Lessons from Being Laid Off

Jun 22, 2024

Lessons from Being Laid Off


  • Speaker was laid off by Google on Valentine's Day.
  • Initially felt devastated but now ready to share 5 harsh lessons learned.

Lesson 1: It's Not Your Fault

  • Layoff decisions are company-focused and not performance-based.
  • Friends and HR emphasized it was a cost-saving measure.
  • If performance was an issue, firing would have been cheaper.

Lesson 2: Layoff Process is Not Fair

  • Good performers can also be laid off.
  • Unfairness grows when you see less experienced/essential employees retained.
  • Example: Speaker was a promoted Singaporean man manager but was still laid off.
  • CEO bonuses and manager promotions post-layoff can feel unfair.
  • Best advice: Don't take it personally and move on.

Lesson 3: Be Kind to Yourself and Others

  • Layoffs are out of your control.
  • Give yourself time to grieve and recover.
  • Being angry and bitter doesn’t help.
  • Be kind to managers/HR—they’re just doing their job.

Lesson 4: Work Friends May Disappear

  • Expect work friends to stop contacting you.
  • Reasons:
    1. They don't know how to approach you.
    2. They're worried about their own job security.
    3. You no longer work there, so they move on.
  • Importance of having friends outside of work for support.

Lesson 5: Finding Next Job Will Be Tough

  • Job openings are few in tough times.
  • Don't panic apply; it wastes energy.
  • Follow the 30-60-90 day framework to evaluate skills, network, and reputation:
    • 90 days: Need to search for opportunities.
    • 60 days: Have skills and job knowledge; good network.
    • 30 days or fewer: Great reputation, skills, and network.

Bonus Lesson

  • Sometimes in life, we don't jump—we get pushed.
  • Stay hardworking and kind, and beautiful things will happen.


  • Encourages viewers to subscribe to his YouTube channel.