so I did the 100 million dollar Leeds live webinar now I didn't watch it live because it was 2 am here in Australia but I did watch the replay I took the 100 million leads course on and I listened to the entire audiobook of 100 million leads by Alex Mosey and this video is a concise breakdown for you to understand the book's philosophy and main ideas I've also included my biggest personal takeaways at the end so if you appreciate the effort please hit that like button down below for me put on your homozy stash and let's jump straight in so the book starts by defining exactly what a lead is is a leader phone number or is it a person that's scheduled a call with you it leads people who are viewing your YouTube videos or they have to subscribe or do they have to click the link in your description and click through to your website and give you their email address before you can consider them officially Elite well Alex hermosi defines a lead as a person that you can contact but you're probably thinking that's not very useful because you can go out there and pretty much contact 90 of the world whether that's just walking by them on a street dialing a number in your phone or even finding them on Instagram and reaching out to them but none of these things are really going to have a strong impact on your business well Alex Mercy said what people really want are engaged leads which he defines as people that you can contact who are also interested in you or your products and turning leads into engaged leads is the entire point of his book so how can you go and convert strangers into people who want to buy your products or Services well in his book Alex says the best way to do this is through the use of a lead magnet which is a complete solution to a narrow problem that you give away for free or at a significant discount for example if you're a personal trainer your lead magnet might be an online workshop on how to lose 10 pounds in the next 30 days now the point of a lead magnet is to solve the customer's first problem but by solving this first problem you'll be leaving them with a brand new problem and the solution to that new problem should be your core offer in the example of the personal trainer now that you've lost a lot of weight most people might want to go ahead and put on some muscle so your core offer could be how to put on 10 pounds of muscle in the next three months now Alex says that your lead magnet should be phenomenal make your free stuff better than everybody else's paid content because if you give away crap you'll get crap in return but if you give away the really good stuff you'll get engaged leads that are excited to buy your core offer awesome so now you have a league magnet that are going to convert people from leads into engage leads but they're still a big problem because you could have the best lead magnet in the world but if nobody hears about it no one's going to be able to use it and therefore no one's going to be able to buy your core offer and this problem takes us Straight Into the Heart of Alex hamosi's book which is how do we advertise our lead magnet well Alex breaks this down in his book into a four part Matrix called The Core four Alex says it's important to know that there are only four possible way to let other people know about these stuff that you sell because there are two types of communication direct and private one-to-one or indirect and public one to many a one-to-one might be a conversation that I have with my brother and a one-to-many is exactly what I'm doing now a YouTube video to many people who are watching and on top of this there's only two type of audio chances that we can reach people who know you and people who don't know you so these are the four elements of the core four so let's jump through them one by one and look at the individual strategies to advertise our products and services using this core 4. number one is warm Outreach which is using people who already know you and contacting them one on one Alex says that this is the best strategy to start with because it's the cheapest and the most reliable way to find new customers so how does the advise we do it well step one we get a list and if you think you don't have a list for your business or brand yet he says you're wrong go through all of your phone contacts and everyone you've messaged over the past few years go through your social media follow go to your email and look at everybody that you've ever emailed now compile these names and contact details into one sheet there's your list Alex says that most people should have about a thousand people on this list step two is to pick a platform in order to reach these people so you could choose email you could choose Tick Tock you could choose phone calls or you could choose Instagram or of course any other strategy out there if you don't know which one to pick Alex says choose the one where you have the most leads already step three is to find out some interesting information about these people and then go out there and contact them and ask them about that interesting information for example Samantha may have just had a baby hey Samantha I see you had a baby how's it going Alex highly recommends to make sure that you act like a normal person don't be a weirdo and actually just go and have a real conversation with them now that you've had a conversation Alex has some specific scripts and templates that you can use to transition the conversation to turn them into an Engaged lead I'm going to give you a very oversimplified version of this so I'm talking to Samantha who just had a baby conversation's hot and she's ready to go I ask her I actually just made a free course on how to lose 10 pounds of body fat in the next 30 days do you know anyone who would be interested in it you can see now I'm not asking Samantha directly but I'm asking Samantha if she knows anybody I'm looking for a referral or at least it comes across that way but Alex says that most times because this list of people are people who are your potential target audience a lot of them are going to be inquiring about themselves and you get over the icky feeling that you're actually just reaching out to try and sell them step four of this process is to do this to 100 leads every single day awesome that's part one let's go to part two of the core four which is posting free content this is to people who already know you and this is a one-to-many approach Alex Emoji said that this is the most powerful long-term strategy in growing a brand so the first thing to do again is to choose your platform where your leads already exist this could be email this could be phone numbers this could be Twitter or X or YouTube or any other platform that has people's attention and then simply go and make high quality relevant content with the following three elements one a hawk give your lead a reason to redirect their attention to your content Alex says you can do this through interesting topics eye-catching headlines or a format that's rewarded than before two you have to retain them with your content give your lead a reason to retain their curiosity you can do this through a list steps such as step one step two step three or an engaging story and thirdly reward your leads for clicking on your content you you need to make sure that you satisfy the reason that they clicked on your content in the first place never leave them with an open loop and make sure you've over delivered on the promise of your content this will keep them coming back for more now the third quadrant of the core4 Matrix is cold Outreach now this is contacting people who don't know you for the first time and reaching out to them one on one an easy example of this is sending a stranger an Instagram DM now once again this strategy you can do on any platform that your leads exist on a few examples that Alex gives are emails calling DM SMS or even knocking on doors he says you should go get a list through lead scraping which their softwares and services that do this for you buying lists or manually searching for leads yourself and then go ahead and reach out to them in the exact same way that you're reaching out to people who are your warmly in fact Alex says that this is the trick make the cold leads feel like they already know you and once again be a normal person have a conversation and don't come off salesy you can do this by making sure you personalize conversation with them give a large amount of value very fast and and then Alex advises that you do 100 of these reach outs every single day you can facilitate this personalized Outreach while maintaining the volume of this by using Automation and technology and this takes us to the fourth quadrant of the core four running paid ad which is reaching out to people who don't know you but one to many now Alex hamosi actually has one of the best ad spend rois in the world for every dollar that he spends on Advertising he gets 36 dollars back a 36 to 1 Roi and there's a lot to break down here and a lot of specific strategies that Alex gives you in order to run really effective ads but honestly that could become its own two hour video here on YouTube itself so the briefest overview and sneak peek that I could give you then you can go do more research yourself is to know where to advertise get the Right audience to see it and make the best ad possible by split testing hundreds if not thousands of pieces of content awesome so now that you know the call for advertising strategies how to get people into your lead magnet and core offer Alex has given us three jars of anabolic steroids to inject into our call for and get better results to Skyrocket the amount of engaged leads that we get every single day he calls it more better new now if you're not making a million dollars a year yet he says to focus on more first if you are already making a million dollars a year he says that you should start by focusing on better let me explain what these are anabolic steroid jar number one more so apparently Facebook did a review on everybody who runs ads on their platform and separated the 0.1 percent of users who get the best Roi performance on their ad and Facebook found that this 0.1 percent of people split test 11 times more creatives which is AD sets which are media that they run as ad then everybody else and the answer to scaling your leads Alex says is normally just do more Alexa Mosey says you need to ask the question why can't I 10x the volume of this strategy and of course you can apply this to each quadrant of the core 4. why can't I 10x my warm Outreach DMS why can't I 10x my YouTube content why can't I knock on 10 times more doors and why can't I split test 10 times more ad variations or even 10 times my ad budget now oftentimes you can't just go ahead and 10 exit there's actually a legitimate reason why you haven't already 10xed your strategy but Alex says this is exactly the point because now you get to the heart of the issue and the true bottleneck that's stopping you from 10xing your Outreach and therefore connecting your results your job is to then focus on this bottleneck and remove it and turn on that money print Alex tells the story of how his friend was making absolute Bank by handing out flyers and Alex hamosi wanted to get more members into his gym so he's like oh hell yeah I'll try out this fire strategy when in printer 300 flyers and put them on 300 cars around the area that his gym was he was shocked to have nobody sign up to his gym from his effort because he knew his friend was absolutely crushing him so he called his friend and said what's going on man how are you crushing it no one signed up to my gym and even though I put out flies as well and apparently his friend said how many Flyers did you put out Alex said we went and did 300 flights and his friend's response was oh we actually do 5 000 flies every single day that's 150 000 flyers every month he's like you won't be able to really get anyone with just a small amount of 300. I thought this story was awesome Alex said he felt kind of silly like the person who goes to the gym once and expects to be jacked because it really does just show that in order to get more leads you really should be doing way more of the thing that's currently working anabolic steroids are number two better Alex says that getting better gives you the ability to get more leads for the same effort whether that's tightening up your Outreach template improving your sales call skills or improving the quality of your content that you're putting on YouTube getting better will always get you way more leads Alex advises that you start with the constraint that's going to get you the biggest results for the least amount of effort for example if you're doing Instagram Outreach and you have a five percent response rate a 20 call booking rate a 50 show up rate and a 40 conversion rate make sure you start by focusing on the five percent response rate because if you add five percent more to this number you then have 10 which will double the amount of leads that you get and double the amount of business compared to if you added five percent onto the conversion rate and you went from 40 to 45 a much smaller result for your business Alex says the only way to get better and to improve your funnel is through testing Alex says to make sure you only test one variable at a time and he tests one variable a week every week which means you're testing 52 variables a year which will give you really powerful compounding results for your business an anabolic steroid jar number three the final way to put your core 4 into overdrive is to advertise in new places Alex says you can do this through new placements on the same platforms for example if you're posting Instagram videos you can also post Instagram stories of your posting YouTube long form content you can also start posting Instagram short form content and once you do that you can go across to a new platform altogether fantastic so this is the heart of Alex and Rosie's Book the core 4 and then the three strategies what we're referring to as the anabolic steroids to put these four strategies into hyperdrive the second half of this book basically focuses on those core 4 strategies but how to get other people to do it on your behalf Alex calls this the four lead get it now the main focus here is scaling beyond your time and energy restraints and and this is the secret to scaling to 100 million dollars the promise of the book because if you can leverage other people's time and effort you're not capped by the limited amount that you have on your own and you can scale as far as you'd like but who the hell is going to want to spend their time advertising on our behalf well there's four types of people in this lead get a matrix the first are your own customers because by getting your own customers to refer their friends into your product they're basically doing the warm Outreach but on your behalf Alex has their customer referrals also known as word of mouth is the most powerful way to exponentially scale your business and if you aren't currently out there getting referrals organically for your product or service it's because of two reasons one your product isn't good enough otherwise people would be going and recommending it to their friends already and two you're not asking for these referrals so action steps here make your product better and ask people to refer their friend the second quadrant of the lead getter Matrix are employee now this is not rocket science here you hire people and you pay them a salary in order to to do the call for for you all you need to do is hire one good employee and you'll be able to replace everything that you were doing in order to advertise your products and services completely freeing up your time which Alexa Mosey says is probably best spent recruiting more employees so you can continue to scale your reach the third quadrant of the lead guitar Matrix are agency now agencies are third-party company who you go and pay to execute the core 4 on your behalf a lot of agencies specialize in one or two different platforms and you can have different agencies for different platforms now Alex's Secret Agency trick because agencies are really expensive Alex says that you should hire agencies for a few months maybe six months and have them teach you exactly what they're doing and then bring it in-house and get your employees to replicate it which takes us to the fourth quadrant affiliate now Affiliates are people who go out there and promote your products and services on your behalf and you split profit with them this is where the book gets quite meta a little bit of inception for you because the best way to recruit Affiliates is to run the core for strategy treating a Affiliates as your own leads let me give you an example find a big list of people on Instagram who you might want to affiliate for your products so you've got 10 000 people here now every day go and reach out to a hundred of these people doing the cold direct Outreach selling them on becoming your affiliate obviously you're going to have to have a really good offer for them but once you nail that down you can build your own affiliate army or people who are out there in the fields slinging your products and services on your behalf awesome so this is the entire framework of 100 million Elites but Alex hermosi doesn't leave us here because he thinks that most people are probably going to get stuck on this Theory and not really be able to put it into practice so he's given us three strategies that will allow us to put this into practice for our own Brands and business but first he says make sure you give yourself permission to fail because you need to go out there and take a lot of risks because this is going to build up your skill and you have to be able to do this out beating yourself up Alex advises that one of the best ways to do this is using the rule of 100 and as I've touched on this video it's doing 100 units of the Outreach task that you're focused on so for warm or cold Outreach that might be sending a hundred DMS to your leads to turn them into engage leads every single day for Content that could be scripting and recording 100 minutes worth of content every single day and for ads that might be spending a hundred minutes on new creatives new audiences or new ad sets in order to Market your product again every single day four sorry I haven't I forgot this part 100 days so to recap send 100 DMS for 100 days and at the end of that you'll build a lot of skill and Alex's third implementation strategy is called open to goal which he spends quite a bit of time on this but put as simply as possible it's don't pay attention to how long something takes you but instead go and achieve the results so if your goal was to knock on 100 Doors a day and this takes you 12 hours go and spend 12 hours doing it if you can get this done in three hours go and spend three hours doing it be result Focus not time focused he says you should be responsible for the results make sure you put in the work and it's not going to be easy but this is a life that we chose awesome so that's a total book recap I wanted to share three of my biggest personal insights that I've taken away from this starting with number one product is advertised Alex said that he used to be really good at advertising his products but he would have a really high churn rate and it would be on the hamster wheel of death which is basically more people were leaving his product than coming in because his product frankly just sucked but then he said once he made his product phenomenal he realized that his product actually became advertised and just like garyvee says jab jab jab right hook he says your product doesn't actually have to be a right hook if it is phenomenal you want people to buy your product and take it and feel like they still owe you something because you gave him so much value in return number two Alex has one of the best ways to make content is to write down things that occur to you throughout the day he goes back in his calendar and writes down conversations and ideas that popped up on that day and then we'll go and review this and turn this into content but he actually had a tweak which I thought was really cool and it's actually inspired me to do something very similar he said instead of writing this in his Notes app he actually just started writing it on Twitter now not only does he record all of his thoughts but people who actually engage and respond to these tweets and will help him see what people are actually connected to and give him real-time feedback into what he should be making content from and the third personal takeaway that I got that I really enjoyed is Alex Emoji said that people don't actually have shorter attention spans these days they just have higher standards and there's no such thing as a piece of content that is too long people will sit there and read a 900 page book or they'll sit through nine hours of their favorite YouTube series without getting distracted because your content or the content that people are putting out there can't be too long but it can be too boring and it's our responsibility to not make our content boring if you enjoyed this breakdown and are committed to becoming the best version of yourself and leveraging technology in order to design the life of your dreams and life on your terms hit that subscribe button because that's what we do around here and I'll see you in the next video