make certain the tape is free of damage and the tape and the object to be measured are both clean [Music] wrap the tape around the object to be measured slide the tape back and forth so the tape is wrapped evenly on the part to be measured tighten the tape around the object with 5 pounds tension for outside diameter tapes the vernier scale should be just below the gauge scale each lie on the gauge member represents 25 thousandths of an inch while each line on the vernier scale represents one thousandth of an inch locate zero on the vernier scale and note the highest value achieved on the gauge scale above it which is the highest value to the left of the zero in this example the value is one nine point six seven five inches next observe the vernier scales value at the point where it lines up exactly with a marked division line on the gauge scale in this example the value is nine which represents point zero zero nine or nine thousandths of an inch finally to obtain the diameter of the object simply add the two values together one nine point six seven five plus point zero zero nine equals one nine point six eight four inches as a suggestion for checking very large diameters pieces of masking tape can be used to hold the tape in the proper parallel position in many applications magnets can also be used when not in use wipe the tape clean and apply a light rust preventive oil store the tape in the canister provided