Transcript for:
Using the Sonic Slider on Friends and Family: Demonstration by Eileen McKusick

hi everybody my name is eileen mckesick and i'm the inventor of the sonic slider which is this tuning fork right here it is 93.96 hertz and i'm using it with a circuit boot on the end and this is just a quick little video to show you if you have a sonic slider how you can use it on friends and family and colleagues in these like little mini sessions that will help them to feel better quickly so this is my friend tara we're here in jamaica where i'm living at the moment and she's volunteered to be our demonstration body so um anytime that you're going to work with somebody else you want to prep them for the fact that they're going to need to breathe while you do this okay so this is the most important thing so if you can be barefoot and they can be barefoot that's ideal but if you're in some kind of professional setting where people can't take their shoes off that's okay too you can work around that okay but the kind of breathing that we do in this work is we breathe into our bellies so tara go ahead and breathe into your belly and when you exhale you exhale down to the ground with your energy and you can do that out your legs and feet or you can kind of open up space around your tailbone which is always a good idea and sort of breathe out your tailbone so breathe into the belly and then sometimes if you need to take a big breath it's a like a yeah like a big side i really kind of let that tension out okay so you want to be breathing like that and you want them to be breathing like that and then you just want to ask permission is tar is it okay if i use the tuning fork right on your body sure yeah so you just wanna you know you don't ever wanna like come in on somebody and immediately start working without prepping them for it okay you wanna get permission you wanna make sure that they're breathing now a really simple way to do this you can activate it with the palm of your hand like so and i also have um these green strikers which rest on a table top and they're very handy because you get kind of tired of hitting it on your hand after a while especially you know if you have small boned or something like that so you want to just hit it on the striker like so i'm going to leave it right here on the table behind me and i'm just going to activate it on that so the first thing that i'm going to do is i'm going to put it hold on i'm going to put it i think i'm going to hold it that makes a little bit easier if you have one hand free you can definitely hold it okay so i'm just going to hold it on tar's sternum and i'm going to let the vibration just run down and usually the vibration lasts about 20 seconds or so so you just do that and you do that a few times and you just kind of come in on that sternum and what this does is it radiates this frequency throughout the whole skeletal system and this frequency is based on the schumann resonance which is the natural electric pulse of the earth's atmosphere it's around 7.83 hertz this is 7.83 times 12. so i'm going to do three applications on the sternum because that's what i feel like doing you know you might find that one or two or four or five you know do you just kind of feel into it and notice what their response is good so what are you noticing tara like a it's like it's a vibration it kind of relaxes you yeah it just kind of relaxes you right away yeah so so you can place it on the sternum that's super easy to do and then because the circuit boot has this defined edge right there's a kind of defined edge there the the the little divots there trap sound between the base of the dimple and the surface of the skin and so they send these little like sound pulses into the body so then you can come up you know everybody's got tension in their shoulders and neck right so i'm just going to come up and what i'm doing is i'm i'm applying the fork to her trapezius muscle now when people first start using weighted forks on other people they have a tendency to just rest the fork okay now there's a really big difference between resting the fork and then pressing on it okay now when i press on it i'm not using my hands and arms i'm using the weight of my body this is really important because if you're trying to do this with your hands and arms you're going to get tired quick but if you lean the weight of your body into the pressure right and how what's the difference tar between more pressure and no pressure i feel it more you feel it pressure yeah and it's sort of more satisfying right yeah yeah it's just it's more effective with more pressure and you can do this on bare skin and you can do it through clothes okay so it doesn't need to be on bare skin clothes are fine too and i'm actually kind of sliding along her trapezius in fact tara why don't we have you spin around so people can see exactly what i'm doing so i'm just coming in and i'm and i'm sliding along that trapezius muscle and i'm sort of digging in i did this somebody on the beach the other day who just come from the states to jamaica one of the first people uh first week to get in and and her shoulders were like this and i worked on one side and it did that and then and then i had to work on the other side for it to do that okay because some sometimes people especially if they're really stressed they're holding so much up there and this is just such a simple way to just kind of iron that stuff out you know and you can hold it you can rub it you can slide it like that you can also you can slide it directly on the spine so you know if you can access somebody's whole spine whether they're sitting in a chair like this or if they're lying down because you can obviously do this lying down too it's just easier in a chair you know with these like five or ten minute sessions um but there's a technique called the spine slide that we do with uh the circuit boot where you just go right down on the spinous process like all the way down the spine all the way down to the to the to the sacrum to the sacrum you don't want to go in the tailbone region because that's a little nudgy and you can do that bi-directionally you can slide up and you can slide down on the spine and you can also go up and down the erector spinae muscles right and then another thing that you can do too with the sonic slider is not just use it on the body but you can use it in the body's energy field to draw away and just kind of draw away a lot of people have like thunder clouds over their heads it's just all the too much thinking and when you do this very gentle combing uh up and away it can kind of lift that feeling of heaviness a lot of people feel heaviness on their chest on their shoulders and this very simple action of just doing this three or four times can help kind of lift somebody it can help take that pressure off and you can do that you can do this pulling away around the head the front and the back so you know i'm just pulling away from the front of her head and you can do this you know we have energy centers in the head and the throat and the heart and so you can do front and back you know just a few times of this of this motion of just moving straight away from the body and you'll feel like i can feel right here in her heart it's kind of thundering um and so when what you want to do is you want to keep on pulling through until you feel a consistent thrum in the tuning fork through your fingers the whole way to the front of the field which is about six feet so tara take a big deep breath here yeah see how necessary that felt right so you also want to pay attention when people need to breathe and remind them if they're not doing it themselves and so that's really simple you don't really need to do any kind of opening or closing sequence you just kind of pull away maybe in every center if you want you know that that's ideal if you can and you will notice that there are some that need more work than others so and then you can you know just if you want to you can end just giving them a little shoulder rub if you feel comfortable doing that because that just kind of helps that human touch at the end is really nice too so so that's it it's super simple you know hold points on the body the sternum is great but you can hold the third eye i wouldn't go to the top of the head right off the bat right sometimes the head does a little much so start on the body and then if you want to go to the third eye or the head you you know because it feels like the thing that you can okay and then and then dig into those shoulders because that always feels great and then do this pulling away and in less than 10 minutes you can really shift somebody's state and get them from being like to being like okay so it's a great tool obviously to use on yourself but also to help others with awesome thanks