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Building Instant Relationships in Real Estate
Sep 28, 2024
Building Instant Relationships in Real Estate
Real estate is a people business; understanding how to interact with different personalities is crucial.
The module emphasizes understanding personality types to build effective relationships with lenders, sellers, and buyers.
Personality Profiling
People communicate in different "languages," which can be understood through personality profiling.
Four major personality types are identified:
Emotional Action Taker
Relationship Builder
Data Gatherer
Understanding Personality Types
Emotional Action Taker
: Open personality, excitement-oriented, optimistic.
Communication Style
: Use action language, word pictures, and excitement.
: Easily distracted, disorganized, seeks excitement.
Why Cop
: For the excitement and high-speed experiences of being a police officer.
Relationship Builder
: Nurturers, caretakers, engender loyalty.
Communication Style
: Discuss relationships, helping people, ask for help.
: Avoid confrontation, indecisive, loyal.
Why Cop
: To serve and protect and make a difference.
Data Gatherer
: Closed personality, detail-oriented, analytical.
Communication Style
: Communicate logically, provide details.
: Will ask many questions, stick to decisions once made.
Why Cop
: For financial security and stability.
: Closed personality, driven, goal-oriented.
Communication Style
: Direct, show the bottom line, challenge them.
: Takes competition personally, wants to win.
Why Cop
: For the power and authority signified by the badge and gun.
Building Relationships with Personality Profiles
Understand and communicate in the personality's "language."
Use compliments and challenges strategically with competitors.
Opposites attract but can also lead to irritation if not managed.
Communication Strategy
Listen and ask questions to determine personality type.
Adapt to their preferred communication style:
Emotional Action Taker: Excitement and storytelling.
Relationship Builder: Focus on people and relationships.
Data Gatherer: Provide facts and data.
Competitor: Be direct and challenge them.
Elevator Pitch
Key to setting the tone for the relationship with potential lenders.
Structure: Introduction, motivation, expectations, call to action.
Adjust pitch based on personality cues from the listener.
Formula for Effective Communication
Open Personalities
: Engage with questions, tell stories, and be animated.
Closed Personalities
: Answer questions directly, provide detailed information, avoid personal topics.
Dealing with Lenders
Build relationships, gather criteria, and understand their preferences.
Do not discuss specific deals or ask for money on the first contact.
Offer gifts like a credibility kit to enhance relationships.
Challenge: No Student Left Behind
Commitment to assist every participant in closing a deal within 30 days through structured guidance and mentorship.
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