have you ever asked a question about like how to create wealth or how to build a successful business or or how to make your business work better or how to generate more leads or some question around business and you thought oh that's the answer and then all of a sudden your mind said no that can't be the answer and a lot of times answers that seem like they can't be the answers ultimately prove to be not only the best answer but sometimes the only answer and today I want to talk to you about this subject the par Parx of profits now when I say Paradox of profits I'm not just talking about financial profits I'm talking about profiting from anything like benefiting from anything gaining an advantage from anything I'm going to talk to you about the Paradox of prophets and I believe that one of the biggest reasons people don't unlock profitable life experiences is because often times they are so paradoxical and so I'm going to Define Paradox I'm going toine prophets so everybody can be on the same page we can all be talking about the same thing and have the same vocabulary and the same dictionary all right if you're ready let me hear you say I'm ready ready okay here we go so the definition of paradox is this a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well-founded or true that's a paradox I'm going to read it again a seemingly absurd or self-c rtion uh self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well-founded or true definition of profits to obtain financial advantage or benefit especially from an investment but I'm going to say I'm going to change that because Financial profits are not the only kind of profits like if um um the scripture says in all labor there is what there's profit right um but the Bible says bodily exercise what profiteth little right and some people say well there there it is body exercise don't Prof profit little therefore I'm not going to do anybody it didn't say it don't profit nothing right it says a little and a little prophet's better than no Prophet can I get a witness okay just okay we looking for that back door ain't we okay so so so to profit from something means to benefit from it okay and the Paradox of profit or the Paradox of beneficial living or the Paradox of improvement is what we're going to be looking at today so the first one we're going to talk about is the Paradox of prophets and the Paradox of one of the biggest Paradox of prophets that exists is that the that profitability comes as the result of the willingness to sacrifice and when you sacrifice you don't think about what you're profiting you think about what you're paying right but the Paradox of profits the Paradox of profit like profitability in a business is your ability and your willingness to sacrifice anybody who's profiting at all in any Arena of their life they had to give something before they could get something the farmer has the Paradox of harvest profits he has to sew the seeds in the ground he has to release them from his hands he has to put them in a place where he cannot see them and he cannot control them and he does not get to determine when the rain comes but yet if he's faithful in sacrificing the seed and then sacrificing service to that seed over a period of months in the fall it will produce a harvest and I believe that one of the reasons that people have such a hard time profiting in business is because they desire the profits and the payoff but they're unwilling to do the sacrifice on the front end that produces the Harvest on the back end it's interesting that God came to Solomon and said Solomon ask what I shall give thee right is that what it says go read First Kings chapter 3 Solomon go not hey if anybody's going to ask you come to you and say hey I got a blank check up here with your name on it you want it to be God right I'm going to give you anything you want anything you desire all you have to do is fill in the blank we'd all like God to say that to us but all of us haven't done on the front end what Solomon did on the front end and go read the story because before God came to Solomon and said that it says that Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on the altar somebody tried to give David um some livestock to to offer as an offering David said I'll pay you for it he said I can't charge you for it your majesty David said I will not offer to the Lord that which cost me nothing and see our desire is gain without pain right our desire is profit without sacrifice but it doesn't exist and so the longer we resist the sacrifice the longer the prophets resist us it's just how it works right like I didn't make this stuff up it's it's how the it's how the world works right and and when you see people who are profiting greatly you are seeing people who have sacrif I greatly you didn't see the sacrifice but you see the profits and so you think well why is their life working out like that and mine is not well you got some letting go to do before you can do some picking up I wish I had some help in here and it doesn't matter it's it's it's interesting you see somebody who has built a successful business more than likely they had to go borrow money right and they had to take great risk and then they had to work long hours and then they had work long hours over a period of years sometimes a period of decades and then all of a sudden it clicked and stuff started working you're like man they were an overnight success yeah but it was a 14-year night and so the Paradox of prophets is you must have a willingness to sacrifice and the greater you desire the prophets to be on the back end the greater you must be willing to have the sacrifice be on the front end it's just how life works if you want to let it grow you got to let it go well never said that before somebody somebody somebody text that to me so I can say it again so so so the Paradox of financial profits you think about it like it's interesting like if you go to church like a lot of pastors will tell you well sew a seed into the ministry and then God will bless you well when you SE like God has said if you are generous he will bless you he said that that's that's real you know and then but PE like sometimes preachers act like tithing and offering are the total Financial picture but I submit to you that if you do the right thing with 10% of your money and you do the wrong thing with 90% of your money you going to be a broke tither right there are broke tithers and they are not broke cuz they didn't tithe they're broke not because what they didn't give the 10% they're broke because what they did or did not do with the other 90% how many yall picking up when I'm putting that and and if you talk to an insurance agent like all Financial Solutions are insurance if you talk to a banker it's a loan you say m what's your point my point is this if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a now but sometimes you got to change the tool that's in your hand if you're going to prod change what you're producing with that hand and so the Paradox of prophets is you got to be willing to sacrifice you got to be willing to sacrifice things you like to do on the altar of things you don't like to do over a long enough period of time for you to develop a skill that you didn't have and an ability that is valued in the marketplace not just one that's valued in your mind how many youall track in okay that's the Paradox of prophets so let me give you another one this is going to be a heart pill for some people to swallow so get you a big glass of water cuz here we go the Paradox of Peace the Paradox of peace is the result of the willingness to fight or wage war if you are unwilling to fight if you are un if a person is unwilling to fight they cannot have peace you don't have to fight but you have to be willing to if a country is unwilling to go to war they will have enemies on every side they might have enemies on every side anyway so you might as well have the ability to defend yourself but the reality is the scripture talks about one of the things that the Antichrist will use in the end times he will deceive many using peace as his mechanism yes wow and an unwillingness to fight you are inviting War to come to your door that's real I don't want to fight anybody ever but I don't mind I don't want to get in the fight I don't y'all I don't step on bugs man I got so much love in my heart I don't want to kill nothing that's alive but if it comes to you killing me or me killing you I pray for your family already I'm I'm G I'm I'm I love PE I love getting along with people I don't like arguing but I'm good at it see and and and and this sounds funny but here's what I've discovered if you are unwilling to have difficult conversations with people you are close to today the conversation you're going to have with them tomorrow is going to be way harder see here's what the scripture says faithful are the wounds of a friend but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful be beware when all men speak well of you I love the people who have enough intestinal fortitude to confront me when I'm wrong it ain't often but it happens no I'm sure it's very often to confront me when I'm wrong and say bro you can't do that like we we are raising a generation of young people who melt down like physically and emotionally melt down when somebody disagrees with them what kind of artificial world do they think they're going to live in well they're not here's what's going to happen they're not going to live in one they're going to die in one people are people are Afra people are afraid to have conversations with people who disagree with them or people they disagree with why oh well if you're afraid potentially this is a reason maybe you should examine your philosophy or your belief systems because often times people are afraid to have conversations with opposing voices because they already know their opinion is off is that too tough yeah it is what it is you know I learned some great things from my parents I learned to stand for what I believed in even when I was wrong just stand for it until I find out I'm right you know so let me say this I got sent to the principal's office in the first grade that wasn't the only time that was just one of the first times okay I got to sent to the principal's office in the first grade so before I make the statement I'm going to say this I love Living in America I love my life in America has been very good it's had some challenges but it's been very good I love America um the real America anyway whatever that is not the anyway I love America but America's not I also realize America's not its slogans right but I still love living here like my life is good part of the reason my life is good is because I live in America I'm not confused by that I get it part of the reason my life is hard is because I live in America I'm not denying that but the good has outweighed the bad just saying okay for me I'm not saying that's true for everybody it's true for me at least right now in my life it may not even be true tomorrow who knows I mean you know I might get a knock on my door today saying we're with the government we're here to help you okay right I don't know right that's always those are always scary words when found together okay okay um but I got sent to the principal's office when I was in first grade because I refused to say the Pledge of allegiancy to the flag oh you're so unpatriotic well first of all I wasn't patriotic or unpatriotic I was in the first grade I didn't know what a patriot was right as no patriotic what is that right it okay that's a different conversation but so um why didn't I say the Pledge of why did I refuse to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag in the first grade by the way I'm glad I did I'm glad I learned to stand at a young age for something I believed in and here's why I didn't stand because my mother the person who loved me more than anybody else in the world and I believed in more than anybody else in the world she told me it wasn't true and my mom was not a communist right she was a she was was a black person in America who grew up in a country in a time where it was okay for white people to kill you and they wouldn't even be prosecuted and so she said it's not liberty and justice for all that's a lie I said okay cool I'm not saying so principal called me into his office he said why won't you say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag because it's not true I honor respect I got mad respect and mad honor honor for the people who fought for our country and for our freedoms and have died mad respect in the first grade I had no idea that that's what the flag was supposed to represent no idea no idea I just knew my mom told me it wasn't true so guess what I did I didn't say it and I said told him I wasn't going to say it now it w it wasn't because my mom thought America was so terrible she just realized this ain't true now I want you to think about this what does a first grader know about the definition of pledge what does a first grader know about Allegiance what the what is the word allegiance mean right United States of America did you know that the United States and all caps is not a country it's a corporation did you how many of y'all did not know that okay not none of that's my point my point is none of that's my point here's my point when you discover truth you must be willing to fight for that truth and if you are not you'll capitulate to anything and you're inviting the biggest baddest worst enemies in the world to come to your door and kill you and pillage your property you're inviting it these politicians who think that America shouldn't have borders are delusional and that the borders should not be secure they're delusional and I get it America is a nation of immigrants amongst other things I get it but that's not the point the point is you cannot have freedom without boundaries it's not possible okay so that's the Paradox of peaceful prophets is your willingness to fight or wage war are you willing to tell somebody I disagree with you I don't believe that you can't talk like that here like I it's it's so interesting we think like people say people come to me and say thank you for just being so bold talking about your faith you're welcome but I didn't do anything like I didn't all I did was be who I am where I am and not be somebody different and it's amazing to me that there was a time in the United States of America when people would apologize for using profanity in front of women and children and they would talk about God and the Bible and their faith boldly and now people use profanity in front of women and children boldly and apologize for talking about God because they didn't call God the universe well God's not the universe any more than a Tesla Roadster is Elon Musk anyway amen see and and I get it I'm talking to the you tohere you know how many billions of people will disagree with the statement I just made that ain't my problem this my channel that ain't that ain't my problem and I'm not trying to upset people I'm just being who I am and I I'll give you so much freedom to be who I don't even desire like I have no compulsion in me to make you like me do you let it work for you as long as it can y'all tracking now the Paradox of power prophets this one's really interesting the Paradox of power is this a willingness to yield wait I just thought you said pieace is willingness to fight yeah that's right see what we have to do is we have to learn to look at both sides of every coin so we can comprehend the situation better whatever the situation might be and see we live in a world that is very very good at showing us one side of scenarios and so when we evaluate things we usually only half evaluate them because we only evaluate the side they showed us but what would happen in all of us how much wiser would we be how much better off we would would we be if every time somebody presented something to us we asked ourselves hm what's the opposite of that why else could they be saying this other than the reasons they're telling me they're saying this are you tracking like here's what the scripture says the scripture says the foolish believe every word but the I mean um uh uh um um yeah the foolish believe every word but the wise man lookth well to his going skepticism can be a great thing like just flip it over and look at the opposite the Paradox of power is your willingness to yield why the Paradox of power is the willingness to yield because Authority is always an alignment issue in the military when does a private have more Authority than a major when oh he does he does I know that's what you think initially right never when he's on orders from a general good you see what I'm saying so when a private has orders from a general he has more Authority he's not a higher authority himself but he has more Authority than a major that's why the apostles said hey we can't stop preaching about Christ because he's the ultimate Authority I'm gonna kill you that's okay but while I'm dying know who I'm yielding to and it ain't you [Laughter] boo like your willingness to yield to the highest of all power in fact the Bible says this Romans chapter 13 let every soul be subject to the higher power for there's no power but of god the powers that be are ordained of God whosoever therefore resist the power resist the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation why because all authority comes from God he's the ultimate Authority and yes you have to answer to your Authority but your Authority has to answer to god let's go my power like people say my you're so confident you're so but I ain't confident in confidence the word confide means to trust I am confident because I trust the one who cannot lie that's my certainty doesn't come from me like how am I going to be certain I'm as confused as the next Joker like if all I got to trust and what I know I'm confused in the next joke but I got a book hear me when I tell you I got a book A book of principles and promises and paradoxes and precepts and prayers and prophecies and practices that give me the ability and it and it and it and it tells me what's going to happen and it it it predicted things thousands of years ago that have happened this year and they happened just like they said I got a book like that man what you talking about I know man what I got to worry about Mar where does your sense of certainty come from I know what's going to happen how can you say you know what's going to happen because there are so many conditional promises in the Bible that say if you do this you can expect this if you do this you can expect this if you do this you can expect this if you do this you can expect this if you do this you can expect this guess what been I've been putting them to the test for the last 40 years and guess what they still work just like that that's the Paradox of power a willingness to yield our willingness to yield to God is the thing that gives us authority over our assignment and when we have authority over our assignment that gives us the ability to serve people and when we serve people people will recompense us sometimes it's with money sometimes it's just with Insight sometimes it's with knowledge okay here's my last one for you the Paradox of persuasion the Paradox of persuasion this is by the way this will change your life in business and selling you ready the Paradox of persuasion is the willingness to put other people first see we think that but man if I make this sale I'm going to make this much money and so we get so zoned in on how much money we're going to make if we make this sale that we do put all this effort into getting them to buy it I got news for you this is real you don't have to get any anybody to buy anything why people have already been programmed their whole life to be consumers they going to buy stuff so it's not a question whether or not they going to buy it they G to buy something some folk as my dad would say as soon as they get some money it burns a hole in their pocket just got to get rid of this money boy don't you let that money burn a hole in your pocket like but it's not on fire I would not I would never said that to my dad had had a nice long week visit to the dentist right my that will not my dad I wouldn't saying that I might have thought it but I could joke like that with my mom not my dad he wouldn't play it um anyway as he got older I could joke with him like that but when I was younger I was scared okay anyway uh it's interesting when you put other people first and you obsess over solving their problems especially people who have a problem they're willing to spend money to solve that's a wrap give them what they love most see some people when they go shopping the thing they care about most when they go shopping is saving money right some people quality of product other people quality of service some people quality of product and quality of service like some people it's speed of service like like it's it's different for everybody so and it's it's different for me depending on what I'm buying like if I go buy a car I want Speed high Lev speed high level product and I want I want a high level of service which means I ain't spending the day at your dealership y'all ain't paying me I am not on your payroll I ain't spending the day at your dealership that ain't happening you forget that okay if I go to a restaurant with my family I don't care how much it cost I want the service to be Exquisite I want the food to be magnificent I want like and I want treat my family like royalty I'm going to pay you very well today and I don't care how much it costs so you say my what are you saying I'm saying the Paradox of persuasion is a willingness to put other people first when you care more about them getting their objective their desired objective than you do about you getting your desired objective your desired objective will come it's like it's like selfless selling because I'm never trying to get anybody to buy buy it or don't buy it I don't like I am so not connected like you're having a sales conversation you're like man I hope they buy I hope they buy I'm never hoping they buy like I am so like if it's going to make their life better I hope for their sake they buy if it's not going to make their life better I hope for their sake they don't I'm going to be ID the way right and I know people say well you have M that's easy for you to say because you have the money but I submit to you that I have the money because I made that easy for me to say when I didn't have the money and I really believe it like I am not trying to get people to buy why because the more you push the more they pull and when you chase them they will run from you and when you run from them they will chase you those are the Paradox of prophets if you are apply them to your business and change your life thanks for watching