Lecture on IEC Updates and Kubernetes 1.24 Improvements

Jul 29, 2024

Lecture Notes on IEC Updates and Kubernetes 1.24 Improvements


  • Speaker: David Fry from Infotex
  • Co-speaker: Sam from Infotex
  • Topic focus: IEC improvements related to Kubernetes 1.24 and v14.1.0 effort.
  • Context: Transition from previous updates to current Kubernetes developments and Ingress support.

Key Points on Kubernetes 1.24

  • Tom Daly worked on support for Ingress API (Kubernetes v1.24).
  • Kubernetes v1.24 completely removed support for beta Ingress, necessitating updates.
  • The significant work was in addressing Ingress issues.

Sandbox Initiative

  • Collaboration with Modular Foundation and Gates Foundation for sandbox deployment on AWS.
  • Aim for comprehensive support across major platforms (GCP, AWS, Azure).
  • Importance of having a Sandboxed environment for workshops, demonstrations, and hackathons.
  • Mini Loop, testing toolkit, and sandbox environmental setups discussed.

Deployment Process

  • Initial deployment based on IAC with version 1.3.10 was quick (2-4 hours) by expert teams.
  • Current focus: Facilitating self-service access to sandbox environments and continuously refreshing them.
  • Future roadmap includes endpoint accessibility for user security profiles.

Updates on v14 Support

  • Current environment prepared for testing v14.1 release, which is still under development.
  • Changes mainly revolve around Ingress support integration and chart updates.
  • Key contributors: Miguel, Vijay, Tom.
  • TTK (testing toolkit) modifications were made to support upgraded Kubernetes version and testing processes.

Current Environment Status

  • Sandbox environment upgraded to latest IAC (v2.3.0).
  • Supports Kubernetes v1.24 and v14.1 development release.
  • Significant effort put into ensuring seamless integration and upgrade processes.

Importance of Kubernetes 1.24 Support

  • Upgrading to the latest Kubernetes version is critical for community support and longevity.
  • Sandbox project aims to create long-term solution for Moja Loop API experimentation and integration.
  • Will ease adoption for potential users, DFsPs, and developers.

Summary & Closing Comments

  • Positive feedback regarding previous installations and issues identified by users, reduced significantly.
  • Next Steps: Break time before returning for discussions on Moja Loop on Premises and Azure deployment strategies.