Transcript for:
Lecture on IEC Updates and Kubernetes 1.24 Improvements

so we're gonna take a little bit of a detour from our IEC updates one thing that to to uh extend what uh what Tom Daly was talking about um related to 1.24 I can do this it's fine except is that good all right so to um I wanted to discuss the 1.24 uh IEC improvements so that we can support the the current release of kubernetes and the 14.1.0 effort um Tom did a lot of work on the ingresses for supporting the the version one of the Ingress API on uh kubernetes which with 1.24 uh the support for the beta Ingress has been uh completely removed so that has been the The Lion's Share of the work is having to deal with Ingress issues so um Sam is here to kind of talk about the overall uh effort for the the v14 release and I'm going to talk a little bit about what's happened in the IEC to support that so Jesus don't want to introduce oh I'm David fry from infotext sorry I should have started there and Sam is also from into text with me so and you've met and seen him in various presentations so thank you I'm gonna change places with you thank you David and Tom David and Tom and and of course Simeon mentioned earlier uh thanks for leading this uh sandbox infrastructure work stream and uh having this uh whole time dedicated to infrastructure and uh related topics is great so when we saw the walk the loop title on on day one then we thought about okay uh we will tried title or topics in in similar way like inside the loop to look at look at the module of internals and then for this session we thought spinning up the loop or run the loop so uh without uh okay we'll uh we look at two things so we worked with the modular foundation and Gates Foundation to get their approval uh for for running a Sandbox on AWS module it's great to have I think ideally we should have all the major platforms like gcp and AWS and Azure it was great to hear from Tom about having a deployment on Azure uh AWS has been one of the I think the systems we've had from the beginning support for and then we look at the work done for v14 as well so when we when I was discussing with semen and mojulu foundation on a Sandbox for modular um so we have mini loop we have the testing toolkit and there are places where we use that for hackathons and workshops but we also thought we need a Sandbox which can be made available for workshops and sandboxes in the future for example the pasp boot camp we had recently and it can be used by demonstration purposes for uh demonstrating module abuse cases by modulo Foundation staff or other modular advocates and uh while we were discussing that uh there were a couple of things we want to discuss we needed some time from uh some experts who could deploy moduloop using ISC and then the running costs of moduloop on AWS itself modular foundation and and Gates Foundation supported is with that so we were able to use an IAC based modular deployment initially with version 1310 so we have several experts Oscar and his team David who who work with David fry who were actually able to deploy mojoloop in a matter of hours I think if we give them the requirements we get a module Loop deployment in two to four hours with a validated like golden path test run and everything so we were able to do that it was very quick and efficient uh it is there right now but there are several constraints I think we'll we'll touch on the roadmap what we wanted to do was uh uh in the roadmap we'll see we want to find out a way like a self-service portal or some kind of easy way to make it accessible for a group of users right now someone has to create security profiles and make it accessible so that they can log on to a virtual VPN and then make use of the module apis using testing toolkit or something running locally so that is one of the roadmap items and then we want to refresh this periodically to serve as a test bed or uh to run the latest Emoji Loop and IEC releases to make it available and and make sure it's working as well one other thing can be done as well is that we can have some support for this sandbox itself when we know that there are demonstrations or hackathons happening with that I'll pass on to David to look at the details on v14 support thank you so as Sam mentioned we started off with a v13 release in the sandbox and what we did is we took that uh that environment uh the the tendency that runs that environment we created another environment for the purposes of testing the v14.1 release so this is a development release it hasn't been it hasn't been finalized but we worked with Miguel and Vijay and uh then we've mostly as I mentioned the uh the changes did I do something or that okay so anyway the the changes as I mentioned relate to Ingress uh Ingress uh support is something that is in baked into most of the charts and some charts have taken longer to upgrade their support for the version one Ingress so um it was a trial and error approach to looking at the charts that we and we don't just use motion Loop we use a lot of third-party charts so it is a trial and error um so the the overall process was to um use the new chart which uses the work of Miguel and Tom from Mojo Loop bring that in with the rest of the third party components test everything there were some uh upgrades to the Ingress controllers that we needed to do as well um and the ttk uh running the ttk within the pipeline we also needed some work and thanks to Vijay for doing that so the status is right now that we have an environment the sandbox environment has been upgraded to the the latest release of IAC which is V 2.3.0 uh it has support of uh for uh 1.24 kubernetes and the v14.1 development release I think I might finish before you guys get the screen back up foreign so I can just talk to it while you're doing that oh that was a thank you slide so there was no reason so I think we have time for questions if anybody has some yeah okay thank you yeah as as I mentioned uh we are upgrading 1.22 to 1.24 kubernetes uh then obviously the as I mentioned a few times it's the Ingress V1 changes that uh that uh across the motion Loop and the third party components that need to be uh addressed we had to get uh newest versions of the Ingress controllers from nginx to support the the V1 changes gtk changes and uh and just the summary so we have a V Dot 2.3.0 release that's not the main branch that's off of a uh a feature Branch for supporting um a new version of cube spray which is how we build the Clusters that is upgraded to support the 1.24 version so again that's the summary if there's any questions for either Sam or myself great David Warren why is this important to anyone so well the the support for the latest version of kubernetes or I should say the the release current release of kubernetes was considered to be a critical uh issue for the community and um and that is the driver for the this work and and obviously that makes uh the amount of time before the uh the next end of life version of kubernetes comes out gives us some more Runway but Sam would you have you have any other thoughts on you know on the other side having a Sandbox I think was one of the things the modular Foundation wanted for a long time not something that's temporary but a long-running Sandbox that's maintained and deployed with all the security mechanisms which goes above the level of the testing toolkit and the mini loop and then this can open up the door for many possibilities like for example potential dfsps or implementers trying things out with moduloop apis the sdks I think this opens the door an opportunity for that we can only build on this so thank you yeah supporting the adoption uh making adoption easier yeah thanks and somebody else is going to tell us about what all the good stuff is in 14.1 right okay that's coming up we waited breath thank you excellent any other question right um thank you guys are on the plus for them foreign I just do want to take a minute to reiterate a point that may be worth glossing over uh maybe what um emphasizing the a lot of times those of you who are on slack um you've seen a problem where people join slack and their question is I'm running into trouble installing Mojo Loop um if you've noticed over the last two pis that problem has significantly dropped because of mini loop and the work uh David Tran team have done for infrastructure as good so I think they deserve a round of applause for that let's um so thank you so much to that team um you have earned yourselves uh 25 minute break so we will take a 25 minute break um that's a good time for you to test out mini loop um possibly and then we'll be back with uh Brian Schneider who I believe is on Zoom somewhere or he'll join us and David fry to talk about Mojo loop on Prem and then Mojo loop on Microsoft Azure so we're still sticking with the infrastructure theme for the next two sessions so let's take a 24 minute break let's be back in the room by 11 30. thank you very much everyone