Transcript for:
How to View and Get the Transcript from YouTube Videos

in this video I show you how to view and get the transcript from YouTube videos if you're new to the Channel please go down below and consider subscribing and once you've done that please go down below and silly if you like and now let's go and jump straight into this guide the first thing you'll need to do is go to and you'll need to do this on your computer or alternatively you candle on your mobile device but you'll need to go onto a browser and go to the desktop version of YouTube by requesting the desktop version of the website then the next thing you'll need to do is go and find the video which you want to go and get the transcript of so I'm going to go to my own channel and find a video I want to go and do the transcript for so here we are on my channel and I want to go over the transcript for this video here how to watch Netflix with friends so I'll just go and pause it just like so so scroll down a little bit on YouTube and what you need to do is just come just below the video player on the right hand side and go and tap on these three dots here go and tap on it just like so now as you can see I've now got this option here for show transcript so go and tap on show transcript just like so and then it's going to go and open up the transcript of everything I say in this video so then you can go and scroll through and go and view it and if you want to go and Skip to to a certain part of the video you can go and tap on the the timestamp just here and then it's going to go and take you that exact part of the video and also if you just want to go and remove the the timestamps as well then all you need to do is going to tap into three dots in the top right of the transcript box just like this and then you can go and press toggle timestamps and they'll be removed and if you want to go and say look for a certain keyword in the video all you need to do is press Ctrl F or command F if you're on a Mac and then you can go and type in for example um iPhone and then it's going to show you every time iPhone is mentioned in this video and you can go and tap on it and then you can go to that exact timestamp and you can also go and copy the transcript from YouTube as well to do that decide where you want to go and start copying from in this case I want to be at the start and then hold your left click down and you can just go and drag the whole thing just like so then let go and right click and go and press copy and then you go and paste it into a notepad and then I'm going to go and paste it in here just like so and there it is and then of course I can go and format it if I'd like to as well so there we go guys if you found this guide useful please go down below and so leave me a like peace