Hey guys what's up how are you all Some people were saying that to make mnemonics there will be a separate book required for mnemonics See the trick here is you keep on studying the way you remember you remember it But if you remember this story also or the mnemonic also which I will tell you The odd of it like striking your head in the exam hall becomes slightly better So the probability of remembering increases a little that's all So if you go by these stories even if you don't like actively remember them at the time of examination you are preparing on your own right so there is no issues about that so always remember it complements it is not like substitution so in this way in this lesson we will talk about directive principles of state policy classification and we will remember the tricks often in MCQ they ask which of the following is a liberal principle which are the following is a socialist principle which are the following is a Gandhian principle and even in essay if you are writing a good essay then you can mention that these are the following Gandhian principles these are socialist principles these are liberal principles this is presented by me Roman Saini if you feel this course is helping in any way to get five star so let's get it started so there is no official classification in constitution but like for academic convenience they divide into three parts socialist Gandhian and liberal intellectual or you can just simply say SGL socialist Gandhian liberal now socialist principle will always be like towards equity equal work equal pay you will health should be there, nutrition should be there, workers should not be exploited, they should be given human conditions, maternal education should be there for children, free legal aid should be there, everything towards equality that is socialist Gandhian principles will involve cows, cooperative societies, alcohol, village, community, panchayats etc then liberal intellectual they will involve like uniform civil code and stuff like that but how do you remember that is the main query so let's get started when it comes to socialist principles so these are the articles so everybody should know that the director principles of state policies are in part four of indian constitution from article 36 to article 51 article 38 says justice social economic political article 39 says free legal aid to the poor 41 is right to education right to work you 42 is human conditions for work and maternity relief 43 is living wage and decent standard of life 43 is secure the participation of workers and management of industries and 47 is nutrition and public health so I have weaved a small story imagine that there is a factory where the owner is exploiting a lot so lawyers are so angry that lawyers are fighting a case lawyers are fighting a case means free legal aid is done here for poor workers for free to deliver justice now justice is done so whenever these keywords come you can totally relate them and you can answer the mcq or even an essay type because the factory owner is making them overworked so it means there are no human conditions for work in dark humid conditions again like human conditions are not there with very low wage now here again living wage and standard of life will not happen if the wage is very low then there is no union formation is allowed means participation of worker is not there in management of industries that's why their health is really bad which is here like nutrition and public health is affected they can neither take their children to school that is right to education uh this is affected nor their pregnant wives to the hospital which means maternity relief is also gone so all these are covered justice free legal aid right to education right to work right to public assistance you and humane conditions for work maternity relief wage decent standard of life participation of workers and management unions and public health so if you just remember this small story you'll remember all the socialist principles but there is article 39 which i have left out completely i wanted to make a small story like it involves all these parameters but again like just remember like adequate means of livelihood for all citizens distribution of material resources prevention of concentration of wealth and means of production so these are the most important directive principles based on which most of the laws are enacted article 39b and 39c equal pay for equal work preservation of health and strength of workers and children and opportunities for healthy development of children so just remember ldc is a post that is lower division clerk he goes to primary health center society's primary health center ldc goes to phc l is for livelihood d is for distribution c is for concentration p is for payment for equal pay for equal work H is for health of the strength of the workers and children and opportunities for the development of children is C. So, LDC goes to societies, PHC. So, this is how you remember all the socialist principles. This is the story. Lawyers are fighting a case to deliver justice for poor workers for free because the factory owner is making them overworked in dark humid conditions with very low wage and no union formation is allowed. That's why their health is really bad. This is like sorry for this IER on a chair. They can neither take their children to school nor their pregnant wife to the hospital. Here you remember LTC goes to PHC, L is for Means of Livelihood, D is for Equitable Distribution, C is for Prevention of Concentration of Wealth, P is for Pay for equal work here at lower division clerk, primary health centre, preservation of health and strength of workers and society means socialist principles for healthy development of children is C. Now let's move on to the Gandhian principles like village village village panchayat, cottage industry, cooperative societies, promotion of scheduled car, scheduled drives and other weaker sections, intoxicating drugs and alcohol, and prohibiting cows and cattle slaughter simple story is that remember panchayat from village imagine a village or panchayat where people live in cottages they have formed amul co. so here you can see promotion of co. and cow's milk and there is no discrimination with Dalits so means promotion of like should you car should you drive people and alcohol is completely prohibited so as you can see all these six are covered if you just remember this is small story all the Gandhian principles and just remember that the punch of that village is Mahatma Gandhi if you remember this line it is very awesome I don't want to write everything just so that you can hear it Now finally liberal intellectual principles like just remember JPC meant this always works always J is judiciary, judiciary should be separated from executive P is peace and security, obviously international because you are talking about liberal intellectual principles you cannot be limited to a country or a religion anything C is civil code, so uniform civil code is made E is for Early Childhood Care earlier it was 6-14 but now it is fundamental right so now they have amended after 86 constitutional amendment act it will take care of early childhood care and education it is less than 6 M is for Modernization of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry E is for Environment, Safeguard, Forest and Wildlife N stands for national importance T stands for national importance So it is very simple mnemonic JPC meant you will never forget it That JPC meant is for liberal intellectual principles So never forget it Even if you don't remember anything Why? Who is JPC meant for? Can it be for Gandhian principles? Can it be for socialist principles? Because LDC goes to society's PHC So you will always remember that so if you are asking something from that suppose if there are three options and fourth is not there then you can easily filter through JPCment even if you don't know it's a liberal intellectual principle so that is the beauty of mnemonic anyway I hope you learnt a lot from this lesson thank you for watching this have an awesome day