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Democratic Divide on Capitol Hill and Biden's Candidacy

the Democratic divide on Capitol Hill growing this morning with lawmakers who stand behind him and those who've already come out publicly with their concerns about his Fitness for office as their nominee Vermont Senator Peter Welch now the first Democratic senator to call on Biden to step down writing in the Washington Post we cannot unsee President Biden's disastrous debate performance we cannot ignore or dismiss the valid questions raised since that night for the good of the country I'm calling on President Biden to withdraw from the race New York Congressman Pat Ryan told the New York Times for the good of our country for my two young kids I'm asking Joe Biden to step aside in the upcoming election and deliver on the promise to be a bridge to a new generation of leaders axio is also reporting this morning in public Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has been insistent that he is for Joe in private he's singing a different tune even Democratic Power Players like former speaker Nancy Pelosi are sending a signal to the president despite Joe Biden's prior statements that he will stay in the race the national desks Matt ala continues our coverage overwhelming support former house Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not commit to Joe Biden's candidacy when she was asked about it Wednesday it's up to the president to decide if he is going to run uh we're all encouraging him uh to to make that decision uh because time is running short but the president has said he's staying in the race multiple times Pelosi seemed to suggest that Democrats stick to a wait and seee approach whatever he decides we go with I think it's really important and I would hope everyone would join in to let him deal with this NATO conference the comments didn't make the picture for Democrats clearer on where support for the president stands members who have come out against him have cited voter concerns on his age and viability and voters have been hit with multiple reports about Biden needing more sleep or going to bed early prompting National Security concerns his team says he's up to the job if the National Security team needs to get to the president they get to the president and it doesn't matter what the hour on the clock says um he's always there he's always available in a tweet New York Democrat Richie Tores said his party needs a Reckoning with the down ballot effect of whomever we nominate what matters is not how we feel but what the numbers tell us recent polls are not moving the Democrats way the cook political report now says three safe Democratic states Minnesota New Hampshire and part of Nebraska have become less safe in their latest rankings and they move three toss up swing States Arizona Georgia and Nevada to lean Republican this week and it's not just Battlegrounds Biden is starting to show weakness in other states that haven't voted Republican in decades like New York Virginia and New Jersey adding to the post debate Democrat Panic reporting in Washington I'm Matt Gela