Transcript for:
Building Instant Relationships in Real Estate

um so we're going to we're going to go ahead and we're going to talk about building instant relationships like I said before you guys have been awesome and waiting for it but we're going to dig into it this is my favorite uh part of of the modules because this is where we talk about people this is where we talk about the personality types the formula that that I use and and if anyone been on calls with me where we called private lenders or where we called sellers or where we called um uh buyers so whoever it is remember this is a people business real estate just happens to be the vehicle but it's people that that we're dealing with for the good or the bad and so you absolutely have to have to understand how the system works how people work what make them tick what their what their desires are what their what their hot buttons are what is going to get them to respond and so this is where we go into the actual personality side of things uh because let's be honest everybody it it almost seems like there's you know there is you know people that you're talking to have different different languages almost that that they're speaking and that's literally what happens you know there in in my opinion there are four different major personality types and we're going to go over the this is what we're going to be going over in in the uh module we're going to discuss the actual concept of Personality profiling we're going to go over my version of the four personality types I've actually taken this I used to teach this aspect as well and I'm going to get to teach this to you guys uh this is my version and my way of of Personality profiling it's going to be very similar to uh stuff like what pace does uh and and his type uh I I did actually take the concept uh very similarly to the uh the color method uh there are some much deeper ones but this is going to be the most user friendly we're going to go into the elevator pitch uh which is honestly the most important piece of how we're going to build the relationships with these private lenders and the the most important what's going to set the tone for the entire conversation that you're going to have with these private lenders and this is a per this is a pitch an elevator pitch that I have developed and it took me over two years of tweaking to adjust it to its Perfection so you will obviously conversations are fluid but the pitch is going to be the same and we're going to we're going to discuss that uh we'll go into the actual formula of how you're going to communicate with these private lenders and build that instant relationship and let's get right into it so first the concept of Personality profiling uh I'm sure you guys understand this communication is the key to relationship and what do we call this this uh this group relationship money we we're not just looking for private lenders we're looking to raise relationships money actually just comes as a result of that so communication I'm sure we all would agree is the key to relationship now have you ever wondered and I I I put this as a question here but have you ever wondered why it seems like you your wife or a husband or child or sales client or private lender never seem to be on the same page well the reason why is because you're probably speaking a totally different language than they are okay every personality has a a language has has a perspective has a language has a a way of communicating and your job as a professional Problem Solver as a relationship Builder is to have is to be able to uh to be able to become multilingual basically you're going to learn to speak whatever personality language the person you're communicating with is is speaking and and understands now like I said before there are many profiles out there uh but the one that I am going to teach you guys today is is my method and in my opinion it's the most userfriendly uh sure there are the dis meth the dis method the Meer Briggs so on and so forth but in most cases you actually have to take a a a test take a uh survey have to go through steps to to dig into what personality and what types of uh of uh communication style or uh relationship style that you have this process that I'm going to show you you can literally determine the majority of what personality you're talking to within the first 30 seconds and that's that's going to be key key to building relationship so let's go ahead and start so the four personality types that we're going to go over are starting with uh we we have open personalities and we have closed personalities by the way going back to language a and such uh I I'm going to go into with each personality uh I call it the why cop question uh the why cop question is if you asked four different personalities why they became a cop why they became a police officer they would give you four different reasons because and going back to the languages again you could say good morning to the four different personality types and they will hear and respond for different ways and it's it goes right into the line of their communication Style of their language and their perspective so the First Communication style and the first personality that we we talk about is called the emotional action taker The Emotional action taker we'll go into each of the other each of the ones uh one by one but we'll start with the emotional action taker then you've got the relationship builder then there's the data gatherer and there's the competitor those are the four types that for the most part and let me let me do one caveat to all this we all have all of it in us there's no such thing as only one type uh personality now you have a dominant personality type but you do not everyone is all things at at one time and and you can't use this to be an end all be all this is more like an outline and a guideline to be able to put yourself in the other person's shoes that's the best way to describe it so the emotional action taker the relationship Builder the data gatherer and the competitor while we're going through each of these take a take a mental inventory see which one applies to you or which combination applies to you and and I I bet you'll be surprised or at the very least you you'll see a lot of these pieces that apply one of the uh students uh that we have here uh we actually had a a conversation and and it actually ended up going into personality profiling a little bit and when I read off what I assumed and what I gathered from the conversation each of the husband and wife's personality were it it was hilarious because uh they responded are you a marriage counselor no I just uh I've I've learned the system and it absolutely applies so let's start with the emotional action taker number one they are an open personality so there is a macro level of of understanding the system and then we go to the individual personality types the on the large scale you either have an open personality or a closed personality the open personality shares all the information they have they have no uh filter in regards to that they have no problem sharing private information uh personal information they are communicators by Nature they just want to share and uh so on that level first and foremost open personalities they are going to be uh more uh optimistic they're going to be more glasses half uh half full they're going to be uh they do see the bright side of things more often than not and they are going to be willing to share so that's that's step one to understand that uh emotional action takers are excitement oriented uh people who get into marketing tend to be emotional action takers uh I would say the majority of the people in the group I'd say probably 70% of the group will number one be open in in this group and frankly the way that the system works from what what we've seen what uh various uh you know proofs have been this is how actually it works 70% uh of the population tends to be open personalities 30% tend to be closed personalities and we'll we'll get into that uh but for the emotional action taker think think beer commercials okay have you seen those uh Budweiser commercials have you seen the uh the the commercials that that really try and grab your attention try and and uh and and grab your your imagination uh they they tend to be funny they tend to be uh action oriented stuff like that uh they were made by emotional action takers for emotional action takers and most of the people in in marketing and frankly many I'd say maybe not all of the people and not the huge majority but I'd say 60% plus of of entrepreneurs tend to be emotional action takers let's see what some of the uh the types apply with so we've got these guys are the think out of the box they're the problem solvers they're the ones that are going to uh they like the action they like different things they like to to uh communicate to talk to uh they they like to follow the shiny object uh but they do tend to be out of the-box thinkers and problem solvers they get more done by accident than most people do on purpose you know anybody like that and I actually fit very uh solidly in that list uh office uh they they do because they're just action do do do when the emotion is high they want to jump right in they will take uh they're the ones that'll make a investment decision with 30% of the information they're like ah this makes sense I'm in okay well that's okay uh on the other side and they are very social creatures they need to be adored they need to be appraised they need they need validation they're the social butterfly they're the ones that will be going to the most animated group in at the party they're the ones that are going to go visit everyone and and they are the ones that that just don't stay still they want to be with the people they want to be uh where it's positive where there's excitement that's where it's going to be where's the drinking game that's where they're going to be uh here's the here's the other side to the coin though they're very easily distracted they tend to be very very disorganized and not grade on follow through they're the ones that start quick and then there's another shiny object there oh that look I think we need to go that way oh but but that looks like fun too they're moving in so many they'll start projects and they won't finish them or or it takes a while to get back to or things like that it can be a huge uh issue but that's where that's where they are so how do you communicate with an emotional action taker you use action language you you use word pictures and you you build a excitement if I'm talking to an emotional action taker my voice starts to go up here and I start and I tell stories and I love to I tell them about the exciting thing that happened with that deal how I was able to turn that deal into a into a a problemsolving situation and I was able to uh actually make that situation into a win-win but it's it was just so exciting that you you literally take your voice up not you speak with higher uh uh higher emotion higher uh energy why because you don't want to lose their attention and they lose they get distracted very very easily if you're the if you're there and you're talking in a monotone voice and you're you're going through the steps and you're going through the numbers no that's not going to apply they will they will just move they'll they'll tune you out they'll be looking out the window they'll be they'll be checking their phone they'll whatever it is use action languages word pictures and excitement so why cop so if you asked them why did you become a a cop because it was such an ex there's never a dull moment as an officer I get the highspeed chases I I get to meet new people I get to I I get to go out on Ste oh not steakouts that doesn't sound like fun but you get the idea the they they did it for the excitement so let's move on to the relationship Builder now on the relationship Builder again open personality open personality they are um they are willing to share they're willing to give information perfect example of of open closed personalities when you call say an attorney's office a title company uh a business and the secretary or the gatekeeper is what I call it the gatekeeper answers the phone and you ask for the person you're looking for the open personality will say let's say it's a doctor okay the open personality will say oh he's he's actually out on a golf field he he's he's going to be uh he he's out and about he's doing uh and they'll share what it is that he was doing they'll actually go through and they have no problem so when I hear in their in their voice that they are an open personal it I swing for the fences husband and wife let's and we've talked about this before or or I hope we have but and it's not a sexist thing but I always ask for the husband whether it's a seller whether it's a private lender unless it's specifically the person that's doing it if it's a husband and wife team I always ask for the husband why because the the husband is the more open to outside influences the the the wife is the is the mama bear is the one that is actually the protector of the family and so she is going to be more um concerned about who it is that she's letting into the house who she is uh giving information to and such but but you still do get open Personalities in that situation and and very often I'm not saying it's all the time and I'm not saying it's right or wrong but they'll defer to the husband in in a lot of situations especially regarding business so um when when the wife answers the phone if it's an open personality oh yeah he's out with Steve and he's you know he'll be back in a couple hours I'll swing for the fences I'll ask for the phone number I'll ask for his cell phone I'll ask uh you know other questions because I know that they'll they'll be free with the information if I know it's an open personality I swing for the fences uh on the other hand if it's a closed personality you ask for the doctor you ask for the husband they'll say who are you and you already know don't ask for more you just you answer the questions and and uh and see where that takes you so relationship Builders they are the nurturers the caretakers these are the ones that you will you will hear it in their voice you will hear how how it actually applies uh types of of of job descriptions because that'll come in handy with what we're going to talk about teachers p pastors nurses veterinarians massage therapists you will see that they are the ones very emotional uh in their in their uh communication style they are all about feelings and about relationship the in fact that's going to come into play in the in the conversation very much so relationship oriented if you're if you're talking about the money that's not all that exciting to them what's going to be interesting to them is the relationships built the people that you helped the when you're telling stories that's where where the conversation is going to go they tend to very much so engender loyalty the uh guys uh let let me give you this example yes I actually uh on my personality type and it comes from uh the way my parents uh raised me my mom makes Mother Teresa look like Hitler okay that's how much of a relationship Builder uh she was a a um uh missionary to India to an orphanage uh where uh where she took care of girls uh she's a nurse she is a I mean this is if there can be a one type personality she would fall into that category uh and people just love her they she engenders loyalty so I have a whole lot of that in me too and I mean guys look at at what happens in the group there's there is because of who's running it Steve and I the the rest of the group Falls in line and and and grows and follows that trend and so that's exactly what's happening here uh and and so you do see it actually engenders loyalty because it's real and because it's it's genuine uh and when you talk to a relationship Builder on the phone when you say it's a private lender you have private lenders in all four categories so with the with the uh relationship Builder you're going to feel better after your conversation with them than you did before you called you're you're going to be like can can we talk again soon because that's that's the type of Personality they are and they're going to be very appreciative when when you ask uh when you ask them so like with the emotional action taker when you asked them good or you said good morning or how are you doing today oh I'm having a blast this is a great day what are we going to do today what are we going to do today they're emotional action takers on the other hand the relationship Builders if you ask you say good morning or how's your day oh it's it's wonderful today thank you so much for asking what can I do for you that's the relationship Builder mentality and that's going to go through there now on the other side they are wishy-washy they will go back back and forth and back and forth they would rather not take the initiative they would defer to others wishes and see there's no perfect right or wrong this can become a huge issue uh this is just the way they are they are going they would rather not make the decision they're the ones where do you want to eat today I don't know where do you want to eat and and they're going to just want to pass it off they would rather avoid you than avoid they hate to say no they hate to say no that's one of the worst things to them and they would rather avoid you then have to confront you that's that's another side of the coin to that so rather than if you ever get uh with an emotional uh not an emotional action taker a relationship Builder and you you bring them to the call to action and they're the ones that are saying I gotta think about it let me I tell you what let me think about it and let me get back to you and and you try and push for the answer let me I I really I haven't come to a decision let me think about it and that's because they hate to say no and they'd rather avoid they they'll stop taking the call because it's it's very uncomfortable for them to say well this is actually the issue I have with it they'd rather avoid it all together so you're going to have to help them with that aspect and so the communication style you're going to make with with a relationship Builder you're going to ask for help that is one of the most uh powerful tools when it comes to uh communicating with a relationship Builder you're going to also talk about the Rel the people that you have helped when you're when you're telling stories because you're going to tell stories with them as well but you're going to concentrate on the people that you the the relationships you built the people that you helped the things that you did that were in service that's what's going to get their attention when it comes to that so when we ask about the cop question why did you become an officer that's the that's the actual motto to Serve and Protect that's their Credo they would that's exactly why they do it they they because I got to make a difference so for example when uh when I tell stories and I I would bring up uh remember we talk about building off of others uh credibility if you don't have it yourself at the time I would refer back to my mentor uh with Walter riddle the one you guys have heard me talk about before and I would talk about his morgage company that's been in business for over 30 40 years and not with no complaints and if I was talking to the emotional action taker I'd talk about the deals we've done and the cool things that we've done together and and the types of deals that we've done with the relationship Builder I'm going to talk about my 20 years that I've worked with Walter and we're still buddies to this day he passed away a couple of years ago he I am now working with son that's where it would absolutely grab their attention because of that so now we get to the data gatherer the data gatherer is uh these are going to be a closed personality this is where we get into the closed personality these people are are wonderful people uh but they are not free with the information they're not going to be the ones to tell you all about their life story they they in fact will consider it intrusive if you start asking two personal question they are analytical think accountant think um uh engineer these are the ones that actually go into the the data accountants Engineers computer programmers these uh the ideal situation is going to be uh for a data gatherer now with that there there's some some very positives to that as well very detail oriented now this is where it gets fun because they they will ask questions and and and the more that they ask questions the more interested they are that's that is your automatic barometer that you're going to see they do not make hasty decisions you will not push them on a sales pitch Steve I hope you do not get a data gatherer at the closing time they're the worst can't can't close them because if you do you can't close them if you try and close them they will shut you off if you try high pressure tactics if you try try takeaways they'd rather be safe than sorry okay and that's a smart approach as far as that's concerned H but you will see they will ask some very very detail oriented questions and but the more interested they are that's how you're going to see it because when you oh we got a little baby out there yeah you're gonna have to mute them I I I gave you control they got it yeah there we go uh so we yeah that's that's uh that's where it becomes so cool uh you know they they start asking questions now the questions they ask especially if you're an emotional action taker man you're going to consider it nitpicky you are going to you're going to hate it because as an emotional action taker you think big picture you think I can't see the forest for the trees you know I want to concentrate on the big picture here let's talk about let's let's leave the DAT the details for for someone else okay we'll get to that we'll get to that and you never get to that by the way but we'll get to that what we need to talk about is the big picture the data gather no we need to talk about details we need to actually get let's analyze what that tree looks like what kind of bark is there uh what kind of of uh well bottom line details in regards to it now the cool thing about the data gatherers is that once they make a decision they ICT to it you'll notice that they have had their job for 10 years 20 years however long they've been doing it they absolutely will will just stick to it whether they like it or they don't they see when they made a decision and especially as a private lender we had one uh situation I love I love to bring the gentleman up he's a great guy he just funded uh 200,000 on on one of our deals but when we first met him and we used this exact same system we found him in public records we contacted him we uh we started the relationship building process now if he's a day together you're not you're not having instant relationship you're getting questions okay and boy did he pour in the questions he was and and my my business partner at the time uh his name's Gordon and he retired a couple of years ago went into full-time nonprofit uh but he was so aggravated with with the gentleman he said I I'm just dropping him uh I'm just dropping him he's asking with goofiest questions he's asking for my licenses he's asking for who I use for uh for for my contracts do I have a realtor's license do I uh who do I use for my contractors do they have a license can I get a copy of that license I mean he one of the funniest things he actually did a a deal and it was less than 50% of arv was the loan and while we're trying to show him the house and everything he's outside measuring the pool and I mean I don't even know why he was measuring the pool but he was measuring the pool it had something to do with insurance and but that was what was important to him at that point and and when when I found out that Gordon was going to drop him I said I promise you we need to stick this one out we need to stick this one out if you will keep answering his questions and he comes to the decision that he wants to do business with us we've got a private lender for life so just just give them the data give them the data and and Gordon did and this is 14 years later we're still doing business once he made a decision once they make a decision they stick to it why because they they've determined they went through all the processes they went through all their questions they sold themselves and they decided that the that the decision they made was the best one for them and they did not rush into it but once they did that was it it just like the job description it's job security for them they decision is their security so there it is so you do not Pitch you communicate logically and you answer all the questions you do not they'll think that you're evading if you don't want to answer a question if you try and push it to the side they they will actually take that personally so answer all questions no matter how minute if you ask them about the cops first they're probably going to be in the forensic they're going to be a detective and such but the reason Financial Security that's probably going to be the reason why they decided to go that route and then uh last but not least the competitor that one is is is one of my favorites to to discuss because that's uh they can be fun they can be fun to watch number one closed personality and and the best part about a competitor they think they're a relationship Builder but we'll come back to that so uh they're closed personality they definitely are not sharing their details because they think you may be out to get them they are driven they are competitive the CEOs the superstars in in any sports guys let's let's talk about celebrities or or or sports stars that and see where where they'd fall in the personality types Michael Jordan I think that's a pretty obvious uh answer wouldn't you say definitely yeah he was a competitor he wasn't necessarily the most fun to be a teammate with he was not not a relationship Builder you do your job you make me look good or else I'm getting rid of you no matter what so can I share a story about this Dave yeah please please I like I like to think that I'm a relationship Builder but you know once the competition starts I'm very competitive so I actually back when I was as we would play pickup basketball right these are games that don't matter because just it's just pickup basketball and there are a couple SES on our team and they said we were just here to have fun and the words I said to them is I don't care if you came here to have fun you want to have fun play on someone else's team we're here to win I'm a little competitive sometimes i' I'd say I'd say I you know I think you you have a healthy a healthy competitive streak but I also think that you're uh you're a uh emotional action Tak care you've got some relationship ship building this is all part of it they make great salese by the way they do make competitors make great sales PE people not necessarily the best at follow through let me ask you Steve Let's uh since I got you on here I'm gonna I'm going to read your tea leaves here sure so so tell me what how are you on follow through um really good until about the last 10 15% fair enough fair enough where is your follow-through going to be is it going to be for the dollars you know the the quickest way to the money absolutely that's very often going to be the case but but like you said you want to think that you are a relationship Builder and such so it's a very interesting Dynamic now I would honestly say that you're not as as uh far on the competitive scale as as you could be RJ is definitely playing up the uh the competitor side yes he is and and part of it honestly obviously I think that there's there's there is some definite Mojo pushing there but but he's also playing playing a role but but that's that is a what he's playing at least is the far spectrum and you're at least willing to take the high road so again we've got Executives CEOs politicians athletes let's use a different athlete let's talk about pton Manning what would you say his personality type is dat gatherer that's right that man was a data gatherer and he was there with the same team as long as he could and he would have retired there because that's where he was comfortable but that is that is the epitome of a data gatherer I'd say Tom Brady would probably be in the emotional action taker very healthy competitive streak as well uh and such but you you get the idea the you can see the personalities as you're going through they like to stand out they do like to look good they they are the ones that are going to point out their yacht see I I so far you've been pretty good about that Steve uh one of our private lenders this this is one of my favorite ones uh the private lender he he told me he said you know I am the Billy Graham of lending and I of course now I'm having fun in my mind I'm thinking oh yeah well I'm the Benny hint of borrowing but so I might have a little competitive streak sometimes but uh but he he actually uh you know these are the types of personalities that that will actually stand out uh one that we're dealing with right now he never misses a chance to tell me he's out on the boat he never misses a chance to tell me that he is actually on the water or or he lives on the ocean and and stuff like that those are the things that really mean a lot to him bottom line he's interested in the bottom line he's not here to make friends he wants to know what's in it for him so the cool thing about that is and yes he's a very very dominant personality that's the guy who like I said CEOs tend to be the guys who rise to the top because they they took their place and they very often may have stepped on people to get to that place don't worry Steve I'm not throwing you under the bus or anything like that they take competition and correction personally now we're actually going to talk about almost a a button on their head that you can press that will get them to do whatever you want and we're going to discuss the actual personality language to talk about them this is the Magic Bullet so when you're dealing with with Steve and you want Steve to get to do something number one you're GNA compliment him Steve I I got to tell you man this is it's such an honor to work with you H someone who's who's got uh such a big following and such a great uh you know great knowledge base you have been here you've done that it's it's awesome I'm I'm just so honored to work with you man and uh you know I I you're right that was on our first call wasn't it wait a minute uh now so step one compliment step two compliment him again you know Steve you know every time that that we get on these calls you know you bring something to the table that's just absolutely awesome I I'm I'm always Blown Away by by your your ability to to put the deals together to to work the deals to sell the the opportunities and you know I I'm just blown away with with your skill level here and that's where we move seamlessly into step three challenge but you know Steve I got to tell you uh Pace morby over there he asked me to uh to to join with him and he's willing to offer me 40% or 50% so um we got to talk about this and so what happens when when when a don't worry Steve you we never leave you my friend but actually what you were talking about when you were saying Magic Bullet for me in my mind was the best way to get me to do something is tell me that I can't do it exactly like that goes right in L it goes to challenge do this that's the challenge whatever the actual attraction is it's comp compliment compliment challenge if you do that way to get not do something is to give direct order the best way to get me to not do something is to give me a direct order oh Absol absolutely absolutely exactly uh Tristan's talking about the reverse you you won't want uh to make the returns I have to offer well because they really like returns that that's actually going to be very very attractive to them so so compliment compliment challenge that's going to be the way to get them to do just about anything and that's the communication style you're going to get right to the point you're going to talk to them you're going to show them the money and and you're going to have a call to action and why cop why did you want to be a cop Steve because of the badge in the gun baby badge in the gun so by the way I wasn't planning on using you as a guinea pig there but that that is the competitor uh the competitor streak so interesting point to that uh Opposites Attract and and and this actually because it applies to every aspect of of of life and of personality and perspective uh you guys have heard the old saying about opportun uh Opposites Attract the emotional action taker actually is very attracted often that there's only going to be two ways it's going to work they're either going to gravitate to another emotional action taker or more often than not they're going to attract to a data gatherer why is that because the emotional action taker sees the data gather and says wow you have got it all together or let's let's start with the data gather to the emotional action taker The the data gatherer looks at the emotional action Taker and says man so Carefree so exciting that person is is you are so exciting so so uh vibrant you you just you you make me alive and I wish I could be more like you you complete me on the other hand the emotional action taker looks at the data gather and says man you are so solid so dependable I really appreciate that about you you definit you are so straightforward and and I you and I wish I could be more like that you complete me the relationship Builder looks at the competitor and says you're so so bold you're so so uh strong I I can count on you I can I can I can build my strength off of you I wish I could be more like you you complete me and the competitor looks at the relationship Builder and says you are so soft-hearted so kind so so uh loyal so so loving I wish I could be more like you you complete me but what of course starts as attraction can turn into irritation the the data gatherer looks at the emotional action taker say you never you're so disorganized you're so messy so cluttered you you start stuff and you never finish it you you just you're always you're so scatterbrained you know what you irritate me the emotional action taker looks at the day together you got a corn cob somewhere that you shouldn't have it you you're just so stuck in the mud you irritate me the relationship Builder looks at the competitor or the competitor looks at the relationship Builder and says you're so wishy-washy you have no backbone you irritate me relationship Builder looks at the competitor says you're so for you're you're too overbearing you you dominate and controlling you irritate me so what starts as attraction becomes irritation if you're not careful and there's only there's only one way to get around that you have to realize number one neither of you are wrong that's just the way you are okay if you're trying to change someone these are the default levels now again things do change things do uh do uh open up relate everyone is everything and actions and and uh events in your life and the people you hang out with can adjust that sort of thing but there's this little default setting that if you try to be and you try to change someone it's like holding the breath when it actually hits and and and the rubber meets the road boom that goes back to the to the uh the spot there again to to the default set so number one you got to come to a realization this is who it is this is the person I'm dealing with number two negotiation okay this is who I am this is who you are we better we better come to a realization we better come to an understanding with each other we're going to have to be patient with each other and this goes to the adjustments it it's funny my brother actually tends to be the data gatherer side and one time I was uh you know his biggest irritation with me is I'm very big picture I'm not one for detail and so he he thinks I'm being evasive and so one day I thought you know what I am going to show him and I am going to be so detail oriented that he's going to realize how ridiculous this is and so so the next day he says how you doing I went into a 15 20 minute stepbystep process of my day how I woke up and how I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth brushed my hair how I took a shower I went to the to get breakfast and I mean I went step by step by step and it turned out he loved it it did not he did not think it was ironic he didn't think I was being factious he absolutely that was the language now I'm not saying that you have to go to the level but if you're if you want to communicate because that's the next step after adjustment you communicate and you start speaking each other's languages that is how that actually can become a you can use this in real life you can use this in not just in business we're going to get to the formula in just a second but this is where you're going to absolutely get uh you can use this in real life with your own relationships Steve did you want to say something uh I think this is you know it's got some similarities to the disc profile it's very similar sure we're going to get into now how to actually use this in the conversation because what makes this work is how easily it's able to be used so how are we going to how do you determine personalities every everyone their personality actually is right there on their on their on their face you can see it you can see uh things uh the way they dress the way they they speak the way they act the people they hang out with the jobs they they do so how do you determine personalities you ask questions and you listen people say you know the most important tool of negotiating are your ears that's what I've always said and and and that's the common knowledge this is why you can actually listen and find out who you're talking to don't just listen to the words coming out of their mouth listen to the way they're saying it uh watch their uh their facial us uh you know the way they they uh determine or or the way they act while they're doing it uh each of these things are going to absolutely come into play for how you can determine it uh I I like to always before I let's say I'm trying to uh find a seller or find uh a little bit more about the private lender I always say I hate to ask a question that I don't already know the answer to why because you give up all the all the power if you if you have to rely on them for that information and so let's say I'm I'm looking to find a private lender that that I found I go ahead I see if I can find their Facebook profile and if I see that number one it's got a lot of pictures and and what's on the pictures that's the jet ski that's him jet skiing that's him uh on his motorcycle that's him doing uh you know uh at the beach that's him at the bowling what is what's happening this is an emotional action taken because he's all about doing he's all about about the fun stuff that's that's what you're seeing and you could just see it over and over you'll see the different the different things um so so you can buy all means check check that out so number one you're going to want to determine if they're open or closed personalities that's going to be a big factor uh the most important because from there you can break it down so you ask the questions you listen and you you listen to the answers you ask them questions like uh the job they do or or what what career or what kind of deals uh the different things that you're going to ask listen to more than just the words that's where I'm trying to go with that are they free with the information uh or do they keep their personal info personal that's that's key element on if they're open or closed uh what is what was their profession this is going to be uh this is going to tell remember we were able to see a lot of the different uh the different uh job types but then you you do have people that were in jobs that didn't necessarily fit their personality uh under normal circumstances so one of the questions you'd ask ask is oh really what did you like about that and you will get from them why they did it if it was for the person was for the uh for the job security you might have a data gatherer if it was for the uh difference that they could make you may have a relationship Builder it was just for the money these are the these are the questions you're going to want ask and you will hear you'll end up getting a feel for whether they're a positive a cup is half full cup is half empty personality and that goes with the open or closed so now I'm going to tell you this right here the elevator pitch is what you've been waiting for whether you knew it or not this right here is we know that conversation is fluid when Steve's going to be on his uh his Challenge and and at the Olympics he's going to have to think on his feat he's going to have to determine uh and listen and and ask questions and and all the things he's going to have to do but the elevator pitch gener generous genuinely is something that can stay stacked now whether or not you've included that if you've thought about it Steve I don't know I'm sure you have but that right there sets the tone for everything you're going to do first impressions make all the difference so we're going to go over the elevator pitch and guys I've worked on this I it took me over two years of tweaking adjusting making uh different pieces to it you don't need to reinvent the wheel this is the absolute best that I know that it could be at least uh if if you see something Steve let me know but this will be what you're going to use so a good elevator pitch is going to have the introduction who you are I call it the who what when where when why so number one your introduction number two your motivation why are you calling them because that often is going to be the question you know why why are you calling what do you want well you're going to answer that before they actually they actually tell you or have to ask and this is going to eliminate a whole lot of objections next comes expectations what do you want to happen during this conversation and then we have a call to action whether it be indirect or direct we're not trying to necessarily get in fact we've talked about this before you're not asking for money on a first Contact but we are going to have a call to action we are going to direct where what we want to have happen as an outcome of this conversation and all of that is going to be shown in this elevator pitch so here we go this is it right here hi and will'll use Steve hi Steve uh my name is David I'm a property investor here in town I was doing work in public records where I saw your name come up in regards to doing private mortgages I just wanted touch base with you find out what your criteria was maybe see if we could do some business together that is the elevator pitch and and as you could hear me do it I could do it over and over again it will sound the same and even the pieces like the the pauses in place the the uh voice modulations all of that is on purpose listen to me again hi hi Steve my name is David I'm a property investor here in town I was doing work in public records where I saw your name come up in regards to doing private mortgages I just wanted to touch base with you find out what your criteria was maybe see if we could do some business together I promise you this works now most people are going to try and and and just take it and run with it and and start calling I recommend and and by the way the ones that do the best with this believe it or not are the data gatherers because they'll actually follow my instructions on this uh I when I taught this before this was one thing many times they would just jump right on okay I got it I'm making calls Carl I'll do a one more time just for you hi hey Carl my name is David I'm a property investor here in town I was doing work in public records where I saw your name come up in regards to doing private mortgages I just wanted to touch base with you find out what your criteria was maybe see if we could do some business together so yeah as you can tell I I've done this a few times once or twice so with that each of those pieces each of these pieces absolutely uh goes in and I've adjusted words in there I've taken those pieces I first I started out with just being an investor and they thought I was trying to buy their notes uh it tells them why how I found them where I found them it it answers those questions now you'll know notice in there even there that there were pauses and that right there it'll even tell you their personality within those first 30 seconds right there that's right Steve it does answer those right there all right so watch this when we go through that like I said number one you can usually determine from this conversation uh from that elevator pitch if they are an open or close personality what's going to happen you notice those pauses in there each of those pauses is in there for a purpose if it's an open personality they will fill in the blanks so hi my name's David hi I see now I threw myself off here hi my name is David I'm a property investor here in town uhhuh I was doing work in public records okay where I saw your name come up in regards to doing private mortgages I do see they're filling in the blanks now if they're a closed personality silence you're not going to get anything out of there so it's very important you have heard the listen to the the presentation again go back through listen to it again hi my name is David I'm a property investor here in town I was doing work in public records where I saw your name come up in regards to doing private mortgages just wanted to touch base with you find out what your criteria was maybe see if we could do some business together so when you do yes uh I think that's a good idea Charles I'll I'll do a a recording of just the pitch I'm sure Steve can uh help me do that but with that they will fill in the blanks or they won't and that will definitely help you on that so now that that you've got it if you've got an open personality this is going to be the formula formula of the conversation um we will go into more detail on it on another module but this right here is going to be the uh the basic formula that we're going to go through so once we've determined that they are in open personality because they filled in the blanks in the elevator pitch go ahead and ask questions feel free the nice thing about with the open personality they're going to help you with the conversation they're not going to be you you don't have to be afraid about getting personal feel free to ask questions feel free to uh to get details personal life family whatever they have no problem sharing let them talk again and by the way this works with sellers this works with Buyers this works with money once you and and you'll notice when we've talked about um uh about presentations when we talk about uh uh when we call Sellers and stuff like that I'm using Just A variation of this elevator pitch hi my name is David uh I I own property just down the road from you I noticed you own that house over on 123 ABC Street blah blah blah blah blah so it's it's just a variation but once you get here you're going to ask questions you're going to get Det details you're not going to be afraid to get personal and you're going to let them talk this conversation should not be difficult whether it's a relationship Builder or an emotional action taker they're going to be easy to uh to have a conversation with this is where you're going to tell stories stories you you've heard the old saying stories sell facts tell story cell this is where you're going to give examples you're going to tell stories where going to concentrate will be based on whether they're specifically an emotional action taker or a relationship Builder the con the story will be geared towards the excitement of the deal if it's an emotional action taker the solution the creativity the excitement all of that it's a relationship Builder it's on the on the solution that you made to help the person and and the way that you built the relationship with them those are the things the service you provided that's what the story is going to go to but it's still going to be story use word we've talked about it uh for an emotional action taker you want to use your your word pictures you're going to be animated you're going to emphasize the excitement the fun and the results and it's not even yes they like money but it is definitely going to it's going to gear towards the results of what happened how you were able to get the deal done and how you were able to sell it and how those are the things the the end result is is almost more important to them about that with relationship Builders you're going to emphasize the relationships the family the helping the people and how they can help people with you on the Clos personality you will ask questions but only in order to get them to ask you questions and and and uh you so you will bring up things like uh you're not going to get into their personal lives that happens as you build relationship over long term and they learn to trust you learn to believe in you all of them will it starts with the likability moves to the trustability and moves to the believing in so they all will but you let them ask the questions and you be prepared for scrutiny don't take it personal how did you find my number how did you uh what did you see share the information be to the point be direct and answer it don't ask personal questions give examples but in the examples let's talk about say for the data Gathering you tell stories but the stories are going to be emphasizing the facts you're not going to be pushing the excitement level they'll think you're a flake if you if you're just going excited you're trying to sell them no that's not that's not going to work you're going to emphasize the facts we we did this deal and it was worth uh the arv was $150,000 uh we had an appraiser that went through the numbers and it it was assessed this way and you give the details you emphasize the facts it ended up costing us 50,000 in renovation etc etc and then the finished numbers emphasize the facts let them start asking questions the details the business plan and again be prepared to be scrutinized it is worth it with the competitor get to the point be direct not necessarily confrontational unless they start pushing for that and again compliment compliment challenge you do want to let them know that you belong in this conversation because that part is going to so you are a professional you are good at what you do and they do want to do business with you so you do still have confidence but you're not trying to get into a into a pissing contest because then they're not concentrating on the right part of the conversation which is now they're competing with you so let's move on with the formula this is very important take your time with this the longer the conversation I if it's an hour and a half conversation great I have no problem with it being an hour and a half conversation if it's a two-hour conversation all the better it means we are building relationship so the more that we're we're able to keep this conversation going now Don't Force It listen to what's going on listen to their their excitement level but take your time don't try and rush to the money that is very important for you to understand again we've talked about this before but I'm going to emphasize it you do not ask for money on First Contact this is not about the money we call it first date items how many First Dates have been ruined by over anxious uh uh guys trying to get a home run on a first date same thing if you know you're not going to get any in this case money you can concentrate on the relationship so that's what we're here for what is it we're trying to find out we're trying to find out the criteria and we're trying to find out where we can go you know whether we can do business together ask them what types of deals they've done uh what kind of deals they like to do what criteria uh what their criteria is to do the deal how do they determine value as a great question to ask and and let them talk each of these are talking points this is an outline you're not trying to uh to you know use this as as a script this is an outline you're going to ask them about the types of deals what kind of criteria uh they they like to use if you need to be specific uh about that you can say you know do you require down payments do you uh you know if and give them an example so if we had one of these deals and it was 50 cents on the dollar are you going to require uh uh down payment or or things along those lines how how would you instead of bringing that up where of course if you're going to bring it up they're going to be happy to take it I would probably say something like this if if you were if we were to find one of those to good to pass up deals that's 50 cents on the dollar or something like that how would you handle that type of deal and just let him talk how do you determine value what size loans do you like to be in what geography what area of town what what places do you want to deal with what places do you not how do you like the deal to be presented to you any additional info that you can gather that's what you're on you're on a fact finding Mission you're on a fact finding mission and a relationship building Mission that's what this call is all about first Contact and we always finish by offering a gift some some of you might have seen a post that I did uh in another group and the guy said if if you had only $400 to uh to Market with what would you do and I actually broke it down and one of them was uh was 100 of the dollars would go to buying Starbucks gift cards $10 Starbucks gift cards why because you always want to leave them with a gift you always want to give something at the end and what we give is a credibility Builder it's our credibility kit and it includes our ABCs on how to be a private lender which I am going to share this week with you guys so that you can now I do need to clarify this is a very basic this is uh and we are actually working out a deal uh with with Amy to see if we can actually work something out where you can actually give them her course on how to be a private lender so we're we're working that out it is definitely something you might want to uh look out uh look at uh what we offer is part of hard credibility kit but that could be a really great little uh uh loss leader that could be worth millions of dollars in in uh in loans uh but no matter what you offer them a gift at the end so this is about the call um we're going to be discussing that Mo uh as far as that's concerned uh we are working out the details as of right now uh I mean just on the open market uh the private how to be a private lender course is the one that she that that I think is such a cool uh opportunity uh and uh I believe right now it's it's like uh 695 uh we're going to see what we can do 697 Dave don't don't short change her oh oh do on it that's right we always end with a seven we always end with a seven uh but yes we we'll definitely uh we're working out something uh special for you guys so that's exactly right M that that's that's an awesome way to deal with it so who's up for a challenge you guys saw me post that the other day and and I know people have been asking me they've been saying uh and by the way Steve feel free to jump on with me now um this I think you're causing lots of trouble I have been uh Amy by the way is the attorney that was on last week that we uh we did the uh exactly Amy phell we did the interview with last week she in our group so yeah I I put this out there but I didn't say much about it because I I wanted to see what the response would be and and we needed to adjust it so just like the emotional action taker I was uh I am uh I I put it out there with a ready fire aim mentality so you know how about if we do this but I brought it to Steve and and I brought it to some of the other guys in this group some of the superstars and I I wanted to get some backup on this and I wanted to make sure that it was going to really really work and and that I'd have the help to make it happen because what I'm going to share with you guys I believe I don't think anyone's ever done this before has Steve you ever heard anyone do this no I have not I think it's it's it's a crazy idea so no I don't think anyone but it's crazy enough to work I agree and that's that's the fun part about it so so here's here's what it is guys we have uh we have about just under 60 people or maybe now we're we're a little over 60 and by the way our magic number is 100 so uh we'll we'll be talking about that as as a separate part of the challenge in just a minute um but the this Challenge and and what this is about I we have everybody in this group that's in one level or the other of the spectrum I mean I was surprised to find out that almost 50% of the group has actually never done a deal that blew me away and and don't get me wrong I have no problem with that I think that's that's such a a a great thought that you guys know that money is such an important factor that that you know to at least put that as a priority here like I've said before people think if the deal is good the money will come I always say if the money is good the deal will come and that absolutely applies but I've seen so many guys in here that they're they're doing that and that's great but they really need to get a deal done okay and so we're I see Carl saying we need to do a bonus training on how to find deals guess what guys this is the name of the challenge it's we're going to call it hash no student left behind okay no student left behind because here's the deal I am going to add so we've been doing Thank God It's Friday okay we're g to add Wednesday okay and what we're going to do and I am going to actually post this in the group as well I need to get commitments okay I want everyone to commit if they want to if they want to be a part of no student left behind I need you to commit to this but if I have a very bold statement I'm about to make if you will take my stepbystep process for the next 30 days every one of you will get a deal done every one of you will get a deal done I want everyone in this group to have done a deal and I am taking it personally to make sure that you do and so and and here's the cool thing about it when I brought this to some of the superstars in the group because we have we have some guys that are are are our beginners but we also have some some incredible superstars in the group we have Amy we have uh Steve and Max we have Brent and Adam uh and and we have uh Nathan and Steve Carlson we've got some uh Jory and his his business partner you guys uh there's there's some superstars in this group and so I brought this up to to them and they're going to help me in the accountability aspect as well so we are like I said before uh this is is not just about uh about me on this this is a mentorship but I want it to and I've been seeing this and I'm so excited about this but not just a mentorship but a mastermind okay that's what's so cool about about the the mentality that's that's been going in here people have been sharing their own victories and have been helping each other well this is taking it to the next level hash no student left behind and if you will follow my my lead for the next 30 days every one of you will have a deal done so that's what this this challenge is going to be about now I want absolute commitments from you guys because that is the one piece I I don't believe that it has to be like um I think Ron mcrand had had been at a a presentation he said I'm telling you guys 70% are never going to do what what I tell you to do and so on and so forth I believe that it that you're here because you actually want to do and you want to implement so if you will follow my lead for these next 30 days you'll get a deal done what do you think about that Steve it's a very bold statement absolutely yeah anything you want to add to that uh I have some things I want to add when you're done sure sure sure um by the way guys we've been talking about the the personalities and and so on and so forth you know I I even kind of jump the gun talk about emotional action taker but I uh I want to ask do you guys have any questions number one about the information we shared and then and then number two about this challenge about no student Left Behind uh anything that uh you guys want to ask uh Tristan did ask a question um if you don't have an answer for the data gatherer since they're going to be asking you a lot of questions how do you come back with an answer and and just real quick before you answer that uh trist I want to add with the data gatherer they might ask you the same question three different ways and in your mind it's the same freaking question why are you asking me that question again and again and again but there's two things here in their mind there's enough Nuance that is not the same question and B they might want to see if you answer it the same way for consistency sake I see thank you very true what was so what was the specific question if you don't have the answer to their question is it okay to come back to them and say look absolutely I don't have that to hand right now but I know the guy that will or something along those lines to give them the confidency transparent you don't have the answer obviously is there data gatherer absolutely okay thank you that was the only question okay anybody else I got a question for Steve yeah are you GNA win this weekend you know this is uh this is not something I'm saying publicly but I'm not actually playing to win uh I'm actually going to be playing to give as much value as possible so when I'm on the line I'm gonna be going doing everything my way and my way is not designed to get the most number of deals in a short period of time my way is to develop relationships identify pain and then dig really deep in the wounds so that they do want to work with me so my strategy and style is actually not designed to get a deal fast and some of you guys have been on the calls with me it sometimes takes me an hour and a half sure right so for me I actually don't I've accepted the fact that I'm probably not gonna win because I want to make sure who is listening over this weekend sees how we do it exactly live well don't worry about it Steve because I actually have have already uh gotten in touch with an inside person over at Erin and RJ's office and they are going to pull the plug right about the uh 15 minute mark on their side they're going to have technical difficulties so it's not going to be a problem you're going to win by default appreciate that uh Jonathan's asking about what do you uh on the conversation about how do you handle the conversation with the lender about being about putting Stu uh putting lenders into second position yeah how how you how are you having that conversation so number one we're not having that conversation on a first Contact that has to be clear right now we're not we're not having that question we are gathering their information we are we are asking questions we're building the relationship so the only way that you're going to give specifics uh get into specifics is if they ask you a question that is very specific to them or if they bring it up now that's at the first this is first Contact and keep in mind the first deal is going to be the most difficult and it doesn't have to be difficult but it is going to be of the the deals that you do with them it's still going to be the most difficult because they've never done a deal with you before and so you are all you're trying to accomplish number one during the call during the first Contact is relationship building and and fact finding you know going through Gathering the information and such and and you're listening so that you can build more relationship but beyond that and I see amid asks the question and it kind of goes right in line with that uh but when it comes time for the conversation you can ask the question up front you know during the first Contact do you do only do first positions do you ever do seconds you can ask them that question and and more often than not the answer is going to be no there are ways and by the way we have structured deals for private lenders to be a able to or relationship backers to be able to have Security even with Sack or with Deeds for dollars for example we actually use uh our backers for Deeds for dollars so what we show them how to do and this is getting into deal structure but we have our we have the money placed in ascra we actually have what we call lines of credit set up where the money's in there in estra with a third party with the attorney and and that it's always an attorney I never have it anywhere else but with a third party attorney they get a great return I have no problem paying 15% 18% uh on these Deeds for dollar scenarios because I'm going to make truck loads of money on it and I get to roll this money over multiple times through the year so they have the escro account set up and it's a rolling line of credit and the way that they get collateral and security with it is we put each property into a land trust for us we use a land trust you could use a different vehicle if you want to but they are the 100% beneficial interest of the land trust until we pay them back in other words at closing so let's just use an example of of $100,000 so we've got a deal and we're we're doing a deal Deeds for dollars actually it would never be a Deeds for dollars at 100 so let's just say 20,000 so $220,000 uh this property is worth A1 200,000 uh but we're getting it for 20 because we're doing Deeds for dollars and we know there's code enforcement we know there's this that and we explain all that uh that we solve these problems and we get the discounts because these are those problems so what we do is we have the property go into a trust and they are 100% beneficial interest and are the owner of the property until until that 20,000 gets paid back when it does they get their 20,000 back in whatever the return is and then you do the um and then you get anything over it so let's say I'll give you a perfect example we did a deal it was worth uh 200 well actually we did a deal in Miami it was worth about $475,000 and uh we got it for 65,000 all in okay uh we hold sailed it for 268,000 we made a $200,000 profit how that worked was we did Deeds for dollars uh and I see Jonathan's asking that question I'll get to it in a second but we paid the owner who was a it was an airless estate situation uh they did didn't know that they were in air it was found money for them this property had code enforcement this property uh was behind on taxes this property had squatters in it so they didn't want to deal with it we were willing to take it subject to all of that stuff and still give them 30,000 for the property that's that's what Deeds for dollars is all about you literally give them cash for a quick claim deed or or a a deed of some type it's a very Advanced strategy so I wouldn't recommend doing it right off as a first deal but we'll talk about that later if you want but what what we did there is the is the uh person who backed us because it was 30,000 to the owner but we still had code enforcement and different things we had to clear on the property so all in we needed six 65,000 plus the legal cost of the probate and stuff like that so all in it was 65,000 the deed went into escrow signed up front by The Heirs uh there is a Doctrine you're allowed to sell your interest uh even before it's perfected so we did get the deed we also got the documents signed for the probate we got everything done uh then release the money to them uh at that part of the closing once they had the Deeds um done the money was released so we could pay off the The Heirs and uh the code enforcements it cleared up all those things so when it went to closing and we sold it for the 268 the 65 with the return went back to the uh to the lender we were the um we were the the subsequent beneficial interest the secondary beneficial interest after he got his his uh his 65,000 back we became full beneficial interest and got the rest it was just it sounds complicated but it was actually handled by the attorney and it was already written into the trust so that it was a uh just additional instructions to the trustee and so it ended up being an easy dispersement and it worked so that's that's a way if it's a second position you could put the property into a trust you could put the property into a corporation have them own it uh and and they could wrap it to you that's a way to turn it into a sub2 uh in a situation where they actually own it and they owe or Finance it to you there's a lot of different ways to do it uh so Dave going back to the no student Left Behind yes was anything more you want to talk about it I know we were talking about having four calls so Wednesdays if if everyone's good with Wednesday and that's another thing in the uh immediately after this uh after this module I'll go ahead Post in the group uh making sure Wednesdays are okay or or uh if that you know if there's a better day but um we will you will be taking stepbystep instructions you will be assigned a accountabil buy and uh we will be all each each person that's in the deal will be participating in the deal so so this but this everybody wins this way and uh and everybody gets a deal so this is this is the way that that we've decided to do it uh each of the days uh each of the Wednesdays we will actually make uh the stepbystep process I'm going to tell you what to do then I'm going to show you what to do with the leads that you generate and by the way you don't need to worry about CRM and and U uh smss and and all the other initials AARP whatever no you don't have to worry about that kpis none of that you're going to get deal done I I I like to say hashtag old school is the best school and I'm gonna actually walk you through old school steps to get a deal done and if you follow the steps you will get a deal done so Wednesdays we'll we'll go through and by the way on those calls we're going to really dig into this you'll even see me making cold calls maybe we can even talk our super super closer to make a few of these these cold calls too what do you say Steve either that or I could call RJ probably RJ wow going against typ cast here I challenged you I should have complimented you first so I want to be very clear for everyone that's listening right is we're GNA be uh doing four additional calls and this is not an upsell there's no additional cost this is just something that Dave called me or texted me is always you know can you talk which is never a fun text to get but Dave sends me these text messages so we talk and he said this was important to him that you know in having these one-on-one calls how many calls he's had we've had a lot of people that haven't done their first deal yet and uh Dave wants to make sure that everyone that's joined us gets a deal done and gets a deal done relatively soon and so he's passionate about this so like I said there's no additional cost this is just something that Dave wants to do extra so um with that being said I the competitor wanted to add something on top of this uh so um you know we're trying to do something special uh once we get to 100 uh mentees in here um you know and what I wanted to do was take this no student left behind and absolutely push this and see if we can get some more people into the program so um two things a the price is going up no one here has to worry uh but the price is going to be going up um I think that Dave is giving way too much here uh for what uh what we're charging for the program uh so we're gonna if you guys haven't yet you know go and create an affiliate link but we're going to make this a competition whoever signs up the most additional people under your link uh I'm going to have fly out uh to to spend a day with me and I'm going to share you guys you know everything everything that we do in our business right um so you know whoever gets the most people to sign up in the next four weeks I'm gonna allow to to spend a day for Tristan you get to you just get to Flap your arms so uh so if you guys haven't created that uh affiliate link yet uh I'll post that instructions on how to do that this afternoon um but I I could not be more excited and then with the resources on top of Dave uh we've got you know uh we got the the boys in Mississippi Brenton Adam we've got Amy we've got Steve Carlson we we've got Uncle Carl crazy uncle Carl crazy uncle Carl's here uh we um you know uh pace and jam didn't make this call but they're they're in the group so it's just crazy to me what what we got going on so uh admit when's price going up probably Thursday six days from today so to help you guys get more uh signups in the meantime so but that's it on my end that's the competition part I mean what's the fun without a little bit of competition absolutely that that's awesome no oh look at that Uncle Carl will do a segment if you want look at that yeah is that you know what I bet you that's not even Uncle Carl back there that's stas anyways don't egg them on any more than you already did yesterday oh I know it I know that was fun so guys uh that's that's basically what we got for this week uh I I hope you got something out of this call is Believe it or wow Uncle Carl is definitely in the house that's that's not stas we're we're back we know that's him oh that's hilarious but guys uh I hope you got something out out of this um I hope that uh that this makes sense to you because this actually is key key the this module that we just discussed where where personality comes into play and communication style this is the key to building relationships and I mean Steve is a master at it and and we're going to see that obviously but but this is the stuff that he practiced this is the stuff whether whether you used uh my specific names to it like you said it's it's very similar to disc and such I mainly I mainly used this version and created this so that I wouldn't get sueded but but the idea is that this that personality uh being able to determine what personality style what personality language is absolutely key whether you're buying selling or raising uh relationship money so I hope you got something out of this and I will say if this is a new topic for anybody here to definitely rewatch this because uh the key here for understanding the personalities it's awareness that really helps you a lot it's it helps you ay what you need to understand yourself right and once you understand yourself now you need to start recognize this in other people and the reason why this is so important is because you're gonna find out once you understand how other people are wired you need to not be you you need to behave like them and you can't them if you don't understand them so once you start behaving like them then that's when your closings go to the next level absolutely absolutely and mo actually I'd take that one step further the golden rule is definitely that the the communication rule is to treat them how they want to be treated y but guys thank you so much and uh we the Platinum rule I love it guys we will we will see you next uh you know what I will confirm that with Steve there was a question will it be the 27th or the 2 or third so this Wednesday or next Wednesday I'm leaning towards this Wednesday but uh let me make sure that there's no addition um you know stuff that we need to put together for it but I I think we could start it as early as this Wednesday yeah I think so too all right guys thank you so much we'll see you soon all right bye everyone have a great weekend stay safe thanks everyone