Work less, make more. You've probably heard of the four-hour work week before. You've probably heard of the phrase, work smart, not hard. And you're probably confused. Is this possible?
And if so, how do I do it? Well, seven years ago, I figured out how to do this. I figured out how to make six figures whilst working a few hours a week. And I figured out how to make seven figures whilst working 10 to 20 hours a week as well.
Now I make a million dollars a month and this isn't so much of an option for me anymore. But if you're the kind of person that wants to work as little as possible and make as much as possible, which you probably are, I'm going to walk you through four steps on exactly how you can do that in this video right now. So the first thing you have to understand is that if you want to work as little as possible and make as much as possible, you need to understand yourself and what your goal is and what you're trying to achieve.
And so really there's four different archetypes or online entrepreneur models that we can follow to determine what you want so you know exactly what to do. So the first one is the glorified freelancer. This is the person who wants to basically have their own business and they don't want to have a nine to five, but they're kind of a contractor. They're not actually a business person. The glorified freelancer does everything inside of the business.
They're a one-man band and this is the guy that has his Instagram bio. He'll say he's a CEO but he has more arguments with his parents about getting a job than he actually has clients. You know, so this person, nobody really wants to be this but in order to be the next three you have to start off as the glorified freelancer if that makes sense.
And so what the glorified freelancer basically needs is income. This is really where they're getting started and what they want is they kind of just want their own business. And that's where everyone gets started. Everyone starts as a glorified freelancer.
I did, you probably are right now, but no one actually really wants to be this. So the chances are is this might kind of be what you want, like I want to be my own person, like make four grand a month and this, that and the other. But trust me, once you actually start doing it, it kind of sucks.
And if this is where you are right now, you probably don't want to be there. But where things get a little bit more interesting is with the other three archetypes. So we've got the six-figure laptop lifestyler, we've got the seven-figure bougie boy, and we've got the eight-figure lunatic. So there's really three different types of entrepreneur that you can transform into.
And if you understand which one of these you fall into, then you can engineer your work-life balance or, you know, balance to do as little as possible, make as much as possible. So the first is the six-figure laptop lifestyler. So what does this person want? Well, this manifests typically as they want to be in Southeast Asia or South Africa or, you know, Thailand or Vietnam or whatever.
And they like things like floating breakfasts. you know and Instagram pictures of like beaches and stuff and they go around on mopeds and they chill and what they do is they have an online business where they're making 10 to 20 to 30 thousand dollars a month or something like that and they have the laptop lifestyle and what this person needs really at their core is freedom and so what I'm trying to do here is define these you know these archetypes so you can see which one you resonate the most with so when we come on to do the exercise it will make more sense to you so this person wants freedom Their entire life and their entire economic effort is built around attaining freedom, which means they can go wherever they want, whenever they want, with whoever they want on their own terms. And they're going to be making six figures.
And the ideal sort of key is the laptop lifestyle. Now, the next one up from this is the seven figure bougie boy. This is the guy or the girl that makes 100k a month.
It's usually a guy. They make 100k a month to 300k a month. And their business still serves the purpose of lifestyle.
And so what this person usually wants, and we can see this sort of manifest, you know, they're looking for like a Rolex, like a Datejust or a Day-Date or something. They're looking for the penthouse, you know, you're looking to probably live in Dubai or Miami or somewhere like this. You probably want an Eastern European girlfriend as well at this point and perfectly engineer your Instagram so everyone thinks you're rich. That's the seven-figure bougie boy.
This person here wants freedom. This person here just wants to start. But this person here, they want status or status. Right? So the seven-figure bougie boy, you'll know if this is you and if this is what you want because you'll be more concerned with making sure other people know you're rich than having the freedom to go where you want and whenever you want.
Now, you might find that these two things kind of merge together and you want both, but there will almost always be an overriding, you know, principle that you're sort of polaris star moving towards, if that makes sense. But the fourth one is eight-figure lunatic. And so eight-figure lunatic, this is where it gets a little bit more, well, this is what I am. And this is where...
You know to be completely honest with you things get a little bit weird There has to be kind of something almost wrong with you for you to want to do this Because a figure lunatic all this person wants to do is literally just work So their main objective in life and the main thing they want to do is apply themselves Conscientiously to pain which is basically what work really is I didn't even spell that correctly this person typically has a big vision like a grandiose vision. They can be quite narcissistic as well I'm including myself in that where transparently like you think you're good enough to become number one, you think you're good enough to change the world. You know, this person here, they want to work 80 hours a week.
They want to have as little freedom as possible. They do not have a care in the world for status, although there might be a little bit, but nowhere near as much as if you were here or here. And this person is basically just a psychopath. to be completely honest with you. I'm not a traditional psychopath where you have, you know, emotion, but there has to be something slightly wrong with your brain for you to want this, and I can attest to that because it's what I am.
You know, this is when all you want to do is work, work, work, work, work, work, work. You have very few friends, you have a very small social circle, and literally all you do is work. Now, you might be wondering, okay, well, what does the eight-figure lunatic need?
And this is an incessant, desperate desire, which is kind of what it is, for growth. If you think you resonate with the eight-figure lunatic, what it means is that your polaris star, your north star, the thing you optimize for, is growth. And this is basically where most of your self-worth comes from seeing economic and personal development.
And so those are the four archetypes. Those are the four different models that you can base your life around. You're either going to be the glorified freelancer, the six-figure laptop lifestyler, the seven-figure bougie boy, or the eight-figure lunatic.
Now, it does not matter which one of these you are right now, but what should be happening to you right now is one of these should be screaming at you. One of these should be coming out of the page and you should think that's me, that's who I am, or at least that's who I want to be. So now that we know that there's four different archetypes, how do you define which one you are?
Because you might know already like, oh, I don't know if I want to be the guy in Dubai with the penthouse and the Ferrari and the watches, or I don't know if I want to be the guy that's surfing on the beach, or I don't really know if I want to be the guy that's just working 80 hours a week, or I don't even know if I just want to have like a couple of clients. How do you know what you want? How do you figure that out?
Well, we're going to ask seven questions so you can actually... I think this one through deeply. So the first most apparent way for you to figure out what you want and which one of these you want to be so you can work as little as possible and make as much as possible is who do you watch?
So who do you spend your time watching? And I want you to actually answer these questions to yourself right now if you've got a piece of paper and a pen or your brain to think. Like, who do you watch? Like, what sort of content are you consuming? Are you watching lifestyle vlogs?
Are you reading books about biographies and conquerors? Because if you're doing that, maybe you're an eight-figure lunatic. But what sort of lifestyle is compelling and engaging to you? So the next thing you can ask yourself is what are you actually interested in?
So where does your brain go naturally? If you're daydreaming, what do you think about? What movies compel you?
What books do you read, et cetera, et cetera? Like, are you interested in like exploring and adventuring like the six figure laptop lifestyler? Or are you more interested in like, you know, building an image and building this sort of status sort of game? Or are you more interested in conquering or domination or stuff like that? So the next question you can ask yourself, which really kind of cuts through the noise and it's pretty self-explanatory.
is like, what sort of lifestyle do you actually want to live? Like if you could write like a day in the life, a perfect day in the life for what your life would look like, which is actually the fourth question, what would you pick? So imagine you could wake up tomorrow and literally you can design a day and live that day every single day for the rest of your life.
What would you want? And really that's going to be based once again on these four different things. You either just want to get started, which is fine.
But after you've done that, is it, do you want freedom? Do you need freedom? Do you need status or do you need growth and sometimes control as well?
So the next question you can ask is what would make you happy? I know that happiness is quite a trivial emotion in terms of we don't necessarily, especially as men, base all of our decisions on what's going to make us happy in life. But it's really worth thinking this one through. Like of these three different, you know, items that we've got, which one would actually bring you the most joy? Because for me, for example, as an eight-figure lunatic, I get all of my happiness and joy from working and being chained to my desk and putting myself through real stress and turmoil and managing a team of 30 people and having all these problems flying at me.
That's where I feel happy and content. And you might not resonate with that at all. You might feel happy and content when you've got your feet up with a coffee, staring at a beautiful view of the Miami Marina or something. And you know, you're not starting work until like 11am and you're just chilling. So you need to figure out where would you be happiest?
The next one is pretty straightforward. Again, it's work or life. You know, what do you value more? What do you prefer? Do you prefer to like, Not be working and living your life or just be working.
And the rate at which you do either of these will depend on whether you want to be eight figures or six figures, if that makes sense. And the final one is not really so much of a question. It's more of an exercise that we're going to do briefly here. And we're not going to take too long on this.
Close your eyes for a second. You wake up in a four-poster bed in a villa in Bali. You can hear the the pool trickle. You can hear the water from the pool trickling down the thing and you know, you've woken up It's like 10 a.m.
You've just woken up you get out of your bed. You go through your little villa You know you make yourself a coffee you stand out you hear the birds singing You know you've got the pool there. You've got a little sun lounger going on you open your laptop to check your emails You've got maybe an hours of work to do you do an hour of work You leave the villa, you drive down a little moped, you go to some beach club, you meet a couple of friends for a coffee and some weird breakfast, right? And then before you know it, you're doing a little bit more of work, you decide you don't want to do any more work, so you come back to the villa, you get surfboards, you go surfing, you do four hours of surfing, then you come back to the villa, you do a little bit more work, and then you eat some food and you go to bed.
That's ideal number one. Ideal number two is you wake up and you're in a penthouse in some big city, okay? You've got massive glass paneled windows. you can see a view of the entire city, okay? Your scheduled day is quite busy.
You've probably got five meetings. You've got some work. You've got some clients to talk to, some fires to put out.
Nothing that's going to completely destroy you and stress you and burn you out, but just enough for you to sort of think, I've actually got to do this today. But you don't mind because you realize that the business and all this work pays for this lifestyle that you live. You look down, you're wearing a $60,000 watch or a $40,000 watch. You've got a car key hung on the side of your wall or something with like a Lamborghini logo on it.
And... You know, you start your day at 8am, you work for, you know, 10 hours, and probably not 10 hours, you work for maybe 8 hours, and then you go out for a really nice dinner in the evening with your girlfriend, or you go on a date or something, you spend $400 on dinner, but it doesn't really bother you, you don't really care, you come back, you go to sleep, you have your whole monk mode routine, whatever. That's the second option.
That's the seven figure bougie boy. Now imagine the third option. You wake up, there's already 75 different problems that have been thrown at you before you even opened your eyes, you open Slack, you've got hundreds of messages from hundreds of different team members. Things are stressful. You're managing, you're coping, and you actually enjoy the stress.
You're in your laptop, you sit down at the start of the day at probably 7am, and you're in your laptop, you forget to eat suddenly at 7pm. 12 hours of a lapse, you don't know where the hell they've gone, you don't know what the hell's going on, your heart rate is increased, you're stressed, but you love it. Okay, that's the other option. So we've got these three different, you know, imaginary scenarios here that should help you. gain some clarity on what you actually want to do.
And now what we've got down here is the work chillometer. And so what we're really deciding here is we're deciding what do we want to do most with our life? Do we want to work more or do we want to chill more?
Okay. And so for example, if we take the glorified freelancer, which you probably don't want to be, which is the first option, right, which is just chaos, then you're probably going to sit here because early stage business is not very relaxing and having like, you know, four or five clients and then scrambling for more, like it's, it's pretty stressful. So this is Glorified Freelancer, which to be honest with you, you do not have a choice.
If you want to get into the six-figure laptop lifestyler, seven-figure bougie boy or eight-figure lunatic, you kind of got to go through this one first. Second option is obviously the laptop lifestyler, right? And that person's probably going to sit more here. It's still going to be hard work, but nowhere near as hard as it is at this end of the spectrum, if that makes sense.
On the flip side, we've got the seven-figure bougie boy, number three, he kind of sits in the middle of both. He's still under some stress. He's still a millionaire. He's still got millionaire problems to solve.
And he's still going to work 12 hours a day sometimes, but he can still afford to chill and kick back and sort of relax a little bit. And then we have the eight figure lunatic, which is what I am once again. And this person, they just exist in the work mode.
It's very seldom with the exception of a, maybe a holiday or two a year that they actually go back to chill. And so you can fit yourself on this scale and sort of decide where do you want to be? Do you want to be way more relaxed than stressed?
Do you want to kind of be a little bit of both? Do you want to be stressed? This person, whether you like it or not, you've got to start like this.
So this should give you an idea as to what you want. And now we're actually going to talk about what to actually do about it. So step one to actually figuring out how to do as little as possible to make as much as possible is kind of what we've just done, which is to define the goal.
You can't start to tell yourself you want to work as little as possible and make as much as possible if you want to be an eight-figure conqueror, or if you're in the stage where you're the glorified freelancer. And the same thing is true, like you can't... You need to know what you want to be first and what life you want to live.
And so you need to write down right now, what do you want to be? Do you want to be the glorified freelancer or gluten-free, right? Probably not. You probably don't want to be that. Nobody really wants to be that, so let's cross that off.
What do you want? If you can figure this out, then you can actually start to make some decisions to get it. So once we've defined what that goal is, now we can actually start to engineer your business accordingly.
And so step two out of four is pretty straightforward. This is basically called eliminate foundational variables. What the hell does that mean? We're actually going to start talking some business terms now. And so I'm running off the premise here that you want to do this with a business, okay?
I don't know how to do the employee thing because I've never done it before. So what we need to realize is that inside of a business, typically, pretty much any business you could run, whether it's amazon fba whether it's drop shipping whether it's smma whether it's consulting whether it's pretty much anything there's really a significant set of variables so niche this is basically who you help the group of people who you're working with problem is basically the problem you're helping the niche solve and this is how you introduce value to the niche and this is why the niche pays you because you solve a problem the product is the thing that you use to deliver the solution to the problem which could be a course or it could be like if for example if you're in the e-commerce space and you have an ecom drop shipping store maybe your niche is housewives, maybe the problem they have is, you know, looking after their children. And then maybe you have a product that entertains the children. That's how you add value.
The fourth thing is traffic. This is how you basically, and I don't mean car traffic, I mean traffic in terms of eyeballs on your product or eyeballs on your offer. This is basically how do we get people to know what you do, know about what you do so they can buy it. Then we have funnels. So funnels is basically what's the conversion mechanism for this traffic to sell the product.
And so traffic could be Facebook ads, it could be this video that I'm making right now with content. This is any way of getting someone's attention. And the funnel is a way of converting the attention into money by selling the product, if that makes sense. Now, once we have these four things, or these five things together, we have what is called a complexity scale.
And this is a really, really important thing to understand in business, because how hard you have to work in your business is, it hinges so directly on how complex your business is. And the level of complexity your business has... entirely dependent upon how many of these foundational variables that you have okay so let me give you an example with my business for example so I have a company called Imperium Acquisition and we basically serve one niche where we help service service business providers and coaches consultants so anyone that sells information whether through a done-for-you or do-it-yourself service and we basically help them solve one problem which is client acquisition now I have two products which is a high ticket course and a mastermind I have two sources of traffic so I've got paid ads and then organic YouTube. Well, actually, it's kind of three because I've got two methods of paid ads. And then I have two funnels.
Okay. So what we can do here is we can multiply these numbers together to find the complexity scale of my business. So what this means is that on the complexity scale, my business, Imperium Acquisition, has a complexity level of 12. And we make around a million dollars a month in cash with a complexity of 12. And the ratio that you want to try and achieve is to have the lowest level complexity. to the highest level cash. And so having a 12 on the complexity scale and making a million dollars a month is insane.
That's pretty much unheard of. And the reason that I'm able to achieve what I can achieve and work as little as possible, make as much as possible is by having this. But let's take another example.
Let's say we take your business, right? And let's say you serve two niches, which means you have two markets you help. Let's say that you help those niches. They each solve two problems.
So in each niche, you're solving two different problems. Let's then say that you've got five products to help them. and you've got four different methods of traffic to you know help them to introduce people to these products let's then also argue that you've got three different funnels as well okay so what we've done is i've just used the calculator to figure this one out because well my math has never been that good but what i've done if you add all these numbers together if you times them together right we multiply them then you get a complexity level of 240. and so if you have a business this is why this is step two once you've figured out what you want you have to eliminate foundational variables you have to make your business as simple as possible.
Because the more complex this thing is, the harder you have to work to keep it going and maintain it. You know, this business here can do, you know, a million dollars a month with a complexity level of 12, which is pretty insane, unheard of. And this business here is probably going to be doing, you know, 60k a month. And so this is how most people run their businesses.
They think, oh, I need to have more niches and more markets, I'll make more money, I need to solve more problems, I need to have the product things a big one, like I need to have more products, I need to have like 15 different products so I can help people. wrong. I need to have as much traffic as I can. I need to have as many funnels as I can.
Like the more is more. It's so untrue. Less is more. And so an exercise for you to do right now, if you have a business, is conduct this exercise. How many niches do you have?
How many problems are you trying to help them solve? How many products? How much traffic? And how many sources of traffic?
How many funnels do you have? Times them all together and you will achieve a certain complexity score. This thing needs to be as low as possible.
And the only way to reduce the complexity in your business is to reduce the amount of variables you have. at each stage of this process. And so this is step two, eliminate as much as you can. And that way you have less to work on and you have more leverage on the things you do work on because it's focus.
So once we've done step two, we've eliminated as much as we possibly can from the business and cut as much fat away. Now we actually have something reasonable to work with. And so step three is something that I call the EAD exercise.
And the EAD exercise is something that I do routinely in my business, at least once a quarter to, you know, reduce my workload as much as possible. And if you learn to do this properly and you learn to become ruthlessly efficient at the EAD exercise, you can bring your workload down. Like, but you can cut your workload in half. And I'm not even joking, you can do a quarter of the work and make the same amount of money or more.
And so there are really only three things we can do to reduce our workload. Because once you've eliminated the foundational variables you don't need, now there's a set thing, there's a set amount of things to do. But the problem is with you as a business owner is if everything is centralized around you, then you can't really make any progress and make any success.
So we need we have leverage in three different ways. Either we eliminate things from the business, either we automate things in the business, or we delegate things in the business. I'm going to show you exactly how to do this.
So the first thing is step one. So this is kind of step 3.1, so to speak. And this is where you want to make a list of all tasks. Spend a week working as you would normally work. And what you want to learn to do is make a list of every single thing you do in the business.
So everything you do in your life and your business, you want to make a list. Okay. The reason you want to do this is because right now you operate your business unconsciously and until you make the unconscious conscious it will rule your life and you will call it fate. And so there's loads of tasks that you're doing that you could eliminate, automate or delegate that you're just not aware of because you've never thought to even look.
And so the first thing you need to do live a normal work like a normal working week and at the end of every day list down everything you did or maybe set a timer for every hour and list what you've done for the hour but you need to be aware of exactly what you're doing. So if you want to know a couple of good tools for this there's one really good tool that you can install on your computer called rescue time it's a free i think it's free don't quote me on that but i think it's a free app and what it does is it keeps a log of where your time's going on your different browsers and stuff like that and so if you want to download rescue time i'm not affiliated with them at all but you can do that and it will make your workload conscious if that makes sense but once you've basically created a list of everything that you do ever and i'm i'm talking everything if if you have a podcast and part of doing that podcast is downloading a file and uploading it to Spotify or something. That's a task. I'm not talking about the big macro things like onboarding clients.
Like if you're onboarding clients yourself, make a list of every single step you have to do to onboard those clients. Everything in full excruciating detail. It's death by a thousand cuts.
If you can remove the thousand cuts, you won't die. It's not about trying to remove one massive thing. It's about trying to remove lots and lots and lots of small things.
So the next thing, once you've made the list, is organize everything. the list based on priority and if you're wondering what priority means and how you can you know understand whether one task is more important than the other it's really going to be based on two things so it's going to be based on leverage and survival so what these two things mean is that a task has high priority if it has high leverage and it has high impact on survival so let me explain so leverage basically means something giving you what you need to get what you want Okay, so for example, this YouTube channel has incredibly high leverage for me. So my goal is to make it so that every entrepreneur who wants to succeed can.
And the only way I'm going to do that is by revolutionizing the way that business education works. And so this YouTube channel is probably the biggest form of leverage I have to achieve that goal. And so by that point, that means that YouTube is high up on my list of tasks to do. It's one of the most important priorities I have. Second to this is survival.
So the survival is basically, if I stopped doing this, would my business die? Okay, and so once you know what helps you get what you want the most and what helps you survive the most, now you can organize your tasks accordingly. Because for example, like, you know, let's take sales calls, you're doing sales calls in your business. Well, let's say you want to be a millionaire, right?
Well, in order to be a millionaire, you have to make money, which means you have to make sales. And so there is a direct point of leverage where sales calls are pretty damn important and high leverage. And they're also incredibly important to your survival, because if you stop taking sales calls, then your business literally will fail and die.
So what we've done by listing these priorities and organizing them. is now you can see what's important and what's not important. So every business has what we can call the big five.
And these are five things, typically three to five things, that are the most important things to work on. And so if you can isolate these, now you can focus on them, and this is where all the leverage goes. But once you've isolated the big five, or the big three, or the big four, then we get into 3.4, which is the EAD.
You're never really going to want to eliminate, automate, or delegate anything from the big five. So, for example, I could not have somebody else make these YouTube videos. I could not have somebody else record my YouTube ads.
I could not have somebody else, you know, hire certain roles within my business. I could not have somebody else build my products, for example. These are very important things that I have to do myself. But near enough, anything that isn't the big five or the big three or the big four or the big two, whatever, should be EAD'd.
And so the first thing we're doing with the list of tasks below the big five, we're not going to touch these, but everything below it, we should either be able to eliminate, automate, or delegate. And so the first thing we ask of any task, so you know if we've got let's say we've got you know one We've got two, three, four, five, six, seven, you know, x, x, x. This goes all the way down, right? We can't touch one, two, three, or four, or five.
These ones we have to do and, you know, we can't touch them. But anything... below this cutoff point of things that have low leverage and that don't really matter for survival, we've got to run through this thing.
So the first thing you ask yourself is, can I eliminate this? Can I actually remove this from the business? Full stop.
And you will be surprised at how much stuff you can get rid of. You'll be surprised at how much stuff you're doing. Like I used to do this when I had a marketing agency.
I worked with gyms and I helped them get customers. And for about two hours a week, I would write a blog post on like a physical WordPress website. And I did this exercise and I asked myself, like, does the blog have any leverage towards my goal? It wasn't really getting many clients. So no, it wasn't.
And if I stopped doing the blog, would I still survive? And the answer was yes. And so I cut the blog. I just completely got rid of it.
I stopped. I deleted it. I deleted it, I stopped writing it, and I noticed absolutely no difference in my business in any way, shape or form. So that's just one example of something that I've been able to eliminate from one of my past businesses.
But you wanna go through this list and ask yourself, can I just get rid of it? And if you're not sure, just try. And then if things really go wrong and go haywire and to shit, then you can always reintroduce the variable and bring it back in. But elimination is the first stage. Now, if you cannot eliminate it, which we define as, if I remove this thing, do I still survive?
If yes, get rid of it. But if you still need it for your basic survival, then it's time to start looking for automations. And so this is where we start looking towards artificial intelligence or tools like Zapier or if this then that statements or spreadsheets or myroboards or anything like that, where you can basically replace yourself with a software. The thing is still being done, but it's just being automated through a software instead of your own actions and your own time and energy.
Now, the third thing is delegation. So this is where it cannot be eliminated and it cannot be automated. So instead, it means that a human has to think in order for it to happen.
And so this is where you need to start getting into the territory of hiring people. This is where you start to, you know, for example, like I've got a sales manager and like he manages the sales team. So all the tasks that have to be done around the sales team, like listening to calls, managing the culture, making incentives, et cetera, like I delegated that to him, if that makes sense. And so those are the three steps to basically do as little work as possible, because you need to do the big five. These things need to happen.
But everything else can either be completely eliminated, probably 50% of it can be gone completely. And if it can't be eliminated, it can be automated, which basically means that you have a software do it for you instead. And if you can't do that, then almost always you can delegate it.
And now depending on where you're at in your business, delegation might not be an option for you yet. But what these two things allow you to do is probably eliminate 70% of the things that you're doing. If you really critically think through everything below the big five, you'll find a way to either get rid of it or automate it. Step four out of four is, once again, pretty explanatory and very straightforward.
Once you've got a list of things that are the big five, now we just need to focus. Focus on the big ones. You should have one, maybe two, maybe three, four or five things that give you the highest point of leverage.
All you need to learn to do is focus on these things. These are called asymmetries, which means that they basically produce the most amount of progress in your business, if that makes sense. An asymmetry works... when you know we map a graph like this and it requires very little input but gets a lot of output and so this is basically how much time and energy it takes which is very little and in proportion to how much time energy you put into something if it produces a really significant result which is basically progress towards your goal it is an asymmetry and so we can imagine this as reward which is like lots and lots of reward and this if this is time and energy very little and so for example i can make this youtube video and it might take me an hour for example you which isn't a lot of investment, but if this YouTube video gets hundreds of thousands of views, that's a very significant reward for very little input. And that's why YouTube for me is one of the big five.
It probably won't be for you because the same thing is true where let's say that you take a sales call and you spend an hour on the sales call and you make $5,000 by doing the sales call. Well, you spent one hour to make $5,000, which is a very high asymmetry. And so you need to learn to focus.
Anything that isn't the big five needs to be eliminated, automated, or delegated. And that is how you do. Like as little work as possible and make as much money as possible.
You still have to work hard on these things, but if this is all you focus on, you can get away with working so much less and making so much more.