Transcript for:
Woolly Rhino Taming and Utility in Ark: Survival Evolved

Hey how's it going everybody welcome to art basics a show we break down the ABCs of how to start an arc how to accomplish things how to achieve things how to be the best you possibly can be that's right we're going with the full ABCs of arc a for arc B for basic C for well whatever you want it to be C can be anything hey how's it going everybody welcome back to our basic on fling or Fuu and today we're gonna be discussing one of those diagonals that I rarely ever tame in Ark survival evolved um we're gonna be talking about one and it's not because it doesn't have any good uses because it does it has some really good uses um it can damage all sorts of structures it can do a ton of damage up front to dinos especially in like PvP it has a charge attack that can upload just up front do a massive attack that lets your buddies from behind a mop-up you know the heavier bigger bigger meteor more impressive dinos and make them a little bit less impressive yeah um we're talking about the Rhino those little woolly dudes to hang out up in the north yeah that's right we're getting cold today alright so hey when you're heading out to go on tame yourself a Rhino I would suggest that you would um you'll bring kibble alright now not just any kibble mind you we're talking terror bird kibble which is why we actually in the latest uh basics we actually covered terror bird yeah I know there's method to this madness I know right alright so um so today we're gonna be grabbing some terrible kibble and then also for the shopping list for these guys I would recommend tech armor if you don't have tech armor um grab yourself some yeah grab yourself some fur armor and it doesn't have to be good for armor unless if you're playing on Ragnarok continue to go to the murder snow then you need good for armor plus an otter me I'm just gonna go with the fur armor here we're gonna get a little bit warm alright let's see let's grab a different hat so we're not wearing a tech hat err will grab ghillie to go along with that alright and then also if you do have an otter I would recommend bringing the otter because I'm up there you can actually get cold fronts also stuff.this the otter will regulate your temperature um if you don't have an otter on the island I wouldn't be too worried about it I mean yeah maybe but when it comes around to say like the murder snow on Ragnarok yes you need an otter don't even go into the murder snow without an otter unless you have amazing like journeyman or master craft for armor just don't even try it yeah and say it's gonna be a nightmare for you alright but if you do have an otter the otter really really helps quite a bit alright now the rest of the shopping list will hold on first let's get some terrible kibble I know I've already got some already made up kara bird kibble alright we'll take all 11 of them alright now if you're going out looking for these guys you can do it with just a crossbow but I would recommend a longneck with shocking tranq darts if you don't have shocking tranq darts you can go with regular tranq darts that's what I'm gonna be using today i'm gonna be using tranq darts buts um actually well where are all my tranq darts I know I have some around oh they're probably out on Supergirl yeah I uh yep they're definitely out on super dota because I don't even have any shocking tranq darts in here alright yeah so that happened um let's see the scrub some food and some water and get all that stuff done but yeah like I was saying earlier if you want um you can use a crossbow on one of these guys it's not recommended but it is you're you're fully able to do it um also another thing that these guys are good for is their horns are actually used to craft broth of enlightenment yeah I know wicked cool right so um either you could tame them or you can form them if you form them make sure that you hop off and get their horns because a lot of times you won't Auto uh loot it it'll just drop his little bag on the ground but you can also turn on auto losing so it well majority of the time I go into your inventory but sometimes it'll still just make the bag on the ground so if when you harvest up a tender bits of a rhino make sure that you look for any strange weird bags on the ground drop by the tender bits because it might have a rhino horn in it and rhino horns are heavy just so you know this they are a heavy and then I so throughout your time in arc you will go out and you will kill a whole bunch of about making that noise you will go out and you will get a whole ton of rhinos dead I recommend always always always save as many rhino horns as you possibly can it does make a difference because eventually you're gonna need those XP pots if you want to reach level 100 or higher in a good speedy fashion because yeah when you sometimes you'll just hit like level like a soft level cap where XP just takes forever so that's when you start going out you start getting all the all of the XP boxes out and about all the getting the XP loot drops getting a whole bunch of broth of enlightenment made so where you can actually get that extra XP go and poop on a toilet helps too all right but in rhinos it's pretty good for XP all right so that's what we're gonna be using now if you're going out to get a rhino I'm you can either do it on foot with a taming pin or you can just go grab a class oh yeah I'm one of those too I am going to go home done where is my super duck I've got to find super nut off give me a minute and we're gonna find super Donna and then we're gonna grab her quetzel because I thought I was prepared for this video but apparently I wasn't alright so hey I will see you guys in just a minute nailed it super gonna have my stuff give me some narcotics thanks buddy you don't have any fur armor on your dad no still have crossbow we could knock this guy out with a crossbow but no not gonna do it we're gonna do long neck but like I said before if you're going to use a crossbow on these guys which is completely I mean you can do it and it's it's kind of easily done I would recommend using the best crossbow that you probably could um where's my other quetzel there's newbie you're at my oh that's right I was last time I was using you I was running metal down oh my gosh sorry about being scatterbrain sorry sorry I'm sorry all right I would say wrong button but it's not really a wrong button it's just a wrong direction flavors not thinking today flickers got looks which coffee in him and he's not operating properly haha but we found the quetzel so hey crisis averted that's right I say crisis averted let's get over to the frost biome let's go find ourselves a rhino and let's go see what we can see alright see you guys in a bit alright so over here in the for in the frost forest the forest defrost the biome you should be able to find rhinos just about everywhere as soon as the snow kicks in you're gonna find rhinos wandering around and now there's gonna be all sorts of things trying to eat them all sorts of things that they're trying to kill and generally it's just gonna be who gets there first really um yeah I mean there's gonna be rhinos there's gonna be bad things there's gonna be bad stuff if you're coming over here in something other than a quetzel keep an eye out for the uterine assist please yeah it's gonna get really dangerous really quickly if you're on something to get scared by you teranas it's getting a little like why are you lucky alright alright so yeah all we are is gonna be flowing around here and it looks like we just missed a run dude you didn't even eat oh you did just eat it right up nevermind alright if you kill the Rhino make sure you eat it alright and you see that little bag down there on the ground yeah that is from a rhino ah alright so um let's get over let's see if we can find one we're gonna be looking out now also there are certain types of taming pens that I would recommend for this and this taming pin right here is actually kind of perfect for just about everything in the frost biome except for gigas yeah umm gigas are not going to be trapped in this taming pin go figure right but just about everything else will be trapped quite easily it's just the simples type of one that you are on like a phyla or maybe a saber-tooth you run to the top and then you have it follow you in and then when you get to the top you jump over the edge over the back side and then while you're jumping over the back side it gets trapped inside so yeah that's the kind of taming depend that you want especially if you're going on foot if you're in the air it doesn't really matter much mean rhinos aren't that big of a pain in the butt to quetzel z' unless if you aggro them and you have a long ways to go that's really about the only thing so yeah alright so hey I'm gonna go find a rhino once we find a rhino I'm gonna bring you guys back and then we're gonna get this sucker knocked out get him tamed get a saddle on him and then we're gonna go show you a few of the things that they can do cuz it's quite impressive um yeah it's quite impressive found one I'd rescue him from the dire bear armed are wolves and Argent's and do-don that we're attacking him so that's kind of the thing that you're gonna end up having to do and I'm kind of shocked that there's no gigas over here right now normally there's a Giga always on this side of the mountain so hey what level are you buddy I can't even see what little oh don't worry your low minute all right fine you know what I'm not gonna I'm not gonna stress it alright I'm out of stamina I gotta fly back to the taming pin and I got to drop this guy before he decides he wants to either aggro which you probably won't aggro unless I smack him or my hutsul runs out of stamina so I'm doing that right so yeah no not like I sell now of course there's more rhinos over there gosh what level are you guys twenty-five fifty okay the male and female this right here is probably gonna be level 150 or so that takes all my kibble but that's okay alrighty battery's gonna be little Ted one of the two it always works out that way but yeah like I said with these guys you can tame them on foot I would recommend using a silo Colio if you're on foot because on foot in the snow biome doesn't really mean on foot means you're writing something but yeah just keep an eye out for dire wolves day dawns you Tyrannis especially you know anise will make you have a bad day right quick and then um yeah I'm not gonna make it a mine cuz right over there is the taming pin I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque dude why didn't you tell me my gosh man I don't read together on this and we're not together yet because I haven't tamed you but we're gonna together on this man you should have preemptively known there was gonna be like this bond here dude oh my gosh man alright fine fine alright let's see if we can get back without I'm running out of stamina we might be able to do it I don't know this is gonna be a tough one gonna be a tough e alright let's see can we do it can we do it I don't know let's see well buddy just a tip of it all right there we go hold on are we gonna do it we can do it and yeah I wasn't worried at all yeah I was totally worried the entire time but still alright you just get your stamina back alright you you've done enough alright what level are you bud level 20 okay called it alright so wrong button we don't shotgun this guy in the face oh but I'm just gonna use regular darts let's see regular ducks alright I would use shocking tranq darts but they're they're really kind of overkill for this guy but once you start smacking him realize that he's gonna try charging you and doing all sorts of stuff to you hello oh and he's out alright cool so apparently I put one too many tranq darts into him that's fine I'm fine with that alright we'll put just a few kibble in their head just to see how he is I'm gonna get him tamed up and I will see you guys in a bit all right just remember Tara bird kibble err bird alright which sucks mind you but then again also after the kibble change it's not gonna beat ur bird anymore so seriously argent go away all right and we're back and apparently this snow biome is a lot worse there's a lot more dangerous than I was originally expecting because I ended up having to clear out everything Kimi tough man you can have that dude all right so yeah I ended up the entire time what this guy was taming I'm going out and beating up just about everything out there okay so yeah that happened hey man you Tyrannis came over and decided it wanted to do stuff it was alright come on dude stop living up we got to take back the woolly rhino it's a it's a low-level woolly rhino but still its woolly rhino all right so hey I'm gonna get back to base we're gonna throw a saddle on this guy and then we're gonna take this guy out for a little spin All Right see you guys just a minute all right and we're back and we no longer need the fur armor so get back in check why no blue all right so hey let's just feel more comfortable in tech do I look pretty yeah I'm pretty sure I do all right so hey um yeah it's it's the goatee yeah I know all right I'm so let's see let's uh now that we've got this now we're gonna learn rhino saddle all right we'll be right no saddle level fifty three and that's actually a really appropriate level for him let's see inside here settle rhino right there BAM we need cementing paste 100 cementing paste 135 or 250 hide and sixty metal ingots that's actually really easy to undo so let's go grab that really quick now that I've got my quick sell out of the way over here things should be going much easier all right let's see yeah sure let's grab all right come on back over here if this saddle up and going all right saddle wooly right all right come on gimme right there come on nailed it all right so grab that come over here let's see that right here stick this sucker on him now we're gonna talk about a few builds here really quick all right now and there's a couple different fields one if you want him to just do as much upfront damage as possible I'll explain that here in just a few minutes and you still want to be able to take a hit now you'll notice this guy's only level 29 he's already got 1,400 hit points but his stamina is crap all right um what you want to do is if you want to have him to do as much damage up front you still have to pump that stamina because you need to get going really far really fast with this guy because he has a really cool charge attack that we will go over with here in just a minute but you need the stamina to be able to do that so I would say out of every five levels I would put one point in health one point in stamina and the rest in melee damage that's if you want to do just as much damage up front as possible if you want to use this guy as kinda like a regular all around the map kind of a ground mount which is totally you can totally do it other than the fact they don't jump but I would go with for that bill for kind of like an everyday balanced build I would go with out of every five levels at least two and health one in stamina and then two and melee damage that way there you can take out just about anything you want yeah these guys they're powerhouses their tanks these guys that not just tanks they will do a crap-ton of damage up front all right let's put a couple points in stand because you're gonna need it and also come on who can say no to somebody does that when you level them up feena's pretty cool all right so now let's pop on this guy and you noticed this guy already at level thirty one has 780 weight and these guys are pretty insane when it comes to their weight now notice that they have a little red meter up to the top right now that right there it's like a Giga meter but it's not like a Giga meter it's the further you go the faster you run and the longer you run the more that fills and then when you hit something it will do a ton of upfront damage to watch this up now I did it too soon hey hold on yes you have to stand on the back come on yeah you're just I missed all right mr. Guan Don don't don't rub it in dude right go skip this over like this curve back around bring it around town and see how much damage that did up front from a level 31 yeah that's who's saying these guys they will do so much damage you can get these guys really high level ones I'm doing thousands of damage yeah if you super breed them and get going really well yeah the only bad part is they have a hard time hitting face from the side but when you get running they will just run over trees yeah if you can get these guys a really high level with really high stamina they are really good for traveling Dave I mean well they're not you know like phyla Colio level they will get you where you're going wicked fast just right quick and it's really good okay but also another thing is they will damage wooden structures yeah then just go up to them just pop you know charge it and then just beat the crap out of that wooden structure it's it's pretty good but yeah so like oh what I was saying earlier with the upfront damage if you're in PB oh no no no no no no no no no no not a rapper there we go suck it Raptor alright that's what you get for being a raptor yes see that 814 damage that was pretty good right but yeah um st. like if you have you know somebody's got like say like a Bronto or something like that you know they've got hello why am I in the floor let me add the floor I don't want to be in your floor thank you i but yeah somebody's got you know some turrets something like that on a Bronto yeah random you're not gonna be able to get that close but still if you're able to get close in theory then you could be able to get up there do your damage and then probably the Rhino would die but still alright and then you can have everybody from a distance finish it off yeah this kind of a thing I don't really cover too much PvP but that's a use for it alright and then also yeah these guys right here they can actually be your buddy and then they can level up and everything with you it's really cool you could take these guys you can get them super high stats it's kind of amazing I wouldn't recommend doing any kind of like boss fights or anything of the sort like that but yeah they'll get you where you need to go and they'll do it I'm in style mean just think of it as like a motorcycle with like a big huge scoop on the front of it when you get going nothing's gonna stop you yeah it's just getting going and staying going that's the whole thing alright but anyway so hey I hope you liked the video I hope it helped you out if it did make sure you click that like button I really appreciate that if you're new around here subscribe and until next time just fill your foo and take it easy everybody