Transcript for:
How to Be a Great Boss Webinar

good afternoon everybody it is now 2 o'clock so we're gonna go ahead and get started this is Marissa Smith I'm the marketing director at iOS worldwide and I just want to thank you for taking the time to join us today for the how to be a great boss webinar before we get started I do have a quick a couple of quick housekeeping items first of all just to let you know that everybody on the call is muted so we shouldn't have to worry about background noise interrupting the call secondly we will have time for Q&A at the end of the webinar so if you have a question you can go ahead and use the question feature on the GoToWebinar panel of your screen we'll get to as many questions as we can and then at the end we will give you a link to a page where you can submit other questions after the webinar if we don't get to everybody thirdly we will be recording this webinar so you don't have to worry about taking notes while you're watching and listening after the webinar concludes we will send out an email with a list of resources and next steps and a link to the webinar recording and finally during today's webinar you will hear references to EOS the entrepreneurial operating system AOS is a holistic business management system created by Gino Wichman author of traction get a grip rocket fuel and how to be a great boss and now it's my pleasure to introduce renee Boer co-author with Jeana Wichman of how to be a great boss renee combines 30 years of business experience with 10 years as a certified AOS implementer to help bosses create a shared vision become more discipline to execute their vision and build healthier more cohesive teams so renee take it away well thank you Marissa and good afternoon everybody it's my pleasure to spend the next hour discussing this very important topic with each of you and the fact that you signed up for this session suggest that you care about your people and you want to learn how to become a great boss so for this session to be helpful I ask only that you be completely open-minded and you're gonna hear some things today that'll challenge how you view your role as a boss so I ask only that you just let go of the past don't worry about all the things that you could have done or should have done differently put that behind you now during this session I will explain six simple tools that are part of the be a great loss toolkit and I'll also be sharing some other Els tools now all these tools are available free from our website and Marissa will share this information with you at the end of this revenue and webinar so I'd like to start with a quote by comedian George Carlin and I think he did a marvelous job summing up today's state of affairs and maybe some of you are thinking about this right now and that is that most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit so here's what we know about today's workforce worldwide only 87 are actually 87% of employees are not engaged at work in this country 39% of employees have no idea of their company's goals and objectives 47% are unfamiliar with the state of their company's performance and 44% have no idea how their role helps the organization meet its goals and in this country we also know that only about 32% of employees are actively engaged at work so we've got some work to do and that's the status quo and as President Reagan once quipped oh yeah status quo that's Latin for the mess we're in so think about this if you're a business owner one of the most important decisions that you make is who you promote as a boss the right decision propels your organization forward and the wrong decision will set it back now more than ever we need great bosses not so great bosses just won't cut it not in today's environment oh well writing this book with Jeannot people asked us why are you using the title boss it has so many negative connotations well there are hundreds of titles used to describe people who lead and manage others and admittedly many of them are not very flattering and let's admit it some of them are pretty doggone negative now some organizations that tried to come up with all sorts of titles like coach team leader I've even heard people champion that they feel somehow downplay the negative connotations connected with that title boss but here's why we purposely chose that word you see the word boss comes from the Dutch word boss which was a term of respect used to address a person in charge you know I sincerely hope that you'll keep an open line and take today's message to heart and wear the title boss with pride now before we go any further on the subject of being a great boss you must first embrace four simple truths on the very first one is that being a great boss can be simple you know you can read hundreds of books on the subject and believe me I have and I felt like they were just twisting me up and knots and some of what I was reading was pretty contradictory but it can be very simple and I'll show you how secondly your style doesn't really matter whether you're introverted or extroverted Stern or easygoing just be yourself just be you but you've got to be consistent you must genuinely care about your people you know the old saying is so true no one cares what you know until they know that you care and finally you must want to be great no one can talk you into it you have to genuinely want the role you have to have that inner drive to succeed now don't take the boss or the title boss for granted because you must earn it so on a scale of one to ten where ten is high the bosses that we usually work with rate accountability within their organizations about a four or five on a scale of one to ten and I'm often asked the question about accountability how can I hold my people more accountable well the simple answer is that you just can't accountability is a byproduct of two things great leadership and great management think of it as a formula where leadership and management equals accountability and when you excel at both leadership and accountability or leadership and management accountability is the byproduct so you can't hold people accountable you have to create that environment where people take responsibility for getting results and accept the accountability that goes with it now it's also important to define leadership in management what makes each different and at the same time equally important so leadership is about working on the business it's about providing clear direction creating an opening and leadership is about thinking spending time planning on the flip side of the coin management is about working in the business about creating clear expectations communicating effectively and it's about doing really executing on those plans you know another way to describe the difference between leadership and management and the importance of both is to consider leadership as creating a vision and management as executing on that vision as Thomas Edison said the vision without execution is complete hallucination now being a great leader without also being a great manager or vice versa will not make you a great boss you have to be great at both so to be a great boss you must consistently apply five leadership practices and five management practices so let's start with the five leadership practices as I share these I ask that you think of each person that reports directly to you these people would call you their boss they're your direct reports so give it some thought and write down their names who are the people that report directly to you and write down the total number as well so is it one person is it - is it four is at seven whatever the number just keep that number in mind and keep those names in mind as we go through each one of these practices so the first practice is giving Direction giving clear direction now this doesn't mean telling people what to do giving Direction is about creating an opening an opportunity for your direct reports to take the ball and run with it think of an opening as a sort of vacuum you know the saying is that nature abhors a vacuum it must be filled and leaders create that opening in a number of ways one of those is sharing a compelling vision you can do this by answering eight questions and then sharing the answers with your people so here we go with those eight questions the first one is core values now core values are the qualities characteristics and attributes that align your people with your core values they define your culture and also the kinds of people that you really want to surround yourself with secondly its core focus this defines your organization's sweet spot why it is it why it exists which is usually your organization's purpose passion or cause and then what that organization is truly great at its niche the third question is what is your ten-year target now Jim Collins calls this the be hag the big hairy audacious goal but the intent here is to truly in in lair and motivate everyone in the organization to think differently to attain a goal that's bigger than themselves fourth it's your marketing strategy this defines your target market that ideal customer the differentiators that truly matter to them we call them uniques as well as your Illustrated proven process which tells a customer or client how you do what you do and a guarantee or promise fifth it's what's the three-year picture so this is not a deep dive strat plan this just gives everybody in the organization a picture of what you will look like just three years in the future on your way toward achieving that ten-year target so that kind of makes up a clear picture of your vision those answering those five questions the six question is what's your one-year plan this is really bringing that vision down to earth the seventh question then is what are your quarterly rocks what are those key priorities that have to be met each quarter to ensure that you're on track to meet your one-year plan and then finally what are the issues that have to be addressed in the next twelve months and think of issues as topics yeah there are obstacles and barriers oftentimes but sometimes there's simply opportunities i or ideas that need to be addressed so that's vision and with that completed what the next step is to ensure that people in your organization clearly see it you know you oftentimes hear people say you know I can see what you're saying and that's the challenge here you have to repeat it often enough that it gets to a point where it's shared by all and shared by all is so much different than just shared with all shared with all is when you put it on posters and hang it up in the office but shared by all is when you get it to a point where everyone in the organization sees it clearly so answer this question about providing a clearer direction either yes or no now remember to give yourself a yes you must be doing this practice with each one of your direct reports so if you have four you have five you're doing this you're giving clear direction to each one of those direct reports if you've missed somebody you must answer no now the next leadership practice is providing the necessary tools after you've given clear direction you have to give your direct reports the tools that they need to succeed you know getting everybody all excited about where you're going and why it's important and then not giving them what they need to succeed is debilitating of the tools listed the one that costs little but has the greatest impact is giving your direct reports your time and your attention sadly most bosses don't either have the time or make the time and we're going to cover this next but first and answer either yes or no remember to answer yes you must be providing necessary tools for each of your direct reports so you're giving clear direction and providing the necessary tools including your time and attention and now it's time to let go of the line to get out of their way and let them run with it now many leaders can't let go because I either don't have the right people or they're trying to do their people's work to improve your time capacity is sir size that we call delegate and elevate delegate and elevate is our first of six tools that I'll be showing you today and it works like this it involves a five-step process and you can't rush the process it starts with writing down all the work-related activity that you find yourself doing over the course of a day week and month these included both technical and people related activities so when you have your list completed it's going to look something like this move the people related items those things that are Boss related things like recognizing rewarding coaching hiring training move those to the third column so you're going to end up with something that looks pretty close to this the third step then is to place all these activities into one of four quadrants let me just go through each one the first quadrant in the upper left hand box is things that you loved doing and you're truly great at doing the quadrant on the upper right quadrant number two our activities that you like doing and you're good at doing now hopefully you understand the thin line between like and good and love and great the third quadrant are activities that you really don't like doing for a variety of reasons what you just happen to be good at doing them and then the fourth quadrant are things that united like doing where are you good at doing them so the final step and this is the most important is to begin planning how to improve improve your time capacity and to do this you must delegate the quadrant three and four activities to others however if you have direct reports you cannot delegate the boss related activities and this is where many bosses fail they think that technical knowledge and expertise is all they need to be a great boss but nothing could be further from the truth now what I've discovered is that many bosses won't let go for all sorts of reasons that characterize as their own personal head trash you know things like no one can do it as well as I can or it's faster when I just do it myself or you know it takes too long to train someone and trash aside before you go letting go right before you let go you have to ensure that all of your people are in the right seats otherwise you're going to end up doing their work while your work and we leading a managing suffers so each direct report has to be the right person and that means they share your organization's core values but they must also be on the right seat they have to get it want it and have the capacity to do it we call this gwc for short and let me explain what we mean by each one get it means that they have the natural ability and aptitude the intuitive feel for the job probably work with people for maybe months or even years and you've trained them you've sent them to seminars and finally one day you wake up and you go you know what this person just doesn't get it secondly they have to genuinely want it there must be a genuine desire to do the job you're not overcompensating them you're not offering them all sorts of special incentives they're coming to the work each day because they genuinely want to do the job now when you think about get it and want it this is kind of about having batteries included people because you can't coach or train get it and want it and the third third piece is called capacity to do it and to have the capacity to do it they have to have the heart brains stamina and self-discipline to do the job the emotional intellectual physical and time capacity to do it so when you're direct reports get it want it and have the capacity to do it it's important for you to get out of the way and let them run with it to paraphrase my favorite US President Teddy Roosevelt the best executives are the ones who have sense enough to pick good people to do what they want done and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it so how are you doing can you answer yes to this practice are you doing it with each one of your direct reports so just simply answer yes or no the next leadership practice is acting with the greater good in mind great leaders ensure that they consistently do this sadly some leaders put themselves or their departments first egos get in the way now ask yourself if your decisions and actions are for the greater good or for your own personal advancement when each of your direct reports give you an emphatic yes to this question so again answer yes or no and then finally the last leadership practice is taking clarity breaks to quote Adriana Huffington if we cannot disconnect we cannot lead creating a culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity you know I've read dozens of books about great leaders and one thing they all have in common is that they schedule time to think I encourage you to take clarity breaks and this is our third tool by the way get a journal and set time aside each week or month whatever works for you to get out of the office and think write down a list of topics that you must addressed and you know the kinds of things that are causing you anxious write those things down Stephen Covey calls these kinds of things the things that are important but not urgent and sadly most of us are caught up in the tyranny of urgency reflect on your strengths how you can leverage them your plan to do more of what you love to do and are great at doing and a strategy for how you can offload and delegate the other things think about your next people move what is it that you want from your business from your life and that's the purpose of a clarity break to really elevate yourself above the business so again answer yes or no are you making time to think so there's a summary of those five leadership practices and providing giving clear direction and providing the necessary tools letting go of the line I act with the greater good in mind and I take clarity breaks so before we move on to the management practices there's a couple of action steps for you and first is I'd like you to commit to a date when you'll be able to answer yes to each of these five leadership practices now just as a benchmark most people choose about six months to be able to get to this point where they can say yes with each of your direct reports and my second action step for you is to schedule your very first clarity break schedule your clarity break so those are the two action steps so again just a quick review leadership working on the business providing clear direction creating the opening and thinking that's the definition of leadership and the definition of management is working in the business creating clear expectations communicating effectively and it's about doing so a Stephen Covey said effective leadership is putting first things first effective management as discipline that discipline to carry it up so next we're going to cover the five management practices and the first one is keeping expectations clear and this is always a two-way street you must be clear about your expectations of your direct reports and just as importantly there are expectations of you as their boss so are the roles that you each play clear to each other are the behaviors that show alignment or on your organization's core values clearly understood are you both clear on the key priorities we call them rocks for the next quarter our metrics in place the measurable letlet each of you know whether you're winning or not so our expectations of each other absolutely crystal-clear answer that question either yes or no so with expectations clear you now must ensure that you're communicating well and this means that there can be no assumptions you know when you listen to conversations around the office oftentimes those conversations are around assumptions so that's how rumors start right that's how rumors start and that's how rumors are spread and why is this it's because sometimes we're just afraid or reluctant to confront each other and ask questions in fact we spend more time assuming and telling than we do just simply asking so here are some tips on how you can improve your communication and the very first one is called two emotions the way this works is when you feel that you're not on the same page or something that's just funky you just ask something if you could share two emotions right now one positive and one negative what would they be you go first and then I'll go it's amazing how this creates some clarity the second one is understanding the question to statement ratio and we suggest keeping in mind the 80/20 rule where you're asking and listening 80% of the time versus talking and telling the third one is what we call echoing so when someone tells you something you slow down and say no hang on what I heard you say was or when you explain something to someone you could ask could you repeat that when I just said it's amazing how this creates some real clarity and then finally we call this thump thump and this comes from a client of ours who shared a study that was done at Stanford University in which pairs of students faced off with each other so one student had a simple list of well-known songs thing like happy birthday row row row your boat Winkle twinkle little star things like that now that student would tap out the song while the other student tried to guess the song so of 120 songs the average correct guesses was 3% so when you're talking it sounds pitch perfect to you it's a symphony but the receiver is only hearing thump thump so the next management practice is having the right meeting pulse so this is where we have an even exchange of dialogue we're reporting measurables and keeping the circles connected and this is our fourth tool for today really figuring out the right meeting pulse fact of the matter is sometimes you have new people that need a little bit more time and sometimes you have more experienced people that might need a little less time you just have to ensure that you're keeping the circles connected and let me show you an illustration of what I mean so when you look at number one this is a train wreck waiting to happen you're completely disconnected you rarely meet and you're just plain not on the same page number two is where you're just micromanaging the heck out of people you're smothering them and you're not giving them the autonomy to get things done and then the third one is ideal and this is what we're looking for it's just keeping the circles connected so you have to ask yourself do I have the right meeting pulse with each of my direct reports and just answer that question in a simple yes or no so for and this is a really vital part of the beating pulse and this is called the quarterly conversation so the purpose of the quarterly conversation is to really build your relationship with each one of your direct reports to build it and improve it and take it to a higher level than what you're able to do during daily or weekly meetings now I've had people really scoff at this and say things like well you know I talk to my people all the time but what we're talking about here is a much higher level type of discussion so this calls for a 30 to 45 minute one-on-one face-to-face informal meeting that's scheduled on each other's calendars quarterly and we really recommend that you do these quarterly conversations off-site where you won't be distracted or interrupted and again it's about really improving communication and building that relationship with a direct report so here are the bases and again remember this is about keeping the circles connected you want to be asking them what they think not spending 30 to 45 minutes telling them what you think give them a chance to lead off and then share what you feel is working and not working so this is really a conversation around what's working and what's not working it's an opportunity to recognize achievement and celebrate success and it's also an opportunity to ask them what they can do to improve and how you can help and just as importantly it's an opportunity to ask them how you're doing how you're doing and what you might be able to do better as a boss now because this is just a conversation there's really no need to document it it's okay to keep some moats but there's no form to fill up and there is really no form that has to be turned-in remember the purpose is to improve your relationship not just improve performance and the context for the quarterly conversation is a very very simple tool that we call the five five five so when I first saw this illustration I thought well this is a little silly but again it's simple and it's simple for a reason because this is the context this is the visual then I want you to keep in your head as you're having that face-to-face meeting this is a conversation around what's working and what's not working as it relates to core values to rocks and to roles now we call it the five five five because most organizations have five core values there's five roles for each seat and generally people have about five rocks now in some organizations there might be three core values too maybe only two or there might be five roles well that's a heck of a lot easier to remember five five five then three to five makes sense so remember it has to be face to face this is not something that we're doing over the phone have to remember the words of mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid look I you must always look I so in preparation for the quarterly conversation you're taking time to assess core values in gwc as it relates to each one of your direct reports so you're going to use a very simple tool called the people analyzer and this is our sixth tool for today you know just walking through with this what this looks like first what I want you to do is list your core values along the columns at the top and then list your direct reports name and in the lines below each of those core values so it ends up looking something like this so in this example the core values are help first row or die we humbly confident do the right thing and do what you say next we're going to give each person a rating and the rating is really simple so it's either a plus a plus minus or a minus and for it to be a plus someone is really exhibiting this core value most of the time not always Lauren's perfect so it's just most of the time a plus minus means sometimes they do and sometimes they don't so about 50/50 and a minus means that most of the time they do not so it's not never again it's just most of the time they do not and that's the simple rating system a plus a plus minus or a minus now to make the people analyzer even more effectiveness we're also going to add in gwc remember get it wanted and capacity to do it and now the rating is a little different the rating is simply a yes or no so there's no maybes and there's nothing on a scale of one to five it's either yes or no to make the people analyzer have some real relevance you have to add the bar and the bar is your minimal acceptable standard for people who meet or exceed your standard for great people so in core values we just simply suggest that you have more pluses than plus minus with no minuses and again for gwc it has to be all yeses and having a no in either a get it or wanted is a deal-breaker as I said earlier those are the two things that really can't be coached and knowing capacity though can be exhibited addressed but only if you and your organization has the time to devote to training and developing someone know it's just not fair to the person or your to let someone who is below the bar languish for weeks months and sadly sometimes years so when you're losing this people analyzer you're gonna run into four issues now they come in a gazillion disguises but it really does boil down to four things and the very first one is you might have you the very first one is you had the right person in the right seat so when I look at this you're probably doing the same thing you're saying we'll hang on a minute right person right seat I thought that was our definition for great people so just hold that thought for a minute the second one is where you have a right person they share your core values but they're in the wrong seat for whatever reason seats too big the seats too small they're just in the wrong seat the third one and this is a difficult one this is where you have a right seat the person absolutely gets it once it has the capacity to do it but but they're just the wrong person they are caustic to your organization they don't embrace the culture they don't share your core values and they're really undermining everything that you're trying to do for the greater good and then the last one is the most obvious where you have both a long person and long seat so what's the AHA here well the AHA is issue number one right person right seat because these are your best people these are the ones that are rowing like crazy that compensate for all the people who aren't rowing or might even still be standing on the dock and these are the folks that sadly get the least amount of your time and that's a big issue so again what group takes most of your time and attention it's the people who are either in two-and three-and four-and the one that needs the most is usually the right person in the right seat so are you having quarterly conversations with each of your direct reports using both the people analyzer and the 5-5-5 just answer this question either yes or no the fifth leadership practice is rewarding and recognizing so Napoleon said a soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of yellow ribbon although money is important it's a fact that people will work harder for recognition than they'll work for money yet despite this managers often admit that they're really uncomfortable giving praise for a job well done and the cynical ones will say something like well you know that's what I pay them to do or you know if I recognize them or reward them they're going to expect a raise so no small wonder that lack of recognition is another reason for great people moving on to other organizations where they feel will be appreciated you know the best recognition programs are spontaneous they require no administrative time and they cost virtually nothing Napoleon figured that out over 200 years ago with a strip of yellow ribbon and Caesar 1800 years before Napoleon now just as important as positive feedback recognition and reward just as important is negative feedback and negative feedback should always be given quickly when you see behavior that's inappropriate or unacceptable don't wait and then gunnysack people later with a laundry list of shortcomings now there's a thin line between being friendly and being friends don't ever cross the line between being someone's boss and being their buddy so if you do everything that we've reviewed so far in terms of leadership practices and manual and management practices you'll rarely have to apply the three-strike rule now this is sometimes called pip or performance improvement plan in organizations and it essentially works like this strike one is where you meet with the person clearly identify the problem and have three examples ready of that problem you clarify your expectations you determine a course of action a timeframe for completion you schedule the next meeting now it's important to always have three examples of whatever issue you're really calling someone on the carpet for first one they're going to just argue with and say well there's just total coincidence the second one well you might be picking on them but by the third one you're gonna get acknowledgement they're going to say okay you got me so that's important in that first meeting so whatever the time frame was let's say it was four weeks four weeks made later your meeting with the person again if the person has met your expectations during this strike two meeting they're above the bar things are good the issues have been solved but if not you have to schedule the third meeting and if the issue isn't resolved by the third meeting you have to be prepared to terminate that person because they just haven't met your expectations so my question of you is are you consistently rewarding and recognizing each direct report just give yourself either a yes or no so to summarize the five management practices it's all about keeping expectations clear communicating well having the right meeting pulse holding quarterly conversations and doing a great job of rewarding and recognizing before we move on stubble of action step so the first one is commit to a date when you will be able to answer yes to each of these five management practices so it's the same challenge that we had go ahead for you when we reviewed the five leadership practices and secondly like you to get out your calendar and schedule your next quarterly conversation with each of your direct reports and I would recommend that you use both the leadership checklist or the leadership practices assessment and the management practices assessment as a checklist that you can review with that person face to face so do these things do these things right after this webinar don't procrastinate so once again just in summary here with a definition of leadership and management leadership is working on the business it's providing a clear direction creating the opening thinking and management is about working in the business creating clear expectations communicating effectively and it's about exit about execution so by by applying well 5 leadership practices you will become a great boss and a great boss creates an environment with a byproduct is accountability so we have about two hundred and fifty five people on today's call so I really want to thank you for your participation the my sincere hope is that each of you apply those five leadership and five management practices on a consistent basis and when you do I'm confident that one day soon one of your direct reports is going to smile at you and say you know what you're the best boss I've ever worked for it thank you for your time and for your attention we're native great thank you so before we take a few questions I just want to share a few next steps that you can take on your journey to become a great boss and while I'm doing that please feel free to and enter any questions that you have into the question pane because we do have about ten minutes at the end of this session to answer those questions so there is a free download available of the how to be a great boss toolkit so all of the tools that Rene mentioned on the session today the people analyzer the annual review the quarterly conversation all of those tools are available in the toolkit and you can visit be a great boss com2 download your free copy we also would encourage you to consider becoming a member of base camp so base camp is our online training resource that equips you to implement Els like an expert so there are tons of downloads and videos and implementer guides and all sorts of resources available to you if you want to learn how to implement gos in your own organization and finally if you are already working with a professional implementer you can feel free to reach out to them for additional guidance on using these tools and practices in your company but if you're not working with an EOS implementer you can always request a free 90-minute meeting on the EOS website and a we will match you up with a professional or certified implementer to give you an overview of els and all of these how to use all of these tools and best practices inside your organization so all of these links and downloads will be sent to you in an email right after this session so with that said we do have a few questions here so I'm going to go ahead and start with Alyssa's question which is how do you generate buy-in on a company vision shared by all versus shared with all do you involve them in the process and to what degree that's a great question and one of the very first steps after completing the answers to those eight questions is to do what we call a state of the company meeting where you have an opportunity to share with people in your organization where you've been where you are and where you're going and part of that where you're going is sharing this vision now you got to remember they have to hear it seven times to really hear it the first time and this is a challenge so you have to think about all the different ways that you can communicate your vision so it's face-to-face meetings it may be one-on-one conversations every opportunity that you have to share bits and pieces of the vision that you've crafted is what it takes to really ensure that it's shared by all and you've got a people that kind of wave back to you a little bit so it's a journey and it's not anything that you're going to do successfully by just having one meeting with all of your people you have to be committed to repeating it often thanks for tonight and I think the other part of Alyssa's question was do you involve them in the process so do you involve the entire company in the process or who do you recommend including in the vision building part of the so the vision is always created by the owner of the business and the leadership team so they create and craft this vision and then begin to share with the next level and with the next level after that and so on and so forth so just to be clear it's a vision is always created by by the owner and the leadership team great thanks for clarifying I've got another question here from Jason how does a boss working in the business and on the business yield accountability from direct reports I'm not quite making the connection and I'm not sure I completely understand the question sure it says how does a boss working in the business and on the business yield accountability from direct reports so I'm assuming that it's posi create accountability by working both in and on let's go with that okay so I think you know accountability again is it's really striking a balance between it's really about creating that environment right so there are things that you're doing working in the business that you probably shouldn't be doing so it's handing those off to employees and handing them off to other people but then understanding that you're not abdicating you're not just giving it away and not ever following up on it you've got to stay you've got to stay somewhat involved so it's balancing delegating it and not having that turn into just completely ignoring it I don't know if I've done a great job answering that but that's what I have he says thank you I think you nailed it Renee let's see we've got another question from Alyssa we have been implementing weekly pulse meetings and we will begin quarterly conversations what is your recommendation on scheduled one-on-one meetings weekly or as needed sometimes they feel needed more often than other times do you have a sagacious things that one is quarterly conversation is quarterly McGuiness at a higher level well if you have some people call them weekly Huddle's or one-on-one sits nothing wrong with doing that I would just you know think about the fact that you have some people that need a little bit more frequency in terms of a meeting pulse and some not as much so it's striking the right balance but I find that the kinds of conversations that you might be having weekly and one on one or more task oriented whereas the quarterly conversation is a completely different level this is an opportunity to really learn more about your people what their aspirations are what their expectations are and how you might be able to to meet them great thanks for Nate we've got another question about whether or not is this process and the EOS system applicable to small nonprofit organizations with if with 15 member boards of directors yeah I think the key ingredient it's something to keep in mind when thinking about implementing EOS is everyone that's involved in this process must accept accountability and so it can work in a non-profit but when you are working with volunteers that's always a tricky kind of thing because some volunteers are looking at their time that their investing is sort of a nice to do thing and and they feel like I'm just a volunteer I'm here to help as much as I can where you know somebody who's really actively involved this is someone who's going to take accountability and say I will do what I said I was going to do and you have to have clarity around that so as everyone that's signing up for us or the process willing to accept accountability great let's see we've got another question of one of the issues that I'm dealing with is people who don't really want the job how common is this you're not alone and whoever asked that question this comes up a lot no when you think about it I think one of our basic needs as people is the opportunity to do things that that really give us an opportunity to do what we're good at right we want to be able to do work that we feel is worth doing and sometimes for whatever reason we might be for a long period of time it kind of becomes a routine and pretty soon the routine becomes a rut and you lose enthusiasm for the job so it's kind of gets back to a great topic for a quarterly conversation to be able to ask someone you know I'm a little concerned about where you are in the organization and where you are in your current position you know you just don't seem this excited or as engaged as you used to be you know I see you not engaged meeting showing up late leaving early missing important deadlines what's up and getting a conversation started because again you can't you know force someone to want the job you have to challenge them and if they're really not happy boy your organization is going to suffer and and so you've got to have a conversation around what you can do to help that person really find themselves and you know find some real fulfilment doing something else and if that can't happen in your company you've got to encourage them to try to find that outside of your company life is too short to be spending time doing things really don't want to do great thanks Renee let's see we've got another question what is the difference between someone's job description and the seat that you mentioned when you were talking about accountability that's good comes up quite a bit when you think about just the transition from an organization that's built around jobs to an organization that has a clear accountability chart defined by seats jobs are usually activities that we do and when you look at a lot of job descriptions it's all activity-based but when you think about a seat and then having clarity around five major goals those are the major things that someone is really signing up for and being willing to be accountable for they're usually results based and so that's the difference between a job which again the more activity-based NSC which is about clear expectations and results great let's see I've got another question here which do we do first if we don't feel we have the right people on our leadership team do we establish the right leadership team or do we work on creating our vision with the team we have in place currently yes so the first I think the first opportunity is creating awareness so if you have a team of people and you feel like there just aren't right people that share the values it's really worth having a conversation with that whole group just teeing up you know this is the culture of the organization this is what we value most let's give each other a little feedback and this seems so foreign and so threatening the people but it can be so simple is to just say hey you know one of our values is an example let's say it's helped first how are we doing let's give each other a little feedback now some people are going to respond positively and given that feedback say you know what dad that's stung a little bit but I could line up behind helping first so that's the first step now if you do that there are going to be some people who just don't fit and that's something that has to be addressed but but I think it's getting your arms around that at the same time you could be building a vision for your organization so they don't have to be mutually exclusive but eventually people who don't fit or the wrong people tend to move on or we help them move on great let's see I've got another great question here on the people not wanting at issue what is the entrepreneurs responsibility to create an environment where people want to be a part of it yes so that gets back to really helping people get into seats that they get want and have the capacity to do and that's creating expectations right up front you think about how we advertise for positions these days it's usually a job description and you know we posted a job and we talked about the resume and someone's capacity to do it but we rarely get into really understanding whether that person's going to be a great fit for the culture and so that cultural piece is really really important because the wonít is sometimes not just wanting to to be in the seat it's wanting to be in the company and so you know that's one that you know that really has to be has to be addressed and that's what a leadership team is all about it's constantly asking themselves you know are we creating the right kind of culture here that people have an opportunity each day to do what they do best great so I think we have time for one more question I'm going to go to we have a visionary CEO excuse me who really wants to implement this but is full of old habits which go against the process what do you recommend for the leadership team to help keep the visionary on track so we can implement it effectively all those bad habits of visionaries effects of one of them is you know being able to stay the course and being constantly distracted by shiny stuff and wanting to move on to the next new thing before the leadership teams had an opportunity to really adjust and implement the last great thing and so when you think about the visionary and I love visionaries at the same time sometimes I'd like to choke them but big challenge I think for the visionary where that person can add the greatest value is being able to be about 90 days ahead of the rest of the organization in terms of new ideas but at the same time they have to be able to let go and not get in meshed and embroiled and entangled in all sorts of things that are day to day and that's where you need it someone needs a really strong number two and we call that person the integrator I and the integrator handles the day-to-day to free up the visionary to think about things that can really help the organization grow in dramatic ways but you can't have it both ways you can't hang on to the past and at the same time move on to the future and so how a leadership team can help is to be completely open and honest with that visionary and there are usually very strong personalities it's a willingness on the part of the integrator and people on the team that say you know what get out of the way let us on let us do what you hired us to do and you know play in the seat that you know that you're accountable for in this division I receive great thanks for me and anybody who had questions that we didn't get to or if we didn't have a full enough response for your question due to time constraints you can feel free to reach out to Renee directly in the email that you'll receive in a bit after the session we will have a link to a place where you can submit questions and I can feel free to do that and Renee will get back to you as soon as you can so that is all the time that we have we really want to thank you for taking time to join us today Renee thank you so much for sharing your insight with everybody that was really great as I mentioned before we will be sending out an email with a list of resources next steps and a link to the recording of the webinar we're not going to be providing the slides as a separate download at this time because we do plan to do to hold other of this webinar but we will have the recording and all of the resources it'll take a couple of hours for the recording to process so it may be around five o'clock when you receive the email so don't panic if you don't have it by then but you will receive that and as I mentioned we'll include a link to the page where you can submit your questions as well so thank you again for everybody taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend the webinar and have a wonderful day