on this video today I'm going to talk to you about the fact that why taxing the rich is hurting the poor uh or why taxing the rich is stupid now when I say taxing the rich is stupid I don't mean that the rich shouldn't pay taxes um but I mean that a person should not be taxed more just because they make more money that's that's a dumb idea that's the idea that a politician came up with to attempt to Garner votes from someone who believes that they're doing bad because someone else is doing well okay I hope I didn't say that too fast and I get it there are a lot of opposing opinions around political ideas and Concepts and you're entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to my opinion but I know that taxation like over Taxation and taxation without representation is a bad idea um I remember back um uh when Barack Obama was President Joe Biden was the vice president one of the things I heard him which made me wonder um if he had ever read a history book uh was when he said that if you make more than $250,000 a year it is your patriotic duty to pay more in taxes and and when he said that I thought to myself well that's about as dumb as a box of rocks has he has he not heard of the Boston Tea Party like that the whole quote Revolutionary War war for independence whatever you want to call it it was started on a tax revolt and you're saying it somebody's patriotic the Patriots were the people who were fighting against the taxation without representation but you're saying it's somebody's patriotic duty to pay more in taxes when the whole concept of a patriot was to pay less in taxes anyway so but I'm going to tell you why it's bad for poor people over taxing rich people is bad for poor people it's also bad for middle class people in fact it's just bad for everybody accept politician short term the only people that benefit from taxing over taxing rich people or politicians and the only reason they benefit they only benefit for a short period of time and otherwise it hurts everybody so um why because it forces smart business owners to seek Asylum which costs the American public millions of jobs one of the reason reasons one of the reasons so many people have lost their quote good jobs is because companies have been forced by the government to go to other countries to manufacture and to hire other people that do all kinds of other service work in their businesses because the taxation in the United States of America is obsessive it's not as obsessive as some other places I get that but it's still obsessive and then you've got big polit you got polit lifer politicians who love the idea of big government who want to charge and I know here's what people are thinking here's here's what people were thinking um somebody said so why hashtag Trump because it would I knew it would cause you to watch this video okay so that's why the thumbnail title or the video title had said hashtag Trump okay because I knew it would make you watch this video okay so that's the that's the real reason and I I don't generally respond to comments but I saw that on there okay so so keeping it real okay so so here's here's the problem here's the problem when you over tax people they look for ways not to be over taxed so here a lot of people don't understand this when you start a business there is so much risk involved and you're taking on that risk the risk itself is risky enough if you have a job you know that you're going to get paid on Friday you know or Friday or Monday or whatever the 15th first and 15th or whenever you get paid you know when you're going to get paid you know how much you're going to get paid um it doesn't matter how good your company does you're going to get paid but if you're the business owner you literally every month don't know where the business is coming from you know it's going to come from somewhere because it always does but you don't know where it's coming from and so you got to take on this enormous risk and some oh poor you that's not the point the point is I'm taking on a risk and not only am I taking on enough risk for me to make enough money to take care of my family but I'm taking on enough risk for me to hire people so they can take care of their families and there are families and more families and more families and more families that are looking forward to being able to take care of themselves because I started a business or because somebody else Entre XYZ entrepreneur started a business and when the government starts taxing us what they're literally doing is they're taking money that we could pay the people who work for us they're taking that money out of our pocket and putting it in politicians pockets that's real and and people say Rich should pay more in taxes I got news for you baby we already do like I I'm not saying we like we already do I pay more in taxes per quarter than some of you pay in a decade per quarter and fair share what does that even that's that's that's such a non- measure every they should pay their fair share that's not measurable that just sound it's a sound bite it's an insano sound bite but it's a sound bite and and so here's what's here's what's here's what's here's what's really mind-blowing about that not only not only when I become an entrepreneur am I taking on the risk of starting a business but I'm also taking on the risk of I have to I have to now work for the government without getting paid for it say what does that mean if I have employees and I do I have to collect taxes from my employees I have to pay to collect the taxes I have to pay somebody to figure out how much taxes should be collected I have to pay to remit the taxes that I collect and I don't get compensated for that when I am an entrepreneur not only am I paying more in taxes but I'm also a forced unpaid laborer for the United States government I know you didn't you know like I I I never had to think about this until I had to started thinking about it I'm like I got to pay somebody to collect taxes and I got to pay somebody to remit taxes and I don't even get paid for any of this work and then people looking at me like I'm the bad guy like I'm the reason the job exists and me and people like me entrepreneurs are the reason the jobs exist like every time a politician says they're going to create jobs they are lying all politicians can do anyway they're lying they're not create politicians don't create jobs what they do is they create policies that kill jobs most of them some of them create policies that Empower entrepreneurs to create more jobs but it forces like business owner like it's why so many big American companies have manufacturing concerns in China even though China is not CH China as a nation is not a fan of the United States of America as a nation but companies will go there because the tax burden of work manufacturing your stuff in China is not as great oh I'm not saying China is better than America by any chur I'd rather live here so before any of y'all start coming at me I'm it's not my point my point is I'm just telling you why this whole idea we're in an election year and all these politicians are going to tell you they're G I'm gonna we're gonna we're going to tax the rich to cure income inequality okay that sounds good but income inequality has nothing to do with who pays the most in taxes income inequality is the result of something because income is the result of something what's income the result of income is the result of value creation which means income inequality there are exceptions to this there are exceptions to everything but as a rule income is the result of value creation income inequality therefore is the result of value creation inequality and if you're not making as much money as somebody else maybe instead of looking outward for the problem maybe you should say hm I wonder why I'm not creating more value for more people and then you can make more money do you understand that your job pays you for the value you bring to them if you have a business your clients will pay you for the value you bring to them they will pay you for the value they desire to have not the value you desire to give my you don't understand I'm really good at digging holes unless somebody wants to pay you to dig a hole it doesn't matter how good you are at it it doesn't matter how hard you work at it you have to create something that someone else values enough to pay you for it okay so um it forces business owners to seek Asylum number two it punishes creators and innovators for making the world better what does that mean like excessive taxation what like when we say the rich isn't that funny like the rich like like like there's one category of rich people we need to tax the rich as if there's one category of rich people there are different there are different levels of wealth but there are also different categories there are some people who are rich because they're criminals right there's and you don't have to worry about whether or not they're paying taxes they're doing everything their power to avoid it and to evade it right I I'm not saying taxes are bad I I get it we like it's it's nice to have infrastructure that the government builds interstates are nice they're nice to have right airports are nice to have like so I'm not saying that we shouldn't pay any taxes but let's make taxes instead of instead of and all you can eat buffet for fat capat politicians to take as much as they'd like instead of making it that why don't we make taxation for making the lives of the American people better in the Arenas of protecting and serving because it is the government's job to protect and serve not protect serve and provide oh snap yeah I said it okay so think about think about the fact that entrepreneurship makes the world better entrepre entrepreneurship does more good in the world than almost any other concept wrap your mind around that I get it there are some evil entrepreneurs I've met some of them there are some snakes some absolute evil people dishonest I get it that's not most of them that like most of the entrepreneurs I know are good people good people who love their families and they work hard and they want to make the world better and they want to serve the people who are their clients and I'm telling you that the world is better because entrepreneurship like entrepreneurship does more good in the world than charity that's why I don't like calling giving to charity giving back like that that's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me giving back I'm giving back I'm not giving back I'm just giving there's no back I didn't take anything from the charity I gave to I'm not giving it back I'm just giving it and you say why does that matter because if I say I'm giving it back it's implying that I took something in order to get what I got and I didn't take anything from anyone and I'm unwilling to use that terminology because words matter so how does how can I say that entrepreneurship does more good in the world than charity think about it if there were no entrepreneurship there could be no charity you can have entrepreneurship without charity but you cannot have charity without entrepreneurship because the people who give to Charities have to get the money from somewhere and usually they get it from a job that they got working for somebody who started a business business but the government not the government politicians greedy evil unskilled lowlevel politicians lifers want to come and confiscate the money that's being created by people who create because they don't know how to create anything except a law to legally not lawfully but legally steal other people's money okay anyway I don't have any opinions if I did never voice him in public okay as you well know okay here's another way so so when you over tax entrepreneurs because we do so much good in the world it literally gives us less money to do good in the world like it literally like one of the things that we do is we support widows and orphans like to the tune of thousands of dollars a month that's what I do personally and that's what my company does as well and so I not my company my Ministry does as well um but when you over tax me as an entrepreneur you're limiting the amount of good that I can do in the world Rich PE like entrepreneurs are the ones who create the houses that we live in the stores that we shop in the like all of the stuff that the clothes that we wear the food that we eat all of this is started by people who are taking on risk and now the government and Hollywood wants to make us look like we're the bad guys but the reality is if you take some money out of your pocket right now everybody take out some money and hold it in the air money something that represents money a credit card a debit card a checkbook your iPhone if all you have is Apple pay whatever so so like like repeat after me the only reason I ever have any money in my pocket in my bank account or anywhere anywhere is because somebody somewhere somewhere sold something sold something to someone to someone for a profit for a profit that's called entrepreneurship y'all like entrepreneurs make this work make this happen this this happens because of Entrepreneurship because somebody started a business the government says you're evil how dare you start a business and hire those people and make sure that they can have a paycheck that they can count on and how dare you like collect taxes for us for free and how dare you you're so evil and then pay to remit that tax to us and you're still the bad guy we're coming for more really okay so but then if that's what happens and it is what happens so now there another reason it's bad for poor people middle class people the wealthy entrepreneurs who started the business have to pass that tax onto their clients as an expense so what they do is they add how much they're being charged to the price of the thing they're selling so now the end user who's buying the food buying the clothes buying the cars buying the houses buying the stuff they end up having to pay more because the government because the politicians are greedy because the lifer politicians are like they have an insatiable appetite for other people's wealth well and the last reason that I'm going to talk about that I think taxing over taxing rich people is terrible [Applause] um is because you don't kill an appetite by feeding it did you hear what I just said you don't kill an appetite by feeding it you kill an appetite by starving it imagine you have a child and this child becomes a teenager and they think that because you're rich they're [Laughter] rich and so what they do is they overspend on everything and when they overspend they come to you and they say Mom Dad give me more money um my car is out of gas okay but I gave you the car I know but I need some money for gas then you give them money for gas then they wreck the car Mom Dad I need $11,000 for my deductible to get my car fixed but I gave you you the money for the car and I gave you the money for gas and then like if if you if if if you had a friend and every time their child came to them and demanded more money and they gave it to them you would think this person is insane am I telling the truth you think nobody does that you don't solve a financial problem by throwing money at it throwing money at financial problems only makes it worse you cannot if you taxed all the rich people all of their money if you taxed all of the rich people all their money took all the rich people's money to pay off the national debt the national debt would only get bigger because you don't kill an appetite by feeding it you kill an appetite by starving it and if you're unwilling to manage the money you're already confiscating you're not going to be able to manage more the the more money you get with poor money management habits the more magnified and Amplified the money problems are which is why we have a multi multi multi multi multi- trillion dollar debt deficit in the United States of America why because you have a bunch of greedy lifer politicians who want to come and confiscate wealth that other people have created and they Fe well we'll just we'll just spend more money on more stupid stuff and then we'll just take more money from more people you you think you like it but I'm going to tell you something else I I'm going to give you one last reason that I didn't even have on my have on my um sheet and that is you think taxing rich people more M more money is a good idea because you're not rich yet I promise you the Richer you get the less you're going to like that idea think about it you get close to what feels like the Finish Line close to what feels like the go line and because you're making more money they move it hm H that's not very inspirational that's not very motivating and so literally if you are one of these people who are I I've often said there are two type there are two types of people when it comes to the economy how many types two there are makers and there are takers and makers ain't takers and takers ain't makers the reason makers make is because making stuff feels good the reason takers take is because I don't want to have to think about how to make something so I'll just take something you made because clearly I know better what to do with it than you do you say m what's this video about the video is about you understanding why you're going to be better off if you decide to be a maker then you are if you spend your whole life as a taker or somebody who's cheering for takers to come take more from somebody else cuz I promise you this this is what's not going to happen what's not going to happen is the takers that are lifer politicians with insatiable appetites when they come and take more money from rich people in taxes that they're promising to make your life better I promise you none of it's getting to you it all goes to feed the machine I I remember a statistic about and I don't remember where I read it but only 25 cents out of every dollar that the welfare system collects goes to the person who's receiving the welfare in the end which means 75 cents out of every dollar of the welfare system is used by the government is consumed not even used just wasted by the government there are more reasons than this but one of the reasons the government overspends on everything is because it's not their money I care it's just money I'm just to I just go take some more from somebody else like we have to stop acting like that's Noble I believe that we should all pay our fair share of taxes but I believe that fair share should be defined and it would be ideal if it was defined and maybe it would be a flat tax maybe it's just a sales tax but everybody paying the same percentage and then let's get rid of some of these lifer politicians whose only idea is to collect more and spend more because you cannot spend your way out of a hole and you cannot borrow your way out of a hole and you cannot inflate your way out of a Hole by printing more money the only way to get out of a hole is to slow down the outgo you you got to patch the holes in the money bucket and so as an entrepreneur who understands what it's like to be on the poor side of the equation and the rich side and the middle class all of it I'm here to tell you that if you are poor or middle class regardless of what the government the politicians tell you while they're running for office taxing rich people more money is not going to make your life better and if you think it is just look around hadn't happened yet it's not likely to start anytime soon anyway hope this video enlightens you inspires you challenges you opens your eyes and helps you make some decisions that will make your family's life better in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best and we'll see you on the next video [Applause]