How to Convert a Car Alternator into a High Efficiency Brushless Motor

Jun 27, 2024

How to Convert a Car Alternator into a High Efficiency Brushless Motor

Step 1: Converting the Alternator

  • Objective: Modify a car alternator to turn it into a brushless generator.
  1. Disassembly

    • Attempt to disassemble the alternator pulley.
    • Weld a piece of iron between the pulley and the bearing to block the bearing.
    • Successfully disassemble the pulley.
    • Disassemble the rear cover and remove all screws.
    • Remove the brush or carbon support and diode rectifier.
    • Cut diodes to remove diode rectifier.
  2. Removing Components

    • Identify and remove three coil connections.
    • Remove screws from alternator casing; open housing.
    • Extract the copper winding and shaft.
  3. Preparing the Rotor

    • Cut all iron parts from the rotor.
    • Smooth cut iron surface using a bench drill.
    • Wrap insulating tape around the rotor to flatten the surface for sticking magnets.
  4. Magnet Installation

    • Use neodymium magnets, gluing on areas where iron was cut.
    • Glue with Instant Adhesive (Cyanoacrylate); use electrical tape until adhesive dries.
    • Ensure magnets are paired, with South Poles facing outwards.
    • Repeat process for North Pole magnets on the opposite side.
  5. Epoxy Resin Reinforcement

    • Use a plastic bottle and insulating tape to create a container around the rotor.
    • Seal one end with hot silicone.
    • Prepare and fill with Epoxy Resin; let dry for 24 hours.
    • Remove insulating tape and plastic container.
    • Smooth the surface using a bench drill.
  6. Reassembly

    • Weld three cables to coil connections; use heat shrink insulation.
    • Reinstall rear bearing of the shaft.
    • Mount copper winding on rear cover of casing.
    • Insert rotor shaft and reassemble front cover with screws.
    • Fix an electrical strip and connect cables.
    • Attach the pulley on the shaft.
  7. Result

    • Finished product: 10,000W Brushless Electric Generator.

Step 2: Single-Phase Motor Coupling

  • Objective: Manufacture motor support and couple with the generator.
  1. Building the Support

    • Create motor support.
    • Assemble motor pulley.
    • Manufacture support for the Brushless Electric Generator using wood.
  2. Assembly

    • Screw together motor and generator.
    • Install the transmission belt.
    • Make all necessary electrical connections.
  3. Outcome

    • Operational Free Power Generator.

Step 3: Testing the Perpetual Energy Generator

  1. Initial Setup
    • Connect various electrical devices.
    • Pull starter cable to generate initial energy for the motor.
    • Motor continues moving the generator, creating a self-sustaining electrical system.
    • Produces 220 volts and powers electrical appliances.

Final Thoughts

  • The generator allows for the generation of 220 volts and 10,000 watts of power.
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