Transcript for:
Installing the AE 3500 Aroma Diffuser

[Music] hi my name is Adrian and I'm a service technician for air essentials and today I'm going to show you how to install an AE 3500 which would be the same as an AE 1100 via HVAC your a/c unit alright so here we have our aroma diffuser and a couple of tools that we'll need a drill a level a drill bit a little mallet hammer screwdriver maybe some foil tape and blue tape and some things that come with the box our clear hose so we can tap into the duct and some screws anchors and keys and a manual for the machine alright so the first thing you want to look for is an electrical outlet if you don't have one in your HVAC system call your electrician and have them install one a temporary solution would be to locate your nearest outlets and just use an extension cord now that we've talked about power let's talk about placement so you want this unit to be close to the duct if you have space on the ledge here that would be great save you a whole bunch of time but this is a pretty good example so we're gonna have to mount ours on the wall and you're gonna want your unit to be fairly close to the duct this particular example we have a pretty good amount of duct some other air conditioners yours might be a little higher so you want to find a compromise between your power source where this is going to go and you don't want it to be too far away from your duct what I like to do is get a piece of tape blue tape line it up here to the edge and you're gonna find the placement for your holes this is how you can get accurate and level so you don't have to do any measuring and save yourself a bunch of time so put a piece of tape here pass the piece of tape onto the wall make sure it's level and then you know where your holes are gonna be to mount your [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so very quick tip here you want to make sure that you have enough space to swing these doors open so you can do your programming and refill your oil so now that our unit is mounted we want to create a direct airflow from the machine to the duct we're going to use our clear hose here and push to connect meaning that this pushes in and connects and once you give it a little tug it will not come out okay this goes to the diffuser itself and the other end of the hose goes to HVAC air duct you don't need all this hose you want again direct airflow meaning no kinks loops or curves or anything like that so you may not need all of this okay so you want to connect this and measure it out account for about two to three inches that are going to go inside the duct okay so some tips into tapping into the ductwork most cases you're gonna be like that mushy soft it's called fiberglass duct work and you can just punch right through it with a screwdriver or anything else about the size of the tube this is the important part some other ducts are made out of aluminum you may need to use a screwdriver in a drill to drill the hole through there but most of the time it's pretty easy to just take a screwdriver punch it through move it around so you make a hole big enough for this tube to fit in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some tips on changing your air central's aroma oil I recommend wearing gloves Prez we're dealing with oil well do just one more gloves so the first thing we want to do is disconnect the clear hose from the unit itself then we're going to unscrew the push-to-connect and then we'll be able to pull out the diffuser and change our oil and put it all back together you ready here we go disconnecting the hose you simply push down on the ring and it comes out he was our diffuser in our bottle unscrew this pour in your new fresh scent from air essentials screw this back on and then we can slide this back in make sure that is tight okay don't leave that person cannot lease put that in give it a light little tug so you know it's in there and I recommend having it Keys handy so you might just want to leave them on your unit thank you for watching on how to install your AE 3500 for more information on programming you can find the link below in the description box please don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram