The Chemarims & Caterpillars for Gaza

Jun 20, 2024

Lecture Notes: This Is War – Bishop Nathaniel's Sermon

Opening Remarks

  • Introduction: The lecture was introduced with a powerful theme - 'This is War,' expressing the ongoing spiritual and physical struggle between good and evil, referencing various global and scriptural instances.

Music and Christian Prayer

  1. Opening Psalms: The lecture began with a reading from Psalms 121, emphasizing reliance on the Lord for help and protection.
  2. Prayer Highlights: The prayer included thanksgiving for the Sabbath, blessings for the class teachings, and prayers for leadership and the community.
  3. Acknowledgements: Special thanks to the brothers who participated in different activities, particularly those who facilitated the smooth operation of various administrative duties.

Current Observations and Issues

  1. Modern Christianity and Celebrations: Discussion on the pervasive nature of modern Christian festivities such as Christmas, and how they often overshadow the need for spiritual and scriptural adherence.
  2. Increasing Faith: Encouragement to deepen faith in the face of global challenges and increasing hardships, highlighted by examples from the current political climate in the Middle East.

Biblical Teachings and Prophecies

  1. Historical Background and Textual Analysis: Detailed exploration of the scriptures to outline historical and modern significance, including the kirites' presence in Esau/Edom, connections to modern European nations, and the profound impact of ancient history on current geopolitical situations.
  2. Identification of Esau/Edom: Comprehensive explanation of the role and identity of Esau/Edom using sources like historical dictionaries and books by Jewish scholars.
  3. Strategic Plans and Prophetic Insight: An extensive biblical exposition highlighting the predicted downfall of modern kingdoms, particularly focused on Babylon, symbolically representing today’s world powers.

Relevant Videos and Real-Life Parallels

  1. Visual Reinforcement: Multiple videos showed real-time context on geopolitical unrest, both historical and modern, reinforcing the spiritual and practical teachings of the day.
  2. Current Events: Emphasis on recent events in the Middle East, showing the prophetic alignment with today’s conflicts and the significant role of Israel and its future as per biblical prophecies.

Societal Issues and Personal Conduct

  1. Warnings against Iniquity: Strong warnings about engaging in modern Babylon’s iniquities such as adultery, killing, stealing, and lying, with practical real-life examples to illustrate the severity of these transgressions.
  2. Standards of Personal Behavior: The exhortation to maintain personal and communal purity as guided by the commandments and prophecies, stressing the importance of wisdom and adherence to biblical laws.

Closing Sections

  1. Future Hope and Divine Judgment: Reflection on the future and divine judgment considering the current alignment with prophetic scriptures, emphasizing the need for preparation, vigilance, and faith.
  2. Call to Action: Encouraged dedication to the faith, readiness for upcoming tribulations, and active engagement in spreading the gospel and maintaining personal righteousness.

Music and Closing Hymn

  • The session closed with hymns praising the guidance, protection, and promise of God throughout times of struggle and peace, reiterating the sermon’s theme of war and devotion to God's commandments.

Additional Notes

  • Media and Resources: Various resources were referred to, including books, historical documents, and current news articles, to substantiate the teachings and offer a deeper context for the students.
  • Interactive Segments: Encouraged student interaction through questions and referencing real-life scenarios, adding a practical dimension to the biblical teachings.