Transcript for:
20-Minute Booty Workout at Home

[Music] [Applause] thank you hey everyone welcome back today I'm leading you through a 20-minute booty workout at home with no equipment needed you will need something soft beneath you as we are going to be on the ground also you can feel free to add in some resistance bands or weights if you feel necessary but this workout can be done with absolutely zero equipment make sure that you can see your screen so you can follow along with me and without further Ado let's get to it all right we're going to start off on the ground warming up those glutes with a bunch of glute Bridges so feet are planted flat on the floor you're going to tuck that lower back press it down into the floor then you're going to send the hips up to the sky as high as you can squeeze those glutes and then control lower down foreign from here we're going to pulse so from the top of your glute Bridge you're just going to let the glutes go a little tiny bit so coming down about halfway then send the hips all the way back up try not to think about arching your back here think about tucking the booty under and just squeezing those glutes [Music] good coming down we're taking a 15 second rest you're going to bring the soles of your feet together and let those knees fall open we're going to do some more glute Bridges this time we're going to do some froggy glute Bridges so same thing you're pressing your lower back down into the floor and then from here you're pressing the hips all the way up to the sky foreign [Music] [Music] press those hips up as high as they can go squeeze those glutes again same thing we're going to do 30 seconds of pulsing so from the very top of your glute Bridge you're coming down about halfway and then pressing right back up [Music] foreign good taking a 15 second rest staying down here on the floor we're going to do some more glute Bridges this time we're going to do some single leg glute Bridges so how many times can I say glute bridges in this workout we're gonna do right side first so right leg is off the floor you're pressing down into that left heel send the hips up and lower down you can have the leg bent or straight totally up to you whatever feels most most comfortable so into that left heel press the hip up as high as you can [Music] from here we're going to hold at the top of our glute bridge for 10 seconds so you're going to extend that leg bring the legs so they're both in line with each other and we're just going to hold foreign [Music] legs so left leg is up in the air this time [Music] [Music] press those hips up foreign getting ready to hold for 10 seconds [Music] press the hips up legs are in line with each other stretch that leg good flip it over you're going to be laying on your right side so our left leg is going to be our working leg we're going to do some clam shells first so we're just going to open the leg and close this is a very easy movement to just kind of go through as I'm doing this I don't even feel this in my glute but if I'm really thinking about rotating the hips and squeezing that glute as I open the leg as far as I can I really feel it in that outer upper glute foreign from here we're going to use that same left leg [Music] we're gonna Flex the foot and you're gonna kick the leg back diagonally so you're feeling that more in the under part of your booty you're going to try and keep your upper body nice and still and stretch that leg as hard as you can [Music] good 15 second rest we're going to flip it over to our left side so now we're working with our right leg starting off with the clam shells so legs are bent and we're opening keeping the feet touching squeezing that outer glute and close [Music] foreign [Music] all right we're kicking back flexing the foot squeezing that glute stretching the leg as hard as you can [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] nice work we're going to flip it over into a tabletop position so we're going to start off by using our left leg we're going to do just some regular donkey kicks so make sure both of your hips are facing the floor at all times you're going to keep your core braced and you're going to send the leg up so thinking about kicking that heel as high as you can to the ceiling squeezing the glute and bringing it back down [Music] [Music] from here we're going to do the same thing except at the top of your donkey kick you're going to keep the knee where it is extend the lower half of the leg bring it back in and back down so bringing it up extend in and lower you might feel this a little bit more in your hamstring Papa [Music] [Music] next time you do your donkey kick you're going to hold and from here we're going to pulse for 30 seconds so driving that heel up towards the ceiling make sure you keep your left hip pointing down towards the floor [Applause] foreign [Music] taking it to the 15 second rest we're going to do the right side [Music] so starting off with just some regular donkey kicks using our right leg here we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] getting ready to extend so at the top of our donkey kick extending the lower half of the leg bringing it back in and back down foreign [Music] and getting ready to pulse for 30 seconds put that leg up [Music] foreign [Music] guys few more seconds keep those legs up [Music] good work taking 15 second rest we're gonna go back into that same position this time we're going to use the left leg I will show you facing this way first you're going to do some half circles you're going to lift the leg up to a fire hydrant position Circle that knee around to a donkey kick position and then bring it back in So fire hydrant Circle it around keeping the knee lifted and bring it back in foreign next 30 seconds you're doing just straight fire hydrants lifting the leg up to the side really think about squeezing and holding at the top foreign [Music] taking a 15 second rest we're gonna do the same thing just on our right leg here we go right side foreign so keep that knee lifted and then drive that right hip down towards the floor as you hit that donkey kick position getting ready for 30 seconds of fire hydrants foreign keep that upper body still keep that core tight just lifting the leg up to the side [Music] nice work we're going to stand it all right so now your glutes should be nice and warm we're going to do some squats and some lunges to end off this workout so first up you're going to do some double pulse squats so feet just about shoulder width maybe a little bit further coming down all the way in your squat you're pulsing and coming up I'm keeping a slight Bend in my knees I'm not hinging the hips forward and stretching my legs slight Bend keeping the body slightly angled forward so tension are on the glutes foreign 15 second rest next up we're going to do some reverse lunges with a knee drive so you're going to choose a side to start off with I'm going to bring my left leg back first so I'm stepping back with my left leg making sure that I'm sitting into the supporting heel into this glute and then as I come up I'm driving this knee forward and squeezing this glute even more so make sure you're driving through this heel to stand up you'll really feel that glute fire up as you go to stand up if you are finding it hard to balance doing this bringing the leg up you can just step the toe back beside your supporting leg [Music] nice work give that supporting leg a shake we're gonna do the same thing on the other side [Music] foreign think about sitting back into that lunge foreign [Music] next up plain and simple sumo squats so legs are a little bit further than that regular squat stance and your toes are pointed out on a diagonal you're coming down and coming up same thing slight Bend in the knees body's angled forward foreign really think about squeezing those glutes together as you stand up foreign [Music] next up good morning to squat so toes are pointed forward this time fingertips are going to be by your ears you're going to hinge forward just like you would in a deadlift so think about sending the hips back and your back is flat chin is tucked you come up squeezing those glutes again knees are bent come down into a squat and up hinge forward up down and up [Music] foreign [Music] second rest use it wisely because our last 30 seconds are going to be 30 seconds of jump squats here we go let's burn it out 30 seconds do as many jump squats as you can if you feel like you cannot go no more you're gonna do just some fast explosive squats bringing the feet together in between like so oh give your legs shake give yourself a Pat in the back great job guys I hope you enjoyed this 20 minute booty workout at home with no equipment if you like this and you want to see more of this style give this video a thumbs up let me know how you enjoyed it in the comments down below if you're new here hit that subscribe button turn on your post notifications so you don't miss another video from me and I will see you guys next time bye [Music] baby people dance [Music]