Woolly Rhino Taming and Utility in Ark: Survival Evolved
Jul 21, 2024
Woolly Rhino Taming and Utility in Ark: Survival Evolved
Welcome to Art Basics and today's discussion on taming the Woolly Rhino in Ark: Survival Evolved.
Important for PvE and PvP due to significant damage output and utility.
Pre-Taming Preparation
Essential Supplies
Terror Bird Kibble: Recommended for taming Woolly Rhino.
Tech Armor/Fur Armor: Tech Armor preferred; Fur Armor if in colder regions like Ragnarok’s Murder Snow (requires high-quality armor and an otter for temperature regulation).
Longneck Rifle with Tranq Darts: Shocking Tranq Darts are ideal but regular Tranq Darts are usable. Crossbows are an alternative but less recommended.
Additional Gear: Food, water, and narcotics for the taming process.
Finding Rhinos
Rhinos are commonly found in the northern snowy regions and frost forests of the Ark map.
Beware of surrounding predators like dire wolves, Argentavis, and Yutyrannus.
Taming Process
Tools & Techniques
Quetzal: Use a Quetzal to safely transport the Rhino to a taming pen.
Taming Pen: Construct a taming pen to safely contain the Rhino during the tranq process.
Tranquilizers: Use the longneck rifle to tranq the Rhino. Kibble reduces taming time significantly.
Taming Challenges
Defend the taming Rhino from surrounding threats.
Monitor the Rhino’s torpor and food levels throughout the taming process.
Post-Tame Usage
Woolly Rhino Saddle
Crafting Materials: Cementing paste, fiber, hide, and metal ingots.
Level Requirement: Level 53 to craft.
Stats & Build Recommendation
Stamina and Health: Crucial for maximizing efficiency in battles and travel. Balance between health, stamina, and melee damage.
Weight Capacity: Rhinos have a significant base weight capacity, useful for carrying items.
Combat & Utility
Charge Attack: Gain speed and build a charge meter for massive upfront damage. Effective against structures and dinos.
PvP Uses: Rhino’s charge attack can significantly damage enemy structures and dinos in PvP scenarios.
XP Farming: Rhino horns are used to craft Broth of Enlightenment for XP gains.
Travel & Battle Strategy
Effective for fast travel with substantial upfront damage capabilities.
Be cautious around dangerous predators and utilize the charge attack for escape and combat.
Woolly Rhinos offer high utility for both PvE and PvP scenarios through their massive damage output and reliable stats.
Recommended for players looking to add a powerful creature to their Ark arsenal.
Ending Remarks
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