Woolly Rhino Taming and Utility in Ark: Survival Evolved

Jul 21, 2024

Woolly Rhino Taming and Utility in Ark: Survival Evolved


  • Welcome to Art Basics and today's discussion on taming the Woolly Rhino in Ark: Survival Evolved.
  • Important for PvE and PvP due to significant damage output and utility.

Pre-Taming Preparation

Essential Supplies

  • Terror Bird Kibble: Recommended for taming Woolly Rhino.
  • Tech Armor/Fur Armor: Tech Armor preferred; Fur Armor if in colder regions like Ragnarok’s Murder Snow (requires high-quality armor and an otter for temperature regulation).
  • Longneck Rifle with Tranq Darts: Shocking Tranq Darts are ideal but regular Tranq Darts are usable. Crossbows are an alternative but less recommended.
  • Additional Gear: Food, water, and narcotics for the taming process.

Finding Rhinos

  • Rhinos are commonly found in the northern snowy regions and frost forests of the Ark map.
  • Beware of surrounding predators like dire wolves, Argentavis, and Yutyrannus.

Taming Process

Tools & Techniques

  • Quetzal: Use a Quetzal to safely transport the Rhino to a taming pen.
  • Taming Pen: Construct a taming pen to safely contain the Rhino during the tranq process.
  • Tranquilizers: Use the longneck rifle to tranq the Rhino. Kibble reduces taming time significantly.

Taming Challenges

  • Defend the taming Rhino from surrounding threats.
  • Monitor the Rhino’s torpor and food levels throughout the taming process.

Post-Tame Usage

Woolly Rhino Saddle

  • Crafting Materials: Cementing paste, fiber, hide, and metal ingots.
  • Level Requirement: Level 53 to craft.

Stats & Build Recommendation

  • Stamina and Health: Crucial for maximizing efficiency in battles and travel. Balance between health, stamina, and melee damage.
  • Weight Capacity: Rhinos have a significant base weight capacity, useful for carrying items.

Combat & Utility

  • Charge Attack: Gain speed and build a charge meter for massive upfront damage. Effective against structures and dinos.
  • PvP Uses: Rhino’s charge attack can significantly damage enemy structures and dinos in PvP scenarios.
  • XP Farming: Rhino horns are used to craft Broth of Enlightenment for XP gains.

Travel & Battle Strategy

  • Effective for fast travel with substantial upfront damage capabilities.
  • Be cautious around dangerous predators and utilize the charge attack for escape and combat.


  • Woolly Rhinos offer high utility for both PvE and PvP scenarios through their massive damage output and reliable stats.
  • Recommended for players looking to add a powerful creature to their Ark arsenal.

Ending Remarks

  • Hope the guide was helpful! Like and subscribe for more Ark basics.