Transcript for:
10 Things a Sigma INFJ Totally Detests

Sigma ion of Chase rarely care about what others say or do but like everyone they unavoidably have pet peeves they may not tell people about here are 10 things a sigma infj totally detests number 10 staying on the surface Sigma INFJs identify small talk as a social convention rather than a reasonable thing to do so they only engage in it when their profession or job requires it but deep inside they always prefer discussing odd possibilities darkest Secrets inner conflicts and profound discoveries they want to understand the truth about what's happening in people's heads even if they say everything's fine because of the sigma INFJs introverted intuition function they can see behind the Persona most people wear they patiently wait for others to reveal themselves and remove their masks sometimes hastening the process through thought provoking questions and when people only give superficial responses they can't help but be frustrated with it they detest how Society defines meaningful social interactions they hate the standards Society sets they simply don't understand how people can live joyful fully and purposefully with all the social conventions they've been following number nine arguing just to argue some people argue to prove their point or to experience what it's like to win and instead of making inferences or extracting information from other people's perspectives some people defy logic to appear dominant and correct these irrational people are frequently self-absorbed and shallow with no regard for what is right or wrong New Perspectives rather than aiding in self-improvement threaten their egos as a result it's not surprising that they only want to show the world how intelligent worthy logical and righteous they are even if they know they're wrong they won't admit it because they only want to protect their nonsense and because Sigma INFJs seek valid reasoning they hate interacting with people who argue just to argue as a sigma infj have you ever met these kinds of people number eight having to compromise their values Sigma INFJs with the unique World Views are Visionaries and idealists their high moral standards guide everything making their life Outlook more defined and purposeful than the majority so it's no surprise that their standards perceptions and values are important to them they understand that everything is interconnected in some way words feelings and actions impact people across generations and territorial locations as a result Sigma INFJs frequently have a strong sense of how things should be particularly regarding Society customs and Humanity so they will hate anyone and anything that forces them to lower their standards for temporary Pleasures if they ever see people in situations that make them compromise their standards they would immediately detach and refocus they prefer to be alone and will never compromise their values just to belong number seven not being listened to as strongly opinionated individuals Sigma INFJs despise being unallowed to express themselves they can't stand any argument wherein people invalidate their views just because they don't align with popular belief some people forbid Sigma INFJs from outlining their thoughts because they are triggering and provocative some people negatively judge the sigma infj's perspectives due to their rebellious nature and two complex points so instead of listening they silence them and minimize their opinion simply because they differ from theirs Sigma INFJs despised this if they don't feel heard they won't even try to prove their point to such people because it's not worth it as the sigma infj do you also gracefully exit one-sided arguments number six people's inability to commit the first thing Sigma INFJs seek in a relationship is someone's ability to commit this is a deal breaker for them so if you aren't ready to commit to a sigma infj don't consider developing an intimate relationship with them why because you'll be cut out of their lives anyway you'll end up being questioned about your beliefs and morals when Sigma INFJs get doubts and emotional unavailability they will not waste their time thinking there's hope in the relationship they will also not waste their time believing in change if they notice a refusal to improve Sigma INFJs believe they must see people for what they are not what they could be although there are times when they choose to see the good in others despite their inconsistencies they know how to differentiate what's worth their time and what isn't number five lack of emotional vulnerability Sigma INFJs needs someone with whom they can be vulnerable because they are highly sensitive and emotional they thrive in friendships where they can express their deepest thoughts and feelings if they ever feel confined restricted or invalidated they will question whether the Friendship is right for them Sigma INFJs are drawn to emotional intelligence which is why they demand emotional vulnerability from their Inner Circle deep and honest conversations add meaning to their life it's not that they are dependent on them it's just that they don't see the point of relating with someone who only frustrates questions and denies their emotional needs as a sigma infj how can you sense the absence of emotional vulnerability number four the conflict that arises when conversing with close-minded people Sigma INFJs rarely get along with anyone with a conventional Viewpoint they just don't understand why some people are allergic to Evolution and Improvement if they were in these people's shoes they would be glad to accept fresher perspectives that improve their quality of life so whenever they interact with these close-minded people they feel upset there's always a conflict that arises from dealing with those they can't openly converse with one of the things they dislike about traditional people is detention and conflict that naturally arises after days or weeks of such interactions although Sigma INFJs let people believe whatever they want they can't tolerate the attitude and behavior that comes with it they can coexist and be severe with those who disagree but they will not allow the subtle conflict to ruin their Vibe number three the lack of accountability never owning up or apologizing for mistakes is one of the sigma my infj's pet peeves while they admire accountability and humility they detest denial and arrogance sigmine if Jace cannot stand people who cannot reflect and delve deeply into the reasons for their misbehavior these people would rather blame their mistakes on their friends family and significant other than own them except responsibility for them and learn from them so they can't improve because they never admit their mistakes in the first place they believe they are too good to improve Sigma INFJs despised this mindset they have no desire to be in a relationship interact or be associated with someone like this as a sigma infj do you know anyone in your Social Circle who never owns their mistakes how do you deal with them number two biases and prejudices influencing people's perspectives some people's perceptions of the sigma infj's arguments are constantly influenced by bias and Prejudice instead of hearing and recognizing them objectively they can't help but let their prejudices influence their comprehension as a result Sigma INFJs feel terrible during debates with these types of people although arguing is not disrespectful some traditional and close-minded people see it as such instead of thanking them for opening their eyes to newer improved perspectives they discriminate against the sigma infj per betraying their old principles and misleading them Sigma INFJs will not back down from a fight even if they are chastised for their unconventional viewpoints they take pleasure in haunting people's minds while knowing the Truths Behind their reasoning number one draining and toxic relationships Sigma INFJs are puzzled by some people's tendency to twist facts in order to make their point they can't stand some people's ability to push them around and make them do things at their own expense and call it tough love for them relationships are supposed to have a mutual benefit never once I did if it is one-sided it is nothing but toxic some people will even lie to cover up their incorrect assumptions their toxicity however is not due to their beliefs or Traditions it's because they are selfish so in order to maintain their inner peace Sigma INFJs would unapologetically detest these kinds of relationships they would rather mind their own business than interact with toxic people how do you deal with toxic people Sigma INFJs may have these things that they detest but amazingly without their consent none of the these would drag them down as a sigma infj do you also detest all these things if there's one you could tolerate which is it