Transcript for:
Overview of Opera PMS Functions

in this lesson you will learn about logging in and  out of opera pms changing your password in opera   navigating the opera pms menus and  accessing the opera knowledge space when you log into your pc on your pc  desktop you should have an icon called opera   when you double click on that icon it  will take you to the opera web page on the left hand side here where it says opera  login you have a place for the username the   username will be given to you by the ad the admin  of your hotel the administrator of your hotel   now logging in using the credentials pre-defined  by the property system administrator the next line   is password your password should be a minimum  length of 7 characters and it can be a maximum   length of 40 characters required characters  in your password must include both alphabetic   and numeric characters uniqueness if you are  changing your password the new password may   not be the same as any of the last four passwords  that you have used password is the schema field   a schema is a section of the database  that holds a particular set of information   there are two standard schemas that are typically  installed at properties we may call one the live   hotel or production which represents the hotel  as configured by the system administrators   also in the schema drop down you may  have one called the training hotel   or training this is an exact copy of the  live hotel and is used to train the users   usually the training hotel will be removed  and recreated before the installers depart   your property this should be used by the  hotel staff for training new employees if you notice down in the left hand corner  we have what's called registered terminal   when your i.t department installs opera  on the workstation during the installation   when registered terminal is being loaded it  inherits the computer name of the workstation   that opera is being loaded on now i'm going to put  in my username i'm going to use the username as   supervisor and then i will put in my password  your it department will create your username   and password and the first time you log into  opera you will be prompted to change your password if you use the wrong password it will   show you that you had an invalid  username and password to please try again click on login once you click on  login it takes you to the splash page flash page we call this these are the application  access controls here the buttons on the splash   page provide access to each application  with access based on the user permissions   most of the day-to-day operation is within  the property management system pms here also if you notice down in the left hand  corner we have what's called available sessions   each time you log into a pms session it  allows the user to invoke a maximum of four   active sessions at one time so if i want to log  into pms i'm going to click on the pms tab notice   my available sessions one of them turns red that  means that i've used one of the available sessions the pms bar it takes me to the la opera login page   i'm going to click on login and that  will log me in to the pms system logged in you notice we're on the  main page of the opera pms here up at the top we call this the title bar this  shows the application which you are in logged into   the opera pms and it also tells you what version  of opera that you are you currently using at   this particular hotel we're using version 5.0 0.05  0.00 16 which means this is the e-patch number 16. over to the right of that is the hotel code or we  call this also the resort id which is called elite   next to that is the name of your hotel this  particular hotel is called the elite training   opera and next to that is the business date of  your hotel which it shows we're on may 31st 2017 below that on the menu bar is the functions  that are available with this application   if i click on the word reservations these are  your choices for the reservations opera options   on the menu bar if i move my cursor over to front  desk these are the choices under front desk we   have cashiering we have rooms management accounts  receivables commissions end of day miscellaneous   setup back office interface our help button  or menu and then to exit out of opera also   on the user information bar here it tells you  who is currently logged into this opera session   currently supervisor is logged in and that's the  username that i used when i logged into opera on the toolbar here this also shows the same as  the menu bar these icons represent the same thing   as the words when i click on reservation i have  the same reservation choices if i click on the   icon for front desk you get the same menu choices  as you do when you click on the word front desk   so a user can either use the top menu bar or  they can use this toolbar here with the icons   to change my password in opera i would click on  the word miscellaneous at the top here or i could   click on the icon here called miscellaneous  when i click on the miscellaneous icon over   on the left here i have a button for change  password i would click on change password   i would input my old password in and then  input my new password and then confirm   my new password remember the password has to have  seven or more characters or numbers have to have   at least one letter or alphabetical letter and  one number and it has to be a password that you   haven't used in the last four times once you  input your old password and your new password   you will click on the ok button and it will pop  up and say password has been changed successfully also while navigating through opera through all  the opera screens if you notice on this page the   word reservations has the letter r underlined  under front desk it has the letter f underline   throughout opera if you would like to navigate  using your keyboard instead of using your mouse   you can use the alt key and whatever letter is  underlined on that word so if i wanted to activate   the reservation menu i could do alt r and it would  navigate the reservation menu and if i wanted to   choose something on that list i can use my down  arrow and my up arrow to navigate through there   if i put my cursor in the middle  of the screen the choices disappear   if i want to bring up something in the front  desk menu and i want to use my keyboard   i would do alt f and it would activate  my choices in the front desk menu okay also on this webpage we have the help  knowledge at the right we have a opera help   if you click on help up at the top and click  on opera help this will take you directly   to our help option menu it's called our opera  knowledge base notice it has all the different   items that all the different  modules that we have in opera if we wanted to activate and look for information  about the opera property management system i can   click the plus sign over on the left and if  i wanted to look at information about the pms   operations i can click on pms operations and  over on the right gives you a list of topics   that we could that are included in this group if i  wanted to learn how to make a reservation in opera   i can click on reservation topics and it gives me  a list of all the topics in the reservation menu the knowledge base is very helpful and another way  that you can access the knowledge base in opera   we can use a quick key on our keyboard if you use  the f1 quick key press f1 it will also take you   to the opera knowledge base notice you have  a search box up here at the top so if you're   searching for a particular area that you want  to that you need help with you can do a search   there and it will search everything in the opera  knowledge base to get out of the opera knowledge   base you just click the x on the tab up the  top and it will take you back to your main menu also under the help area you have about opera here  so if i click on about opera it takes you to this   opera hotel version information it tells  you the installation date of your opera   and what items that you have installed in  this particular hotel we have opera pms   installed and what version we're on and it also  tells us what else we've been what we've created   and we have the opera oxy that has been loaded  here tells you our forms version tells you what   database we're on we're on the oracle database  11g and it tells you the database language this is called the opera version opera hotel  version info i click close and it takes me   back to the main menu okay in this lesson we have  learned about logging in and out of the opera pms   i have showed you how to change your password i have also showed you how to navigate  to the different opera pms menus and i also showed you how to  access the opera knowledge base   going to opera help i showed you about about opera   and also another way to access the opera help  is by pressing the f1 key on your keyboard that concludes this session