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Overview of Aldehydes and Ketones
Sep 10, 2024
Introduction to Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
Channel Introduction
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Section: Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
: CHO group, nomenclature "-al"
: CO group, nomenclature "-one"
Carboxylic Acids
: COOH group, nomenclature "-oic acid"
Similarity in Carbonyl Group
Aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids all contain a carbonyl group.
Predominantly in electrophilic substitution.
Nomenclature and Characteristics
: The method for naming all three is generally the same.
Aldehydes: Always in terminal position.
Ketones: In the middle, never at the end.
: Many reactions of aldehydes and ketones are similar.
Uses and Special Information
: 40% solution of formaldehyde, used for preserving biological samples.
: Used in nail polish remover, first member of ketones.
Structure and Hybridization
Carbonyl Group
: One sigma and one pi bond.
: sp2, trigonal planar structure, 120° angle.
Structural Details
Carbonyl carbon in aldehydes: With one alkyl/aryl group and one hydrogen.
Carbonyl carbon in ketones: With two alkyl/aryl groups.
Important Notes
Hybridization of the carbonyl group in aldehydes and ketones is sp2.
Structure is trigonal planar.
Examples of formaldehyde and acetone.
Other Information
Magnet Brains
: Courses for various boards in Hindi and English mediums, live sessions.
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Today's introductory session; the main part will begin in the upcoming lectures.
Full transcript