Transcript for:
Lecture on Dream and Vision

hey everybody uh we're recording this and then we'll be posting it on to jump uh at noon today and uh it's the dream i've had in the last several of this last weekend and uh i've seen glimpse in pieces of it before some of it's very easy to understand what's going on and i'll make a few comments i don't usually want to make comments about the dreams but here's what i saw first of all i saw a hospital nursery filled with hundreds and hundreds of cribs with baby babies and many were crying some were sleeping and i saw maybe 12 to 15 nurses who were running everywhere trying to take care of all these babies and it was obvious they were stressed they were they were sweating they were nervous they were running from here to there one baby get one baby put down another start crying and this room was huge like an auditorium they kept saying they were not enough for them and they needed help and they were absolutely calling out for help with anybody here can can anybody help please come help us please come help us they were still unable to help take care of all those babies some of the nurses were holding two and three babies at a time trying to feed them uh trying to trying to calm them trying to get them calmed down but back into the crips that man that i see so often was dressed as a doctor in a white coat just looked plain to the room and he said the harvest is full but not enough for helping i understand that's the reference you know the harvest was put off but the workers refused so um i'll just kind of say i really felt the lord's showing us that there's some there's some major major revival about to happen but we've got to be ready to help assist we've got to be ready to help disciple we've got to be ready to help pour our lives into people who become christians and there's not enough committed to that so stay open stay faithful stay ready the next thing i saw was washington dc and there were two f-16s flying in a circle around the boundaries of the city of the capital and they would circle and then they would fly towards each other but not in the same line not head on and then when they got to their side they would do that circled again and they were both circling in different directions they weren't going they weren't too it was not two f-16 circling together like this it was one going this way they were they were they were meeting going around each of those each of those f-16s i used to live in terre haute right next to a military air force base or an air force area and we saw f-16s take off all the time so i know what they look like but they had sensor-like equipment on the bottom of them as well as missiles under each wing and the pilots were watching very close to the air airspace you could see the the the pilots talking one another and looking and watching in the perimeter then i saw the capitol building excuse me and inside the cat in the time the chamber there was what looked like furnaces but no wood no fires it was like a suction device under the in where you would put the wood and uh i saw congressmen and senators and they were shoveling stacks of hundred dollar bills into those fireplace areas sorry my security system just let me know that we have stranger danger in the room no um anyway uh but these congressmen were selling stacks of 100 bills in that fireplace and they were being sucked up through those pipes and then we're flying with the wind and every single direction out and about but nothing was landing on the ground nothing was landing on the ground and there were people on the ground in coats and gloves and they were looking up and jumping up to grab the money but it was too far above them and they couldn't get in their hands even people on top of the buildings had nets and bags but they could not reach the money as it flew past them then the next thing i saw was up in the balcony of the capitol and there were about 30 30 congressmen and senators i know who i saw i'm not going to say names for this one and they were barricaded into the middle section there and it was obvious that some of them had been beaten some of them had been uh abused physically uh they were surrounded by a police unit non-military with rifles with body armor helmets and they had faces that were covered and they were they were being very aggressive towards the elected officials that were kind of rounded up in this middle section of the capitol balcony one senator stood up and he demanded to know why they were being held like prisoners and treated like prisoners and was hit right in the face with a butt of a rifle and was told to stop asking questions the scene quickly changed to the floor where the former president stood in the area where the state of union address was given he was in handcuffs and one ear was bleeding a very bright red a not normal blood red or the color of blood that you would see flowing it was a very bright red blood and the other ear was bruised to the point it was just black and blue like he'd been like like if you were in an accident or car accident or something and you've been hitting by two by four it seemed his ear was just black and blue bruised deeply deeply bruised his eyes were very bloodshot and he appeared to barely be standing on his own matter of fact the sergeant-at-arms was directly behind him holding him up and was whispering into his right ear he would occasionally squeeze his right arm as well and the former president would wince almost like he just he would like like he was hurting he was in pain and he would almost go to his knees every time that the sergeant arms would squeeze his right arm and suddenly he just the former president pushed himself up towards uh just closer to where he uh from where he was he stood up and went forward quickly and he suddenly spoke out loud and he said it's not me they hate it's you it's not me they hate it's you he was then rushed out the door and a congressman came to the podium and this person hit the gavel roughly enough that it broke both the gavel and it dented the desk the table that they were sitting at and this person said now let's get the rest of them because it's our house now a congressman looked up to the balcony and said put they just looked up and pointed and said put them with the rest then the man that i see so often was now standing up in the middle of those 30 leaders who were in the balcony capital the capital balcony balcony and he said loudly i never said to stop bracing and he helped those beaten leaders to their feet and he walked out with them through the door the back door of that balcony area he looked back as he went through the door and he said these words stay braced for his name sake stay brace for his name sake and i believe a lot of what i saw about this was was related to persecution coming i'm not going to say names of the people that i saw um just because i'm not um i've been offered money to share names of senators or whoever was doing certain things and that's not what this is about i just want to understand what i saw enough was the nursery there's going to be things happening in the church world that we've got to be ready to help disciple and get people ready to know who the lord is if you've not prepared if you've not braced yourself you know that that's that's up to you i told people to aggressively pray specifically pray and strategically pray about what they should do for their families and their situations we do know that censorship is very much of a big deal right now even we're seeing where some states wanting to are wanting to ban certain types of social media and so the censorship is a type of persecution and it's already here and it's going to be probably coming even even stronger so the other things we saw happen in in the capital that's where the legislature branch the legislative branches of our government uh pass bills you want to make sure you're watching a whole lot on the domestic terrorism bill uh watching what the ndaa is saying about that uh paying attention to um the just the whole the whole idea of social media being censored at the rate and the way that it's being done and i do believe very very strongly what i saw last night was coming persecution and i believe that in in one sense um what our former president said they don't hate me they hate you and what i heard in them was you know it's not me they hated you um and we're supposed to brace ourselves for his name's sake so i'm not telling you to do anything with this dream i'm telling you to pray about it ask the lord to show you what it what it what it means for us i believe the church has got to be very very cautious and very very careful even in the things that we say and the way that we say them at the same time we cannot stop preaching and teaching the gospel we cannot stop speaking the truth and we are living in a time where the truth could very well become a criminal act and and i believe that's the most part of what we're seeing but yet at the same time while we see persecution coming we see a great opportunity for the church to disciple to to to teach and train believers to to understand what the bible says and get the meaning of it out there and to not be afraid to live our lives for jesus so i want to encourage you once again pray about these dreams every single dream i've had put out pray about it it's not just cut and dry it means this it means that for every dream i have i usually get four to 500 different interpretations and some are right on and some are way out there and some aren't even worth reading reading the papers that come in and this is not about democrat or republican this is not about who's in power now and who's not but the one thing that was said now let's get the rest of them because it's our house now and we have seen some changes in just the last few weeks and we cannot ignore those changes we cannot ignore those comments we cannot ignore those statements we have to we have to live it out and so believer get in the word get on your knees stop playing games repent get your life right with jesus is there some hard things coming against the church in the body of christ so pray about it do what you want to do with it i'm just sharing these because i sense the lord has given it to me and will continue to and i want to warn people we've been told to brace ourselves i've been saying brace yourself for seven months and i continue to hear those words i could i continue to see that man in my dreams and he says brace yourself i want to read what he said once again stay braced for his name's sake