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Effective Communication Techniques for Success
Aug 6, 2024
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Lecture Notes: How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
Two types of people:
Those who walk into a room and say, "Well, here I am."
Those who walk into a room and say, "Ah, there you are."
Key Concept:
Skillful ways of dealing with people can lead to success.
Successful people:
Capture hearts and minds, often perceived as having a "bag of tricks"
Importance of communication:
92 tricks to help you succeed in social and professional settings.
Part 1: How to Intrigue Everyone Without Saying a Word
The Importance of First Impressions
Bob Grossman:
Caricature artist who captures essence through appearance and movement.
First impressions:
Formed instantly and can be lasting.
Body language:
Communicates more than words.
Technique 1: The Flooding Smile
Smile slowly and let it flood over your face.
Eye Contact
Power of eye contact:
Can convey intelligence, confidence, and interest.
Technique 2: Sticky Eyes
Maintain eye contact even after the other person has finished speaking.
Advanced Eye Contact (Epoxy Eyes)
Technique 3: Epoxy Eyes
Maintain eye contact with the listener even when someone else is speaking.
Posture and Movement
Good posture:
Signals confidence and success.
Visualization technique:
Imagine a circus iron-jaw bit hanging from the doorframe.
Technique 4: Hang by Your Teeth
Visualize hanging by your teeth for perfect posture.
Part 2: How to Know What to Say After You Say Hi
The Role of Small Talk
Small talk:
Essential for building rapport but often dreaded.
Technique 10: Make a Mood Match
Match the listener's mood and tone.
Starting a Conversation
Prosaic with Passion:
Anything you say is fine as long as it's said with passion.
Technique 11: Prosaic with Passion
Use common words delivered with enthusiasm.
Technique 12: Always Wear a Whatsit
Use an unusual item to spark conversation.
Keeping the Conversation Going
Repeat the last few words your partner said to keep the conversation flowing.
Technique 20: Parroting
Repeat the last few words your conversation partner says.
Technique 21: Encore
Ask someone to retell a story they mentioned earlier.
Resuscitating a Dying Conversation
Be a Word Detective:
Listen for clues about what the other person enjoys discussing.
Technique 18: Be a Word Detective
Listen for clues and spring on the subject that excites the other person.
Part 3: How to Talk Like a VIP
Avoiding Clichés
Technique 30: Don’t Touch a Cliché with a 10-Foot Pole
Avoid using clichés to sound more original and intelligent.
Bantering Like the Big Shots
Technique 32: Call a Spade a Spade
Use straightforward language and avoid euphemisms.
Technique 33: Trash the Teasing
Avoid making jokes at someone else's expense.
Giving Bad News
Technique 34: It’s the Receiver’s Ball
Deliver bad news with the appropriate emotion for the receiver.
Part 4: How to Be an Insider in Any Crowd
Sounding Knowledgeable About Their Job or Hobby
Technique 39: Learn a Little Jobbledygook
Learn a few key phrases or questions to sound knowledgeable.
Using Their Hot Buttons
Technique 40: Bearing Their Hot Button
Find out the current hot issues in their field and discuss them.
Part 5: How to Sound Like You’re Peas in a Pod
Technique 45: Echoing
Use your conversation partner’s exact words to build rapport.
These techniques are designed to make you come across as a confident, credible, and charismatic person, making everyone feel special and valued.
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