so you're throwing a huge party this weekend you've got the playlist check you've bought the booze check then you put on your best party hat and you wait it was at that moment west realized there would be no guests just himself and this sad little dog [Music] but nobody arrives no people no party and it's the same thing with your website right you can do everything exactly right with the exact right pages all the best most persuasive content you can imagine but if nobody's there to see it you don't have a party so in this video i want to help you out by sharing three criminally underused traffic plans that you probably aren't using that can actually bring in massive amounts of free traffic and for each one i'm going to start with the completely free version as well as a really low budget way to you know throw a tiny bit of money at it to make it work even better and i'm going to be saving my favorite way for last so make sure you stick around for that it is a truly game-changing strategy the first and probably the easiest way to bring more traffic to your website is just to capitalize on content that you already have so let's say you've got a handful of existing blog posts well why not repurpose them and share them on your social media channels so let's talk about what i mean here because there are a few ways you could go about this if you've got lots of posts to draw from you can absolutely just share each of them on social one at a time over the next couple months if you're doing it on facebook you just want to share the entire article with a really eye-catching cover image and a link right to the article if you're doing it on instagram make a quick story post previewing the article and now you can actually use a link sticker to link right to it you didn't used to be able to do that or you could share the article over on linkedin if you're more of a b2b business so that covers sharing but what can work even better is the concept of repurposing and the general concept here is to take that article or post and create a few brand new pieces of content just for your social media channels based on that original article so for facebook maybe you'd make a quick video where you give one tip or piece of advice from the article with the link back to the original article for them to go even deeper with it or again for instagram you could create a post story or reel highlighting one of the tips you would then just want to make sure you tell them where they can go for the full story and a little bit of a pro tip here really the easiest way to do this is in a story because it's the only place in instagram that lets you directly link to any page you want again using that link sticker and on linkedin you can absolutely repurpose your articles either in whole or in shorter snippets as a linkedin article so just make sure you add images to it and don't forget to link to the full article back on your website so you can do all of this for free but what about the low-cost way to boost your effort for even more traffic it's super easy all you need to do is run low daily limit ads on whichever social platform that you want to focus on but this is really important don't just boost your post that hardly ever works so what you want to do is actually create an ad inside ads manager so just make sure that you choose the traffic objective then add in a scroll stopping image a quick description and the article title and you're good to go now it's your choice how you want to run this you can either go with an ongoing daily budget maybe something as low as a dollar a day or you can decide the full lifetime amount that you'd want to spend and then it'll just spend and then it'll stop running and i do generally recommend going that route if you know you're gonna keep doing this with more articles as you create them on an ongoing basis but if you just have one or a few that you want to capitalize on long term keep it going until it stops performing okay now it's time for traffic strategy number two which is answering questions on so quora is a q a website where people can just ask any questions they want then they get answers from experts or let's face it anyone really and for good or for bad core questions tend to rank really high in google searches so the mission here if you choose to accept it is to find relevant questions to your topic and your business niche that are already ranking on google then you want to answer those questions better than the other answers so that yours gets pushed up to the top and guess what you can add in a link right back to your website in your answer which can be great for some extra traffic so the first thing you want to do here is to get set up with a professional looking profile that makes you look reputable and like the expert you are so add a nice photo a short bio highlighting your expertise and then a link back to your website um usually your home page in the bio then you want to start finding questions that you can do a great job of answering that are actually getting enough eyeballs on them to be worth it so you can search for topics right inside of quora but what i like to do instead is see what's actually ranking in google first just make a list of all the general and then the more specific topics that you can answer questions about like you know if you're a handyman your big topics might be things like remodeling plumbing and electrical then more specific topics might be things like cabinet installation or flooring drywall or even replacing a toilet write them all down then search google for plus your topics one at a time so the higher the ranking the higher the priority for you to answer it and here's the thing the quality of your answer matters make sure it's more thorough than the other answers make sure it's easy to understand for the average person and this is something that most people don't think about but make sure your answer isn't shaming to the person who's asking the question i can't tell you how many answers almost look down their noses at the question basically saying you shouldn't even be asking this question and that's not a great way to appeal to your audience so just answer the question politely professionally and in the spirit it was intended you can either make this a weekly effort that you'd chip away at or for a few dollars more you can absolutely outsource this type of work to a virtual assistant for not a whole lot of money so just find someone who's good at online research and it can be their you know really part-time job to find the best questions and then answer them okay and now for my number one best traffic source this is how i get thousands of visits to my own website with absolutely no seo effort at all it's youtube i know youtube sounds like a lot of work and you may even be a little scared of the camera i get that but hear me out here while going in front of the camera can be nerve-wracking to say the least it's really worth trying to conquer that fear for the potential upside now it's the biggest shortcut to building trust with a cold audience to being able to charge more for what you offer and yes it's going to bring lots of traffic not only to your website but into your business every day if you do it right now every niche is different but generally speaking all you need to do is create what are essentially video blog posts here right if you'd write about it on your blog you can talk about it on video now i do want to throw out a big reality check here though it is very important to keep in mind youtube should be considered a long term play that's not going to pay off overnight but if you're in your business for the long haul and i know you are this is the kind of thing that compounds over time and as long as you commit to a schedule and i do recommend releasing at least one video every week and if you follow the basic principles of what makes a good youtube video you should start seeing some results around the year mark and then you can expect those results to just get bigger and bigger from there and then for about five bucks a day you can actually pay for youtube ads so that your videos show up in searches that you want them to show up in before you've really earned that placement now this can actually be a pretty fantastic way to get some early momentum going on your channel and to get that traffic flowing a lot sooner this is pretty much my favorite content marketing play and for a deeper dive and how you can take full advantage of what content marketing can do for your business just click this video right here i'm going to give you my exact playbook that you can just run with and if you follow along with me closely you can 100 duplicate the results that i've gotten for myself so click right here and i'll show you how