how to talk attractively to your ex so you can then get them back how do you make sure that your ex will listen to you how do you be sure that your ex will see your changes guys I know it's not an easy situation you're having a lot of questions in your mind you're having a lot of thoughts and you have done your best I am doing this live from a the sour of friends it's it's supposed to be my earol dayss but I am here because I want to show you that it is possible to change your mindset and to make your ex listen to you again because I have coached so many people who came to me and this morning I was looking at my Instagram messages so if you have any question you can always send me your questions on Instagram but basically people were asking me Alex I don't understand I don't understand why it doesn't work because I am giving my best I am just you know giving attention to my ex I am giving them my love I am showing that I can change and I have nothing in return they are not listening to me they are not nice to me basically what you do is not working even when you when you forget about yourself just for them and so usually when I have you in private coaching because that's where I can really assist to give you a game plan I tell you one sentence that will change your life I never said it before in any live any video any master class so please pay attention a woman from Dubai sent me a message Alex I was with my ex for five years now we broke up I try to talk to him and he doesn't respond to me so she was hurt by the situation she was feeling sad she was not being depressed but she didn't understand why he didn't want to talk to her that's when I tell you your ex is acting for him or for her it has nothing against you because you come to me and you tell me Alex see my ex is not talking to me my ex is not coming back my ex didn't read the letter my ex is against me no your ex is distant because he or she needs it your ex will be distant because it's a lot of emotions it's not easy for them they have to process the situation so when you think that it's against you that's not true it is for them and this is a huge Dynamic a huge change because instead of thinking that you're not good enough instead of thinking that they do this against you that they don't like you no they just need at a moment to become avoidant so they can focus on their emotions they can focus on themsel and if that means that they cannot communicate with you it should be okay that is really where we need to start guys the problem that I see also most of the people that I coach they try to talk to the left brain which is the rational one and if you come to me when I'm your coach I will teach you to communicate to the right brain which is more emotional so I was trying to just you know get some bullet points focus on my thoughts organize my thoughts for this live if you want to make sure that you will show to your ex that you understood that you have changed and that they can trust you so you can get them back you need to show them that the breakup listen to that this is very weird but very important the breakup was the best thing that can happen for the both of you the best thing why because now you understood what you don't want now you understood that it was not healthy now you understood that that both of you were not happy at the same time so if you show to your ex hey that was the best thing for both of us you're not trying to get them back you're not trying to sell the past that they don't want anymore you will be able to open a new page you will be able to create something different and so that's the moment you can get your ex back because there is a before and after before I didn't realize I was in a relationship I was trying to make it work I was happy but now I realize that we could have been even happier if you show a before and after your ex will listen to you your ex would give you much more attention and the reality of the situation is that you would feel so much happier so if you don't know what to say to your ex there is three examples that I wanted to tell you number one basically it makes me happy that we have been able to overcome the past problems when we say that we have been able to overcome it means that this is part of the past there won't come back anymore we are moving forward even if you didn't get your exg back you need to show that you're happy that both of you were able to move past the breaker instead of focusing on I want my ex back no you need to move past the breaker that's how you can really show that you have a good chemistry number two you need to tell your ex that without this situation you won't have been able to open your eyes the situation is the breakup but we don't mention the breakup without the situation I would have not been able to open my eyes I would have not been able to really change that's how you prove the before and after that's how you get the success that's how you get the results the last sentence you need to say sometimes we need an update to understand the power of and we need to finish the sentence sometimes we need an update in order for us to understand the power of when I coach you we usually use the word of Attraction because the breakup is not a lack of Love most of the time the the breakup is not a lack of Love of feelings it is a lack of Attraction most of the time when there is a breakup it's because we are in a routine we are in the codependency we are together but we are not happy anymore there is not this passion This Love This excitement and this is exactly what we would go change together so I want you guys to listen again to this live but I want you to check in the description of the chat because coach Adrien doing is doing an amazing master class for free tomorrow so you can just get your free pass in the description of the chat if you want me to be your coach same thing in the description you can apply for private coaching talk to my success manager but I've seen so many people being able to get their Ex Back Being able to bring the passion again when they don't focus on what happened but they take it as a lesson a learning and when you focus on okay I learn how to be confident I learn how to create such a good momentum a good chemistry your ex will listen to you even if she is the born even if you were married for 20 years even if he or she never comes back on their decision we will change it to together but you need to be okay with stopping to sell the past the past is the past we need to move forward so grab your free seat for webinars master class with Coach Adrian tomorrow make sure that you will apply for private coaching please just write down and I know that we will get a lot of results together so if you have any question let me know okay I'm here for you it's my H days I'm in a s of friends you can hear some sounds from the insects but I want you to do this live because I Believe in Us and you can change your mindset so you need to talk attractively showing the before and after and showing that you will be different okay guys I see you very soon take good care of yourself click in the description okay free master class and apply for priate coaching I see you soon guys