as the water shorts and another bucket is the tank I have placed the waterproof ultrasonic sensor at the top of the pocket so this project works as expected now let's get started and see how we can build this system [Music] thank you the components required for this project are esp8266 Wi-Fi module 0.96 inches I Square c o LED display High link AC to 5 volt DC converter module single Channel relay module Opera push button switches and sr040 waterproof ultrasonic sensor AC water pump you may use any other pump as well water pipe for water transportation from Reservoir to tan zero PCB port now let's have a look at this schematic I used fritzing software to draw this schematic in this schematic we are powering the entire device using the high link AC to 5 volt DC converter module the relay is used here to control the turning on off of the motor the motor is directly powered via 220 volt AC the OLED display is connected to the I Square C pins of the ESP the ultrasonic sensors Eco and trick pins are connected to the digital pins of the esp8266 there are three push buttons for mode selection buzzer and relay control in our project we are only using two buttons and ignoring the project functionality I used a gyro PCV to assemble the circuit all components fit perfectly on the board after assembling all the components I connected the ac lines to the high link input terminal and to the relay finally I plopped the esp8266 board into the holder then I connected the ultrasonic sensor to the four fin terminal the assembly looks awesome you may create your own PCB to give it a professional look the hardware setup is done now let's set up the blink app login to your blink web dashboard here we need a gauge for indicating the water label and a pair of switches for Relay control and mode selection first set the gods by shining their virtual pin V1 and other settings as for the video similarly set up the virtual digital pins to configure the important functions after setting the web dashboard you can set up the mobile dashboard in the same way moving on to the coding part the code contains multiple libraries first you need to add libraries to the library folder here are all the pin assignments as where the circuit diagram from this lines change the blink authentication token and other details similarly you need to make changes to the Wi-Fi SSID and password that is all the modification needed now you can select the node MCU board from the board list select the com port and upload the code after uploading the code you may start testing the project the esp8266 will connect to the Wi-Fi network and start sending data to Blink for the demo I have used two pockets one bucket is the short shop water and the other is the tank I placed the ultrasonic sensor at the top of the tank here you can see the OLED displaying the water level in percentage and showing the status of manual mode in this case the motor will start and pull the water to fill the tank at the same time the ultrasonic sensor is measuring the water level as a result there is an increase in water level it's in here the water level keeps rising and reaches 100 the motor will stop now let's see the working in auto mode in this mode you can assign winter start and when to stop there is no need to manually start the same data is entered in the blink app the blink dashboard will show the button status along with the water level in auto mode the water is rising continually now when the water level raises 96 percentage the motor turns off automatically so this is how the project works you can find the source code and written tutorial about this project in our website article if you have any queries please comment in the comment section below thank you so much for watching the video