Hi assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Come back with me Rey on this channel poster dark [Music] for sure Yo it's a really beautiful day we meet again on the imposter channel Gela of course with me RI and today we will also special review and share the latest config for all of you on gcam LMC 8.4, namely the King Indo config by imposter gelab guys and as usual in this config there is a password or password to open the extra config file. So you have to keep watching the video until it's finished, don't skip it and don't forget to like comment and subscribe to the dark imposter channel so that you don't miss out on other updated videos. Thank you for your time. Let's go straight to the tutorial, okay guys, now we're going into the tutorial on how to install GCAM LMC 8.4 by configuring Indo byboster glub. So let's start from the beginning, okay? To anticipate also beginner GCAM users, the first step you have to do is install an application called manual camera compatibility. You can get this application for free in the Play Store. Yes, it's useful for checking whether the 2 AP cameras on our device are active or not, so Just open the application, then here we just click start to process it, we just wait, well, here are the results of checking the 2 fire cameras on my device, yes, they are active, everything is ticked green from manual focus, manual white balance, manual ISO, manual shutter speed and speed. support, if the green tick changes to a red cross or one of the red crosses is a sign that your device's 2 APD camera is not active yet and you can't use the gcam like that, that 's the meaning, so now you just have to go back and if friends have downloaded the existing material files in the video description link, just go to your file manager, here I use zr receiviv to change my file manager, just go straight to the downloads folder and here are the ingredients, the first one here is kingindo.sip config and the second one is in here is LMC 8.4r18f1.apk, that is the gcam application file, so let's just install the application first by clicking like this, then we click install as usual because I have already installed the application. Just open the gcam like this. then here we just go straight to settings, we go to more settings, then here we select the config settings menu. Here we click, then here we select the save settings menu, then here we type free, the use is to find the LMC 8.4 folder in the file our manager to paste the config file, now we just click Yes like this and we go back to the file manager again and the next step we just have to extract the config, friends, so we will extract this config using the password that will appear inside This video is in the middle and at the end of the video with a Ting sound. So you have to watch the video carefully until it's finished so now we just click like this then we select extra to then here we type the password but before that I blur it first because This is just an example. OK, if we have filled it in, now we just click OK, like this and this is the result of extracting King Indo config. Let's just open the folder and here it is for the config file. Here there are six config versions with camera level 2 AP. different and the config specification format is different , friends, so here there is an aux config and there is a non-aux config, where the aux config itself is the config intended for your device which already supports ultrawide mode and electronic video image stabilization mode and vice versa, guys. if the note out config itself is the config that is intended for your device which does not yet support ultrawide mode and electronic image stabilization video mode then the difference between auto jpig and V config itself is the difference in where the camera level is 2 fire for each device so each device it's different for the 2p camera level, you can't compare it to the device I use because the 2p camera level is clear it's different, so the way to check is really easy, you just have to check using an application called camera 2 prop, here it is, you can also get this application for free in the Play Store, so just open the application and here it is for the results of the hardware support level or camera level 2P on my device is level 3. So for level 3 itself we have to use the config in yuv format. Yes, if the green tick is in the full position, it's a sign that you have to use the JPEG config, but when you get the green tick in the limited section that's a sign that you can't use gcam like that, that 's the meaning, so now we just have to go back and copy the config, so the config here that I use is yuv, but here I practice it for everything because this is also just an example, we click hold then we select copy or cut freely here I copy then here we go to the device memory or external file manager , yes, just look for the LMC 8.4 folder. Well, here we go, click then here we paste the config like this, now if it's like this This is a sign that you have successfully entered the config file. Now you just have to open the gcam like this. Then to bring up other config options, you just have to click or tab twice next to the shutter button in the black part like this. Now, all you have to do is select The config that suits me explained earlier here that I use yov aux because my device already supports both modes so just click import and yes the config is ready to be used so now let's just review what the results are like instead of being curious it's better to just try it let's go OK friends, now let's review in video mode first with full HD resolution and we use it in ultra wide video mode, yes, we also activate it in wide mode to produce even more dramatic vignettes and the results can be seen here in the current preview really stable, no vibrations at all even if we are just walking and without using a gimbal or additional stabilizer, so now we stop and let's see the results, let's go and this is what the results look like in video mode, really cool, Wow, this is really- the results are really very stable and when we activate it in Leika mode it also produces images that are a bit cinematic like this, friends, so now let's just review what it looks like in photo mode. Instead of being curious, it's better to try it straight away, let's go, okay guys, now let's get into The details of the camera mode are like this. So we use HDR plus Seteng and without active AWB, we shoot straight away OK. Nice, let's wait for the results. And this is what the results look like in the first camera mode we use with AWP disabled, it's amazing , yes, with King Windowo config we get The results are this detailed and clear, friends, you can see the depth of the sharpness and in the HDR section, it's very pronounced, yes, the dynamic range is wide and the colors are delicious, not too flashy, the contrast is balanced during the day, guys, so now let's go straight to the review in camera mode with AWB active, then okay, guys, now we go into camera mode again and the details are like this, so we use JWP active, so we shoot straight away using camera mode, okay. Nice, let's wait for the results. And this is what the results look like in camera mode. secondly, this time we use it in active answer mode or Julian white balance, friends, so when we activate it in answer, you can see here the difference produced in the color, yes, the color here is fresher and the green of the rice fields is brighter than in The AWP that was deactivated for Dynamic Race is still the same , but here the resulting exposure in JWB is also higher than when AWP was deactivated, friends, so now we will review it in portrait mode for the next let's go. OK, friends, now let's review it in portrait mode with details like this and AWP disabled, we immediately shoot in cloudy moments like this. Is it different? Let's just see the results let's go and this is what the results look like in portrait mode, which we first use with AWB disabled with HDR plus in cloudy conditions like this, friends, wow, the results are also not much different from moments in bright daylight like in camera mode, guys here. We also get maximum results when we use it in portrait mode. The blur results are also quite neat here. Even though there are many background objects like this, yes, and in the human skin tone, it also looks natural, not too warm even in cloudy conditions and low exposure. like this guys, so now let's review what it looks like in Ultra wide mode. Just let's try it, okay guys, now let's review it in ultrawide mode and let's look at the details. So we use drr plus and without active AWP. Let's just shoot like this. OK, nice, let's wait for the results and finally the results from GK LMC 8.4 by configuring Ind by imposter dark in ultrawide mode without AWB active wow, that's amazing, really really cool, the results here, friends, you can see that here we are fighting the light from the sun still looks good, the lag is like this and we also activate it in Leica mode, producing vignettes on the edges of the frame like this, giving a more dramatic effect and when we activate it in Leica mode we also get a better pose. it's much higher in the middle like this, so maybe that's all that can be reviewed in this video regarding GKM LMC 8.4 with the King Indo configuration by Imposter Club, if there is more or less, please forgive and if you have criticism and suggestions, you can submit them in the comments column. See you next time enjoy the video and see you