[Music] I [Music] f [Music] I yeah [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] Deck [Music] and salute Christ bless High Christ bless salute down face Jerusalem men Israel blow [Music] trumpets trumpets down the book of Psalms chapter 121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help My Help Cometh From The Lord which made Heaven and Earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not Slumber behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the Lord is my keeper The Lord Is Thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy Soul the Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from from this time forth even forever more Heavenly Father the god of Our Father Abraham Isaac and Jacob yahwah we come to you father God in the name of your son Jesus Christ father God we give you all praise all glory father God for another Sabbath we thank you we thank you we thank you Father God for providing a place father God that we can come and fellowship and worship you to your son Jesus the Christ father God as we about to start class father God we ask you father God you put special spirit un Bishop Nathaniel Lord that his words may go out that a brother may use it to become a better husband he may use it to become a better brother better father he may use it to become a better leader that their sisters may use this word father to become a better wife a better sister father God may you would go out forth father God that you people may repent through Spirit of you s Jus Christ father God we thank you Lord for using our for Glory we thank you Father God for using their leadership the bishop the deacons the captain the officers we thank you for in these men father God to continue spread your word and the fck of the earth that you people may come back to you but Lord as you know as you people coming back father God the enemies coming up the enemies ring up Heavenly Father destroy our enemies destroy our enemies father God that they may never rise up again father God don't forget father God there are enemies just like your enemies father God destroy them for the evil for the wickedness they do and continue to do against you people father God even we look at today father God in the Middle East they still doing evil to you people father God remember what they did to us father God don't forget them Lord destroy them for that father God we pray for those our people who are sick father God especially those who was in the quest with us father God who who are sick may you touch them may you heal them swiftly and quickly father God father God we ask for mercy on you people in these last days Lord we ask sure Lord you increase our faith as it's getting harder and harder at here father God we as father God you increase our faith you strengthen our spirit Lord help us to continue help us not to give up Lord because the devil want us to give up help us not to give up father God help us to endure also help us to overcome help us to overcome the filthiness of America father God Lord we thank you let the say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah send the name of you son Jesus Christ we give you all praise and glory we also ask father God you bless our food and our strong drink come on many Israel sons of God patient Saints sons of God Hand salute highr bless salute face sisters to The Honorable Daughters of Sarah we say shalom bless yeah shalom shalom shalom Israel Shalom bless we back we back we in the building are we [Applause] on bless God blessed Brothers we know how we do have a paper your Bible your apha pen get ready Bishop is going to go in she going to go Lord's willing so Bishop you ready H hey uh go ahead go ahead go ahead hey how' y'all like Bishop uh uh uh the the skills man did y'all hear the bars that's right that's right y hear Bishop bars that's right hey hey y know Bishop had it like that that's how we do could handle a track like that that's right to M hey you know as we was talking if you guys know this for this wicked So-Cal Christmas Esau pushing that garbage in our face every chance they got 24 they don't stop oober since October they don't stop guess what we got to do Brothers we got to do the same thing the same way they push that thing in our people we got to push the righteous music on our people too and I'm not just talking about the Israelite they repented Israelite I'm talking about even Israelite that's not repented yet that's why I like that thing the brothers go go in the street play the play those music and ask the people what do you think about this what do you think about that I know some of you thinking is some of you think it's small it's not small right it's not small remember Brothers we fighting against demonic spirit in high places MH we got to push the same thing they do we got to push it that's why Bishop said uhuh she seven days a week three times a day every day nonstop cuz we we we we got a lot of work to do I'm talking to your leaders we got a lot of work to do so the same thing they do we got to do it too go ahead so Satan going hard we got to go harder hey you know how some of you used to go harder in the world now you're in the truth now you got to go harder go ahead there way they went hard to get that box in the world they need to go hard hard for the most High's work right y'all know what I'm talking about you honger Brothers over there hey I just want to give a shout out of thanks to the brothers that helped you know remember the packages uh when we were on the cruise the quest under Captain Matas and he had the packages for every island every Camp uh I want to give a special shout out of thanks to officer Joshua Rochester officer Noah of New Jersey officer Nicholas of DC officer KH a y how do you say the Virginia k k k officer amsi of Netherlands officer Ezekiel of Netherlands officer maias of Sacramento officer Benji of Atlanta officer Gideon of DC um officer Joshua again uh all of that work it's astronom astronomical you know where the embassy is the police stations the hospitals that take work Brothers that's right deep Recon the reconnaissance that's some that was some fantastic stuff I love it because Bishop you know why I'm I'm so glad Bishop take notice of these men you guys have no idea what type of work go behind the scene you only look at you only look at in front of the camera but behind the camera you have no idea the type of work this brother give me a little book I opened that little book I was shocked the thing the typ information that was in that little book I was shocked and it take a lot of people to do that for a year that take a year to to put that thing together everything was in there phone numbers address everything was in there that's that's some dedication permit everything so upward to M for this Brothers Bishop mentioned and those of you we don't mention don't we don't forget you you work don't go in v in front of M just remember that that's right that's right all praise to the most high all right so today's lesson today's class is entitled The cims c h put the uh yeah put the I know it's hard to spell it was a shock to me too is you know I do when I still do my four chapters a day some brothers think I don't do four chapters a day I do my minimum four chapters a day sometimes I do six sometimes I do eight so Chim c h e m a r i m h can y'all put that back on the screen so the people are home can see how to spell it c h e m a r i MS so that word I came across and the caterpillars many of you know about the caterpillars so the chams and caterpillars for Gaza ah now we see they just uh shut down Shan King's Instagram because he was showing too much uh information C uh Captain did you find that for me Captain R Captain R did you find that information asked you for okay all right uh I was looking for T-Mobile put out a message that starting January they got an acronym called shaft any kind of text messages that include uh sexuality hate speech alcohol you got it can you send it to uh send it to offic put in class requests I want them to know I'm not making it up people think that negro lying I'm not lying Alysa you got it it should be an online class request all right I want that up I want the people at home to see what I'm making reference to it I don't know if that's the first page where's the first page at uh where's T-Mobile it should say is that the first page that's the second page OFA the part we W is the second page but open up with the first page so this is in your T-Mobile contracts now this is under Hacker News okay uh can you that top Under The Hacker News can you zoom in on that T-Mobile introduced fines from January 1st for code of conduct violations now let's go to the bottom which is on page two Elicia page two they got an acronym called shaft right there read that uh I mean notel uh Yuri yes sir can you read that yes sir shaft is a handy acronym to help you remember types of content which is either forbidden or subject to special rules sexually inappropriate content content H hate speech or profanity a alcohol F firearms and depictions or endorsements of violence tea tobacco including vaping or endorsement of illegal or illicit drugs including marijuana and cannabis in addition to the above the promotion of gam gambling is not allowed now go back to page one because this doesn't tell you how much you're the bottom that whole section at the bottom all right read that the bottom sir tier three yes tier three $500 for all other violations including but not limited to shaft so if they read your text and they deem that what you are texting is inappropriate sexuality some type of hate speech alcoholism I guess talking about you uh illegal sales something like that uh Firearms or tobacco you will be fined $500 so this is the new world brothers and sisters welcome to 2024 as they said that's T-Mobile I'm glad I ain't got T-Mobile a hell with T-Mobile if you got T-Mobile you better get rid of it somebody watching your text man and they going to try to figure out what you talking about do you know what we GNA have to do I'll tell you offline don't say nothing online ohic Yuri we going to open up with uh the book of Obadiah Brothers we always got a plan we always got a plan you better remember that that's right we going to let all the captain know what oh it's going all carries the hell is this the hell with your iPhone Read that read that read that this is war us Telecom carriers have acceptable use messaging standards and monitor outbound SMS and MMS traffic to block delivery of disallowed content effective January 1st carriers like T-Mobile will begin issuing aggressive fines for sending prohibited messages prohibited message types and Associated fines include $2,000 fine for SMS fishing and social engineering that ain't $1,000 fine for illegal content including but not limited to cannabis marijuana that a US CBD vaping illegal prescriptions and any content relating to each this F applies to content in any of the 50 US states or Canada and is restricted irrespective of where the message originates $500 fine for messages with sha sex hate alcohol Firearms tobacco content or other violations of the T-Mobile code of conduct if you send a text about the Arabs or about Jewish people that's really what it's talking about so-called Jewish people oh hate speech $500 the hell is this guess what the Bible uses many words and we going to use these words Yuri sir let's open up with Obadiah verse 6 Obadiah verse six how are the things of Esau searched out how are his hidden things sought up in many things that Esau has secret he has hidden in this earth in this world but it's going to be sought up it shall be searched out give me Matthew 10:26 Matthew 10: 26 fear them not therefore for there is nothing covered talking about the Pharisees man don't fear man why read for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed there's nothing that they've covered up that shall not be revealed go ahead and hid that shall not be known and it's nothing that they've hidden that shall not be known everybody understand that that's why a lot of information's coming out now all right hey give me that precept Y in Psalms is 64 while he makes their tongue that one you know what I'm talking about Yuri sir 64 and8 somewhere around there yes sir Psalms 64:8 so they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves all that see them shall flee away so God makes their own tongue their own people are the ones coming up getting pissed off at their ancestors at their own people saying they did this they did that even an Edomite man that confessed on his deathbed that he murdered Bob Marley right he gave Bob Marley he was a CIA a CIA agent gave gave him a new pair of sneakers you know Negroes love sneakers and it had a pin in it a uh what's the word a needle he put the sneaker on B mly got pricked and that's what killed him D slowly but surely the man the Edomite man confessed on his deathbed okay just like the white woman is it Carolyn Bryant Bryant Bryant Bryant the woman that had emit till put to death she confessed that it was her she lied she admitted to her lie read again Yuri so they shall make their own tongue to fall upon themselves all that see them shall flee away what y'all finding out they are the devil the Bible speaks of uh officer Alicia give me the dictionary dictionary encyclopedia please the Royal dictionary cyclopedia for Universal reference bring a complete literary classical historical biographical geographical scientific and technological Expositor of the English language now these are the old dictionaries these are the dictionaries that Brothers search out I myself search and we find these books okay so go to the next page and very bottom read that amalik kites I want bigger than that I want it bigger than that I want it to fill the screen so there's no confusion read little smaller little smaller just a little bit go ahead read that whole thing sir yep no just a highlight yes sir amalekites a tradition prevails that a small number of the amalekites colonized a part of Greece and were the stock went the ma macedonians and Spartans sprung so that's what I want Alexander the greeking them stem from the amalekites that's what they're letting you know can I get a bomb somebody the hell is this we was just watching uh I I was just watching Alexander the Greek the other day give me the next book Chosen People by Michael Bradley chosen people from the caucuses by Michael Bradley let's go inside the book I went to top highlighted section yes most of them are descendants of Russian wa wait where are you oh yeah most of them I'm sorry goad I'm sorry yes sir most of them are descendants of Russian step tribesmen so these are Russians Russians go ahead who were converted to Judaism in Mass around 740 ad uh-huh so a lot of these Russians converted to Judaism in mass in 740 ad go ahead being of Highly aggressive caucasoid gentic stock I want y to look at that part right there being of Highly aggressive you know what highly aggressive means warlike they like violence read being of Highly aggressive caucasoid genetic stock modern Jews could be expected to be highly aggressive in consequence and it's telling you that these modern Jews are that people does everybody see that read on now the kesar conversion now that group of Russians that convert is telling you they will called the quazar read that again now now the quazar conversion origin of most of modern jewelry is a fact discovered by Jewish Scholars and a fact accepted by almost all Jewish Scholars so what are they telling us Jewish Scholars know that they converted to Judaism they know that they're not the people of the Bible everybody understand that let's go to the next page page 197 the bottom the essential point is that these ashkan the jewry of Eastern Europe and the prime victim of Hitler's Holocaust were descendants of Kazar tribes people do y'all see that so the ashkanazi Jews are descendants of the kesar tribes people those are the victims of Hitler's Holocaust notice they were all the same people it's just that one group of them converted to Judaism read on they were converts to Judaism y'all see that come on they have no historical or genetic connection with the biblical Jews of Palestine at all you hear this that's right read write this book go ahead and this was known among themselves and among the more astute Jewish and non-jewish historians and linguists ah so this was known among the most meaning the smartest Jewish people and the non-jewish historians like your Arabs like your afghanistanis like your Chinese and Japanese those are the non-jewish historians and linguists okay from at least 1700 ad it was a well-known if this hey bishop now you know why they don't allow DNA in Israel there you go now you know why yep okay it was a well-known if disguised and ignored fact of Jewish life from 1850 onwards s said if disguised an ignored fact read on most of what quote unquote we Gentiles in North America considered to be Jewish and most of what even the ashum so that's you peon whites out there that don't know a damn thing read it again most of what we Gentiles in North America consider to be Jewish and most of what even the ashkan nazium immigrants into North America considered to be Jewish is not Jewish at all the hidic s locks those little damn curls they got the skull cap that little stupid yamaka on they head yamaka the rabbi's fur trimmed hat that stupid fur hat is like a gallon of milk up there and and CF Tans uh-huh Gil the fish Gil the fish none of that is Jewish Brothers when y'all on the street you got to challenge these people people say that those of the juice where you read about the yamama in the Bible where do you read about that that fur hat in the Bible where do you read the curly cues in the Bible it ain't in there so the point of that is it's not for you to have to prove that you're the Jews exactly they have to prove it them damn selves there you go they can't there you go there you go that's right come on not in the sense that it originated from the people of Abraham in ancient Palestine it is all Kazar it reflects traditions of steep tribesmen who never had anything to do with Biblical Hebrews or Judaism that's some heavy stuff give me the president of Syria I know we looked at it last week but I love it I'm going to look at it again the president of jur of Syria broke code he broke code of Psalms 83 come on PS not Psalms 83 uh the video Yuri can you read it yes sir can y'all blow it up bigger than that or no can you make it fill the screen okay I want to try to have it fill the screen because I know it's often shown real small but I don't know if they can do it cuz I think it's uh Instagram or something you know Tik Tok shut it down it took the audio off and said misinformation his own speech his own the president of serious speech they said misinformation you don't find that suspicious exactly he broke code that's why you cracker you broke code yeah there we go Yuri if you could uh read it along yes sir okay let's go okay it's plain I don't hear you're reading anything yes sir the words were in the way I the question on everybody's mind is that's not the beginning though the beginning that's are those those words Syrian president Bashar al-assad there is no evidence 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust us financially helped the rise of Nazism between the two World Wars I gota wait to for those words happened with the question on everybody's mind is how is it that despite the German collapse and European constraints Nazism was allowed to rise and build an army it was done with American support money loans and Investments there is no evidence that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust perhaps there were Holocaust nobody denies this true there were concentration camps but what shows you that is a politicized issue is not a humanitarian issue and is not real how come we talk about these six millions but not about the 26 million Soviets killed in that war wait stop pae right there yall ever think about that 26 million Soviets died during World War II but nobody T I bet if I had asked how many died nobody in here list would know I didn't know all we ever hear about is 6 million even when I remember in Nigeria you was with us in Nigeria I asked there was a whole big cry if y'all look at the video I asked the brother I said what's worse uh 100 million Negroes taken from Nigeria to the Americas dying during the Middle Passage or 6 million guess what the dumb [ __ ] said he said 6 million was worse damn you can make up the the amount of brainwashing that affects black people through Christianity and that's what president alassad is explaining go back but not about the 2 6 million Soviets killed in that war are these six millions more precious the same Acts were everywhere there was no method of torture or killing specific to the Jews right wait wait wait wait wait wait so whatever what however if whether it was gunfire burning in alwiz it was not specific for those group of Kazarian Jews everybody understand that they use those methods for what black people was killed in those things we was in the military but none of that's ever spoken about Puerto Ricans were there too Native America look it up we were there we were there we were killed just like these Kazarian ashkanazi people but our deaths don't matter the hell with us go ahead the Nazis use the same method everywhere however this issue was politicized in order to falsify the truth and later to prepare for the transfer of the Jews from Europe to other areas or rather to Palestine the Jews who came to Palestine are Kar Jews from east of the Caspian Sea were pagans who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century they immigrated to Europe and from there came to this region they have nothing to do whatsoever with the ancient people of Israel that's right there you go that's so people thinking we making some racist statement No even the president of Syria ackowledge that thing see that I love it so the Lord's making their own tongue fall upon themselves that devil broke code damn hey give me the next video with the Arab guy talking about language yeah that's it turn it up pay attention to this he said the fact that in Arabic you don't have the letter p the land is called Palestine is hilarious turn it up the land is called Philistine stop he said the land is not Palestine it's called Philistine I've been telling y'all it's the same word go back let's play it again go all the way through but the land is called Palestine is hilarious go back to the beginning come on he said the fact that in Arabic you don't have the letter P but the land is called Palestine is hilarious the land is called Philistine Arabic letters But the irony of speaking about language when Hebrew actually had to undergo a Revival to change it from a largely sacred lurgical language to a literary unspoken language for modern usage so that Israelis would have a common national language because even the pre-existing Jews in Palestine didn't speak Hebrew in colloquial usage he spoke Arabic Latino Yiddish ET because the zionists understood political theorists consider language one of the constituent parts of what makes up the nation and a national identity towards the end of the 19 century they began to revive this language since it more or less became extinct as a spoken language he admitted Hebrew was extinct as a spoken language everybody heard him say that sir watch what he goes on to say nation and a national identity towards the end of the 19th century they began to revive this language since it more or less became extinct as a spoken language sometime between 200 and 400 SE they educated people in modern Hebrew until 2018 when Hebrew became the sole official language of Israel even the guy who is regarded as the revor of the Hebrew language his native language was Yiddish he literally invented words and adapted words from old Hebrew words and other languages including Arabic to denote like objects that were unknown in Antiquity or had been forgotten in their original Hebrew usage and context so when I tell you everything about that place is engineered and manufactured methodically and someone Instagram wants to imply that somehow Palestinians are not rooted in this land because the Arabic language doesn't have the letter P all right don't forget to comment and uh did y'all hear what he said everything about Israel was manufactured engineered in other words fake that's what he's saying everything about them is fake but people believe th the people of the book that's the holy language how wrong you all give me the next book by Charles wian who read who is Esau Edom by Charles A Weissman so one of the Jewish Scholars put this together let's go inside the book for the origin let's zoom in the origin of the Jews the Jews of today fall within two main types the sapharic Jew and the ashkanazi Jew the safam are also known as Spanish Jews and constitute about 5% of the Jews in the world the ashum are the east European Jews which are found in Poland Russia Germany and Western Asia this group of Jews make up 90% of the so-called Jews in the world many referen in historical sources have unequivocally identified that the bulk of the ashkanazi Jews were derived from a people known as kesars or chazars in some text the original Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905 revealed that the main stock of the Jews came from this Asiatic people known as kesars or kazars chesar a people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia historical evidence points to the region of the Urus as the home of the quazars next page we want to highlight a let's blow it up big go ahead the quazars are also of [ __ ] do you hear what he said he admitted the quazar are [ __ ] of Genesis 25:25 read it again the Kazar are also of Edomite stock and both stocks make up the present day Jews damn jump down according to the Jewish encyclopedia the original stock of the quazars came from the land of Edom y'all see that that's their Scholars that's not something we sat down and wrote next page anti-Semitism at the bottom anti-Semitism the term anti-Semitism has been used by the Jews to counter and conceal God's natural order and plan in the world stop right there anytime you read the true Hebrew scriptures that's what the Bible's called Hebrew scriptures they say you're an anti-semite the reason is to counter and conceal God's natural order and plan in the world do y'all see that they don't want the truth to come out so oh you anti-semite that's their plan that's their agenda next page wait go back let me see something go back to the bottom read it again the whole section there yes sir anti-Semitism the term anti-Semitism has been used by the Jews to counter and conceal God's natural order and plan in the world in order which has assigned to the Jew the role of aggressor they are the aggressor hater they are the hater Destroyer they are the Destroyer Seducer they are the Seducer Invader they are the Invader and corruptor and they are the corruptor that's what their Scholars put together give me the next page if Esau's true identity and traits become publicly known wait wait wait wait wait wait if Esau's true identity and traits become publicly no hold that hey Yuri real quick give me second Thessalonians is it 2 and8 sir I think it's that one then we come right back to this book right here put me picture and picture picture and p p and p yeah like that read that for us 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 8 and then shall th Wicked be revealed Brothers the Bible says and then shall that Wicked be revealed go ahead whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth the spirit of the Lord's mouth is the Bible the Bible does not speak by itself Brothers it needs a man to go out and teach it everybody understand that right so read it again Yuri and then shall that Wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming so after a point of him being revealed Christ said I'm going to come back and destroy now go back to this part here in the book If Esau's true identity and traits become publicly known he will once again be powerless in the world he's going to get jacked up by the Lord go ahead the Jews have inherited these attributes of Esau and frantically try to silence anyone who would reveal them that's why this is a war when we tell yall This Is War we mean it's War This Is War the Lord said he would have war with amalec from generation to generation y'all remember that yeah go ahead the anti-semitic charge along with the hate laws oh that's that wen't we just reading about hate laws go ahead is a tool the Jew uses in defense of his offensive in defense of his offensive hostile hostile revolutionary revolutionary and anti-christian nature Antichrist nature they're Antichrist go ahead if it can be insinuated that one charged with anti-Semitism is the hater and aggressor an emotional response of the masses can be directed against that individual that's what going to happen that's what we got to do go ahead forcing him into either silence or loss of status in society business or politics what y'all got to realize the same thing they're doing here this is why Hitler was blasting their behinds right they were taking over everything everything okay just like the doing now they got the banks they got the communications they got the government they got the uh the uh media Med IMF uh World Bank they got it all okay but there is a God brothers and sisters there is a God give me the next book read that modern Judaism or a brief account of the opinions Traditions rights and ceremonies of the Jews in Modern Times by John Island mhm let's go inside the book what year was this book published 1830 1830 pay close attention Okay first first can you'all make it bigger than that first first that the descendants of Esau the sworn enemies of the descendants of Jacob even to the end of the world yall see that the scholars put together that Esau are the sworn enemies of the descendants of Jacob even to the end of the world that's for those of you that want oh I got a white friend called Timmy oh I got a good white friend named uh uh what Carrie got she got Carrie the hell is this it said then you're sworn enemies go ahead read on were at first a small nation inhabiting mount sier in the adjacent country contiguous to the land of Canaan that they were easily confined within their own limits as long as the Israelites enjoyed a great and formidable Empire in so as long as our Empire thrived and and flourished they remained in their area small go ahead but but that after the powerful Republic of the 12 tribes was destroyed by the Assyrians so what happened if we were destroyed by the Assyrians and Babylonians and Babylonians they wonderfully increased in numbers and strength the [ __ ] wonderfully increased in numbers and strength go ahead extended their Dominion towards the West now pay close attention to this part righte come on y'all towards the West spread their colonies far and wide subjugated Italy so they took over Italy founded Rome they founded Rome and the Roman Empire and they had the Roman Empire the [ __ ] are the Roman Empire go ahead at length entirely overturned the Jewish State they overturned the Jewish state which had been restored after the termination of the Babylonian captivity meaning when we came back from Persia go Ahad the second temple being destroyed by Titus Vespasian and that in the present day professing the religion of Jesus of Nazareth so that's the C when they became Catholics Roman Catholicism Rome accepted Christianity that they call Roman Catholicism that was that Twisted perversion of scripture go ahead which they were the first of all Nations to embrace right that's Ro Rome did watch this they hold the dominion over all Europe wait a minute so it says they hold the dominion over all Europe that means the Germans are [ __ ] the French are [ __ ] the English are [ __ ] give me some more the Swedish are the [ __ ] the Russians are [ __ ] come on ukrainians are [ __ ] the belgians are [ __ ] the Italians are [ __ ] and guess what the Americans are [ __ ] right the hell is going on CH you see this read that again y they hold they hold the dominion over all Europe Esau detaining in captivity his brother Jacob wait a minute wait a minute we know a little bit of History we know that we in captivity along with the indigenous Indians so that means we all are Jacob the hell is this we can put two him we know one and one is two go ahead Esau detaining in captivity his brother Jacob at least as far as regards the tribe of Judah till his Messiah Ben David shall appear Messiah meaning the anointed son of David who is that Brothers Christ shall appear go ahead secondly that the Prophecies of the prophets against Esau Edom sier and the cities of Edom next page a especially those of Isaiah Jeremiah and Obadiah have not yet received their full accomplishment wait a minute wait a minute so the scholars said Esau has not received their full accomplishment based on writings of Isaiah Jeremiah and Obadiah come on so hold on so what in the hell are those apologetics talking about I don't know you Damn Liars you go ahead for that though the house of Esau has experienced some particular judgments of God yeah some judgments like worldy World War One World War II go ahead on account of the injuries at different periods of time inflicted upon Israel yet the final Vengeance on account of that last and greatest injury the destruction of the second temple by Titus and the transportation of the Jews into captivity in which they are still most appropriate ly detained we're still detained in captivity is yet impending over it and they ain't got no judgment for that yet go ahead to be executed in the time of the Messiah that's why we tell you Brothers wait on Messiah you know so happy about this did the people over there in Israel who call themselves Jewish are they detained no no so who's that that's talking about us over here in Haiti Jamaica that's what he's talking about exactly come on that this is foretold by the prophets in all their denunciations of the severest plagues against the house of Esau the cities of Edom and mount sier which all belong to Rome and the Christians so it's letting you know the Christians are [ __ ] too goad and that the fate of Christians at that time will be far more Dreadful than that of muhammadans so they're going to get a worse judgment than the Muslims that's Muhammad and Muslims AB barbanel particularly says so AB barbanel is another scholar okay the slaughter of the Turks in the future battle will not be so great as that of the Christians for many of the Turks will escape according to Isaiah 66 66 verse 19 but of the Christians Obadiah says there shall not be any remaining of the House of Esau wow wow wow w W some good stuff right there make my teeth white now we've been telling y'all for a long time Esau is a violent violent man give me that in Psalms 140 Psalms 140 ver1 Deliver Me O Lord from the evil man deliver me oh Lord from the evil man now you when you ask our sisters and brothers on who's the evil man some of them especially if they Christian will point to a brother or sister that's in the gang the Bloods or the Crips that's not the evil man the Bible is talking about when it talks about man it's talking about a type of man I'm letting you know now it's talking about the Edomite man the white man the Caucasian man read it again Deliver Me Oh Lord from the evil man preserve me from the violent man M which imagine mischiefs in their heart which imagine mischiefs in their heart continually are they gathered together for war it says continually are they gathered together for war black we don't War we don't our people don't the Bloods and Crips don't understand War sure they might rob you that's not war the white man understand War do they have tanks do they got nuclear devices sir do they have missiles we ain't got none of that so you looking at the Negro your fellow black brother and sisters on the street talking about they those are the violent no no no no Tyrone can't make war Tyrone run soon as Tyrone see a cop come guess what Tyrone do he run down his block that's not war go ahead read verse two which imagine mischiefs in their heart continually are they gathered together for war they have sharpened their tongues like a serpent meaning their philosophies their doctrines their speech is like serpent poison meaning what it's poisonous it'll kill you hey bishop I'm glad you said that when it come to war and yo stop saying Israel is at war with hammers that's not a war right that's not war that's genocide mhm war is I have me so you have me so we shooting at each other right that's War that's full War right but you shooting Miss so that me kill killing all my people and me that's not war right you children that's not war you killing wom and children that's not war the hell is this read they have sharpened their tongues like a serpent adders poisonous under their lips whatever they say Brothers It's poison whether it's religious speech or political speech it's poison go ahead say m keep me oh Lord from the hands of the wicked they calling them the wicked here too go ahead preserve me from the violent man who have purpose to overthrow my going they have purpose to overthrow my goings now let's see what Christ says about that John 10:10 let's see what Jesus said for you Christians out there you lying Christians here we go John 10 ver vers 10 the thief the thief comeing wait wait I know when you hear the word Thief you think of Tyrone and Pooky Tyrone and poy they might have robbed you but they are not the Thief read it again the thief cometh not but for to steal they come to steal and to kill and they come to kill and to destroy Pooky and rro ain't destroying nothing this is talking about a major thief in the earth a major stealer a major dest Destroyer read it again the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy I am come that they might have life Christ said he's come that they might have life that the Israelites might have life go ahead and that they might have it more abundantly now I'm going to show you how violent how evil [ __ ] are I'mma show you I'm going start with their old folks first play the video put the video on the screen this their old [ __ ] old soal called what they call themselves Jewish people hey can we see the words at the bottom can we see the words Elisha can you take away the disclaimer Yuri can you read it yes sir read Yuri and don't leave anyone behind go ahead are about to occur be triumphant and finish them off and don't leave anyone behind erase the memory of them erase them their families mothers and children these animals can no longer live nowadays we have no excuse tomorrow Hezbollah could send air strikes against on us and the Arabs here could attack us so we have no excuse every Jew with a weapon should go out and kill them if you have an Arab neighbor don't wait go to his home and shoot him attack them and don't wait for them to fire air strikes at us and for the Iron Dome to activate attack them before that we want to invade not like before we want to enter and Destroy what's in front of us real quick real quick I know some of us are in awe by what we're hearing do you think he's any different than the southern Edomite the northern edite the Western Edomite who burned black towns who who who murdered brothers and sisters as they fled for their lives from the burning Inferno of their homes and towns you think they think any different that's why Bishop is bringing out they are the same damn people no matter where they are so don't be in awe cuz he's saying this now about h a Gaza don't be he said it about us long before he said it about Gaza right like and destroy houses then destroy the one after it with all of our forces complete destruction enter and Destroy as you can see we will witness things we never dreamed of let them drop bombs on them eras them all of the prophecies sent by the prophets are about to occur be triumphant and finish them all so now that's the old F I know what you're thinking that's not how the young uh fake Israelis feel that's not how they feel it's a new generation they're different they're different yeah we they accepted the black president let's play The Young girl The Young Ones [ __ ] people in Gaza why what do they do because people in people in Gaza need to die is that seriously what you think I am I am kill a two people Palestinian I don't believe you did that I am in the Army in isra are you actually in the army yes I am in the Army and two people two Palestinians hey some of y'all may not know pause it the IDF when you're an Israeli you have male and female have to join the military y'all know that right so she's not lying go back a little bit she says she's in the Army he's like you're in the army yes these women are in the army go ahead wait wait wait wait wait wait wait y'all know G gado Wonder Woman she is in the military too dropping bombs and killing folks when she was there going on back go ahead play Wonder Woman yes I am in and I two people two Palestinians yes and you're happy about it yes go I the world's going to see your actions wow yeah that's the young ones are no different the only time they feel sorry is when you punch them in the mouth I'm not saying do that don't go out and hurt nobody but give me the the the picture the photos Elisha and all right let's look at this they like to say oh don't call it genocide what they're doing is genocide and gossip it is they did it to us and they're doing it over there to them okay and guess what Palestinians we do we might feel a little something but y'all did it to us as well so you don't get a pass for what you did to us hell no that's how they got the land that's how they got Egypt Tanzania Morocco uh give me Libya uh morania North Africa they wiped us out I'm talking about Arabs so they don't get a pass go on the next picture I'm showing you the violent man this is the acts of the violent man give me the next one just flow through a militia come on look at this you can't make this stuff up and and the argument is oh we're looking for we're killing Hamas let's say Hamas has 500 uh members they've killed hundreds of thousands you mean mean all those women you killed all those children you killed are Hamas members no you no you can't make this stuff up stop the lies hey bishop um we just watched the video last night I think about where they told him to go south yes and now they are officially bombing everything South where they are y'all got to see the trickery of this man y he tells him go south it's going to be safer there they go south that's where they bombed him y keep trusting this white man see and the reason we know about it cuz it's televised yes we don't we're just starting to find out the evil the white man here did to us how they murdered us M us if you think this is a war listen Find find a picture of T in Israel and find a picture of Gaza put them side by side see if that a war that's not a war no they're going to flag us for that it's one people just wiped out in other people that's not that's not a word that's a that's genocide find find a find two pictures find out what they in Gaza so far and how Israel look like right now now you telling me if this is a war exactly go ahead find a picture of GA find a picture of Gaza and find a picture of Tel because I'm not mistaken I think T is the capital right of Israel is is that right no Jerusalem is not a Jerusalem now oh now they Chang to Jerusalem yes but found a picture of Tel Aviv where they got all the Big Sky Equippers they got a bunch of them in Tel Aviv look T and look at Gaza see if this is Tel you see this now find a picture of Gaza now you tell me if this is a war you can put them side by side the picture Bishop just the picture just show one of the pictures where you show the whole yep right there if this look like a war to you that's you see that's that's that's Gaza right now now you telling me that's a war you go ahead you judge damn that's a bishop hey hey and Esau AMC got their own words for stuff like this they call it gode now you the [ __ ] they killing you instead of genocide they got their own little slang calling it gode damn hey get me uh Matthew 6:15 we're all familiar with this scripture I'm going to sh tell yall Something Matthew 6:15 your mama's probably read it to you as a baby your pastor probably read it to you in church Matthew chapter 6:1 15 but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses H read 14 and 15 together verse 14 for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you forgive not men their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses your first Christian thought that hits everybody's brain is forgive the white man for all his evil that he done damn but you won't forgive poy right what the hell is this but you forgive that white man Christ is talking to the Israelites about the Israelites for the Israelites everybody understand that now I'm going to show you how Arabs just like the white man break this down give me the next video Instagram pay close attention yep that's it put it on the screen I'll read that your wait we will be okay read stop read that Yuri at the top we will not accept your apology after the genocide that's Christian Arabs showing you that they have an understanding of what the Bible is saying but black Christians have got to be some of the stupidest people on Earth we're the only race That Forgives everything every R they spit on our mothers rape our mothers kick our daughters and sisters oh let's forgive them you stupid effeminate Christian men especially you that's right let's play on we will be okay despite the IM blow we have endured we the Palestinians will recover we will rise we will stand stand up again from the midst of Destruction as we have always done as Palestinians although this is by far maybe the biggest blow we have received in a long time but we will be okay but for those who are complicit I feel sorry for you will you ever recover from this your charity and your words of shock after the genocide won't make a difference and I know these words of socks are coming and I know people will give generously for charity but your words won't make a difference words of regret won't satisfice for you and let me say it we will not accept your apology after the genocide what has been done has been done I want you to look at the mirror and ask where was I when Gazza was going through a genocide do you hear what the Christians said he said we will not forgive you we will not accept your words of apology apologies we will he said I know the words of shock will come and the Charities will come and on YouTube if y'all notice they got Charities now for Gaza it's all Bs and he knows it it's black Christians who have are clueless oh look they care for us no they don't they don't care for us T is this give me Ezekiel 35 and one you saying both them John's family oh God don't make forgave gerer they didn't they didn't learn from these people they didn't learn this both and John yall know that's the BR explain who it is cuz some of them don't know damn that's the brother down in Texas who he was his he was killed by his neighbor something guer Amber Gyer and in the courtroom the family hugged Amber Gyer so ever so gently and caressed her blonde hair and made her feel comfortable by saying you killed our son you killed our brother and the one thing we want you to remember put it on the screen is we forgive you you can't make this stuff up Arabs don't do that whites don't do that Chinese don't do that East Indians don't do that Filipinos don't do that all stupid black people do this you can't make this stuff up we're the only ones that do this oh just forgive everybody hey remember the judge of black a sister gave ambera her personal B the stupid black woman judge got off the judge stool and gave him the B gave her the Bible and kissed her and huged her I'm so mad de I can't make this stuff up he was good Christian woman right there good Christian woman it's not like he was doing something violent either the man was eating ice cream on his own damn couch right damn damn oh god oh Christians make me sick oh God some of you actually believe she made a mistake if you think she killed that man by mistake you stupid as hell what the hell is this I I I know I I I know I know wait a minute oh my head hurts I'm bring it back let me bring you that Bishop we that's the damn black woman strok in the hair we forgot the ba hey right now she's wish oh I wish I your hair they thought I made it up Lord forgive they caressed they caressed her golden retriever hair oh I wish and made her feel so comfortable oh I wish I had right now she lusting for that head she lusting I wish I could have that in my head the black Christian will make you stutter cuz you just can't believe the ignorance of these brothers and sisters man Lord Lord Lord help us I don't I don't know what to do Lord we become so stupid upon the Earth help us Lord damn Lord I know y'all think I know what you think God don't feel like that somebody they got the video they got the video oh you got the video put it on the screen oh God ohun it back put it on the screen you can't tell me she don't want Amber's hair on top of her head come on look at that terrible man oh by the way by the way by the way hold on hold on hold on hold on all right hold on hold on remember this demon be she went for appeal she got the nerve to try to appeal her her 10e sentence got some damn nerve man I'm stewing in my juices now bro you can't make this stuff up this is what religion done to our people yes we become Dumber UND dammer dumber dumber dumber Dam and D now I know they thinking God don't don't feel like that wait wait I got to find it give me Isaiah 65 give me Isaiah 6 we went Ezekiel a minute but I got to show you how God feels about Christians Isaiah 65 and two Isaiah chapter 65 and verse start we can start at one verse one I am s of them that ask not for me our people never asked for the Lord go ahead I am found of them that sought me not right we were in slavery go ahead I said behold me behold me unto a nation that was not called by my name why were we not called by God's name we were not called by the name of Israel anymore because we were called African African-American Jamaican Haitian gese Puerto Rican Brazilian they changed our identity that's what it means uh unto a nation that was not called by my name everybody understand that right read on I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people we are that rebellious people go ahead which walketh in a way that was not good jump down to verse go ahead go ahead after their own thoughts our people walk after their own thoughts jump down to verse five here you go verse five which say stand by thyself cuz we try to give them the truth they say us stand by yourself go ahead come not near to me brother don't give me no flyer sister I don't want to hear what you got you coming with go ahead for I am holier than thou I'm Holy Ghost filled and water baptized I am washed in the blood of the Lamb read it again which say for excuse me which say stand by thyself come not near to me for I am holier than thou these are a smoke in my nose you know what that means God can't stand them smoking your NOS is when you can't breathe you can't stand it go ahead a fire that burneth all the day a fire that burneth all the day so my anger is God's anger although I can never be as anger as his is right right right my anger is a little thing shoot now where was he at Yuri Ezekiel CH 35 verse1 Read that read that moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man set thy face against mount sier mount sier can we put us on the screen Mount sier can we show it show me uh Mount sier yes Mount sier was the no that's not Mount sier that's the k m I need y'all to understand the difference that's the caucus Mountains in Russia yes that is Mount sier put on the screen Mount sier was the homeland of Edom and what they call the Middle East today but guess what they're not there today they have scattered like we read earlier they scattered in Italy throughout all the Western areas of France Germany America everybody with me so far so that's Mount sier Read again Yu son of man set thy face against Mount sier and prophesy against it so God is telling us to prophesy against the white man everybody with me so far Edom DW give me that Yuri real quick so Genesis 36 I think it's verse 8 cuz I know some of them are new online how do you know the white man dwell in Mount sier Genesis 36:8 thus dwell Esau in Mount sier Esau is Edom y all see that right Esau is Edom Esau dwelt in Mount Seer so we're talking about the [ __ ] let's go back to Ezekiel 35 again Ezekiel chter 35 and verse 2 son of man set thy face against Mount sier set your face against the [ __ ] go ahead and prophesy against it prophesy against against against it go ahead and say unto it thus sayith the Lord God behold oh Mount sier I am against thee and I will stretch out my hand against thee and I will make thee most desolate I will lay thy cities waste and thou shalt be desolate I want youall to see what God's prophecy is I will lay thy cities waist put put it back on the screen again the old Mount sier the old Mount sier right put it on the screen this is the old Mount sier I want you to look at the architecture is not that the same as the capital in Washington DC y sir it's the same architecture put it back the difference is nobody dwells here today everybody would understand that so God's not talking about prophesy against the place where nobody lives put the other one on the screen he's saying prophesy against it that's the modern day Mount Sierra so read verse four again Yuri I will lay thy cities waste and thou shalt be desolate and thou shalt know that I am the Lord because thou has had a Perpetual hatred what's that word Perpetual hatred the word Perpetual means for forever I don't care if they're nice to you today there are [ __ ] that you will work with you will come across in life who are somewhat friendly approachable friendly kind nice they might be nice or kind for a week nice or kind for several months maybe even a year but there will come a day when in nature they'll start to feel a certain way about you we've all seen it those of you on certain jobs they'll come in your boss will say I want you to train Karen or Tommy and then before you know it Karen or Tommy got your job they are over you we've all gone through it woo read it again verse five because thou H has had a Perpetual hatred now that hatred means forever meaning it doesn't doesn't stop it's an ongoing hatred go ahead and has shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword so what they're doing in Gaza is nothing different than what they've done to us that's right go ahead in the time of their Calamity in the time that their iniquity had an end our iniquity had an end when we got emancipated but did it stop there did the hate stop when we got emancipated hell no oh no they came with the kook's Clan Jim Crow uh sharecropping agricultural laws Black Codes the 13th Amendment cognitive dissidence red lining all kinds of thing they kept giving new names new names but it's the same oppression you know therefore as I live sayith the Lord God I will prepare thee unto blood and blood shall pursue thee why since thou has not hated blood since Esau has not hated blood even blood shall pursue thee even blood shall pursue thee so God says Esau that's what we read earlier they are the evil man they are the violent man they are the wicked they're various names God calls them it says since thou has not hated blood even blood shall pursue thee judgment's coming for them read on thus will I make Mount sier most desolate thus will I make Mount sier most desolate go ahead and off from it him that passeth out and him that returneth and I will fill his mountains with his slain men and thy Hills and in thy valleys and in all thy Rivers shall they fall that are slain with the sword I will make thee perpetual desolations and thy cities shall not return and ye shall know wait wait wait wait and thy cities shall not return go ahead and ye shall know that I am the Lord but why why why next verse because thou has said because thou has said these two Nations not these two Nations Juda and Israel remember we were divided into two Nations go ahead and these two countries the two countries is is put Israel on the screen I gave you the map so it should right Israel and the other country the other country now America those are the two countries Israel and America Israel and America read it again Yuri verse 10 because thou Hast said these two Nations Judah and Israel and these two countries Israel and America shall be mine shall be mine and we will possess it and we will invade it we will take it go ahead whereas the Lord was there whereas the Lord was with us meaning what they took put Israel back on the screen they took Israel and called themselves Jewish people the word Judah means Praise of God they call themselves The Praise of God the hell is this give me is uh give me America they took America as Christians they said they are the anointed Christian means anointed of God it doesn't mean follower of Christ I know some books say that but when you break down emology it means anointed ones that's how they stole this land America read on verse 11 no that was it that was it that was it so blood's going to pursue them now understand brother I need y'all to understand the scriptures because Nations though particularly this white man has corrupted the truth Give Me 2 Corinthians 2:17 2 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 for we are not as many we are not as many meaning the Israelites that are rising up in the Faith of Christ keeping the Commandments go ahead which corrupt the word of God we're not like the many that corrupt the word of God go ahead but as of sincerity we teach the Bible in sincerity brothers and sisters go ahead but as of God we teach as of God called us go ahead in the sight of God we teach in the sight of God speak we in Christ we speak in the Name of Christ everybody understand that Galatians 1:7 so many have corrupted the word of God that's your church system Galatians 1:7 Galatians 1:7 which is not another so the B read the verse above it I Marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ some of you men some of you women you get shaken when you go through adversity so just like you get adversity today back then and got it too read it again I Marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the Great of Christ unto another gospel right what does it mean what did they do back then they left and went back to animal sacrifice there's no animal sacrifice today so how do we what's the understanding here the understanding is many of you leave this truth and go back to Christianity you go back to being a negro I used to be an Israelite now I am a born again Christian again now I am a Catholic again now I am a Protestant read it again I Marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel unto another gospel go ahead which is not another it's not another why is it not another because the same book you we use they use it's the same book the difference is they corrupt the scriptures watch as we read down go ahead which is not another but there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of Christ do you see what they do they pervert the gospel of Christ they say forgive your enemies oh forget about slavery it's old time it came around 1619 but why do we celebrate Thanksgiving that came around 1619 too forget about that don't just celebrate celebrate Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving just forget about your slavery forgive us but go back to that and you love everybody now you hug and kiss everybody put on the screen you become one of these damnable Christians these oh God give me 1 Corinthians 2 again let's jump we went we read 17 right Yuri yes sir let's jump up to verse 12 2 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 12 mhm furthermore when I came to troise to preach Christ's gospel and a door was opened unto me of the Lord so this is what we always pray that the Lord opens doors of utterance for us to enter into go ahead I had no rest in my spirit because I found not Titus my brother but taking my leave of them are you in 1 Corinthians 2 and2 my apologize the second oh I'm sorry did I say second I'm sorry I apologize no problem sir 1 Corinthians 2:2 yes yes sir 1 Corinthians chap 2:12 now we have received not the spirit of the world brothers sisters we receive not the spirit of the world the world teaches us to be stupid and when I say stupid I mean following their philosophies we're not to be taken by the spirit of the world good but the spirit which is of god that's the Holy Spirit go ahead that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God come on which things also we speak which things also we speak go ahead not in The Words which man's Wisdom teacheth meaning what economics man's Wisdom teaches you that economics is the way to Salvation economics is what black people need for salvation that's a lie we've heard that crap before now I'm not saying money is not important the Bible says money answer all things so I'm not knocking that but when you put money over Christ there's a problem read it again which things also we speak not in The Words which man's Wisdom teacheth come on but which the Holy Ghost teacheth go ahead comparing spiritual things with spiritual in our teaching we must compare spiritual things with spiritual meaning precept upon precept here a little and there a little line upon line that's what he's saying go but the natural man rece the natural man which is the sinful man the natural man which is the sinful man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God they cannot understand the Bible ahead for they are foolishness unto him brother you mean to tell me that all we got to do is return as Israelites and keep the Commandments and believing in Christ Our king that's it yeah that's it brother I don't believe that I think we need to protest on the streets I think we need to organize and put our money together I think we need to go against the white man and get our guns come on read it again for they are foolishness unto him uhuh neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned you got to have the spirit of God to be able to understand his Bible everybody understand right read but he that is spiritual judgeth all things but he that is spiritual judgeth all things go ahead yet he himself is judged of no man meaning if you're keeping the Commandments no man can judge you and meaning condemn you everybody understand that job 11:6 please job 11 and verse 6 and that he would show Thee the secrets of wisdom we want the Lord to show us the secrets of wisdom go ahead that they are doubled that they are doubled the Bible has dual meanings that's why it's a spiritual book that's why it says Spirit must be it says Spirit comparing spiritual things with spiritual be why because the Bible has dual meanings double meanings read it again and that he would show Thee the secrets of wisdom cuz guess what brothers and sisters you can read the Bible like a novel I implore you read your four chapters a day read it like a novel that's good but to understand the spiritual things you need to learn precept upon precept you need to learn how to compare spiritual things with spiritual read that again and that he would show Thee the secrets of wisdom that they are double to that which is know therefore that God exacteth Of Thee less than thine iniquity deserveth our iniquity deserves death Deuteronomy 28:46 watch this I'mma show you a secret that Christians ain't figured out yet Deuteronomy 28:46 and they shall be remember the they is what brothers let me hear you C the curses go ahead and they shall be upon thee for a and for a wonder and upon thy seed forever for how long forever for how long brothers forever forever meaning what the curses of God is in a rotation it didn't stop in Assyria it kept going it didn't stop in Babylon it kept going it didn't stop with uh the Greeks and the Romans it didn't stop with the Persians and the mes Greeks or Romans it kept going it didn't stop with Spain or France it kept going even here in America America but guess what it ends when Christ returns Christians have not figured that out yet if you talk to Christians those that think they're studied or astute they'll say oh no those curses ended with Rome they're stupid don't waste your time talking to them here's the precept of Deuteronomy 28:46 2 Ezra 5:42 second ezis chter 5 verse 42 and he said unto me I will liken my judgment unto a ring I will liken my judgments unto a ring meaning a cirle it continues watch this go ahead like as there is no slackness of the last meaning no slackness meaning it does not slack the beginning of God's judgment does not go slow go ahead even so there is no swiftness of the first meaning there's no swiftness does not rush read the whole verse again and he said unto me I will liken my judgment unto a ring like as there is no slackness of the last even so there is no swiftness of the first so God's judgments in a steady rotation Assyria Babylon Persia Media or Greece or Rome or after that you had Spain France now we're here in America with NATO a steady steady ring that's how God's judgments are so what we read regarding the curses yes it applied in Syrian captivity yes it also applied in the Babylonian captivity yes those same thing applied in the Persian me captivity yes those same curses apply in the Greek and Roman captivity yes those same curses apply in America that's right does everybody understand that it don't stop and and get derailed it's the same thing only a spiritual man a spiritual woman is going to understand that that's right now give me the next book we read it last week but I just love it so thank shout out to uh uh Captain um little brother uh uh yah thank you AB ABA yeah yeah read that the story of civilization Caesar in Christ will by Will Durant let's go inside page 164 564 read that the 12 meaning what the 12 apostles pulled their material possessions that's in Acts 2 and acts 4 where they put their money together go ahead and entrusted Judas with their common funds okay correction before that remember it said Judas carried the bag that's when Christ was walking Earth so correction go ahead and entrusted Judas with their common funds as they followed Christ in his missionary wandering they lived on the country taking their food now and then from the fields they passed and accepting the hospitality of converts and friends in addition to the 12 Jesus appointed 72 others as disciples and sent two of them to each town that he intended to visit he B them carry no purse nor a wallet nor shoes let me tell you yes they had spiritual power but guess what that same law applies to us remember when Peter when you read the book of Acts there was a man sitting at the gate asking for arms and Peter told him what did he say exactly you know I can't quote money I don't have he said look at me he said something like Silver and Gold Have I None but such as I have I give unto thee stand up and walk in the name of the Lord what people often do when we travel the first thing they ask for is what brothers money so that's is another reason Christ said when you go don't bring don't carry a purse or wallet or extra shoes he don't mean he have no shoes don't carry extra cuz people will want that from you people will take that from you some I remember in Haiti when we were teaching some of the young young Brothers say oh y y'all didn't got no money for us no we didn't go out with money cuz that's what they want they reject the word of God some of them go back read again that part he bade them carry no purse nor wallet nor shoes kindly and Pious women joined the apostles and disciples contributed to their support So women have always been important in this truth this ain't a man this ain't a sausage fest women were always there to support go ahead and performed for them those solicitous domestic functions which are the Supreme consolation of male life right the things that men needed the women provided for it they were a help meet unto Christ and the disciples they had to be a help meet today that's right don't get mad sisters that's what God made you for what you mad for he Bishop maybe some of them want to go on the street with us and get spit on or punched in the face how or knifed or shot maybe you want that the hell is this this this line right there is to the brothers who said I'm going to remove my wife from everything from every office in iuic maybe you should hey read that again for the brother kindly and Pious women joined the apostles and disciples contributed to their support and performed for them the solicitous domestic functions which are the Supreme consolation of male life hey give me that Luke real quick we're coming back here Elisha I want to Luke I want Luke uh is it chapter 8 where it says the women about the women that follow Christ yes that one is it Luke 8 I can't remember healed of evil spirits it said about it named the women that followed him yes sir Luke 8 and verse 2 and and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene out of whom went Seven Devils go ahead and Joanna the wife of choa Herod Stewart I wanted that because some of the women were married and they continued and supported Christ read it again verse three and Joanna the the wife of choa Herod Stewart and Susanna and many others which ministered unto him of their substance that's biblical sisters that is biblical we're not changing anything okay so I hope you Brothers if your wife is in the body working in the body she should continue right to stop her from that that's very foolish yes hey half the time that be what What attracted you to that sister because she was putting in works in the body so for you to strip her of the joy she has in the Lord that's that tells a lot about you okay let's go back back Yuri where we at last sentence last sentence yes sir through that little ban lowly and lless Christ sent the sent his gospel into the world next page read that the revolution he sought was a far deeper one Christ sought a revolution we seek a revolution God seeks a Revolution come on the revolution he sought was a far deeper one with without which reforms could only be superficial and transitory if he could cleanse the human heart of selfish desire W cruelty and lust Utopia will come of itself and all those institutions that rise out of human greed and violence and the consequent need for law meaning uh the Mosaic law go ahead would disappear since this would be the profoundest of all revolutions beside which all others will be mere cud and when I say mosaic animal sacrifice go ahead of class outing class and exploiting in its turn here come Christ was in this spiritual s the greatest revolutionist in history do y'all hear that Christ was the greatest revolutionist in history greater than Marcus Garvey greater than Malcolm X greater than Martin Luther King he was the greatest woo that's right give me a Ezekiel 7 is it warm up here is that me I'm on fire warm up here give me Ezekiel 7 verse one verse 1 and two yes sir Ezekiel 7 and verse 1 and I hope yall taking notes moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying also thou son of man thus sayith the Lord God unto the land of Israel unto who the land of Israel so Ezekiel 7 is about the land of Israel go ahead and end the end is come upon the four corners of the land of the land the land the land everybody understand that Ezekiel 7 is talking about the end of the land now read on I mean jump down to verse 20 verse 20 as for the beauty of his ornament the beauty of God's ornament was the temple on the land the land the land go ahead he said it in Majesty but they made the images of their Abominations and of their detestable things therein that's what the Ancients of Israel did you can read that the very next chapter it tells you how the Ancients worshiped Idols secretly and the women of Israel was worshiping tamuz which was nimrod's son which came which came which the Christmas idea stemmed from damn read that again as for the beauty of his ornament he said it in Majesty but they made the images of their Abominations and of their detestable things therein therefore have I set it far from them come on and I will give it into the hands of the strangers stop what is the it that he will give into the hand of strangers Brothers the land the land the land read again and I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey and to the wicked of the Earth for a spoil he would give the land to the wicked of the Earth for a spoil go ahead and they shall pollute it and the wicked The Strangers shall pollute the land the land watch this Luke 21:24 yeah you got put yeah that's good that's a good picture right there that's it right there yeah give me Luke 21:24 Christ said the same thing Luke 21:4 and they shall fall by the edge of the sword and shall be led away captive into all nations and Jerusalem shall be trotten down of the Gentiles and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of who Brothers the Gentiles Christ called them the Gentiles Ezekiel called them the wicked and strangers talking about the same thing was that it Yuri and Jerusalem shall be Trot in down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled until the times of the Gentiles rulership be fulfilled let's go back and verse 21 one more again oh I'm sorry Ezekiel 365 I'm sorry watch this pay attention he's going to put a name on them in Ezekiel 36 verse 5 Ezekiel 36: 5 therefore thus sayith the Lord God surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the Heathen of the Heathen and against all idum and against all ID doia all IIA that's idum the ashkanazi idumi and the [ __ ] that's them read which have appointed my land Ezekiel tells you the name of the group that appointed God's land go ahead into their possession into their possession go ahead with the the joy of all their heart they are happy to take the land they are happy to murder other people just to keep the land go ahead with despiteful Minds with despiteful not Minds to cast it out for a prey to cast it out for a prey meaning they call their fellow Europeans from Poland Germany Czechoslovakia usbekistan Russia Italy Yugoslavia they said come get some of this land that's what they do let's go back now Ezekiel 7:21 again Ezekiel 7: 211 and I will give it into the hand of the strangers for a prey and to the wicked of the Earth for a spoil and they shall pollute it come on my face will I turn also from them and they shall pollute my secret place yeah they the secret place was when they destroyed the temple and the holy of holies go ahead for the robbers shall enter into it and defile it now it's calling those strangers which were the wicked it's calling them what what's that word brother robbers Daniel 11:14 yeah those some good pictures God he I'm sorry Daniel 11:14 and in those times there shall many stand up against the King of the South that's talking about Egypt king of the South also the robbers of thy people y'all see that also the robbers of thy people that's Esau Edom go ahead shall exalt themselves exalt themselves as the people of God exalt themselves as the Jews go ahead to establish the vision to establish the vision that they are the Jews establish the vision that the land is theirs go ahead but they shall fall God says they shall fallish the Bible prophesies they shall fall so we ain't making nothing up let's go on back Yuri Ezekiel 7:22 yes sir my face will I turn also from them and they shall pollute my secret place for the robbers shall enter into it and defile it make a chain make a chain wait a minute make a chain what do I mean make a chain give me nem three and 10 nahem to explain the chain n n Micah CH n the hell is going on here I was trying to find the next book na chapter 3 wait a minute I'm having problems finding it you know I'm slow page right after Micah okay n three and 10 go ahead yet was she carried away yet was she carried away the Israelites she went into captivity she went where into captivity come on her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets they destroyed our children killed our children go ahead and they cast lots for her Honorable Men they bid for us in slavery go ahead watch this and all her great men were Bound in Chains in what in Chains in what in Chains let's go on back now Ezekiel 7:23 make a chain now we know that means captivity we would go into captivity for the land is full of bloody crimes wow for the land of Israel is full of bloody crimes and the city is full of violence now what did did we do give me Hosea 4:1 watch this I know you we like I'll say we I won't say you we like to think that we were just such good righteous and holy people upstanding citizens of God I know we like to think that but that's a lie y'all see how grimy our people is today as grimy as we are today we were just as grimy in the past damn Hosea chapter 4 and we going to read verse 1 and two yes sir hear the word of the Lord ye children of is I know I know I know I know white man made us the way we are really well let's read what God said about us in Hosea chapter 4 read verse 1 and two hear the word of the Lord ye children of Israel for the Lord had a controversy with the inhabitants of the land that was us because there is no truth wow no truth nor Mercy nor Mercy nor knowledge of God in the land we didn't give a dag on about the Bible go ahead by swearing we used to swear all the time and lying we used to lie all the time and killing we used to kill each other all the time and stealing and we used to steal all the time and committing adultery oh we committed adultery all the time they break out and blood touches blood Oo we couldn't stand one another was that it yes sir Now read it again y for me Hosea 4:1 hear the word of the Lord ye children of Israel for the Lord had a controversy with the inhabitants of the land because there is no truth nor Mercy nor knowledge of God In the Land by swearing we used to swear and lying stop I want that lying lying part I want the lying part because we have a problem here in the body with lying uh Elicia find me the Instagram it should be a pretty lady talking pretty lady pretty sister talking yep right there how about how we have a lying lifestyle some of you women you going to Bear witness to what this sister says let's take a listen true story y'all about 10 years ago I was planning to host a Women's Conference in Atlanta and I remember at the time I was following this woman on Instagram who like she just oozed fabulosity like she was always wearing designer clothes had the expensive handbags was always wearing the red bottom shoes was taking pictures in expensive restaurants and I was like I want her to speak at my conference because I want her to inspire women to level up their life well I got a chance to call her and I was explaining my heart for the conference and she said to me Nona I would love to do this but I just got evicted from my apartment and I'm actually staying with a friend and sleeping on there couch and I don't know where I'm going to be at by the time of your conference y'all I was shook because that same morning she posted a picture of herself standing in the middle of the street holding a Chanel bag showing off her red bottom shoes while she was sleeping on her friend's couch and I realized in that moment that if we're not careful we will end up comparing our reality to another person's fa and this is why I'm killing comparison because too many of us are feeling like we don't measure up because the measuring sisters I know some of you s can bear witness with that y'all be looking at these people on Instagram and Tik Tock thinking they have such fabulous lives a lot of it is all a lie stop the C I'm telling y'all I don't see Brothers do that too much but I see a lot of sisters y'all be following these different women telling you a lot of it is is a lie read again Yuri nobody can hear you some of these sisters after they watching this bishop they went home and give their husband a hard time why we don't have this why we don't own this so and so got this so and so got that damn read again Yuri Hosea chapter 4:2 by swearing and lying and killing killing killing killing now I I found a lot on killing and it's a lot of course with the brothers but I didn't want to get the brothers I wanted to show you how women do kill too give me that one I can't hear nothing I bet you're wondering how did this woman get a life sentence without possibility of parole plus an extra 7 years well let me tell you damn Nira is 28 years old and she lives in South Jersey and she got a life sentence without possibility of parole plus an extra seven years because her two-year-old son wouldn't eat his food now when her 2-year-old son wouldn't eat his food her resolution for him not eating his food was to crush his skull into 74 pieces and then put them in the oven and cook them and after cooking them for some time she took him out buried a hole in her backyard put him in a hole covered the hole and then called the police and said my son is missing and a man attacked me and abducted my son oh I could have used lying for that too she's a liar I'm sorry go back go back a little bit she's a lie go ahead and then called the police and said my son is missing and a man attacked me and abducted my son yeah so the police came with blood hounds and the blood hounds did what the blood hounds do the blood hounds found her son's reins in her backyard and they charged her with h side they' offered her a plea deal they said look you unived your son we get it this happens every day no big deal you unived your son we're offering you 30 years if you plead guilty to first-degree murder she was like nah I'm going take it to trial and fight it because yes I unived my son yes I crushed his skull in 704 pieces yes I dismembered him yes I cooked him yes I buried him but it was unintentional so she took at the trial on the premise that she did all that and it was unintentional so she lost trial and she was given a life sentence without possibility of parole plus extra seven years for the desecration of a corpse yeah so let this be a cautionary tale to you men out there please be careful who you have kids with wait wait y'all brothers they go back to that part Elicia you can't Skip by that play that part again a life sentence without possibility of parole plus extra seven years for the desecration of a corpse yeah so let this be a cautionary tale to you men out there please be careful who you have kids with you got to be careful you got to be careful otherwise you might end up with a woman like nikira grinder who's 28 years old from South Jersey who got a life sentence without possibility of parole plus extra seven years for death in the corpse of her 2-year-old son because he refused to eat his food now I want wait wait put it back on the screen put it back on the screen I want y'all can y'all I don't know if you can Alicia can you zoom in you can't okay I want y'all to take a look at her she is an attractive sister she's not ugly has she walk through these doors you Brothers a lot of you single Brothers y'all would have been all all over this like white on rice message and you would have got what you got everybody ain't mentally right that's what we tell you what we always tell y'all wait let them get their mind right with the word of God try them okay find out who her friends are find out what the senior sisters say about her see what her counselor says about her if she got parents meet her parents see what background she comes from notice and never mentioned a man with her she's one of those many women who goes out has a baby get pregnant then all of a sudden whatever reason I don't care what the reason is she's single whether or not he's no damn good or she just says I don't love you no more I'm I'm out but she's mentally broken she can't deal with the responsibility of raising a child but she can go to the club and Drop It Like It's Hot oh yeah Brothers there's a lot of sisters like that and some of them come inside suspicious we tell yall let them let them marinate in the scriptures you better try them in the spirit yeah real quick too uh B for some of you single Brothers uh that may see a sister that look like that or you see a sister in the body um don't go whisper in her ear walking past somewhere either and be like um you should have a counsel of a thousand you should be sitting by the Elder sisters don't be telling them to go do that because the only reason they will actually go and do that is because you said something about it you should wait until they they have the spirit on them to actually want to go and learn from the Elder sisters of how to be a wife cuz if they do it just because you said it as soon as they got your ass and got the uh ink dried on the paper wow they pop the baby out they plan on cooking that next damn Thanksgiving hey got you [ __ ] we found a picture of our husband Bishop canai sent a picture of her husband you sent it let's show a picture of her husband Elicia did you get it CH Ela did you get it check oh there you go right there there the baby daddy right there so in other words Bishop in other words they that sister hates you black men she hates you Brothers damn black man can't do nothing for her nasty oh boy you know there's a lot you can say but I'll keep it to myself Yuri where we at offic Yuri Hosea 4:2 go ahead by swearing uhhuh and lying and killing and stealing oh and stealing Elisha and stealing off ficia find me that clip on stealing and stealing now some sisters in iuic see we dealing with Edomite men hey oh true story y'all remember this I can't I ain't going to even say her name remember the way she got busted a Edomite man contacted us and said I've been paying this hoes rent for the past year yes sir yes sir sent all the of him and her laying together oh sister sister sister he blew your spot up the white man the white man this you want to courau one of you oh God you can't make okay now you know what we going to do hey is Hanukkah over Hanukkah passed so we loved you during Hanukkah not that we don't love you now de but we want to talk about the Haitian stealing just for a moment we love you de but Haitians do steal so I'm going show you how our people do steal play this video now watch his right hand watch the guy's right hand and never forget this is Levi this is Levi listen there is no proof are y'all going to see the proof we got biblical proof this is biblical proof go stealing there's no sound I believe he stole something trying to take him to the back just p a prince right here Haiti watch his right hand watch his right hand look it goes down his pants watch watch what he does did y'all see what he did Play it Again Play it again nobody stop this is like a Haitian custom right here we see it hey hey the hell do we just watch that shirt tells it all you know they like them more Pascal yeah yes Play It Again R it backman mud butt damn he hit play hit play that's in Miami Florida by the way bro yeah I would have thought if he was going to do that he'd rub it on somebody else face he put it on his own face man Judah is nasty as hell it [Laughter] [ __ ] hey bishop that's scriptural though that is that is scriptural that's in the Book of Malachi but we going to leave you alone today we we going ain't no way where we at Yuri Hosea chapter 4 and verse two go ahead by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery officer Alicia let's look up committing ad watch this committing adultery Brothers y'all pay close attention so today I want to do a Lo test y okay we don't need to do that we know we're not cheating I mean like you ain't with nobody I'm not with nobody else who is Dereck though messages right here about meet and N again the client that I meet with um why did be testing you at 3:42 last night that's in the morning though it is but I have my phone on do not disturb because I'm laying with you so you mind if we call Dereck I think he's available right now so I don't think it'd be a good idea say you mind if we call him why you so nervous oh I'm not I'm just saying you know I don't think hey hey you know this is my man you know that we're just playing around um he just wants to make sure that we're not you know that we're not with each other that you and I are you my girl I been your girl you serious I'm dead serious now let's let's let's talk let let's let's get with this for real the truth of the matter is stop pause it pause it I want you to see how her attitude switch from the lying woman to the take no responsibility now I'mma put you on blast Spirit to the adulterous Spirit go back just a little bit go ahead play your girl you serious I'm dead serious now let's let's let's talk real let's let's let's get with this for real the truth of the matter is that if I'm him is helping this B us fur helping his further what you going to do you ain't going you going to say right with me cuz you know you want this just like he do like wait stop she called him out on his sism some of you simp some of the sisters know you are a simp you ain't going nowhere [ __ ] you like this like everybody else want this that's her mind some of their mindset go back a little bit God can't use Brothers like you play on I'm dead serious now let's let's let's talk let's let's let's get with this for real the truth of the matter is that if I'm him is helping us make us further helping us take us further what you going to do you ain't going to you going to say right with me cuz you know you want this just like he do like everybody I meet they want to you know what I can do whatever I want you still going to come right back he M did you for did you out of my house did you forget that did you forget that we put that Mortgage in my name wait wait wait wait wait for you Brothers Brothers she said did you forget you put the mortgage in my name he told her to get to F on his house she said oh you forgot something Bishop we got you forgot the mortgages in her name Bishop we got officers in Atlanta with that same situation right now damn go back a little [Music] bit he say he done want me did you did of my house did you forget that put that morgage in my name did you financially responsible for did you forget about that at the end of the day I got the house my name is on all bank accounts so you think that you can walk away wait wait wait wait go back a little bit what you say about bank accounts go back I I saw my bank accounts did you forget that we put that Mortgage in my name that you financially responsible for did you forget about that at the end of the day I got the house my name is on all bank accounts so you think that you she said my name is on all the bank accounts I've been telling you Brothers stop putting this woman's name we've have horror stories in iuic with some many slick women that watch online they come in and wait and look just as pretty for one of you simple sap suer simps over there and convince you to put her name on all the bank accounts then she give you the finger and take all you got didn't the sister take 30 grand out of her husband's bank account and skip town got you [ __ ] W now I'll tell you there's so much I want to say but you [Music] know I don't know if I should bring it out I don't know Brothers all I can say is don't do that all I can say I'm going be nice cuz some sisters are sincere and they're trying some of them but you got to wait and see if they're truly sincere read it again Yuri where we at what is this what is that okay uh go back you read it again Hosea 4:2 by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery they break out and blood toucheth blood Alicia give me blood toucheth blood give me um the video yes blood touches blood pay attention turning out to an argument between Brothers over Christmas gifts turning deadly in Largo Police say a 14-year-old and a 15-year-old they got into an argument while Christmas shopping with the family on Sunday authorities say the 14-year-old was jealous over the number of gifts their mother was buying his brother the family left the store then at home the 14-year-old pointed his gun at his brother after relatives separated the two the sheriff says 23-year-old abriel Baldwin triying to calm down the 14-year-old he goes over and puts bullet in her tears up her insides and kills her leaves her dead in the driveway wow uh the sheriff says the 15-year-old came over saw his sister shot and shot his younger brother in the the stomach the older brother threw his gun in a yard ran off to a relative where he was later arrested tonight both teens face felony charges and officials will decide if that 14-year-old will be charged as an adult so did y'all hear why he shot his sister and brother over a Christmas gift Christmas gift so we like to say that what do you want to say it I was going to say Bishop you know what's crazy the young boy is 14 years old why is he's in the house with his own family his brother his sisters mama is De daddy there and he has a gun on he still got a gun on his hip yeah how does he not trust his own family with a gun um so he has to protect himself from his own family with a gun on his hip with his own family y thing is crazy Christmas is a burden not to be kept okay like it says in Lamentations 2 uh Yuri one more again Hosea 4:2 by swearing and lying and killing and stealing and committing adultery they break out and blood toucheth blood mm from there from there let's go back to Ezekiel what verse were we at yurie where were we at verse 20 we read verse 23 and we at verse 24 we at 24 okay all we want is 24 you I'm G come back in a minute yes sir Ezekiel chapter 7 ver 24 wherefore I will bring the worst of the Heathen wait wait we can't run by that line what did it called what did God call them brothers the worst the worst of the Heathen notice it called them I'm not looking at let me get it cuz you know it called them strangers and called them I'm not looking at what it call them robbers the robbers what else they call them Wicked the wicked now it's calling them the worst put their picture put that a't it no I want no give me amalec no no I want that fairy tale stuff yeah put them up God calls them the worst of the Heathen give me some more pictures of them that's give me some amalec put some more come on come on Brothers brother yes there we go God calls them the worst of the Heathen give me some more those are those hats we were reading about that come from Russia God calls them the wicked he called them strangers he called them robbers and verse 24 again Yuri wherefore I will bring the worst of the Heathen and they and they shall possess their houses I will also make the pop of the strong to cease and their holy places shall be defiled so now so now a Christian will say no this is talking about when Babylon came and took the land of Israel yes that is true wa remember the judgments of God are like a ring so now give me uh Psalms 1377 and 8 what what King David said now David didn't go through captivity but King David who was also a prophet saw visions of our captivity Psalms 137 all I want is verse 7 and 8 Yuri Psalms chap 137:7 remember oh Lord the children of Edom the children of who Edom Edom in the day of Jerusalem uhhuh who said race it race it even to the foundation thereof so Edom was with the Babylonians destroying our Temple defiling our land the [ __ ] assisted Babylon can y'all give me some images of Babylon give me the ones those the ones I put up that I gave you I want to say I didn't draw it but yes put them on the screen I gave you several so when Babylon came the [ __ ] assisted can you'all move to the next ones the [ __ ] assisted ancient Babylon ancient Babylon were htic they were Africans they were nyot pure blood nyos everybody understand that kushites everybody understand that was that it illust those the only images cuz I hate after class you go oh there was some images you didn't show ain't no images I didn't show images you didn't show I gave it to you so when Babylon burned down the temple Esau was there with them assisting Babylon now he's staying Frozen on this one picture that was it so one more time you read psalms 137 remember oh Lord the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem who said race it race it even to the foundation thereof oh daughter of Babylon now David calls Edom the daughter of what brothers the daughter of Babylon go ahead who art to be destroyed why it says who ought ought to be mean in the future their judgment is to be destroyed finish happy shall he be that reward thee as thou has served us what did they do to us read on Happy shall he be that taketh and dash thy little ones against the stone because that's what Edom did to us so now give me first ezras 4: 50 watch this let's see during the time of Babylon who took the land let's see if the kushites took the land verse ezis chapter 4 wait stop going so fast you know I'm slow and old come on first EZ Eis 4 and verse 50 this is the rubel talking and that all the country which they hold should be free without tribute and that the [ __ ] should give Over The Villages of the Jews which then they held so even back then the [ __ ] always wanted our land they took it from the time of Babylon so here during the time of Ezra which was what captivity Brothers Persian me rubel said give us back our land that the [ __ ] took the [ __ ] always wanted our land that's another way we know that the people today in our land are [ __ ] everybody with that watch this so there Yuri let's go from there give me go back to Ezekiel 7 and give me verse 24 again Ezekiel 7 verse 24 wherefore I will bring the worst of the Heathen stop God calls them the worst of the Heathen a Christian may be saying that's not what Jesus said really Jesus never called them the worst of the Heathen give me Matthew 24 and verse 15 for the Christian Liars out there let's see another word Christ called us Matthew CH 24 and verse 15 here come here come when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Dame the prophet stand in the Holy Place who so readeth let him understand Christ called them the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel give me Daniel 9:27 where did Danel Dan mention it there are many names the Bible calls them the Son of God also he call them many remember Christ said I come in the volume of the book Daniel 9:27 Daniel chapter 9: 27 watch this and he shall confirm the Covenant with many for one week Rome and in the stop Rome had a covenant with the Israelites for one week go ahead and in the midst of the week but in the midst of that week what happened he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease he stopped the sacrifices that we were giving go ahead and for the overspreading of Abominations and for the overspreading of what's that word Abominations one more time Abominations one more time Abominations go ahead he shall make it desolate he made the land of Israel desolate go ahead he shall make it desolate even unto the the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate so now back to Matthew 24:15 when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the Holy place so Christ called the white man Esau Edom the abomination of desolation Ezekiel called them the worst of the Heathen give me Micah 2 1 and 2 Micah Micah Micah Micah chapter 2 and verse one woe to them that divise iniquity and work evil upon their beds this white man devises iniquity and he works evil while he sleeps go ahead when the morning is light they practice it when the sun comes up they began to PR to practice the evil they thought about go ahead because it is in the power of their hand they have the technology Brothers they have the technology they have the Weaponry that's what it means because it is in the power of their hand go ahead and they covet Fields they'll covet fields and take them by violence take them by what by violence didn't Christ said the thief comes not but to steal to kill and destroy didn't David call them the violent man and read it again and they covered fields and take them by violence did it say they take it by voting by violence voting violence how did they take Australia by violence how did they get South Africa by violence how did they get America by violence how did they get Canada by violence how did they get Europe by violence how did they get the land of Israel by violence that's what the Bible says read it one more time and they covered fields and take them by violence and houses and take them away so they oppress a man and his house even a man and his Heritage can y'all give me the is the pictures of the Sun Times the Sun Times Chicago Daily Sun Times this is what happened 1948 its name is Israel us recognizes Jewish state next picture the Palestine post state of Israel is born mhm next picture they took the land they took our land go ahead look how evil these people look I want you and y'all looking for righteousness from these people have children you want to have children with these people you got to be kidding me let's go on back to e way boy Ezekiel chapter 7 Yuri what verse were we at verse 25 now let's read 24 one more again and get out thought back together Ezekiel 7:4 wherefore I will bring the worst of the Heathen and they shall possess their houses I will also make the pump of the strong to Cease the I will also make the pride of the strong to cease and their holy places shall be defiled watch this destruction cometh so Ezekiel said destruction cometh yes that happened during the time of Babylon but also happened during the time of the Greeks it also happened during the time of Rome read it again Destruction come guess what brothers even during this time destruction is coming go ahead and they shall seek peace up they shall seek peace and there shall be none there shall be none give me job 18:12 destruction is coming to the land of Israel they shall seek peace and there shall be no peace job he didn't know sons of sons of thunder do a song about that that's right read that job 18:12 job 18:2 his strength shall be hunger bitten his strength shall be hunger bitten and destruction shall be ready at his side destruction shall be ready at his side it shall Devour the strength of his skin uh-huh even the first born of Death Shall devour his strength the firstborn of death is Christ go Ahad his confidence shall be rooted out confidence shall be rooted out of his Tabernacle of his Tabernacle out of his kingdom and it shall bring him to the king of Terrors Christ is the king of Terror what verse is that Yuri verse 15 verse 15 real quick real quick give me job 21:30 job 21:30 that the wicked is reserved to the day of Destruction do y'all hear that that the wicked is reserved to the day of Destruction go ahead they shall be brought forth to the day of Wrath they shall be brought forth to the day of Wrath finish him give me uh Psalms 35 verse 8 Psalms chapter 35 and verse 8 let Destruction come upon him at unawares destruction is going to come upon him at unawares go ahead and let his net that he hath hid catch himself the traps that this white man set for us and other nations they going to fall into that own trap go ahead into that very destruction let him fall into that very destruction let him fall 1 Thessalonians 5 [Music] and3 1 Thessalonians 5 and verse3 for when they shall say peace and safety when the white man says peace and safety go ahead then sudden destruction ruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child sudden destruction is going to come when they think there's going to be peace on Earth the Lord say oh hold on there's going to be War destruction and Devastation let's go to uh Daniel 8:25 it's a little more on that b gohe what was the long pause for go ahead and they shall not Escape that was it cra go to Daniel 8:25 Daniel 8: 25 and through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand through his policies he shall cause craft to prosper in his hands he uses his technology he uses his political devices read it again and through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand go ahead and he shall magnify himself in his heart he magnifies himself in his heart as the Jews as the people of God go ahead and by peace and by peace shall destroy many shall destroy many he shall also stand up against the prince of princes against Christ but he shall be broken without hand he shall be broken without hand what I want y'all to see out of that it says by peace they shall destroy many they told the the the Palestinians run south and you'll be safe there that's the people of Gaza took their wives and children newborn babies and ran South and got bombed to hell don't be shocked don't be surprised and never ever trust your enemies right B then the white man say oh it's Hamas for he using you as a human shield right it's like 500 of Hamas exactly exactly uh officer Yuri let's go back to Ezekiel 7 Ezekiel 7:25 destruction cometh and they shall seek peace and there shall be none Mischief shall come upon mischief and rumor shall be upon rumor then shall they seek a vision of the Prophet but the law Shall Perish from the priests and counsel from the Ancients give me Isaiah 47 and 11 so during the time of Babylon ancient Babylon people our people sought a vision from the prophet and the priest but it was not there because why those prophets and Priests lied and lied and lied read that Isaiah 4711 Isaiah 47:1 therefore shall evil come upon thee Thou shalt not know from whence it riseth evil is going to come upon this white man in our land just as It Came Upon Us it's going to come upon them too read it again y therefore shall evil come upon them Thou shalt not know from whence it riseth and Mischief shall fall upon thee Mischief upon Mischief go ahead Thou shalt not be able to put it on they're not going to be able to stop it go ahead and desolation shall come upon thee suddenly which Thou shalt not know watch this watch this read stand now with thine enchantment God is telling the wicked stand with your witches your enchantments go ahead and with the multitude of thy sorceries wherein thou has labored from thy youth since the white man was young they always labored and worked with enchantments and sorceries go ahead if so be thou shalt be able to profit if so be thou mayest Prevail read Thou Art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels let now the astrologers the stargazers the monthly prognosticators stand up God has letting us know they work with witches go ahead and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee come on behold they shall be as stubble they're going to get burnt up not only in America but in the land of Israel too go ahead the fire shall burn them they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame that's destruction go ahead there shall not be a cold to warm at nor fire to sit before it now let's go back to Ezekiel 7 what verse we at verse 26 again yes sir Mischief shall come upon mischief and rumor shall be upon rumor then shall they seek a vision of the Prophet but the law Shall Perish from the priest and counsel from the Ancients and so now what do they have over there those [ __ ] have what stargazers uh monthly prognosticators those things witches and warlocks Sorcerers go ahead verse 27 the king shall mourn and the prince shall be clothed with desolation so you might ask yourself hey during the time of Christ they didn't have a king we didn't have a king king of our people but when we think about this when they said when pilate was it pilate or Herod pilate said shall we crucify your king what did the Israelites respond and say we have no King but Caesar damn we said the white man is our King so yes the judgments that we're reading it happened during the time of Babylon it happened during the time of Rome and guess what is going to happen during this time period read again the king shall mourn and the prince shall be clothed with desolation and the hands of the people of the land shall be troubl I will do unto them after their way and according to the desert will I judge them and they shall know that I am the Lord Zephaniah 1 let's go to Zephaniah now pay close attention Zephaniah chapter 1 and let's start and verse one Zephaniah 1 verse1 the word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah the son of Kushi the son of kushy let's look that word up kushy read that Alisha the word kushy or Hebrew pronunciation Kushi collo Kushi is generally used in the Hebrew Bible to refer to a dark skinned person of African descent now we know Zephaniah was not African he was a Hebrew of the children of Israel that's right that's letting you know he was what brothers black read it again the the word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah the son of Kushi the son of galiah the son of amariah the son of Hezekiah in the days of Josiah the son of Aon king of Judah so Zephaniah lived during the time of the Kings he was prophesying events to come I'm going say it again he lived during the time of the Kings okay before Babylon he was prophesying of things to come during the time of Babylon yes um Persia media yes Greece yes Rome yes America yes let's read on verse two I will utterly consume all things from off the land sayith the Lord wait a minute the land is the land of Israel I will utterly consume all all things from off the land sayith the Lord that means everything's going to be destroyed in the land of Israel that has not happened yet let's read on I will consume man and Beast I will consume the fouls of the Heaven and the fishes of the Sea and the stumbling blocks with the wicked and I cut off man from off the land sayith the Lord M so destruction came during the time of Babylon but man was was not consumed off the land during the time of Persian media man was not consumed from off the land okay uh remember during the time of Babylon they kept the poor in the land the poorest of the people stayed in the land during the time of GRE the Greeks and the Romans letting you know they remember said job 11:6 we read it earlier that we might know wisdom that they are what doubl to that which is written let's read on verse four I will also stretch out my hand upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem you might say hey wait a minute judah's not in the land today what y'all talking about put on the screen who told you our people are not in Jerusalem today did you go with me yes sir we were in Jerusalem our people are there give me the next image I don't know what y'all talking about our people are in Jerusalem that's right that's right there's many articles on it give me the next picture we're not there ruling Oh I thought this article was funny can you blow it up big almost forgot about this article I want to see the top who wrote it okay read this Yuri The Times of Israel who are the black Hebrews the group linked to Jersey City shooter now the reason I thought this was strange because I thought they only said that us here in in America did that L right we're linked to the Jersey shooting they linked the Jersey shooting all the way to our people in the land of Israel huh you can't make this stuff up when this white man lies he will lie that's why God calls them the what of the Heathen the worst of the Heathen read that go some of them haven't been to Jersey since 1960 exactly or 64 rather exactly read that Yuri Community claims to be descended from the biblical Israelites and practice certain Jewish rituals Southern Poverty Law Center classifies some as a hate group oh see that raise it up that's how that's our people in Demona Israel read it raise it up raise it up and read that black Hebrews from Demona seen celebrating the giving of the Harvest on shat now we've met our brothers and sisters in Demona when I tell you they are pastor they are passive not only physically I mean s and fight I ain't talking about that when it comes to teaching the Bible they are passive those are Palestinians take that off that's Palestinians those are afro Palestinian but that's how people too I'm talking about this group uh if you can find the people of uh you can find some images of benami people and Demona they are spiritually passive they are fearfully passive Dam they are shockingly passive we were like what the hell is going on here the hell is this there were meetings of the Ethiopian blacks better Israel where to migrant Israelites that came from Sudan and various other places they were all they had a huge meeting we wanted to go we didn't have a cardo we needed our brothers in Demona to help us get there they refused they said no when oh you were there too ar ar they wouldn't they said no we wanted to right say it again they wouldn't they didn't return our calls no nothing they just went ghosts for the entire day you don't find that suspicious exactly so when we say they're passive they have no threat to nobody so we was I'm shocked when I'm reading the article I'm like they're linked to a the Jersey shooting are you for real those guys the hell is this no no no no put on the screen those are the women you ain't got no brothers he in the back oh one one brother in the back can you find some men bro please come on bro nobody finds women threatening they put women on the screen hey and if you notice you see Tik Tok videos Instagram videos with our sisters in Demona in their um IDF military uniform talking crap about yeah we killing Palace the same way they they played the video of the Israeli girls talking mess about the Palestinians some of our sisters are over there doing the same thing yes and I'll speak on that just put it on screen what you had when they put our people in the IDF they make if they don't say what they want them to say they get kicked out the land that's the stipulation that's why I'm shocked that our people want to live there they get kicked out the land that's the old picture but go ahead put it up that's very old I don't know if y y'all don't have any recent ones that 2006 I don't know when that one was oh go back to the article since y'all can't find any recent pictures go back to the article article yes let's read the um statement watch how evil these white people are read that police have identified one of the Dead suspects in a shootout at a kosher market in Jersey City as David Anderson who reportedly was once a member of the Black Hebrew Israelites that's a lie it's a lie it's a lie how do I know it's a lie guess what the FBI did pay a visit to me I happen to know some of the officers on that case so they said hey Israel we heard you're one of these Israelites I said I'm an Israelite come on by hey Chuck come on by we ain't got nothing to hide hey we heard that there's a we know that there's a shooting that are now and our our our uh uh they didn't say bosses our lieutenants whatever forgot the word I got it on video Superior I got it all on video when people come in my house everything's videotaped everything so in case the ADL wants to say that I'm a liar I will show the video and put them on blast I'm waiting Jonathan I'm waiting for you you Lyon son of you know you know you know anyway I said let me see the photos if you don't mind the photos not only did they have no fringes they didn't even have uh yamakas on they were dressed like Muslims though I said wait a minute these are Muslims and they go yeah that's what we thought too but our bosses wanted I'm like man and a woman these are Muslims where was it at Jersey City I said that Community is it an Israelite community no what kind of community ities Muslim I said come on man what the hell are you talking about the hell is this all right Harry time to go time to go time to go the hell is this so go back to the images you can put it on the screen yeah that's a recent that's a more recent one of uh passive brothers and sisters we love y'all we do love y'all give me go back to the images I gave you the now the Ethiopian bed Israel is more more rough than our people from deona right give me the next image this is all in Jerusalem now all in the land of Israel next image that was it okay let's go back to Zephaniah where we were at what verse were we at sir verse four sir goad Zephaniah chapter 1 verse4 I will also stretch out my hand upon Judah and upon all the inhab habitants of Jerusalem and I will cut off the remnant of Bal from this place in the name of the chims with the priest now that word chims as I was doing my four chapters today I said H what is this word chims so I had to look it up put it on the screen read that chimmer those who go about in Black damn go ahead in Aesthetics in the Hebrew applied to the of the worship of false gods so now I had another dictionary I said I got to look into this just a little more give me the next dictionary page zoom in all I want is the highlighted areas just to get to the point read the top shimm jump down in neoh Hebrew designates a Catholic priest and monk designates a Catholic priest or monk go ahead Kimmy Right started usually I want to start there yes sir usually it is associated with the verb Kamar to be black Kimmy among others is of this opinion and derives the meaning priest from the circumstance that the priests wore black garments so I'm sitting there and I'm like not only do the Catholic priests wear black who else wears black give me the images give me the images Alicia you killing the moment let's go look at this they wear black they are camaran too it again read it again and show the images as he's reading it I will cut off the REM of Beal from this place and the name of the chims with the priests with the priest with the priest keep play keep showing images now you get to the Catholic priest y'all see him in the back go ahead give me some more they all got black on back there come on give me some more they all got black on it's talking about them that's right these so-called Jewish people and Catholic priests that's right now wait a minute let's go back to the dictionary stop go back to the dictionary there's another part at the bottom of this so it said the priest War black garments ra raise it up there's more watch this there's more in the chams I want y'all to see this part right here read this the old citic Idols were without exception worshiped by intemperate sexual excesses the hot exciting man was the priest so these priests were hot exciting men so I was kind of confused so I saw the video I said let me look at the video give me the video when these guys pray play play play the video do y'all see what they do it's called doing they make sexual thrust with their hips hot exciting men this is what they do humping Sensations wow you can't make this stuff up brothers and sisters that's the chams what are you going to say if not them then who right if not them then who Damn who's in the land of Israel wearing all black that's hot and exciting when they pray that's them hump in the wall y'all get mad at me if you want online I know some of y'all mad but I'm telling you the truth and nothing but the whole truth so help me God back to Zephaniah read it again Zephaniah 1:4 I will also stretch out my hand upon Judah and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem and I will cut off the remnant of be from this place and the name of the chims with the priests and them that worship the host of Heaven upon the housetops and them that worship and that swear by the Lord and that swear by m Cham so I didn't know in M Cham I look that one up give me Mal Cham Mal Cham read that M Cham was a reference to Mo who was the God of Pleasure the God of Pleasure they be doing and put me on the screen they be doing when they praying talking about oh put me on the screen nobody can see what I'm doing I'm talking crazy put me picture in they be on there hard do what the hell is going on here they got one pump two pumps three pumps the hell is this and they be grinding ah you can't make this stuff who prays like that the hell is this moak is the God of Pleasure you're nasty some ofama where we at Yuri verse six and them that are turned back from the Lord oh that's now this is our people and them that turn back from the Lord God and those that have not sought the Lord nor inquired for him put it on the screen put it on the screen now you might ask how have they turned back from the lord they're not following what the Bible says they're following our people from beta Israel our people people the migrants they are following the talmud with these yamakas on with the Israeli flag they are not following the Hebrew text give me the next picture this is that one in the red that was um benami he has died died okay and I met benami before he passed away there's a lot I can tell you but I'm going save it for another day give me the next picture this is them oh right there the brother in the blue and with the on the right the glasses lightskinned that's the brother that's over over Israel today right the brother with nothing on his head right there that's who we met he's the leader of our people in Demona when I say passive I mean you he make you like you David and Goliath this guy is passive he won't kill a bug he took us remember he dropped us off after whing roll and ran he got the hell out of Dodge he wanted no smoke nothing he didn't want no parts of Camp either right in Camp he was gone when I say passive I say hell is wrong with these guys Ben on me I can say was more a little more aggressive he confronted uh Ariel shiron andam this guy this brother now he will not confront Netanyahu at all damn not at all and I love the brother I'm not saying this out of hate or spite I'm just letting youall know in case some of you women you know the single women I go ahead have fun you going to be second wife number third wife four wife and when they finish with you you get kicked to the curb remember we went who it was me you AR you was there I forgot you was with us they were like y'all want her she she been married and divorced two three times they said you can have her we were like what the hell's going on yeah hell no we said we didn't come here for that ruane was with us from Arizona they said you can have this sister she's free now like her husband oh he didn't want it no more we what the hell is going on here huh you women were passed around are passed around like Skittles so go move over there if you want have fun nobody can hear you didn't you say you get beat in the basement oh yes for infractions tell them about the basement they call us a call are you kidding me yes if you from this and this is from their own uh mouths if if there's some committed that they disagree with all we saw was the door it was like the door of no return we just saw this dark dismal pathway like what's this they took a deep breath they said that's the place where they beat you with sticks if there's something that they disagree with you doing it's like a it's like a punishment chamber might be some leather mask and Z mouths down there you see how some many sisters be committing adultery or fornication y'all would get beat by them we don't beat you all we can say is get out but if you choose to go over there and continue with your adulterous lying we go ahead sister exp an ass who expect an ass whooping like you never got cuz you going to get it Jesus they don't believe in Jesus there ain't no Jesus here booty meat you going to have some sore booty meat exactly shut your black ass lips hey was it ruane who said his father got beat ruane from uh Arizona told us his daddy got whooped down there he said he had to get the hell out of there he with us now oh praises to the Lord I said I don't know how you going to go through with that stuff woo an ass whooping and literally and they call us a c we ain't no C you get your ass whooped yeah you 40 years old getting your ass but you're behind whooped out there the hell is this tied down like a [ __ ] remember uh what that movie by Quint Tarantino P fiction PP Fiction with VRA got tied up in the basement hadit that red ball in his mouth butt naked hey if y'all can find a picture that find him Bing RS yeah just show me your image don't put the video up yeah go ahead go ahead third the third one I want yeah come where's the ball in his mouth come on brother how you doing this you got the red ball in your mouth B over he played with Bruce Willis they was tied up in the basement with a ball in their mouth hey I don't know if there's one with him with no clothes on but you can show his back is there one with with his shirt off cuz they whooped the hell out well then more than that it wasn't a whooping you right anyway where we at you before I get lost in in Zephaniah 1 and verse six go ahead and then did we finish the pictures did we finish the pictures of Demona put it on the screen so put on the screen so when we tell you our people are in Jerusalem we are we're serious they are there okay this is beta Israel they follow the talmud they follow they also have an Ethiopian Bible also some of them so we definitely we tried to reach them we have UIC diaspora we're trying to reach them okay shout out to Captain Joel captain galiah and you Brothers Captain Joel you die are you helping them now Captain get uh ABBA is helping we are trying our best and we're reaching our people that's right so officer Yuri where we at again I'm sorry Zephaniah 1:6 wait wait wait wait wait oh oh but hey give send it to Yuri not Yuri send it to Alicia Ze hold on wait a minute see we came with receipts thank you hey Yuri I mean Elicia I'm sorry did Captain zeff send you the picture all right I'll send it you got it now okay put on the screen this was us in Israel I forgot Zephaniah was there uh uh officer jaham was therea Deacon Isaac hananiah oh there you are there you all right there C so when we said we was in the land we were there so we ain't bearing false witness we were there we got receipts that's right now in the documentary there was some things we did not put where we at OB y I'm sorry Zephaniah chapter 1 and verse 6 verse 6 and them that are turned back from the Lord and those that have not sought the Lord so verse six is going into our people read it again I'm sorry and them that are turned back from the Lord and those that have not sought the Lord nor inquired for him nor inquired for him go ahead hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God now notice this this is why I'm saying like we read earlier how the scriptures are doubled to that is which is written the average Christian will read this and say this is only talking about ancient Babylon coming against Israel look at verse seven hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God for the day of the Lord is at hand wait a minute wait I want YY to look at the wording that was not the day of the Lord when Nebuchadnezzar came the Lord Christ did not come when Babylon came read it again verse 7 look at the wording hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God for the day of the Lord is at hand for the Lord had prepared a sacrifice he had bid his guest so now I want youall to highlight a sacrifice he had bid his guest that's written in Isaiah 34 let's get that Isaiah 34 wait a minute wait a minute I'm going to show y'all something I'm going to show y'all something uh let's start up around is it verse six I want you shooting from the hips I do that too five and six sir Isaiah 34 let's start at verse 5 yes sir Isaiah 34:5 now remember we're discussing when it says uh in Zephaniah 1:7 it said the Lord ha prepared a sacrifice Heath bid his guest that's what we're looking for Isaiah 34:5 Isaiah 34:5 for my sword shall be bathed in heaven behold it shall come down upon idia and upon the people of my curse who's Adia Brothers Edom the so-called white man watch this go ahead and upon the people of my curse to judgment come on the sword of the Lord is filled with blood it is made fat with fatness and with the blood of lambs and goats with the fat of the kidneys of Rams for the Lord ha a sacrificed a what a sacrifice huh in Basra wait wait wait in bazra can you put bosra up on the screen that's right bazra is right there in the land of Israel y'all see that right there zoom in I know some of our people got bad eyesight y'all see Israel you see Boer right there read that again verse six the sword of the Lord is filled with blood it is made fat fat with fatness and with the blood of lands and goats with the fat of kidneys of rain for the Lord ha a sacrifice in Basra and a great Slaughter in the land of idia come on and the unicorns shall come down with them and the Bullocks with the bulls and their land shall be soaked with blood and their dust made fat with fatness for it is the day of the Lord's Vengeance in the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion so now you might ask let's I wanted I should have started at verse one start at verse one come near ye nations come near ye nations go ahead to hear and hearken ye people let the Earth hear and all that is therein I want y'all to underline put in your notes even Nations the Nations ye nations so now when we read verse six watch this the sword of the Lord is filled with blood it is made fat with fatness and with the blood of lambs and goats what is he calling the nations in verse six the blood of lambs and of goats go ahead with the fat of the kidneys of Rams Rams he's talking about the Nations go ahead for the Lord had a sacrifice in bazra uhhuh and a great Slaughter in the land of idia so these are all symbolizing the people of idia read on and the unicorns the unicorns of the rhinoceros he's calling that's another name for what the Nations go ahead shall come down with them uhhuh and the Bullocks now he calls them Bullocks go ahead with the bulls with the bulls and their land shall be soaked with blood and the land shall be soaked with blood and their dust made fat with fatness why for it is the day of the Lord's Vengeance he's going to get Vengeance on all the nations go ahead in the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion so what I want you all to see in Isaiah 34 God is calling the Nations other names he's called idia then he gives them animal names for a sacrifice let's go on back now let's go on back now what verse we at Yuri Zephaniah 1:7 hold thy peace wait wait wait wait wait wait go ahead go I'm sorry hold thy peace at the presence of wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah yeah verse seven I'm sorry hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God for the day of the Lord is at hand for the Lord have prepared a sacrifice he ha bid his guest he bid his guest go ahead and it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice that I will punish the princes and the King's children and all such as are clothed with strange app perel now Brothers now we can understand we often use this for when sisters wear pants which is fine however now we know what it's really talk put it back on the screen give me idia what it's talking about give me kimam give me kimam with the priests I need y'all to stay with us come on come on give me the other ones now we know what it's talking about in his actual context give me I do come on y'all yes this what it's going here we go this is actually the strange apparel okay all Praises that's right now I'm not saying we can't use that for these women right right right going to use that for these women that's but now we know we can use it for the white man too where we at verse eight read it again and it shall come to pass in the day of the Lord's sacrifice that I will punish the princes and the King's children in all such as are clothed with strange Apparel in the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold which fill their Master's houses with violence and so now the Masters the Master's houses give me Matthew 15:27 who are the Masters that fill their Master's houses with what was that word violence Matthew 15:27 Matthew 15: 27 and she said truth Lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table so who were the Masters Brothers the Israelites so give me uh uh Matthew 11 and 12 Matthew chap 11 and verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence see that the Kingdom of Heaven suffer violence he's talking about the Israelites nobody was jumping up into the skies in heaven and fighting with the father he ain't talking about that read it again and from the days of John the Baptist until now uhhuh the kingdom of heaven the Israelites suffereth violence go ahead and the violent take it by force who took the land of Israel Brothers right Rome amalec the white man all if we all on the same page sir let's go on back to Zephaniah 1 and N Zephaniah 1 verse 9 in the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold which fill their Master's house with violence and deceit so all those that jump on our lands our threshold our houses okay with violence and deceit is the white man read on and it shall come to pass in that day sayeth the Lord that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate and an howling from the second and a great crashing from the hills uhuh how ye inhabitants of mesh how ye inhabitants of mesh put that on the screen mesh read that Yuri m Tesh the mortar a quarter of Jerusalem so named it is opposed on account of the configuration of the ground and associated with the fish gate so now mesh means the mortar when you have mortar you mixing y I'm not a carpent or whatever sand cement and water you're mixing it together there's a mix of people there in the land everybody with me so far let's go back to verse 11 how ye inhabited of mesh for all the merchant people are cut down all they that bear silver are cut off there's a lot of businesses going on in the land go ahead and it shall come to pass remember we were in Jerusalem we went through Jerusalem uh yes I forgot what they called it help me it was it was the four quarters so we walked through past the four quarters and it was nothing but vendors selling right that's all it was exactly read that again verse 11 how how ye inhabitants of mesh for all the merchant people are cut down all they that bear silver are cut off read and it shall come to pass at that time that I will search Jerusalem with candles I will search Jerusalem with candles remember Jerusalem is the people first and foremost so our people there and guess what our people here he's going God is searching us searching our hearts read it again and it shall come to pass at that time that I will search Jerusalem with candles and punish the men that are settled on their leaves that say in their heart the Lord will not do good neither will he do evil some of our people here and there have the mentality the Lord ain't going to do nothing he's just sitting back relaxed and he's not going to do anything read therefore their goods shall become a booty see that therefore their goods shall become a booty go ahead and their houses a desolation they shall also build houses but not inhabit them and they shall plant Vineyards but not drink the wine thereof now I know what you're thinking but that happened in the past in Deuteronomy 20 read Deuteronomy 28:30 watch this Deuteronomy 28:30 Deuteronomy CH 28:30 Thou shalt betroll th wife and another man shall lie with her okay thou shall build an house and thou shalt not dwell therein mhm thou shallal plant a Vineyard and shall not gather the grapes thereof now go back to Zephaniah 1113 that we just read therefore their good shall become a booty and their houses a desolation they shall also build houses but not inhabit them and they shall plant Vineyards but not drink the wine thereof now you might think it ended there but no give me second Ezra 16 we're going to read 40- 47 prophetic for every captivity including this one second ezas chap 16 and verse 40 oh my people hear my word make you ready to the battle even in those evils be even as pilgrims upon the Earth brothers sisters be as pilgrims on the Earth but the main part it says make you ready for the battle read he that sth let him be as he that fleeth away M and he that buth as one that will lose M he that occupi merchandise as he that have no Propet by it and he that buth as he that shall not dwell therein stop jump over to get to the point verse 70 verse 70 for there shall be in every place and in the next cities a great Insurrection upon those that fear the lord they shall be like Mad Men sparing none but still spoiling and destroying those that fear the lord that's going to come upon us soon go ahead for they shall waste and take away their goods and cast them out of their houses yall see this what we're reading go ahead then shall they be known who are My Chosen and they shall be tried as the gold in the fire what I want y'all to see we're going to be cast some of us will be cast out of our houses it says they shall waste and take away their goods now you might ask how we just started at the beginning of the lesson I showed you T-Mobile and all of the Carri carriers they implementing certain fines for the type of speech you carry this is how we're going to begin to lose what we have I'm tell all I could do is warn y'all go back to Zephaniah 13 again Zephaniah 1:3 therefore their good shall become a booty and their house is a desolation they shall also build houses but not inhabit them and they shall plant Vineyards but not drink the wine thereof so just as it happened in the past during the time of Babylon it happened in every captivity even to today is going to happen read verse 14 the great day of the Lord is near see it's the great day of the Lord is near go ahead it is near it is near brothers and sisters go ahead and hasteth greatly go ahead even the voice of the day of the Lord the mighty man shall cry there bitterly uhoh goad that day is a day of WRA this has not happened yet that's why I'm showing you these things are prophetic yes many of the things occurred in the past but some of them are prophetic as you keep reading as we're reading they have not occurred yet go ahead that day that day is a day of Wrath put it on the screen y'all can put them on the screen go ahead a day of trouble and distress uhhuh a day of Wast and desolation a day of darkness and gloominess a day of clouds and thick Darkness so right there right there right there read a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fence cities and against the high Towers so back in the day you know a trumpet represented what a warning of danger is coming that's what the trumpet represented give me Isaiah 581 Isaiah Chapter 58 and verse one cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet like a what like a trumpet lift up your voice like a trumpet that's to you teachers out there was that it Yuri and show my people their transgressions show the Israelites their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins and the house of Jacob their sins let's go back Zephaniah 1:1 16 a day of the trumpet an alarm against the th cities and against the high Towers so now the teachers you teachers give me the dictionary please I want the dictionary nope that's not a dictionary biblical and theology right there put on the screen read that a Biblical and Theological dictionary what year was this printed 1857 1857 let's go into the first highlighted section so in 1857 this is what the scholars wrote about to Israel where were we in 1857 slavery read this this is about the Israelites some of them opened schools or houses of instruction some of the Israelites opened schools so what we're doing now our forefathers did it in the past read it again some of them opened schools or houses of instruction come on and there to their disciples they taught the pure religion of Moses we're teaching you the laws statutes Commandments go ahead at na in the suburbs of Rama there was one where Sam Samuel dwelt and there was one at Jericho and a third at Bethel to which Elijah and Elisha often resorted thither that's how Elijah knew Elisha from the schools of learning go ahead that's why he was able to walk up to Alicia and say follow me go ahead thither the people went on Sabbath days and at New Moon that's why we call y'all in here so this ain't nothing new some of Y think we made this up people online going you [ __ ] made this so we didn't make it up go ahead and receive public lessons of piety and morality we try to teach you brothers and sisters right we try go ahead 1st Samuel 298 2 Kings 2 25 and 4 2 and 3 through all this period however there was a dismal confusion of the useful ordinance of public preaching so there was a confusion of useful ordinance of public preaching raise it up read that and at other Seasons again itinerant both princes priests and Levites were sent through all the country to carry the book of the law and to teach in the cities so that's what we tell you Brothers get ready prepare yourselves as it was in the past it is today your job is to be sent throughout the cities into various countries and teach read this many of the discourses were preached in camps in what in camps I thought camps was an evil thing there are people online that say camps are evil right that's biblical what are y'all talking about read again many of the discourses were preached in camps and courts in streets schools cities Villages sometimes with great composure and coolness some brothers teach with great composure and coolness go ahead at other times with vehement action and rapturous energy so and other times with vehement action and rapturous energy get some life in you Brothers when you teach save them with fear Ah that's right sometimes in a plain blunt style right now we those are three different types of teaching we all got to learn to teach we're all saying the same thing but there's three different styles different styles go ahead at other times in all the Magnificent pop of Eastern allegory on some occasions the preachers appeared in public with visible signs do we carry signs when we go to camp we carry signs when we go to camp we didn't make this up this was written in the 1800s go ahead with Implements of war uhhuh with yolks of slavery or something adapted to their subject that's right they gave lectures on these held them up to view held the signs up to view go ahead guarded them on broke them in pieces rent their garments rolled in the dust and endeavored by all give me the next one raise it up by all the methods they could devise agreeably to the customs of their country to impress the minds of their Auditors with the nature and importance of their Doctrine so we ain't making nothing up that's right hey bishop that from reading that right there it sounded like every time the prophets went out there and talk they T like that might be their last time ever to teach their people they didn't hold back at all they weren't scared they weren scared at all they didn't hold back it's the same way we got to be cuz in these last days we never know it may be our last time and if it is our last time we going to make it remal so memorable so when we get before the Lord he going to say job well done sir your has rolled on the ground that's what we got to do Brothers off you give me Jeremiah 50 in verse 45 Jeremiah 50: 45 therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord that he have taken against Babylon and his purposes that he have purposed against the land of the Chans surely the least of the flock shall draw them out the least of the flock Brothers is Israel the land of Israel that is the least of the flock when you look at all the Edomite countries Israel is one of the smallest okay okay read it again therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord that he ha taken against Babylon and his purposes that he have purposed against the land of the Chans surely the least of the flock shall draw them out surely he shall make their habitation desolate with them he shall make their habitation desolate with them the them it's talking about America and the land of Israel give me that in Jeremiah I mean Joel two about drawing them out Joel 2 and 20 Joel chapter 2:20 but I will remove far off from you the northern Army and I will drive the northern Army is the armies of North America the northern Army are the armies of North America read it again but I will remove far off from you the northern Army and will drive him into a land Barren and and desolate uhhuh with his face toward the East sea the East sea is the Dead Sea and his hinder part toward the utmost sea that's the Mediterranean Sea and his stink shall come up and his ill Savor shall come up because he have done great things have can we show a map of the land of Israel I want a map no that's can okay put that on the screen y'all see the Mediterranean Sea on the left and the Dead Sea is right there on the right next to Jordan right there so that whole section God is telling you that's the area where Armageddon what we call today World War 3 is going to happen read it again verse 20 and keep the map on the screen but I will remove y see next to the blue it says Dead Sea put the Highlight this so we can see it Dead Sea read again verse 20 but I will remove far off from you the northern Army and will drive him into a land Barren and desolate because the land is baren today go ahead with his face toward the East sea M that's the Dead Sea and his hinder part toward the utmost sea that's the Mediterranean and his stink shall come up and his ill saver shall come up there's going to be a lot of death there go ahead because he have done great things that's right let's go on back now let's go on back to Jeremiah 50 what verse you was that eruri 40 I gota go look at cuz I forgot Jeremiah 50 verse 45 uhhuh therefore hear ye the counsel of the Lord that he have taken against Babylon and his purposes that he have purpose so Babylon here is the northern armies they northern armies cor that's right and his purposes that he ha purposed against the land of the Chans America go ahead surely the least of the flock shall draw them out that's the land of Israel go ahead surely he shall make the habitation desolate with them he's going to make America desolate and the land of Israel go ahead at the noise of the taking of Babylon at the noise of the taking of Babylon the Earth is moved the earth going to be moved go ahead and the cry is heard among the Nations and the cry shall be heard among the Nations give me chapter 51 and verse 1 Jeremiah 51 verse one cuz he goes on go ahead thus sayeth the Lord behold I will raise up against Babylon and against them that dwell in the midst of them that rise up against me a destroying wind so the Lord's going to raise up Nations a destroying wind go ahead and will send unto Babylon fanners that shall fan her hey can you find me a picture of a fan you know what I'm an ancient fan a fanner I don't want a negro with a fan for uh Macy's a fanner no come on no stop no God help me uh no no God they don't know what they doing uh put in fanner of Fire Lord no you got no no Ancient Ancient Oho Lord no no no no damn no not shopping shpp Ancient fanner Ancient fan right there okay put it on the screen oh it's a little better put it on the screen a fan is an instrument you use to blow wind on when you got a little flame you blow it you pull the ends and it makes the fire rise everybody understand that oh Lord Lord Jesus help me go back Jeremiah 51:2 and will send unto Babylon fanners that shall fan her so Nations will come that will make the fire hotter and hotter here meaning the destruction is talking about go ahead and shall empty her land this land is going to be destroyed go ahead for in the day of trouble they shall be against her roundabout the nation is going to be round about her go ahead against him that bendeth let the Archer Bend his bow and against him that lifted himself up in his brigandine and spare ye not her young men an instrument of War go ahead War engine go ahead destroy ye utterly all her host so God's judgment is to destroy everybody here go ahead thus the slain shall fall in the land of the Chans and they that are thrust through in her streets for Israel hath not been forsaken nor Judah of his god of the Lord of hosts I want y'all to see that verse five read it again for Israel have not been forsaken it might look like God has forsaken us people will look and say God ain't with that people the Lord if they were the people of God they ain't today look at them look how they act but it says read it again for Israel have not been forsaken we ain't been forsaken go ahead nor Judah of his godhead of the Lord of hosts though their land was filled with sin against though though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel watch this flee out of the midst of Babylon believe Brothers go ahead and deliver every man his soul do what deliver every man his soul so this ain't a physical leave cuz where you going to go what country can you go to that the destruction will not hit M says the whole earth will be moved at God's presence so verse six again flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul go ahead be not cut off in her iniquity why for this is the time of the Lord's Vengeance he will Render unto her a recompense this is saying the same exact thing as Revelation 18 verse4 get that we coming right back here though Revelation 18:4 and I heard another voice from Heaven saying come out of her my people come out of Babylon my people go ahead that ye be not partakers of her sins do not be partakers of the sins here in Babylon go ahead and that you receive not of her plagues and that you don't receive of the destruction that's coming was that it Yuri yes sir go back to Jeremiah 51 and six again flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul deliver every man his what his soul his what his soul go ahead be not cut off in her iniquity now we want to explain some of the the iniquities our people are cut off with this Sunday not only is the Sunday worship you at home you believe that Sunday give me that Matthew 12:8 Matthew 12:8 for the son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day so Christ is Lord of the Sabbath day now what day is that give me to Exodus 20 or you can get Leviticus 23 whichever float your boat Exodus chapter 20 and verse 8 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou labor and do all thy Works six days shall you labor L's let me see Sunday M wait give Mee Matthew 28 And1 hold that write this down Matthew 28 And1 Matthew chap 28 verse1 in the end of the Sabbath in the end of the Sabbath as it begin to Dawn toward the first day of the week as it began to Dawn toward the first day of the week we call that day what brothers Sunday go back to Leviticus I mean Exodus 20 Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days sh thy labor stop so if the first day is Sunday second day Monday third day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday is the seventh day Matthew 12 and8 again did you finish Exodus I'm sorry I'm all over the place verse 9 where you at verse 10 where you at Exodus 20: 10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God seventh day is the Sabbath so now Matthew 12 and 8 one more again Matthew chapter 12 verse 8 for the son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day so why this confusion about whether or not the first day of the week of the Sabbath is beyond me you just eat evil talking to you at home you just evil now watch this what other iniquities are we guilty of not only are some of our people going to worship this Sunday they're going to celebrate something called New Year's Eve New Year's Eve they say that that is the beginning of the new year give me Deuteronomy 16 And1 write these down Deuteronomy chap chap 16:1 observe the month of abib and keep the Passover unto the Lord thy God for in the month of abib the Lord thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night so what month are we talking about in verse one here Brothers AB it means ear of corn let's go to Exodus 23 Exodus 12 I'm sorry Exodus 12 and I want verse two Exodus 12 and 2 Exodus 12 and verse 2 this month shall be unto you the beginning of months it shall be the first month of the year to you now what what is it give me verse 11 to seal it so we know what month this talking about verse 11 and thus shall you eat it with your loins GED your shoes on your feet and your staff in your hand and you shall eat it in haste it is the Lord's power Passover so the month of of a bib is when the Passover comes that is the month that's the beginning of the month the word month comes what from what word brotherson it's the beginning of the moon so read it again verse two this month this moon shall be unto you the beginning of months it shall be the beginning of months go the moons go Ahad it shall be the first moon it shall be the first moon of the Year to you put that on the screen zoom in at the top the scholars know can you see that Yuri yes sir read that Hebrew calendars biblical order civil order no read the well yeah read the what we're talking about Hebrew month Hebrew month Nissan Nissan was the Babylonian name it wasn't the name God gave it read under it AB uhhuh a go ahead Exodus 13:4 Esther 3 and 7 when does it come according to the Gregorian calendar March April so the new moon that comes at the end of March when you count your 14 days and at the end of the 14 days is the 15th is what holiday Passover that would fall in April that's how it works and that was go ahead Yuri I'm sorry barley barley Harvest Feast Passover unleavened bread first fruits so us know that the month of bib is between March and April the end of March to the beginning of April so what y'all celebrating this Sunday is beyond me a bib means ear of corn or literally spring season you got this white man in Christianity telling you it's the dead of winter what you gonna say C you were going to say so ask who the hell that [ __ ] Janice then exactly exactly Leviticus 235 Leviticus 23:5 in the fourth day of the first month at even is the Lord's Passover and on the 15th day of the same month is the Feast of unleavened bread unto the Lord that's right seven days he must eat unleavened bread so that's the beginning of the year for us Christians ain't figured that out they got a Bible but will not read it now we went here because God commanded us not to be cut off in the iniquities of Babylon right it said the same thing in Revelation 18 and4 right what other iniquities are we cut off and give me the next give me it's a Instagram video Alicia stay with me pay attention yep put it on the screen read Deuteronomy 22 and5 please you can yep Deuteronomy 22:5 the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are Abomination unto the Lord thy God so they got this big giant brother Stefon Diggs wearing a dress to influence the rest of the young black men to do the same damn y don't find suspicious they get all the entertainers that our people love and look up to especially the black men they say we got to feminize these black men yeah look at a Tyrese you don't find that suspicious can you say it on the mic hey you got to find a video Tyrese was prancing in that dress he was what man prances only two people prance two things a a horse in a horse show and a princess prances around Tyrese which one are you are you a galloping stallion or are you a princess he a princess the internet said he had hips like Oprah oh snap come on now dog hey hey look at this look at how the white men are dressed and look at how the black man is dressed nobody sees nothing wrong you sisters don't see nothing wrong why is the white man dressed like a man but the black man is a feminized you don't find that suspicious humiliated he was he was just recently crying about the mistreatment of his ex-wife a few months later he now turns into his ex-wife D officer Yuri give me ecclesiast thank you you can take him off the screen so how else how else are we caught up in the iniquities of Babylon where the Lord says you better deliver your souls ecclesiasticus 23 I think it's verse 7 and jump down no I want 2323 that's what I want ecclesiasticus chapter 23 verse 23 for first she have disobeyed the law of the most high women sisters we need y'all to pay very close attention read it again for first she had disobeyed the law of the most high M and secondly she have trespassed against her own husband and thirdly she have played the [ __ ] in adultery and brought children by another man now let's look at the video come on y'all got to see this video what you got going on why you got that phone what do you what is going on why am I hearing you py who you heard of from it don't matter are you pregnant I might be by who I mean how could it be you if you ain't even home you never here I don't even see you I got you pencil that didn't even have time with you so you saying you pregnant it's not mine and you living here why I pay all the bills at that's the least you can do are you watching that's the Le what are you talking about man you could do what you mean you been neglected me for a long time so you baby on me I got to hear your how you even hear it from her anyway why y'all talking in the first place that's what I mean that's the stuff that I'll be talking about that's what I mean it's simple stuff like that you can't talk to me but you can talk to her how that make sense stop you think do y'all see anything wrong you see how they flip it she's pregnant by another man but it's his fault that another woman told him his wife is pregnant she belongs or girlfriend pregnant and she said it it's not a big deal right a whole baby in your uterus another human being is not a big deal she said it's the another damn man thank you perfect sound go back just a few seconds go ahead play play hold hold on hold on some brothers in Israel will do the same thing take her back will ticker simp you simp Brothers out there some of you man play about that's what I mean it's simple stuff like that you can't talk to me but you can talk to her how that makees sense you think I'm stupid you sitting up here with a secret baby you talking about talking when you say it a secret you just didn't know about it so what is that called a secret hey pause it pause it hey and said what do you mean secret you just didn't know about it what the hell and once again like the first video Bishop showed with the the couple with the phone you can see how the spirit change as soon as she get found out once the spirit change you can see the you you see what happens the disrespect comes you see what she really what she's really about go ahead sense you think I'm stupid you sitting up here with a secret baby you talking about talking when would you say secret you just didn't know about it so what is that called a secret it's called you look you was out of the loop you just needed to be out of the loop but you but you we got a whole kid together you is that is that my kid we we can find out we can call we call more if you want to call Wa wait wait he asked about the other child she had is that my kid you could call myy and find out that's a different baby than the one in her stomach right now you can't make this stuff up she said call go ahead it's called you look you was out of the loop you just needed to be out of the loop but you but you we got a whole kid together you is that is that my kid damn we could we could find out we call is that myid we call more if you want to call more so you saying it's not my kid I'm saying it's a possibility that a 6-year-old is not my kid when have you spent time with me when have you been around I'm always working on Instagram it makes money what you mean I I'm paying everything like come on you for real and you couldn't come talk to me or nothing I've been trying to talk to you I've been trying to call you I've been trying to have conversations with you I tried to set up dat night you wasn't worried about it you wasn't worried about night and talking get your bag and get out yes that's [Applause] right hey hey this this this mindset um y'all sisters that come in this body y'all can't have this mindset right here if if the man is paying all the bills and he ain't never around it's CA he's at work that does not justify you to go out and do some wickedness behind his back say he don't spend no damn time with you well either either you want comfortability or you want your damn uh man at home up under you all the time so you ain't cheating you can't you can't have one or the other if he's not he's working to take care of your ass the least you can do is be loyal to him while he's out breaking his back for this white man so your ass is in the air condition right we ain't sipping around here Bishop hey Yuri hold at give me proverbs 31 Brothers this is what we need sisters proverbs 31 I want 11 and 12 This Is War right come on Proverbs 31:1 the heart of her husband usband doth safely trust in her so that he shall have no need of spoil watch this she will do him good and not evil all the days of her life brothers that's what y'all want you better pray for that you better pray when you out at work or doing God's business this ho ain't at home slutting around then get an attitude and blame you cuz you out working to pay all the bills it don't make no make that make sense go on back where we at your I'm sorry you want to go back to Sarat 23 no yes sir uh got me confused now oh give me the next one give me the next video yeah right there we need Brothers like this go ahead play this way got to go she got to go Tasha I'm tired of it I've been dealing with this for too long she got to go now before anybody got anything to say or trying to judge me for what I'm doing I'm going tell y'all what really going on I can't do it no more I told this woman real quick and you know you know you know what's crazy that the brother has to get to the point where he has to document the situation and say his side because everybody will look at him as evil for putting the hole on the curb right hey I read the comments the women black women are attack how you going to do it in the rain how you going to do it in the rain you got the baby stuff in the r to hell with the baby it ain't even his baby that's right shut your black ass lips she should have thought about that before she did what she did go on back a little bit I'mma tell y'all what really going on I can't do it no more I told this woman seven times to leave my house get out it's over I don't want to be with it no more I can't be with you you don't want to do nothing for yourself she don't want to better herself stop pausing she want to sit around stop pausing Brothers some of y'all get married to sisters who have some of these women have good jobs but some of you not all of you some of you get married and guess what some of them do bring it up they quit their job bring it up and want you to pay everything that's some of them some of them want to be stay-at-home moms now sisters if you want to be a stay-at-home mom that's fine but you got to take care of everything still Brothers got to go to work he might have two or three jobs you got to understand that and not come back you ain't never here well since you quit your job I got to pay all the bills message some of you now I'mma flip it some of you Brothers you marry bum sisters that's a sister with no goals no aim she ain't about nothing no ambition she don't even have kids but she just stay around sit around and scratch you know brother sit around like a buom and play Playstation and scratch with his hand down his pants some of these women do the same damn thing scratch and sniff scratch and sniff the hell is this bishop hey they don't even have a clue yeah they have no clue but you know what's so heavy Bishop you see what's what's taking place and you mentioned the sisters going in on the brother for trying to better his life he's getting himself out of a toxic situation how is it that the men in the world that don't even have the Bible or understanding they're not afraid to start over some of you men have dragon demons hydras right and are afraid to start over right and you don't trust the Lord thy God you don't trust God no F bro Green Leaf you got stuff going on here in in lant Riverdale I'm reading text messages with sisters talking and sisters talking about Hey sister did he know you committed adultery yet I'm sitting like what the hell is this what adultery is she talking about I got she a sister said I got T on sister a sister B Sister C sister d e e f and g I'm like what this what is this text message is about y'all be telling your business to other sisters when that sister get mad all the stuff come out on you now you're like I I don't know it was a long time ago I'm sorry Brothers you been AES hoes some of these women are secret hoes and when it come out don't be afraid to drop the ho on the curb I'm just telling you put this play the song play the song play the song D Turn It Up [Music] [Music] On Shut your black ass lips when I I'm not I'm not lying I don't know if you showed them the text messages did you show them the text messages some of them yes you showed them some of it you didn't show them all of it no some of y'all names was mentioned I'm just telling you straight some of you hoes sitting here with your head cover your fringes and Border but some of you hes undercover holes but it's going to come out I'm just sit back and wait I'mma let your' hands L cuz you know I go I go I'm I'm I'm I got to I got to let me pull myself back where we at you know y I'm I'm lost playing the video Bishop huh you playing the video cut off playing a video I'm Sor yes sir yes sir yes yes go ahead thank you I don't want to be with it no more I can't be with you you don't want to do nothing for yourself she don't want to better herself she want to sit around and play the victim I act like I'm the problem I'm not the problem this all that stuff she got to go I asked her seven times get yourself together I even tried to make it work she living with me I'm paying all the bills she got her kids here I didn't even accepted her kids I don't even got no kids stop stop stop stop wait wait wait wait wait you can't make this stuff up I'm having a tantrum those ain't even his kids oh my some of you Brothers married some of these sisters and these sisters got kids and they treat you like [ __ ] throw them out I'm telling you I don't know is it me she should be honored that another man says I'mma to take care of your kids but instead she's threatening you she's calling you names she got to go she got to [Applause] go hey that reminds me that reminds [Music] me reminds me wait I talked about it last week and I was going to leave it alone remember the sister that got three kids with two different baby daddies I was going to leave it alone cuz I spoke about I going to leave it alone but she decided I can manipulate Bishop by going through his wife what sister that don't work in my house my wife will tell you she don't manipulate me she and she cannot give me some other nice words she cannot persuade me I see what I see I read what I read I know what I know my wife know she better shut she better uh Chef up Chef up so my wife says a sister just sent me a nine page email and I don't know who she is she says to me damn she says and I don't even know the situation I said said it to me so I begin to read should I show [Applause] the hey why the sister so quiet look at them they quiet hell going on receipts man sister y'all want to see this sister I said y'all want to see this stop the cap okay I'm looking at it I can't she got images of her children I don't want to show this but there's I guess I where's the page I want to read hey who did I send it to okay I'll read this I'll read this one page y'all listen no this one page no her name's in it damn uh where it says uh I met a contractor it's like page four or five gotcha [ __ ] got you [ __ ] you got it ter got check check check start with with my question my question okay uh my question is what do I do in this situation as my kids dads help to watch these kids on the days when I work as a registered nurse so remember she got two baby daddies those baby daddies are in the children's lives and we counsel the brother don't marry her not yet because who want to be home imagine you disciplin two both let's say you disciplin all the kids po po pop what the baby daddy going to do they going to come see you imagine two [ __ ] whooping you upside your head you might be good fighting one but when that second one come you finished hey they showed a little scene of that in Poetic Justice uhoh y remember that they show Justice yeah go ahead read on uh I really liked the officer but also need the help with my children so I can work so wait a minute does she want a husband a lord no she want a babysit she want a babysitter damn go ahead I don't have a current child support order against the fathers because we were handling everything without the course stop right there there's a problem there if the courts are not involved and the father's helping he's still in life why marry someone like that you going to be in a world of trouble Brothers message you're going to come to school with black eyes and black lips broke legs I'm telling you read it read part again uh I don't have a current child support order against the fathers because we were handling everything without the courts it wasn't until I started proving that I was counseled to go get child support from Dad number two even though he watches his kids while I work so that's against Dad number two what she doesn't mention Dad number one is going to court to get custody Dad number one beat one of the kids and gave the child a black eye she still did not go to she didn't no police report we said did you call the police no why not why Brothers do you think she didn't call the cops she could have got full custody why huh y'all keep on playing with these people out here read on hey brothers let's keep it will we all men in here let's keep it real we have a bunch of G ass woman in here when you proven a sister she still got those close relationship with the father I'm telling you he is hitting it right stop being stupid she he's heating it until she marry you to the state b b she she she can afford a a a babysitter she nurse exactly she a registered nurse I don't they make money they make good money the hell is this there some I'm sorry where we at in this house there's some this house yeah yeah finish that uh I went to court hey real quick did y'all y'all notice how Bishop just made mention that we counsel the brother not to do this right it's a sign of weakness when you go back to a sister or your wife and you say leadership or Bishop said this is what I have to do you you actually show that you don't really believe what was even brought to you that's or counseled you out of the word of of God mhm you don't you don't believe it so therefore you put the the burden of it on someone else as though you were absolved to had nothing to do with that decision right you she automatically loses respect for you you think you're doing a good thing by trying to save face you actually show how weak you are because that's not your frame of thought if you listen if you don't agree with the council you should have said it in the council you don't go to the woman and say oh Bishop said Deacon said or Captain said right you show even more weakness we we we could respect a brother that says listen I don't really agree with that I'm going to handle it this way all right brother May the force be with you y do your thing but to go to the woman and be like uh Deacon said or Bishop said bro that shows mad weakness man message exactly read on um I went to court to file like I was advised but because we had no custody order the court said I have to start there first we were handling the children am but I was counseled to go to court and now I started the court proceeding so that I could have the court order okay let me see the last page no the last page go to the last page okay uh well yeah that's it right there wait I got it here you go [ __ ] wait what what does it say what you got go ahead name dropping uh about children am but was councel to go to court now start the proceeding so that I could have the court order if I married the uh officer I understand Bishop's disposition but based off the side of the story but based off of the side of the story he has what do I do I'm asking not only for myself but for all the unmarried mothers who are repenting wait a minute huh wait a minute so she is the spokeswoman for all the unmarried women all the UN married women ain't dealing with two baby daddies she cannot put herself in everybody's boat everybody's situation is different read on what do I do I'm asking not only for myself but all the unmarried mothers who are repenting do we not get married you yeah she go she goes to the extreme do we not get married not if you got two baby daddies in the picture coming by the house the answer for you is no be in the donies down getting your doy beat down no go ahead do we return to the vomit with unequally yolked children fathers no some of you need to wait for Christ some of you some of you seriously need to not get married I'm being honest wait for Christ wait for the kingdom wait for Jesus wait for Jesus only Jesus can help you damn read on do we not get married stuff from there again uh do we not get married do we return to vomit with unequally yolked children's fathers oh wait a minute wait I forgot this let me explain this two baby daddies right three kids right she been in the truth five years the youngest children is five and four oh oh my God the math ain't mathing do you see something wrong here oh my God two of them kids she had in the truth so that Pro they still you don't find that suspicious uh where we at do we return to the vomit with unequally yolked children fathers I am devastated wait is was Bishop have you ever taught that that's an option to go back to a wicked man in the world no that's never been an option so why would you even put that in the email as as though that's your only result no the only the resort is stop banging your baby daddy right and and and if you choose not to follow the counsel just go back F no it's always why didn't you marry your baby daddy you sisters you lay down with the man he was good enough to have sex with but he wasn't good enough to marry something's wrong with you you chose that man you handpicked that man she said oh I'm going have sex with him when you chose to have sex with him you chose to have a baby with him that's your baby daddy that should be your husband or he got quiet on that side of the room damn hell is wrong with that [ __ ] over there that's all I want let's Yuri I'm sorry where was we we were in Jeremiah 51 and verse 6 no we was at the video we was at the video Bishop that's right go ahead back to the video act like I'm the problem I'm not the problem this all the stuff she got to go I asked her seven times get yourself together I even tried to make it work she living with me I'm paying all the bills she got her kids here I didn't even accepted her kids I don't even got no kids I didn't even accepted her kids and treat them kids like mine I love them kids but I can't do this no more Tasha you got to go she come in all hours of the night whenever she want to always trying to play victim telling everybody it's me it's me crying to coworkers and family saying it's me it's me it's me y'all got to understand man I'm fed up I'm stressing I just try to help this girl numerous of times try to help her get get on the feet and she just ain't got it's like she don't want nothing in life I cannot be with a woman like that all we do is argue argue argue argue she don't want to work she pick her kids up drop her kids off to a mama house while she go out and be in the streets all night and I'm already paying the bills and the part is I got a homie his wife got a business she was going to hire her on the spot to answer the phone for her business $20 an hour I tell this D hey my homie wife got a business all you got to do is answer the phone $20 an hour she going to look at me and tell me what the I look like I'm like what do you mean what the do you look like $20 an hour you telling me you can't work for $20 an hour to sit on your ass that's when I knew I could her number that's her kids stuff it's like I can't do it her kids my house up you know what I mean I love them kids in my de but I can't do this sometimes you get fed up I'm waking up I'm going to work every day with attitudes getting into I'm sorry go back go back two seconds somebody look at the sad lonely Turtle swimming pool like did y'all see the BL Turtle swimming pool you telling me you can't work for $20 hour to sit on your ass that's when I knew I could go ahead her kid wait till you see the head go ahead keep going back I can't do it her kids tell my house up you know what I mean I love them kids in my dear but I can't do this sometimes real I'm waking up look S as hell I feel sorry for the damn turtle pool damn damn hey another thing is it's a good thing what the brothers doing this way is because you know we some other brothers you know they will take us to a violent route you understand and we there's been videos we played it before where the brother is on the phone he's on the phone talking to his homeboy he's he's he's recording and he goes and kills the sister y'all remember that you understand cuz she drove him to do that you understand messed up his mental so this brother said hey you know what before I I go that route get you got to go you got to get the hell out play on to work every day with attitudes getting into it with my boss arguing with my employees I mean my co-workers and it's like I just can't do it God please forgive me for doing this I never meant to be this way like you know you know I'm a good man at heart but sometimes you get fed how to ask her seven times to leave and it's just I can't deal with this no more hey you know why he was able to put her out because his house is not in her name that's right right right right exactly her name is not in the them house hey some of you officers Don't Clap yall th notes damn y' take notes and me is not in the lease her name is not in the mortgage she he don't have a joint back account with her that's why he's to get will of her or the brothers a't clap that ain't going to work play I just want y'all to see I got a stuff out here and if you ever try to come over here and mess up my house or anything like that man I already got my police report filed that's right so they will come find you don't come over here on my property this is my property y'all see a nothing wrong with the house no windows busted nothing's wrong let show you inside so she come over here acting crazy first of all she's going to jail second of all I just want to show y'all so that can't don't nobody say nothing like all that was already messed up and you trying I can't do it when you fed up you fed up $20 an hour to sit down and answer phone you told me what the you look like like I'm I'm I can't do this your stuff is outside I apologize God please forgive me for doing this man I ask you to release me from any negativity or anything in my life and my heart told me to do this I love them kids I do not want to put them kids out but they got to go they got to go I've done too much for her and those kids you have to go I can't deal with it no more and what's what's the little hold on what's the little dirty puddle in the in the turtle it's like them kids just finished swimming in there and left a damn ring around the turtle no wonder the damn turtle sad ass snotty nose kids damn don't want to do nothing to help better than life dirty I can't do it man that's just what it is man it's like it it don't make no sense God please forgive me for this God please forgive me forgive me God please he said he told seven yeah he told us seven times he's saying God forgive me cuz it's hard when you put uh it's not so much the woman the children he's saying God please forgive me give me the ecclesiast 726 this for some of you in here and cl the turn Ecclesiastes 7: 26 and I find more bitter than de the woman whose heart is snares and Nets and her hands as bands who so pleases God shall escape from her if you want to please God Brothers it says you shall escape from her and that type of woman but but the sinner shall be taken by her if you choose to stay with an evil woman you are a sinner that's what God is saying right there some of you are frightened and Afraid some of you are dependent on her that's why give me this give me find Yuri the preeminence ain't nothing wrong if she's a devil going back to your mama house if you can't take care of yourself some of you are not ready to be married yet go back to your mama house or go to your homeboy house 2 some some brothers is more worried about their credit than their manhood the credit so for instance if they if they walk away from the house they say oh my credit gonna get messed up and things of that nature you standing as up standing up as a man of God your credit can get repaired right what you going to do about your manhood when she got your balls because you attached to this property or attached to this car or attached to something what you going to do about that what what are you going to do about his mental State of Mind remember the brother said he was going to work mad you going to work with an attitude you cursing your boss out your co-workers and it ain't so much as you was coming because of the stress you got from her but you ain't manad enough to go to leave kick her to the curb If you can't kick it to the curb CA it's in her name just leave Yuri where you at I'm sorry where we at ecclesiasticus 33:22 in all thy Works keep to thyself the pr pre-eminence leave not a stain in thine honor read at the at the time when thou shalt in thy days and finish thy life distribute thine inheritance you already just messing up all the wording can you read it again off your yes sir verse 22 in all thy Works keep to thyself the preeminence Brothers keep to yourself the preeminence meaning you the head you the leader you the provider go ahead leave not a stain in thine honor now I'm not saying it's wrong if you find a sister and y'all both go 50/50 when I got married to my wife I was broke as hell so was she she a have nothing either godam I had a nickel she had three cent let's put it together we had 8 cent together go ahead Yuri at the time when thou shalt end thy days and finish thy life distribute thine inheritance now in time I started to get better with my little fin es and I was able to take care of everything and she had the option if you act stupid you can go to your mama house but if you going to live with me act right that's right act like what does the Bible say that's you got to put it down don't be SC some of y'all are scared cuz she going to say like The Other Woman did you forget everything's in my name got you [ __ ] I got you by the L got you the hell is this rip give me the she got your balls and she going woo woo now you going what I'm going to do what I'm going to do what I'm going to do the hell is this she got your real ball she gave you the velcro balls yeah this is war exactly hey what's that video right there are we going to get Flagg for this go ahead play it oh that's the baby daddy that's going be some [Music] brothers wait wait explain it explain it cuz some of them is them two that whooped his ass they got babies with her so the one that is getting his ass whooped is a boyfriend that's trying to play stepdaddy y see that brothers that's what's going to happen we trying to save you from getting you behind whooped you go on to marry a sister with with two baby daddies that's going to happen to you right there now why did we go through all this you know I got a shortterm memory cuz using a spirit Bishop using the spirit back Yuri help me Jeremiah chapter 51 and: 6 flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul oh that was it be not cut off in her iniquity for this is the time of the Lord's Vengeance he will Render unto her a recompense read again Yu I'm sorry flee out of the midst of Babylon and deliver every man his soul deliver every man his soul go ahead be not cut off in her iniquity so what we just showed you are various iniquities that take place here y and when God is warning us not to get cut off in these sins cut off means killed means died put to death don't get put to death cuz you all up in these iniquities here in America here in Babylon what verse we at Yuri verse six go ahead for this is the time of the Lord's Vengeance he will Render unto her a recompense verse seven Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord's hand that made all the Earth drunken the Nations have drunken of her wine uhhuh therefore the nations are mad Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed so this is a prophecy about the fall of America right how for her how for her take PA for her pain M if so be she may be healed many people have tried to heal America give me Trump I don't want that brother I I want I was going to go into him but I'm going leave it I don't want that no yep put that up Donald Trump tries to heal America make a make America great again was a bomb was him trying to attempt to heal America read that verse again Yuri Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed how for her take bomb for her pain if so be she may be healed so like I was saying he's tried to heal America many so-called Republicans many of you that follow Trump believe you are attempting to heal America there is no healing for America everybody understand that she's going down she's going down she's going down read it again Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed that's the final analysis she will be destroyed go ahead how for her take bomb for her pain if so be she may be healed go back to revelation 18:2 Revelation 18: 2 and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Babylon the great is Fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils in the hold of every foul Spirit and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird so Babylon is going to Jeremiah sort John the Revelator sword read on verse three for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and the kings of the Earth have committed fornication with her and the merchants of the Earth are waxed Rich through the abundance of her Delicacies now meaning her policies now you may ask how does Babylon fall the chapter before it explains go to Revelation 17 real quick and I think it's verse is 11 NOP yeah 11 Revelation 17:1 watch this and the Beast that was and is not even he is the eighth so the eighth is America if y'all got the pictures of the E heads of the Dragon you can put on the screen yep put that on the screen you can put me in picture and picture p and p read it again and the Beast that was and is not meaning the Beast that was in your vision and is currently not in existence go ahead even he is the eth even he is the eighth head and is of the seventh and is of the seventh the seventh head is Great Britain America came out of Britain everybody understand that so the seven heads Greece Rome Spain France Germany Russia Britain that's seven the seventh was Great Britain America is of Great Britain America is the eighth head read the verse again and the Beast that was and is not and a beast that was in your vision and is not currently in existence even he is the eighth even he is the eighth head and is of the seventh and is of the seventh head and goeth into ption the ultimate outcome for the eighth head America is Perdition Perdition means hell destruction desolation y'all understand that read on and the Beast excuse me and the T horns which thou sawest are 10 Kings the 10 horns are the ten common markets as you see on the bottom Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands Germany Italy Greece France Denmark Ireland United Kingdom go ahead which have received no Kingdom as yet during the time of John had no Kingdom as yet but received power as kings one hour with the beast that's when EU NATO was established in 1957 go ahead these have one mind these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast their power is their military power and their economic power NATO is the military power the EU is the economic power they have supported the United States of America everybody with me so far I know I'm going fast but watch this read on verse 14 these shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of lords and king of kings and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful watch this and he sayith unto me the waters which thou sawest where the hor sth are peoples and multitudes and Nations and tongues watch it here come and the 10 horns which thou sawest upon the Beast stop put it back put it back put it back put me in picture and picture again Yuri read it one more time and the T horns which thou sawest upon the Beast the 10 horns Belgium Luxembourg Netherlands Germany United Kingdom Italy Greece France Denmark Ireland not is more but read on these shall hate the [ __ ] something's going to occur for NATO to hate the United States of America now we have sat back and asked ourselves I wonder what it is I'm going to show you a video if I can find it if I can find it Lord help me help me help me it's a man with a [Music] beard okay here we go uh El you ready are you ready okay here we go I'm going to post it right now do you see it it's an Instagram what makes the horns turn against America let's see we're gonna play this clip right here pay close attention you got it Alicia sir pay attention start at the beginning we need audio the United States stands completely isolated globally for supporting Israel in this massacre and the consequences of that are being felt all over the world in shifting alliances in economic patterns in changing geopolitical structures uh even in the use of the dollar is currency and many other things uh there is a massive a seismic change of geopolitics underway in which the US has chosen nearly total isolation in the world and what's happening is uh the the US so contrary to being what Biden in his fantasy thinks that the world looks to the US for leadership the world looks at the US a gast the US stands alone with Israel of course the world's even more a gast at what Israel is doing because we haven't had the realtime video feed of Mass Slaughter quite this way before of course we've had war in our living rooms uh on our social media or television broadcasts but the realtime Slaughter and as president Eran said of hospitals and schools I would add mosques uh apartment buildings uh this is an attempt stated by the Israelis although we don't want to hear it so we try not to hear the actual words that are used but to make Gaza uninhabitable and that's that's got a purpose that also needs to be understood Israel is not fighting Hamas Israel is fighting for a greater Israel which is a kind of Messianic biblical idea that now is in political ascendancy in Israel that Israel has the right to control all of the area it has the right to control the millions and millions of Palestinians because there some uh zealots believe and they are powerful right now God said so in the Book of Joshua sometime around the fifth century BC and you can't really make this up because this is 21st century stuff and it's devastating and this is what we're siding with I don't think Americans really understand what is motivating the Israelis I don't think Americans understand the risk of this war widening very significantly very dangerously and very fast this is what we're up against and unfortunately we have a president who's not effectively a president I don't know what he is but uh it's it's the worst foreign policy imaginable so we sat back and off and asked I wonder what's going to cause the Nations to turn against America well this is one of the things so go back to Revelation 17 again and verse 16 yes sir in the 10 horns which thou sawest upon the Beast wait put it back on the screen come on man come on man go ahead and the T horns which thou sawest upon the Beast these shall hate the [ __ ] ye shall hate America so there's something that's going to cause this is a possib possibility of what's causing the Nations to hate America everybody seeing what America and Israel have chosen to do genocide that's what it is genocide Slaughter of men innocent men women and everybody over there is not Hamas read again and the T horns which thou sawest upon the Beast the shall hate the [ __ ] and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire this is predition this is predition go ahead for God have put in their hearts to fulfill his will God has put it in their hearts to fulfill his will it's God's will that the 10 horns turn against America go ahead and to agree and to agree and give their Kingdom unto the Beast how long how long until the words of God shall be fulfilled until the words of God being prophesied shall be fulfilled you me understand that go ahead and the woman which thou sawest is that great great city which reth over the kings of the earth that's the United States of America let's go back officer y before we close out where we at we was in Jeremiah 51 right yes sir verse 8 and verse 8 let me get it let me get it we almost done brothers and sisters we're almost done this is war that's right come on Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed how for her take bomb for her pain if so be she may be healed we would have healed Babylon but she is not healed you cannot heal this country go ahead forsake her the Bible says forsake her and let us go everyone into his own country everybody's going to return to their own country give me that in Isaiah 13:17 I'm going show you the correlation Isaiah 13:14 might be Isaiah chapter 13 and verse 14 and it shall be as the chase Roe and as a sheep that no man taketh up this white man is going to be like a chased deer that nobody's going to help or taketh up to help go ahead they shall every man turn to his own people the time of nationalism is coming every man every woman shall return to their own race of people that's the prophecy go ahead and flee everyone into his own land go ahead everyone that is found shall be thrust through uhhuh and everyone that is joined unto them and if you choose to decide I'm going to stand with Ken I'm going to stand with Timmy and Bob go ahead shall fall by the sword the Bible says you going to die go Ahad their children also and if you got little cute children with them oh look how light-skinned to they are look at the curly head they got go ahead their children also shall be dashed to Pieces Before Their Eyes their houses shall be spoiled and their wives ravished I didn't write this brothers and sisters that's prophecy that's what must be prophesy is what's going to happen let's go back to Jeremiah 51 and9 again yes sir we would have healed Babylon but is not healed wait read again we would have healed Babylon but she is not healed forsake her and let us go everyone into his own country for her judgment reacheth unto heaven and is lifted up even to the sky wait a minute that says the same thing in Revelation 185 get that I hope y'all taking good notes write this down Revelation 18 verse five for her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities ah let's go on back now saying the same exact thing Jeremiah 51:10 verse 10 the Lord has brought forth our righteousness come and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord Our God so Brothers we it would be who move you study pray apply read it again Yuri the Lord have brought forth our righteousness come and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord Our God our job is to declare in Zion the work of the Lord Our God our job is to prophesy our job is to testify what's going to happen do you understand that read make bright the arrows gather the shields the Lord have raised up the spirit of the kings of the mes wait a minute the kings of the mes Isaiah 13:17 who is that the kings of the me Isaiah 13 verse1 17 wait wait let me get it I'm slow finish go ahead behold I will stir up the mes against them which shall not regard silver so Mees would not regard silver and as for gold they shall not Delight in it the mes would not regard silver they would not have Delight in Gold go ahead their bows also shall Dash the young men to pieces now when you read about the mes write this down Cyrus when you read about King Cyrus his mother was a me his father was Persian the mes is referring to Iran because that's what ancient Persia was Iran write that down now give me second ezis uh is it 15 15 and uh about the carmanians 29 give me that second ezzes 15: 29 is that the right verse cuz I ain't looking at it verse 30 is what you want okay start at 29 where the nations of the Dragons of Arabia shall come out with many chariots so the Arabs going to start in this war first go ahead and the multitude of them shall be carried as the wind upon Earth come on that all they which hear them may fear and tremble watch this also the carmanians the carmanians are is Iran that is the mes that is the mes Persia and media go ahead also the carmanians Raging in Wrath shall go forth as the wild boes of the wood and with great power shall they come and join battle with them they're going to join the Arabs good ah and shall waste a portion of the land of the Assyrians that's Israel modernday Israel that was that the end of that verse yes sir go back to Jeremiah and where were we at verse 11 read 11 again breite the arrows gather the shields the Lord have raised up the spirit of the kings of the mes God's going to raise up Iran go ahead for his device is against Babylon to destroy it his plan is to destroy Babylon guess what it's like Checkmate [ __ ] right they're going to attack Israel America's going to say wait a minute hold that go back to Joel 2 watch the chest move Jo Joel to uh what verse was that 20 Joel 2 verse 20 put it on the screen but I will remove far off from you the northern Army something is going to happen in Israel to make America go wait we got to leave these Negroes here alone and go help Israel go ahead but I will remove far off from you the northern Army and will drive him into a land Barren and desolate put the M put the M put the M back up come on brothers no not that one pay attention in the scriptures roll with me roll with me in the spirit y'all doing your own thing put the map of Israel back up on Joel too the bomb right yes no oh you could put that one it's fine put it up on the zoom in read it again but I will remove far off from you the northern Army and will drive him into a land Barren and desolate with his face toward the East sea what's the EC Brothers the Dead Sea right there go ahead and his hind depart toward the utmost sea what's the utmost sea Brothers Mediterranean right there go did you finish it uh Yuri and his stink shall come up and his ill Savor shall come up there's going to be destruction there go ahead because he have done great things that's now was that it Yuri cuz I'm not looking at it yes sir go back to Jeremiah Jeremiah 51:1 make bright the arrows gather the shields war war the Lord have raised up the spirit of the kings of the me for his device is against Babylon to destroy it so God's plan is to destroy Babylon so one chess move is I'mma have something pop off in the Middle East I'm going to bring the Arabs there I'mma bring Iran there and America's going to be forced to enter this war and then God said I'm going to destroy that I'm going have NATO hit America that's what's going to happen oh crazy let's get a lord a hand for this thing I know you scared but it's okay and I know you scared at home be afraid be very afraid let's read on we ain't done yet but we almost done because because it is the Vengeance of the Lord the Vengeance of his Temple set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon make the watch strong make the watch strong set up the Watchmen set up the Watchmen prepare the ambushes prepare the traps for the Lord have both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon so what God has prophesied to happen here is going to happen go ahead oh thou that dwellest upon many Waters now you can put the map up oh thou that dwellest upon many Waters America has over eight how many read that US military bases around the world the US controls about 850 bases in more than 90 countries worldwide pull back pull back do y'all see that America is the Beast America is the world domination nobody really can confront her right there must be all that's why the 10 horns must unite against her you can't bring this Beast down this is an Empire okay so that's why God's plan is I'mma let these I'mma have these 10 come against America but guess what I got to scatter their defenses I got to have the Arabs come together I got to have Iran join Arabs hit Israel America's going to focus on Israel then have NATO hit the United States of America and burn her with fire that's how it's going to go down so Yuri where we at one more again where we at verse 13 read oh oh thou that dwellest upon many Waters abundant in Treasures thine end is come in the measure of thy covetousness the Lord of hosts you see that and the measure of thy covetousness this white man has coveted the land of Israel they stole it put their people there that's what they've done read the Lord of hosts has sworn by himself saying saying what surely I will fill thee with men as with caterpillars wait a minute what do caterpillars do to a tree they eat it from within y'all got to see the chest moves that God is playing he said he got caterpillars here wait a minute wait a minute show me the video show me that this is Canada put that out Canada's right above America play the video [Music] [Music] y'all keep on playing give me the next video This Is War now watch what she say hundreds of people gathered in Time Square tonight to Mark the beginning of Ramadan newk organizers tell CBS 2's Leia Michigan why they wanted to break the first day of fasting in that iconic location the fast goes from sunrise to sunset each day during Ramadan 1,500 meals were passed around on 44th and Broadway Saturday night to Mark the end of the first day for Muslims it's not just about fasting so that we understand how those who are food and secure field we actually are doing this so that we could become closer and more conscious of our creator our Lord Allah one of the organizers of This Time Square Gathering is SQ Muslims of New York City Make Some Noise he explains parts of the Quran are recited each day during Ramadan until its completion SQ says he wanted this special prayer recited in the Heart of the City for a reason we're here to explain our religion to all those who don't know what Islam is all about Islam is a religion of Peace people need to stop trying to disunite the Christians and the Muslims and the Jews and everyone that needs to stop unity and preaching nonviolence a message shared by all the people we spoke with here there's a lot of misconceptions about Islam there's crazy people throughout all all cultures all religions and they those small groups of people do not represent the the majority we're encourage to pray fast do good deeds give charity the Quran is a divine revelation it's the fin Revelation that was given to the prophet Muhammad who was a messenger in a series of Messengers just like Jesus just like Moses we are all United you work with these people you take the trains with these people like we are all really one Ramadan is 30 days long it ends on May 1st and then on May 2 is a celebration of the end of Ramadan in Time Square Leia Michigan CBS let me show y'all what the caterpillar's going to do get habach 2 habach 2 we going to read 6 to8 watch what's going to happen prophetically y'all keep on Fall oh way all about love and peace okay y'all don't think some of them Muslims are Palestinian y'all don't think some of the Muslims are mad as hell and mothers and fathers and children got killed over there okay oh read that I'm sorry read just put that on the screen put on the screen read that this is Michael R Caputo my take when the US steps in to assist our longtime Al like Israel tens of thousands of fighting age Palestinians who cross the US border with Biden Co assistance will execute a long plan in coordinated attack inside America you hear this they know what this Edomite knows what's about to happen you be in la la Landing your Christian thoughts oh no we're all loved nothing's going to happen Okay habach 2 6 to8 habac Chapter 2 Verse 6 sh not all these take up a parable against him all the nations that they have hurt going to take up a parable against America and a taunting proverb against him and say woe to him that increases that which is not his right they have increased that which is not his meaning they have stolen and taken lands by violence that is not their lands go ahead how long it to him that ladeth himself with thick clay the thick Clay is all the nations are here watch this shall they not rise up Suddenly that shall bite thee Rise Up from what rise up from sleep bite the mean what boom terrorist activity read and awake and awake from what sleep go ahead that shall Vex thee Vex the like what boom that's Vex thee go ahead and thou shalt be for booies unto them be for booies unto them was that verse eight no sir go ahead because thou has spoiled many nations because the white man has spoiled many nations go ahead all the remnant of the people shall spoil thee all the remnant that's here in this country shall spoil America you got to see how God's got this written out there's caterpillars within nations are going to attack without the the America's not going to escape now I'm not saying all Muslims are terrorists but I am saying all terrorists I'm Muslim hey back back to Jeremiah 51 and verse 14 one more again Jeremiah 51:14 the Lord of hosts has sworn by himself saying surely I will fill thee with men as with caterpillars these men are going to be activated within this country go ahead and destroyed go ahead and they shall lift up a shout against thee y'all know what that shout is Allah boom that's what's going to happen that's the lift of the shout against the Jeremiah 30 we almost done I keep saying it but we almost done This Is War that's right Jeremiah 30 and 7 Jeremiah 30:7 uhhuh alas for that day is great the day of the Lord is going to be great brothers and sisters so that none is like it this ain't going to be no day like this day of the Lord go ahead it is even the time of Jacob's trouble and it's going to be our time of great trouble the time of tribulation that's what Jacob's trouble is the Great Tribulation is coming upon us right but he shall be saved out of it that's why don't worry brothers and sisters we shall be saved those who are alive shall be saved someone get killed now when it says saved let me let me clear it up cuz I just said some going to get killed right save meaning what the dead in Christ shall what why because the righteous never die y'all need to understand that thing the righteous never die go ahead four it shall come to pass in that day sayith the Lord of hosts that I will break his yoke from off thy neck God's plan is to break the Yoke of Esau off of us and in order for him to do this he got to destroy all nations go ahead and will burst thy bonds and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him see it's not just the white man although he's one of the main ones follow behind him you got the Arabs the Chinese the Japanese it Psalms 83 gives a list of Nations so read that part again Yuri and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him read but they shall serve the Lord their God and David their King wait a minute wait a minute go ahead whom I will raise up unto them do y'all hear what that's saying God will raise up King David that's you ain't going to know who King David is he might be sitting right there but the Lord said I'm going to raise him up he going to be there read it again read the verse again read the verse again but they shall serve the Lord their God and David their King whom I will raise up unto them that's some heavy stuff right there go ahead therefore fear thou not oh my servant Jacob so God tells us not to be afraid why because the righteous never die this flesh might be burnt up and destroyed but our spirit don't die we going to be with new celestial bodies before the Lord yall understand that yes sir read on sayith the Lord neither be dismayed oh Israel for lo I will say save thee from afar will save thee from afar and thy seed from the land of their captivity and thy seed from the land of their captivity and Jacob shall return Jacob shall return and shall be in rest we going to be in rest go ahead and be quiet and we going to be silent go ah ahead and None Shall make him afraid nobody ever's going to make us afraid again 12 times 12 Tri 12 and with that we say shalom this is This Is [Applause] War all praises to the Lord Give the Lord all praise all glory all praise all [Music] glory all praise This Is War Hallelujah This Is War hey man I don't know about you hey I don't know about you man this class pumped me up to start my new week this stand right there yeah it's like a spiritual books pump you up I for Bishop all check check all right let's give the bishop another round of applause for the excellent class hey I got to say this ain't nobody else teaching like that nobody else Turn Me Up Turn Me Up check check check check all right let's get into it uh let's play the first announcement all praise the Lord all praise all all praise the Lord miss you miss [Music] you long but not forever miss you done don't even stop the pain but keep me strong I will see you again missing day cry the pain but keep me I will see again one time for fall for the fallers for for the fall one time for the falling so for the fall sold [Music] for for [Music] the all praise all Praises all Praises uh that was in memory of our brother Caleb Israel out of iuic Gastonia hey he's Caleb's in his new body right now right his new Celestial body walking and talking with the [Applause] Lord all right uh that was in memory of our brother Caleb Israel out of iuic Gastonia uh all Praises for his faithful works and dedication to the mission of of the Gospel while endur refering to the end in the Faith of Christ Isaiah 57:1 the righteous perisheth and no man layeth it to heart and merciful men are taken away none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come all right Lord will we see our brother again we will see our brother again all right all right let's go with the first video this is what we're trying to fix for 120 days the prophets of IU I see Detroit Toledo flint and Grand Rapids voyage across the murder smitten Michigan with one plan to take back what is I know is that Christ is a black man what I know the most high God is a black man look that our and when we we going to our [Music] our if they stand behind us we protect them if they stand beside us we respect them but if they stand against us we destroy them you the greatest thing that God ever created on the earth you want to talk about Eve Eve was a black woman just like you and guess what she didn't have in her hair blood hair oh oh praise to the most high the prophets of iuic Detroit have completed 120 days of camp this is the first time this has been done in Detroit history the word of God will never go out void all praise to the father all right it what's next skip that all right this is uh royalty films.com this is original royalty films if you would like to donate uh visit royalty films.com all as you know we have uh let's give it up for the curse of Miriam all right that's going to be premiering very soon all right so all of the donations uh we would appreciate that we would appreciate that be able to donate all right what's next all right the IT team is seeking assistance to enhance our national broadcast uh kindly spare a few minutes what's going on it if if you can spare just a moment or so go ahead and take out your phones and scan the QR code all right and drop um I'm sorry go ahead and answer a few brief questions that help with our broadcast for every Sabbath all right find the school near you find a school near you uh the phone number is 855 484 4842 uh you can also visit us at our website www.israelunite.org for all of those who are watching uh home every Sabbath watching the bishop the deacons the captains uh make sure you join the fight all right join the fight it's good that you're supporting from a distance but it' be even better if you join the fight all right visit a school near you all right play the video cover it up we honest stay modest we persevere for the promise put it in work helping our brothers and helping the church put it in work helping our sisters come out of the dirt The Other Nation St try to do what we do the Devils take us where the children of the The Other Nation try to do what we is beautiful and they know that's true call all right step into royalty with our new women's Feast Day garments sisters y'all ready for Passover all right all right uh mesmerizing emerald green and gold personifying re Regal Flair all right don't miss out pre-order yours now uh make sure to contact your Camp leader for more details all right what else we got what's next most high in Christ bless Israel Bishop some of you call me the general and I appreciate that the gospel hasn't been preached everywhere as yet there's much work to be done okay in 2 Corinthians 10 around verse 16 I believe Paul said to preach the gospel in regions Beyond you and not to boast in other men's work we don't want to boast in no other camps work the most high called us on a mission we must fulfill that mission as we know the 12 tribes of Israel like James 1 And1 said was scattered throughout all nations and it's too much work to be done too much work to be done so Israel I need some volunteers I need some of you mighty men to stand up you deacons captains officers soldiers stand up I need volunteers to go on [Music] this all right let's give it up for iuic diaspora the children of the slave trade scattered throughout the Earth have been awaiting this truth to reach them all right if you a part of di the diaspora email us at iuic c. diaspora israelunite.org all right you got Barbados and that's when we saw [Music] it hey shalam Israel most Christ blessed I'm officer Isaiah I barbarus camp to my left left Soldier ezis my right Soldier uel and the brothers of night have just completed another 30 days of c campaign all the men pitched in came in from work came out on the streets did the most High's work pushing this truth to the four corners of the earth and to all 11 pares of Barbados and with that we say shom to iuic Barbados The Tribe of Benjamin all praise the province of iuic barbad completed another 30 days of camp we continue to spread this word to the nation of Barbados teaching them that they are not bans but the children of Israel the mission continues as we aim to reach all 11 parishes on this island all right let's pull up B thank you Heavenly Father for allowing us to touch ground here in B Heavenly Father we pray father that one Soul repent to the of the of [Music] Israel believ we are taking over 12 tribes worldwide with that we say shalom shalom hi Bop I just want to say thank you so much for the good message that you bringing to us black people me personally there's a lot I have learned listening to you for the past couple of months that I have not been aware of what I like the most is that for everything that you say it is backed up by something from the Bible so you know that it's not something that you are just saying yourself without that message app that's right hey all Praises that's in believes I've been telling you Brothers y'all better study we ain't taking no B dummies with us it got to be well well study Brothers Who's in good standing diligent Brothers all praise the prophets of IC Dallas and the Carolina's touchdown and B to wake up the tribe of Zebulon and the scattered of Israel many received the word and learned their true nationality the congregation was comforted and in the spirit follow iuic believes for the full documentary all right little lights all right little lights casting call uh little lights is an educational kids TV show centered around puppets based on the 12 tribes of Israel viewers will experience how the little lights interact learn and problem solved by applying biblical wisdom laws statutes and Commandments we are looking to fulfill the following position so make sure y'all review that all right make sure to meet y'all to your local it Le for the link to sign up all right once again original royalty films and put up the movie poster for the curse of Miriam all right so let's give it up one more time all right for the curse of Miriam all right it's coming to theat soon all right we got some big plan so coming to theater soon all right so now we got to get ready for the most anticipated movie video ever all right that's going to be available on YouTube and available ready for purchase on original royalty go ahead and put it play the first 30 seconds [Music] take if you do this it'll be [Music] War play the whole [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thing Dam [Music] sounds in the dedication andou with their lies and Abominations bre for w gather round the remember the law Kingdom ISS dragon is RA be coming for all nations going fall get ready for all in the Lord and if I fall and pick up my soul you killing them all blood on the floor You Ready for War You Ready for War you ready for you ready for this is the we prepared your time is coming you scared me the sword of a l i do everywhere father me your wte before know take you away told me be B like a lion this is a war somebody time never give up never give in this is a fight we're destined to win St the enemy a for the head P their eyes up again again and again again and again I can't show no Merc the people we got to defend give them 100% got to be wor I know that you're listening you must remain humble and disciplined you must keep the hunger in vigilent and execute punishment vengeance I'm a supply when I'm older at the T get colder pushing this weight on my shoulders get light with the sword of the host remember my Avenger you're a fighter a Defender for your father a contender for the body and his members list you teach I meditate until we walk through Heaven Gates I'm ready to fight W hesitate with all L my life I'm a dedicate medicate then you will Elevate remember your father in Heaven no surrogate sharp your sword on the stor for in heaven remove all that get ready don't hesitate we in the battle a detonate remember your St get it popping then decimate we are the sons of the pro no FEA for this ble revive the for did I'm ready to S I'm ping my B got everything with me I me I heard before I got to put in this world for my people I CU I'm ready to you ready to Roar ain't for his head no it ain't dead if his blood isn't shed p pay for the day when he begged him to raise and he R off our faces instead fire from heaven no threat Ed him going to need him a rest SW through his Chris call her reling my stress we end in his name nonetheless I am a son of a I'm trying to me a I heard what ready I don't ready to batt whatever whoever get it what Bishop he needs pull up beat the you know many never deat we the leaders wait hey boy you going to have your day swinging and slinging that sword better remember that cut both ways better fix your face cuz race Ain cake yeah be humble step out your place your PA possess your soul remember Fus the King on the waying on the way I can't wait all these just going vacate we come with up bu we give new me they pull up and shut up whoever is tripping my they give the business no King I'm ready ready ain't nothing I'm Petty I'm slicing up better than remember the law kingdom is our dragon is coming for all nations going fall Ready for in the and by pick my soul you killing them all blood on the floor You Ready for War for you for ready for sounds [Music] ination with and [Music] abin sound in the vation the power with and Abomination [Music] [Applause] y'all better put some respect on Bishop bars man put some respect on Bishop's [Music] [Music] bars [Music] [Applause] [Applause] This Is War oh that that should have came right after class man now I want to say something on that right there hey you you can never play that enough you know why because when it comes to damn December y'all know we hear every day all day every day we hear damn Jingle Bells and all the heathens music 247 now we finally got our own music we should be bumping this every day that's right every day all Praises all Praises oh all right all right real quick uh premiering tonight on original royalty recordings from the sons of God the sixth video installment East Babylon from the super flame album The Round Table Men's Conference soundtrack available tonight on original royalty All Digital stores and streaming sites uh you can go ahead and play [Music] it [Music] I came drama and it's h I'm we cure the trauma with the gospel more than 12 it's like a thousand Apostles hit your block and then we dip like nachos what's a op we in the kitchen where they pop toast riding like a Taho Never Scared them po holes We Came to Say the same ones they made a victim play with the sickness description gave the prescriptions it's a doctor bag play without the hockey mask came [Music] to all right all right let's give it up let's give it up all right make sure to visit original royalty on YouTube all right that's dropping tonight pull up the next graphic the round table album all right and we also have merch available for all artists on original royalty.com all right this concludes the announcements all right everybody got Bread and Wine you're you got it yes sir all right 1 Corinthians 11:23 for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same man also he took the cup when he had sucked saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as of as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup ye do show the Lord's death till the come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh Damnation to himself not Discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep in the name of our savior Lord Jesus Christ we pray and we thank you Lord amen no get the Lord another round of applause for Bishop Nathaniel fire class let's rise on my feet is check check men Israel are you ready always ready are you ready always ready what time is it what time what time is it time who's the king Christ who's the king Christ what color is he what color is he who are we isite who are we isite 12 tribes 12 tribes you need you need you need never give up never give never give up never give never give up never give Faith patient salvation the truth faith patient salvation the truth now finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and his what his what his what his word [Applause] oh