Why Taxing the Rich is Hurting the Poor

Jul 12, 2024

Why Taxing the Rich is Hurting the Poor


  • Speaker's stance: Taxing the rich more is a bad idea.
  • Clarification: The rich should pay taxes, but shouldn't be taxed more solely for making more money.
  • Politicians use taxing the rich to garner votes unfairly.

Historical Context

  • Reference to Joe Biden's statement on paying more being a patriotic duty.
  • Speaker's opinion: This is contrary to historical events like the Boston Tea Party.
  • Major wars and revolts (e.g., Revolutionary War) were based on tax opposition.
  • Paying high taxes as a duty is seen as counterproductive and contradictory to patriot ideals.

Negative Impacts on Different Groups

Poor People and Middle Class

  • Over-taxing the rich can remove millions of jobs.
  • Companies move overseas, causing job losses domestically.
  • Example: Manufacturing shifting to other countries due to high taxes.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

  • High taxes cause business owners to find ways to evade taxes.
  • Entrepreneurship involves enormous risks, unlike employment.
  • Taxes reduce the funds that businesses could use to hire employees.
  • Small business owners already pay significant amounts in taxes.
  • Entrepreneurs essentially work for the government unpaid by collecting and remitting taxes.

Economy and Society

  • High taxes on the rich make essential goods and services more expensive for everyone.
  • Executing taxes leads to additional administrative costs which are passed on to consumers.
  • Politicians create policies that often destroy jobs rather than create them.
  • Businesses pass on tax burdens to their clients, affecting end-users.

Philosophical and Ethical Points

  • Entrepreneurs should not be punished for their success and innovation.
  • Entrepreneurship drives economic growth and societal welfare.
  • Over-taxation reduces the scope of good that entrepreneurs can do, e.g., charitable activities.

Policy Critique

  • Income inequality results from value creation inequality, not tax inequalities.
  • Real job creation happens through entrepreneurship, not government intervention.
  • Government mismanagement of collected taxes leads to waste and inefficiency.
  • Politicians' greed and lack of creation ability are criticized.


  • Oppose policies of over-taxation as they bring more harm than good.
  • Focus on the value creation for better income generation rather than relying on taxation.
  • Consider alternative tax systems like flat tax/sales tax.
  • Limit the number of lifelong politicians and the scope of government spending.


  • Taxing rich more doesn't benefit the poor or middle class in the long term.
  • Good governance involves managing existing funds better rather than increasing tax burdens.
  • Entrepreneurship should be encouraged as it drives economic growth.
  • The idea of taxing the rich more as a solution to inequality is flawed and impractical.