Transcript for:
League of Legends Rant and Gameplay Commentary

what if you just go into a game and completely [ __ ] stomp some Diamond kids what if you just like what if you go into normal what if you go in me and the boys normal draft game anding ruin the day we camp one guy and make him go 040 and then we just all report him he gets permanently Bann and his entire life is ruined cuz that guy dude I have played league for 11 hours and I am down at division do you think I'm in any mood to play elen ring at the moment there is just no way my top laner banned gang plank Gangplank holy skins rat IRL is human trash [ __ ] say finally somebody is speaking my language last eight games have been decided 100% welcome to Summoner Rift you go to the gym nope I'm not a loser sitting up 25 kills I want to see 25 kills when is going to the gym equals loser well think about it have you ever seen somebody not to ler go to the gym let that sink in minions have spawned let's win listen F how about you shut your mouth you going to finish let's go I'm focusing every quiet shut no body speak about I'm focusing shut up you stinky stinky rat I'm bad first blood if fence tank to Q we win it no okay thank the second one sh is going to be here you have been slain age like a fine enemy double kill rat IRL is human trash enemy kill Rattle sub rattle Alfred sh has successfully killed every single Lane not even f but you can tell look at him it's just stand enemy you have SL an enemy we did it it's me watch your step you have slain an enemy crazy I'm starting to get kind of hungry eat this did you guys hear that my microphone mod ban him you drop the DT D2 you don't deserve food okay sorry I guess this tastes awful sorry my bad like is like more delicious rat IRL is human trash like every game is every that I just needed what are we doing so wrong every game for this to happen I don't get it what are be doing there's no way they kill fence here like this is a triple kill this is not Le of course of course yeah of course this is legal I guess an ally has been slain it's legal classic hello I'm so mind blown I'm so F can we just leave and like go offline this is I don't even know what to say I'm mind blown by this completely mind blown fine before I had fun this is just becoming stupid have motivational speech yeah life isn't fair it sucks and just move on an enemy has been slain and some people don't deserve to win there you go point this Syra AFK drooling doing nothing any liquid you can see careb the [ __ ] you mean careb careb guys you're getting ganked oh if only we had a jungler that could stop enemy jungler from oh I mean rat IRL is human trash care both guys you're getting ganked again H guys care guys listen play safe go to the third just sit there guys come on care why are you over extending guys come on care Sak hey nice oh hello so like what are we even doing at this point we're just we're just like clicking bot every time we respawn it's not it's it's not even a gank anymore he's just here he's like here guys I'm here feel I'm going to want going to get ganked again and sh's going to come with like a [ __ ] Shen R and's going to flash op us oh yes that's perf yes okay there's one me he hasn't even taking the dragon like you would think that he's doing the dragon he's Noto he's just going on again like a fine egg this guy is Dashing like I don't even care I just don't even want to play there is nothing left in here that wants to play this game I just want to go next I like your team has destroyed nice guys we got Top Lane turet cuz we have not left Top Lane entire game and then they're going to be fed save items you have been slain ratl is human trash yes we get it you're all in the Stream let's gank the stream 15 times everybody let's kill them we get it so funny watch I got so is nobody going to like rat IRL is human trash R out R out you have SL an enemy enemy double kill crazy gaming oo have been slain WoW race and he gets it like the fact that thei thinks that he wins that because he's been so camped in the lane that he just has no clue where he's at the game he's not even like a head he just dashed into twitch million team has destroyed a turret you have slain an enemy Killing Spree you know what's you know what's sad that winning this game doesn't even feel good an ally has been SL winning this game it's like okay so they're fourman diving us two times they just Spam going bot and then the game sucks for us and you like don't want to play finish that and then you have this loser Fanboy cringe [ __ ] cancer kid just trying to do everything he can the entire game just to kill you shut down enemy double kill do I have my item yeah I do I don't want to sell the pot I can keep the pot yeah true and also winning this game out of all the games so the game the small the games we couldn't win but we win this one I don't remember what this that one it was though I mean Shake was coming out here you have slain an enemy an ally has been slain double kill oh that's useful we lock them doors and turn them L down low has [Music] like you guys are so [ __ ] [ __ ] PES an enemy has been SL quote me on that rat IRL is human trash oh yeah of course because like2 mons we just made it so obvious that was worded what rust is like more delicious yes the the crazy how he just do human trash he just doesn't quue out that guy when I'm just walking forward into him bus sure if I like walked away then you would think it's like and he would out like I would I would get that rat IRL is human see the BL King there was insanely good for the life Ste CU he gives so much life Ste dou rat IRL is human trash you have League of Legends your team has destroyed League of Legends your rat IRL is human has destroyed an inhibitor who secret mold thank you Victory what the hell dude 140 you have 700 messages and you've been subbed no you've been following for seven years what the hell like plus 21 in Diamond too fence almost did more than SRA no but like I understand that if we're pushing sure like if we're spam pushing but we're being do by four people and then Shen Alti and then Leblon comes bot and flashes tries to chain me under my turret like something of this has to be comtable why is fence just queuing he got things to do he's said enough of you I got left by even fence that is unbelievably up what my small that bad what my SM I mean at least I can say we're on Twitch like twitch is twitch but watch him play En chantis when not doing you I mean he can play whatever I don't mind losing that much it's just like it's the way we lose right you can quote me on that rat IRL is human trash it's just the way we lose the games like 46 214 108 and then it's like my history I double digit deaths every game and I'm in a state where I want to play but I go in game and I just want to fight and then I die like [ __ ] yo Vinnie thank you for the 31 I appreciate it yeah I'm gonna go chill I need to like go out or something I've been sitting for 12 hours doing nothing appreciate you guys hanging out as always maybe I do triy out stream tomorrow this was too much grief on this account I mean not a bad day we started d140 LP and we d240 LP so I mean call that a grind call that a grind that I have me REO 50 rat IRL is how are you already 11 hours in without the division in diamond yeah okay I appreciate you guys so follow everything you guys want to follow and we will be live tomorrow fence is queuing n support [Music] he [Music]