Transcript for:
Guide to Creating Roblox Studio Plugins

alright guys welcome back to a brand new robust written tutorial and in today's video guys I'm gonna be teaching you how to make plugins in roblox studio alright so I guess let's do it and just hop right into it alright so first in church you can go ahead and make a script in your server script service okay actually you can put it anywhere I shall put in the server storage gonna lie sheet I don't want to run the script so I'll just put in server storage and then you'd actually you know make your plugin now if you wanted to you could your plugin could be print hello world and I can go ahead and right click and then I hit save as local plugin and then I hit save and then there you go I have a plug-in now as you can see here it says hello world at the bottom right which is just basically whenever you publish a plug-in or save a plugin what's gonna happen is it's gonna go ahead and like run the script so yeah but obviously we don't want them to happen right now but it just does because yeah anyways the point is look at the top right here okay as you can see there's no button to actually run this plug-in okay if we wanted our plug-in just print a little world well we need a button to actually call it and use it right well there are other ways you can call it we're now but obviously we want a button so we got to make a button alright so that's what we'll do it actually looks like a better plugin we'll make a plugin that basically creates a new script inside of your server script service ok so we'll call this plugin scripts adder plugin alright there we go alright and now we don't even start writing the code for it alright so first thing first we want to go ahead and create a new icon for our plugin okay so you want to put a little icon up there so how you do that is you you local tool bar is equal to plugin I'm starting absolutely plugin just like this and now it's gonna give you a little error here after a while you'll see our like that little error but look you're like a warning here called unknown global but don't worry about that anyway so we're gonna do a local two bars you're gonna plug in and then create toolbar I know you've really never seen this little plugin thing or this even this function or your concrete toolbar but these are actually functions of like plugin it's not necessarily a service as you can see but it's it it just it's highlighted all right so it's obviously something but it's has an unknown global plug in don't just ignore that error or that little warning I guess it'll be fine all right so what that just did is that just created a our own toolbar okay and we called it custom script tools okay so that's what we called it yeah anyways so now what we're gonna do is go ahead and create a actually button to put in our toolbar right which is local new script button okay and then we're gonna do local equals toolbar and then we're gonna do : creates button create okay so yeah okay great but okay so the it's my like a little weird I know you play never seen this syntax before and it's really not much to explain I I know what you probably never seen this but it's that's how you do it I guess it's just kind of how you do it and actually if you go ahead and go into your like if you go over like the roblox wiki you'll see there's there's a you know like a an API reference for plug-in as you can see so yeah and then you know this is just one of the functions for right here which is create toolbar so yeah okay anyways so now we're going to do it actually as you can see there in that thing it was it was capitalized but we're gonna keep it lower cased but anyways alright so we're going to do is go ahead and do local in descript equals button the new script bought an inch equals toolbar and then colon create button because you want to create our button and then we're gonna do just creates empty script okay and then we're gonna go ahead and then put a comma and then we're gonna also call this one or this is like this is like the description of it there's a lot of obviously parameters for this but as you can see that was like this is the tooltip actually but the button ID is as you can see a unique button ID which is a string and then a tooltip which we're gonna put and so the second parameter with tooltip okay so we're going to do create and d empty scripts there we go and then the third one is actually the icon that you wanted to display for it and I already uploaded and I'm correct I didn't upload but I already found that icon for you guys to go ahead and just copy and paste this one right here well I guess you really can't copy and paste it but now just go ahead and put our VX asset ID and then like that and now what this is is just this is just the asset ID that you want to put like you know because you need to have actual like image or you don't have to have one but it looks a lot nicer when you do have one so yeah but I guess I can just leave that blank for now because yeah but if you want to add it you can't add it but if you don't have it then leave it blank and then just delete this entire parameter okay it'll be good anyways alright so now we go ahead and oh wait let me show you this but yeah just leave a blake okay anyways now we're gonna go ahead and do is wait a minute I think that's it okay yeah that's good alright so now we're gonna go ahead and run or uh sheep we could publish a plug-in again and what's gonna happen is we're just gonna have a button as you can see so let's go and do that to show you guys what it looks like so let me go ahead and just could right click and hit save as a local plugin and then we're gonna put it there and then as you can see it is there now it does look really bad that a button so I'm actually gonna add my button background on my button sorry my asset ID so just copy and paste this if you guys need to just in the it's in the description below probably hopefully I added it anyways it should be there alright so then copy and paste that and just put that your last parameter because this is just an icon for it and let's go ahead and do one more quick save a local plugin and then there it is okay the icons there alright cool doesn't look very good but but it's there okay anyways so now we're gonna go ahead and do is I actually make it do something's right now we made it the button for it but it doesn't do anything as you can see so yeah alright so now we're going to go ahead and do is type some more code down here and then we're gonna go ahead and make a new function and then we're gonna do actually we could just connect a function to it but basically what we're gonna do is actually we're gonna do new script button dots click okay that can everything cool and connect little type in a function here now as you can see you be like actually let me see that like oh okay so you know like most the time we can go to the object rather for stuff if you guys someone with the object browser is it's like a thing where you can go places as you see there actually is an object browser for plug-in but this isn't right I don't think or maybe it is right I don't know but okay alright nevermind ignore this ignore this okay anyways alright so I just wanted to see if plugin handle that was like an object browser thing which you could see and it was there but it's not telling me anything I want to know right now so I never mind alright anyways so just know that this is how you detect if it was clicked okay it's an event called dot click now like normally for like GU eyes you would you like mouse button one up or mouse button went down but this just it's not how you do it I don't know how to explain it and she's not how you do it but yeah and then we're gonna go ahead and do in this function we want to first of all create a new script so we'll do local describe is equal to instance new scripts and then we're gonna do a new new script dot source and if you actually guys don't know what this means new script that's source you can actually you can't actually like change this in a real game I don't think you gonna you can't like change the source of the script but basically what it does is it's just like the text of the script so like basically you know like if you insert a script by default it has like hello world in it but basically what we're doing is we're just making the source equal to nothing because we just put like blank bullets in there so we're didn't do something about stores equal to blank and then we're gonna go ahead and do new script got parents oh you sure about parent is equal to game get service server script service so this one we want to put it in here right alright and then it should work that's the really it alright so now let's going to test out the script and see if it works we're gonna do one more publish or one more save and then we're gonna go ahead and just save it there we go and let's click it and it works I think she's a little irrevocably and boom look at that guy's he literally works just like a plug-in which is really cool and now obviously this is a bit excessive but if we expand play it really fast we can add a bunch all right now one quick thing - as you can see our first control Z what just happened was it deleted all of them right it didn't even like save like normally when you add a script right like let's say I added a script right here okay and then I had another script okay or no not a red ring just another script well what happened is I if I press control Z it would only remove one and that press control Z again to remove another one you guys don't know it's like undoing right but if you want to make it - it only undo is actually like like okay so how I'm doing works is you have like waypoints right and you have to add a new Waypoint if you wanted to actually save and be able to undo it because if I click the thing about right now what's gonna happen for that if I undo it's just gonna get rid of all of them but what if I only wanted to get over to the last one you know what I'm saying so yeah but basically how you would do that is you just use a little service called change history service okay and this is the service that robot uses creator waypoints okay and then you type out there and then you're gonna go ahead and just create a new Waypoint every time you actually click the button right that's what we want to create the Waypoint so we'll just do changes your service set waypoints and then add it we'll just put some text in there which is like a description and then we'll do added a new empty script all right and then as you can see if I go ahead and save this one more frickin time it will work it should work okay so let's go ahead and then click it and then we undo it once and your only undo so it only gets rid of one script so that's perfect it worked just like we wanted it to awesome but yeah alright anyways guys that's pretty much it actually let me show you one more thing real quick how do you actually make it so your friends can use your plugin that's probably what I want to you a lot of you want to know as well so how do you make it so your friends can you plug in how do you put it on like a plug-in store or the catalog I guess you could say like the create tab on a roll how do you do that so I'll get 50 was actually just right-click your plug-in or your script and then you just hit publish as plug-in and I've actually never even made a plug-in before honestly because I'm not that good at it but as you can publish it to a group if you want which I didn't even know that but you can and then you can see your sales right here so you can actually sell plug-ins now that's actually really recent before you're not able to sell plugins plugins were just they were all free right if you published it therefore if you can make a private rights only you can use them actually I'm not becoming a private because I need you to have a little local file I don't know but anyways but the point is you can actually sell them now so you want to make robux from your plugins you actually can so you make something original and cool you can literally put it on sale and sell your own plugin which is very awesome in my opinion but yeah anyways guys anyways got this pretty much in hope you enjoyed if you want to publish your plugins life to do it just hit submit there I think you would actually have to even wait for approval as you can see because it says submit so I'm not sure but yeah that's how you do it so I knew those guys good luck with that if you deal with your plugins good luck making plugins and now you probably be wondering you might be wondering how do I make like a gy plugging it was you know like some some plugins if you click on the button to have a little GUI in your screen write like this one for example which is like a character in server right and it worked there you go but how do you actually do that well that's actually a bit more complex if you wanna make a tutorial on that I will but just let me know if you do and then I will cover that but yeah and your because it's pretty much I'd hope you enjoy I'll see the next one alright peace