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20-Minute Booty Workout at Home
Jul 17, 2024
20-Minute Booty Workout at Home
No equipment needed, but optional resistance bands/weights can be used
Ensure you have something soft beneath you for floor exercises
Keep the screen visible to follow along
Glute Bridges
Feet planted flat, tuck lower back into floor
Lift hips to the sky, squeeze glutes, control lower
Pulsing Glute Bridges
: From bridge top, lower halfway, lift
Froggy Glute Bridges
Soles of feet together, knees open
Press lower back into floor, lift hips, squeeze glutes
Pulsing Froggy Glute Bridges
: From top, lower halfway, lift
Single Leg Glute Bridges
Right Side
Right leg off floor, press into left heel
Lift hips, leg can be bent or straight
: At top, hold for 10 seconds with legs in line
Left Side
Left leg off floor, press into right heel
Lift hips, hold for 10 seconds at top
Side-Lying Exercises
Clam Shells
Lay on right side, left leg working
Open and close leg, think about rotating hips and squeezing glute
Diagonal Kicks
Flex foot, kick leg back diagonally
Keep upper body still
Repeat on Left Side
Clam Shells and Diagonal Kicks with right leg
Tabletop Position Exercises
Donkey Kicks
Left Leg
Hips facing floor, core braced
Kick heel up, squeeze glute, lower
: At kick top, extend lower leg, return
: Pulse heel up for 30 seconds
Right Leg
Repeat as above
Half Circles & Fire Hydrants
Left Leg
Lift to fire hydrant, circle to donkey kick position, return
Fire Hydrants
: Lift leg to side, hold at top
Right Leg
Repeat as above
Standing Exercises
Double Pulse Squats
Feet shoulder-width or wider
Squat all the way down, pulse, stand up
Slight bend in knees, body angled forward
Reverse Lunges with Knee Drive
Start with one leg, step back, sit into supporting heel
Drive knee forward when standing up
Option: Just step back without driving knee if balance is hard
Repeat on other side
Sumo Squats
Legs wider than regular squat, toes pointed out
Squat down, stand up, slight bend in knees
Good Morning to Squat
Toes forward, fingertips by ears
Hinge forward, back flat, chin tucked
Stand up, squat down, stand up
Jump Squats
30 seconds of jump squats
If unable to jump, perform fast explosive squats
Cool down, shake legs
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