I have a question for you how much does it cost to stand upright does anyone here have the answer to that question I'm not too sure anyone has the answer to that question and besides could it be that the answer differs based on the individual in 1978 researchers asked themselves the same question what they found out was that standing upright increases both heart rate and blood pressure in 2016 the question is could it be that how we move how we learn and how we think is interconnecting to move better are we really in control of our movements if it's true that we organize movements with the frontal lobe this is based on how we perceive the environment and so would you think that the strategy to move is the same whether we stand on ice on sand or in the mud in 1998 neuroscientist JP roll published on the role of the skin of the foot what he found out was that we use inputs from the skin of our feet to stand upright and to move and so knowing this how do you think this foot stance contributes to posture in 1985 a technique entitled posture ology was born and posture ologies aim is to stimulate the feet and the eyes with innovative technology and exercises to allow someone to stand upright optimally and this is the kicker without them having to actually think about it these are the types of results achieved by posture ologists across the world these are specifically from posture purel our research centre here in Montreal what you see here is what's possible with posture ology to learn better how would you say movement and academics are related well movement and academics actually share a common organ that organ is called the cerebellum it is postural muscles that are responsible for turning on the cerebellum and postural muscles are the ones we use to stand upright so knowing this when looking at these two individuals which one do you think benefits from optimal information being sent from their muscles to the cerebellum in order to light up the entire brain if it's true that the cerebellum turns on the motor areas of the brain the cerebellum also turns on the language areas and so what you have to understand is that with the partial imbalance it's the entire brain that doesn't get led up to its full potential and it is both movement and learning that suffer now to turn on postural muscles one needs to resist the force and that force is the force of gravity so the question is what happens when there's no gravity in 1999 researchers actually looked at that what they did is they scrutinized 29 different studies looking at six different cognitive measures what they found out was that while in space cognitive measures actually do appear to be affected meanwhile here on earth in 2006 researchers studied the brains of adults with ADHD what they found out is that there was a particular brain area that was smaller and that area was for both movement and attention that area was indeed the frontal lobe and so the next time you think of a learning disability will you be able to think of this versus this to think better if it's true that the frontal lobe is really important for movement and learning it's also critical in how we manage emotions in 2015 researchers again have studied the size of the brains now this time of individuals that had a hard time managing stress I'm not too sure where they found those people they must be really hard to find but what they did is that they looked at the size of the brains of those people now people that had a hard time managing stress the frontal lobe was smaller the frontal lobe was also smaller in individuals that were affected with antisocial personality disorder as well as borderline personality disorder in 2015 Amy Cuddy and her famous TED talk spoke about power poses and what she was able to prove was that by adopting these power poses we could increase the Stas drone and decrease cortisol which is the stress hormone so my thought is this what if we could create power postures where people walk around mourning tonight with optimal alignment their hormonal profile improved and again the kicker without them having to actually think about it well the question was how much does it cost to stand upright and this is 2016 the real question is if this is possible then are you ready for posture ology thank you you