Transcript for:
Communication Strategies in Retail Lecture

welcome Bapak dan Ibu silakan So I want to explain to our guest speaker Dr Saga that our audience come from many from all part of Indonesia for example Raj from Kendari Kendari is sulawi Island part of Indonesia as you that Indonesia cons of eh more than 17000 Island ya and also from Bali you know the one with Semara tok Emas Semara is from Bali and then alino Asia B from Medan Medan is from sumat Island West part ofonesia one of theig sumata Sumatera eh Medan is in Sumatera and then Barnabas makel from Kendari also from and many of them come from Bali and then also from Kalimantan and then ah from East Of Indonesia ternateland ya Adin mrahul from Ternate Ternate is small Island The quiet East Of Indonesia from from other part of Indonesia so every Monday we eh meet here to to learn together from our sharing Oke Miri sudah boleh dimulai sebentar ya saya ya 158 kita ya yes oke selamat pagi bapak dan ibu asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh salam sejahtera untuk kita semua Om Swastiastu senang sekali kembali kita bisa berjumpa di retil zoom kita sudah memasuki edisi ke18 ya teman-teman hari ini Tentunya merupakan saat yang cukup menyenangkan karena Tema kita communication gaml ini bersama narasumber yang sudah kedua kalinya mengisi acara di retail Zoom S ini ya Ibu Dr Saga sagarika debras Hello how are you today Yes DR sagarika Ya thank you for your present For the Second Time in our room retailom S and we are very happy and eh We hope Thank you for having me my have a full experience tentu saja nanti akan bersama Bapak eh yang akan memandu dari awal sampai akhir Translate ya perbincangannya denganag ini Sagara ini dan tentunya teman-teman semua bisa hand ataupun juga ketik ya di layarnya untuk bertanya secara langsung kita manfaatkan materi yang akan disampaikan o beliau ini yang tentunya merupakan juga seorang ert di bidang bisnis rtail Baik saya serahkan waktu kepada bapak Christian Fus untuk memulai Baik terima kasih mbak Riri telah membuka retail Zoom kita episode 10058 Thank you for B Riri eh for opening our retail Zoom eh this time eh the episode is 158 and PR ya Oke teman-teman kita akan melanjutkan apa yang diampaikan oleh drag sebelumnya dari hasil poing menyatakan bahwa tem-eman ing mendengarkan lagiemaran Dar dan kita kan sebenarnya sudah separuh jalan ya this is what we we have today but eh ini yang kita punya hari ini tetapi kita di 2 minggu yang lalu kita sudah belajar e en tips untuk interpersonal communication ya dan tujuannya apa waktu itu sudah disampaikan bahwa kita melayani atau kita punya employee yang makin lama makin mudah yaitu Genzi ciri-cirinya yang dihadapi sekarang itu eh turnovernya tinggi katanya ya kemudian sulit membangun rasa percaya atau membangun engagement dengan mereka kemudian eh seperti perjalanan kita sebenarnya kan punya harapan kita ingin mencapai yang diibaratkan Dreamland oleh Dr sagarika seolah-olah kita akan ee menuju ke tanah impian kita tetapi pertanyaannya apa nih ya Nah dikatakan di edisi sebelumnya itu mulai dari kita ya Mulai dari kita kita harus memperbaiki communication skill interpersonal skill kita dan hari ini kita akan bicara apa nih kendaraannya kendaraannya untuk menuju ke tempat yang kita inginkan ya tempat yang kita inginkan itu bisa tujuan kita harapan kita dan sebagainya gitu ya Nah waktu lalu kita belajar enam hal yaitu masih ingat ya Saya ulang sedikit untuk memperbaiki keterampilan interpersonal kita harus membangun empati harus mengembangkan kesabaran karena anda butuh sabar Ketika anda berkomunikasi kemudian dibutuhkan clear communication komunikasi yang jelas lalu gunakan bahasa-bahasa yang positif kemudian paham Ketika anda berkomunikasi pahami apa yang disampaikan artinya Anda harus melatih kemampuan Anda mendengar kemudian harus segera mengambil keputusan karena ee gangguan Komunikasi itu juga bermula dari ee lambatnya kita para manajer para pemimpin mengambil keputusan gitu ya Nah ee saya akan menyerahkan ini kepada Dr sagarika yang akan melanjutkan eh bagian kedua yaitu kendaraan kita menuju k sasaran kita tapi ada satu hal yang saya ingin sampaikan tentang eh Dr sagarika I want to explain a short story about your name to them Okay but make it short Brother because we will much to speak I hav told them about your name so eh untuk teman-teman Kalau anda mau tahu sagarika itu berasal dari mana sagarika itu didapatkan dari sebuah karya literatur sastra itu ada pujangganya India datang ke Indonesia dia berjalan menyusuri Jawa dan sebagainya dan sebagainya tapi ketika dia melihat pulau Bali dia mengatakan eh pulau Dia sangat terpesona dengan pulau Bali dan Pulau Bali Itu disebutlah sagarika versinya si Pujangga tersebut si penyair tersebut lalu itu masuk dalam e puisinya dia dan sagarika adalah dalam ee kalau diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris itu kira-kira eh Mermaid tahu Mermaid putri duyung jadi Bali seindah dia melihat sosok wanita yang eh adalah makhluk laut ya Putri Duyung lah kira-kira begitu ya e se Maiden gitu ya Nah itulah pengertian atau makna Saga Rika ya dan Hopefully Dr sagarika will visit Bali in her best Time if it is possible ya I hope she can b to see the version of sagarika according to herself in her eyes gu ya oke Dr sagarika I have told them the story about your name and hope that you can visit Bali yourselfjy the the beautiful of Bali Now i eh give the time the space the screen to you thank you thank you so much for that beautiful introduction brother and thank you for the introduction Made by Madam Riri I am very very much delighted to be here today and share My insights on the second part of STR of strategic communication we first did about the personality of the employers as you have explained and today we are going to do How to strategize communication Within an organization So that's great So I would like to share My Screen now is it visible Yes very good I have to you have shared the screen before I'll have to share this one is this can is it visible visible but still not in presentation it's still Oke Okay Click that if I Click that I can't change the slide that is why I'm not clicking on it this is not I will have to keep it on this so let me go directly to a very important example in an organization Which caters to retail This is just one or two examples which I picking out Which is a very prominent example for us to understand what are the different communication strategies that we need to use so this is a very simple example and it's a very typical example in of What Happens in an organization catering to retail in a retail Store for example there are people the workforce is made up of people from multiple Generations there are baby boomers there are genex there are millennials and there are genes these are different groups of people born on different date of births and What Happens Is there is a huge gap between the owner and the employer the owner to the maximum it Belongs To The Age group which is born between 1946 and 1964 which are the baby boomers and the new employees belong to many categories but the issue comes with the genes as We already discussed so there is a huge Generation gap between them OK let me explain first for them bahwa di dunia kita punya beberapa generasi yang bekerja bersama kita dan menimbulkan gap yang sangat besar dan itu menimbulkan ee perbedaan antara eh owner yang juga kadang-kadang sudah sangat berumur atau beda gap dengan employeen-nya continue Oke so since the management team consist of the baby boomers and this in a traditional setting What Happens is That there is a challenge because the people at the lower end the zenzies and others are not directly in face to face with the baby boomers Who are the employers and that is the reason There is no there is a lot of misunderstanding because they are not meeting each other often Which and Therefore there is a disconnect between The younger staff and the management This is a very common problem in retail stores Say again Why Why they have problem Why they disconnect there's a disconnect because the retail owners are belong to the baby boomers Generation they are not born in an Age where they have seen lot of digital communication but the gen ZS are the ones Who are born in an era of digital Communication and Therefore their minds are more Hed you know nuance towards communicating in a digital manner they understand that they already have that self talk Within them that they are very much more smarter than these baby boomers and now when they enter into the organization with that you know that mindset it adds to the problem Ah oke eh to make it clear Dr sagarika in front of Us There is no baby Boomer the the owner in front of Us is millenial so the gap is not that far eh in front of Us eh There is no one still in baby Boomer Generation Oke Oke but still in the workforce there are people from different Generations and Therefore their mindset is different and this poses a problem there are lot of conflicts happening because of this and if the owner even if he is Belongs To The millennials still there is a gap between the millennials and the zenes millennials they are a little bit more traditional zenes they think they are smarter they work much more smartly and and they won't compromise on their job front whereas millennials are little bit more compromising in the way they deal with their work and which is why you know it is very important that the millennials who are the owners Meet The zenes Often through virtual meetings so that they can align their thoughts with each other Okay That is very important Yes jadi Eh tadi saya jelaskan ke Dr sagarika bahwa di depan kita ini eh kebanyakan sudah enggak ada eh baby boomernya ya tapi eh kebanyakan Sudah masuk milenial kan ee Bapak Ibu yang owner di depan saya ini kan milenial rata-rata tetapi dia bilang tetap ada perbedaan eh milenial dengan gen Z solusinya Anda harus rajin meeting harus mengadakan pertemuan meeting dengan mereka jadi Mas masalah kita ini sangat relevan untuk kita bahas Kalau anda merasa sulit memanage Genzi Anda harus mau bertemu dengan mereka penting sekali oke Please continue incentives and bonuses will have minimum value unless You are interacting with them unless You are using a lot of digital communication unless You are messaging them regularly and having virtual meetings regularly This is very important for the diseas so and also overall It is also important for the owners to have connection with them Face to Face as well as virtual both have to happen hand in hand okay so that is very important Now I would like to compare it with a second example They also had the same problem this retail Store I spoke about the first retail Store with the issue in the second retail Store what did they do what changes What approach change in approach did they do they introduced more number of digital communication tools internal messaging apps not just bulletin boards or pen and paper writing or things like that they that was important but they backed it up with regular digital communication with consisted of feedback both from the employers as well as from the employees so that happen and so that transparency Is there in the organization because transparency will bring trust also along with it the chain had to you know you know all the key updates goals and performances they kept on Feeding The People the employees so and They also encourage feedback from the employees through digital surveys suggestion boxes so that you know employees feel valued and heard so these were the changes in the second retail Store that they made okay s i think you already to too long in this slide I'm afraid that we we cannot finish our presentation Please go on but let me translate to them first oke eh di tengah alat komunikasi yang anda punya eh seperti digital WhatsApp eh segala macam kadang-kadang anda pakai pengumuman dan sebagainya eh itu itu juga penting tetapi e tidak menggantikan bahwa Anda harus regularly harus mengadakan meeting Bicara Eh dua arah untuk lebih membangun eh trust eh kepada orang-orang anda eh karena komunikasi satu arah itu tidak e tidak Anda tidak tahu apa yang mereka inginkan jadi bangunlah komunikasi dua arah Oke Please continue this specific example because whatever changes were Made was based on the Tae Framework What is Tae tae means means trust interruption please make the slide moving because we haven't see any Movement from beginning I think you should move your slide it's already moved no in our screen still stuck since beginning maybe you take down and then i will share Oh oke you stop share I will share for you You can stop I will share for you No but one minute i will i will use this one is this visible no still the same Oke now move oke h oke yes yeah good good shall I continue yeah please okay so the first point Under the Tae Framework is that of Trust So one of the most important whatever activities or communication You are doing should be because of building trust trust of the employees for the employers now this happens at two there are you can say There are two specific pillars of this trust happens because of number one competency and number two Which is credibility that means or integrity that means you say what you do and you do what you say So that's the two Important pillars of trust So you have to build that Foundation Of trust so in the retail environment people employees generally feel trusted when they are valued and heard And this leads to a better teamwork and high moral oke eh di sini dia menjelaskan ta framework nya adalah trust ya komponen terpenting dari trust itu adalah mereka harus lihat Anda kompeten kalau mereka sendiri tidak lihat anda e kompeten makereka meragukan ke manajemen Anda kepemimpinan anda itu alasan ya kenapa saya katakan Anda harus mau belajar jangan nyuruh orang belajar tapi anda sendiri tidak mau belajar karena kalau anda tidak lebih kompeten dari mereka mereka kehilangan trust dengan anda kedua yang dia sampaikan adalah edibility di sini ya valuevue yang anda inginkan Tetapi apakah Anda jalankan contohnya integrity integritas satunya kata dan perbuatan Kalau Anda ngomong sesuatu dan mereka melihat anda tidak kerjakan mereka pasti tidak percaya dengan Anda Anda akan kehilangan strust Oke Please continue the next one is adaptation agility which I have explained many times adaptation agility is basically making yourself Agile to change that happen from time to time So here I am speaking about the adop adopting the new communication methods that resonate with every Generation especially the zenes oke yang kedua adalah adaptation agility atau atau kecepatan kita beradaptasi ya kan retil itu sebenarnya industri yang sangat cepat membutuhkan fleksibilitas dan kemampuan kita untuk bereaksi sang kepada cepat terhadap perubahan ee kondisi Nah relevansinya apa dengan ee tenaga kerja kita yang beragam itu maka termasuk kehadiran para Genzi ini apakah kita mampu dengan cepat beradaptasi dengan dengan mereka sehingga eh kita menjadi engage menjadi nyambung dengan eh generasi eh Genzi yang belakangan ini kan e sering dikeluhkan bahwa Genzi ini Nata tidak tidak gampang masuk ke dunia kerja nah kita sebagai yang di dalam perusahaan dibutuhkan kegesetan untuk beradaptasi you can continue Oke and the last one Which is leadership empowerment most of it We did it Last Time When We spoke about the six personality traits of a leader but what you also need to understand is that you need to inspire your teams through your you being a role model and you have to Ensure that you drive engagement through your own communication skills for example see in the retail World Leaders Who communicate effectively What Happens is that they can they have should have the ability to cater to a diverse workforce coming from different backgrounds and Foster a positive environment and both most important is that they have to be role models themselves So this is the third pillar which we have already explained I have explained a lot in the last oke yang terakhir dari Tae tadi adalah leadership empowerment artinya eh mengempower atau memperkuat kemampuan kepemimpinan Anda perkuat leadership anda sendiri juga di sini dikatakan bahwa anda eh harus menjadi role model gitu ya menjadi role model menjadi teladan bagi mereka mendorong lingkungan kerja yang positif pos dan juga Anda harus sadar bahwa orang kita beragam ada Generation G khususnya belakangan hari ini ketika and Mere yang hadir itu gen ya ke and bekerja sama hanya dengan kaum eh atau gen milenial yes oke oke So this is the summary which we have doing the Tae Framework Foundation Of trust number one adaptation agility and leadership empowerment and the communication strategies which are Totally six in my list most important six Communication is based on the Tae Framework Which means that these communication strategies should lead to trust adaptation agility and leadership empowerment Oke ini ada kesimpulan dari Framework tie nanti poin-poin itu berangkat dari trust adation agility and leadership empowerment okay so the first most important strategy is when you are employing Somebody That is the entry point of the employee because please understand we want employees which are both competent capable as well as committed That is our Ultimate Aim right so in the first communication strategies What you're going to communicate to the new hes to the people whom you employing you will have to see their Attitude their skills and their knowledge before engaging them How do you do that you have questionir you have nowadays we have got a lot of psychometric assessments and skill tests so you give them those tests and that is the objective way and then you will support it with an interview group discussion etc so that you can engage the right people with you okay n ini kita sudah masuk enam eh eh six communication strategy enam strategi komunikasi di dunia kerja ya yang Anda harus lakukan pertama Anda harus ini kalau pengertian saya sih interview ya Ketika anda interview Anda harus selidiki melalui pertanyaan-pertanyaan kan probing itu penyelidikan Anda harus tanya ketika interview dengan menyelidiki attitude-nya dia eh knowledge-nya dia keterampilannya dia sebelum anda nanti eh menyatakan e engage gitu ya jadi ini menegaskan berkali-kali yang saya sampaikan Jangan hanya fokus knowledge dan skill tapi juga fokus juga kepada Attitude dari orang yang mau direkrut yeah next okay so second communication strategy when you have hired these people these employees you need to give them their roles based on their capabilities and not worry about time Wasted by them in doing these significant roles that that they have to play so based on their capabilities You are giving them few roles and measure Them for those roles give them parameters by which You are measuring their performance don't think that if they have extra time you going to give them extra work no only on those skills in which they are capable okayoke eh We should make it faster because we already in 1130 Eh nomor dua kita harus mengkomunikasikan secara amat sangat jelas apa harapan kita ingat enggak saya katakan Ketika anda sudah menerima mereka katakan yang proses satu tadi masuk ya Anda harus lelakukan apa yang saya sampaikan sebelumnya onboarding di onboarding itulah anda sampaikan secara jelas apa yang anda inginkan dia katakan di sini also clearly explain parameter Anda harus jelaskanpi-nya apapi-nya yang anda harapkan dari kehadiran mereka Jadi harus very clear What you expect dari mereka you can continue Oke so you also explain to them What is their work their intention of working their importance in the organization How they Fit into the larger frame How their function is important for the larger function so you show them the bigger picture that is very important I explain already you explained Okay also also Therefore you will also speak about their are short term goals What exactly They need to achieve and what are the systems They need to follow to achieve these goals that is so what is very important for the business owner is that they should have systems in place already before engaging anybody What are the systems Which Will Lead them to the personal professional goals of The individual employees is what is ya secara singkat bahwa kita harus menyampaikan harapan kita apa yang harus mereka capai maka itu ee saya sarankan eh kita punya matriks ya matrik-metrik itu yang kita tuangkan dalam bentuk GPI oke oke and all of this please important you have to you can't think that you have said it Once and they will remember So you have to use your digital communication so that you can reinforce the company goals reinforce the performance of the company and their own performance and what changes have taken place Within the organization everything needs to be reinforced verbally and through virtual So one on one as well as virtual that is the importance of regular virtual meetings and this helps people like zenes to get remain engaged with you also encourage It should be a two way communication encourage their feedback have Open forums for discussion and do listen as a retail owner please practice actively show that you are listening let them feel heard And valued Ya seperti tadi disampaikan di awal bahwa kita harus e mau melakukan yang namanya regular meeting pertemuan dan pada kesempatan itu Anda harus encourage mereka untuk berdiskusi bukan one way tapi tos dan eh dengarkan apa yang menjadi concern mereka Karena dengan demikian mereka merasa didengarkan ya jadi eh transparent communication eh itu tidak bisa hanya satu arah tetapi eh dua arah dengarkan apa yang menjadi harapan mereka okay so the next communication strategies coming from that same point is that you have to build connection and how do you build connection continuously ask your employees even if they don't have any answer what you know find out the emotional purpose of Why they come to work so ask them questions like what what is the what is is their deeper Purpose why are they coming to work F even if they don't have answers but at least that will keep them you know thinking and theyl have the feeling that you are concerned about them it's not that you want to just extract work but you are concerned about how they want to lead their future Life are they doing it for their family are they doing it for themselves what Dream they have about themselves so that they may not have answers It's Okay but that will your connection with them Okay finish it until until done so after this building connection also means showing care so How do you show care you offer trading You keep on updating your communication tools and encourage them to also participate in Within these tools Where you know you create an environment Where you encourage the input so that you can make changes in your organization so welcome change Okay eh di sini e poin ketiga dari eh enam strategi adalah Komunikasi untuk membangun koneksi eh membangun connection dengan eh mereka ya Anda harus rajin bertanya sebenarnya ee apa sih tujuan mereka Purpose ketika mereka datang ke tempat kerja apakah untuk karir apakah untuk keluarga apakah apa yang sedang mereka perjuangkan The Reason Kenapa mereka harus kerja ya tentu pada umumnya mereka cari uang tapi ada beberapa yang punya e cita-cita yang lebih mulia contoh menyekolahkan adiknya eh membantu orang tuanya yang yang kesusahan dan sebagainya Nah ada juga kadang-kadang tidak ada jawaban ketika Anda tanya mereka tidak menjawab tetapi gak masalah menurut dia itu sudah menunjukkan bahwa anda sangat peduli dan itu menunjukkan bahwa eh Anda mau mendengar eh suara mereka next Fourth point yes okay also prepare Them for their next level of promotion What is the next role they are going to play Let Them have have that Vision Right from the beginning so that and also show them the way Break Down a pathway I told you you need to have system so that they can improve themselves and go to a higher level you Break Down that pathway for them for them to walk on and give them feedback whether they are going on the right Direction or whether you know they are moving ahead correctly so regular feedback along with showing them the way so that is very important Fourth point Okay number EMP Anda harus bisa menunjukkan mereka next level on their role ingat engak saya sering mengatakan bahwa di dalam onboarding Anda harus bisa menyampaikan Apa yang akan terjadi dalam karir mereka perjalanan mereka selanjutnya bagaimana itu menunjukkan bahwa mereka bisa tumbuh di dalam organisasi kita ya kalau saya melihatnya apa yang disampaikan oleh Dr sagarika itu sangat erat hubungannya dengan apa yang sering saya sampaikan yaitu onboarding onboarding sangat penting onboarding itulah Anda membangun eh connection dengan mereka sampaikan dengan jelan kalau mereka masuk sekarang sebagai ini Apa langkah mereka selanjutnya kalau mereka tidak bisa melihat itu Bagaimana anda bisa berharap mereka komit atau bertahan di perusahaan anda lalu dalam perjalan dalam perjalanannya mereka tentu membutuhkan feedback membutuhkan masukan-masukan onboarding baru langkah awal Tetapi bagaimana selanjutnya ini yang harus kita biasakan untuk selalu berdampingan dengan mereka untuk eh selalu connecting dengan mereka dengan adanya pertemuan-pertemuan rutin next Okay now this fifth point we have done it many times but it's very important you don't presume that you know they are respected you have to communicate you Actually have to open your mouth and communicate respect and how do you communicate respect directly and indirectly directly you appreciate indirectly like you have zero tolerance policies that means certain wrong Things Happen you don't tolerate it's truly you know those people who have walked Tread the wrong Path you eliminate them from your organization and whatever you are asking them to follow you have to walk the talk yourself another very important way of communicating respect is all Leaders Like You should be visible to the lowest ranks of your employees and accessible to them this is very important because usually Leaders don't do this they are very they move away from the people they lose touch with the lowest employees so please follow this so encourage people below you who are also Leaders to do the same and provide them with training on modern communication all the managers Who work under you provide them with the training and Foster a culture of feedback and make them learn you as a leader also ously learn as well as encourage people who are managers or Leaders under you also to do the same Okay communikasi eh dengan respek dengan rasa hormat ya umumkan secara jelas bahwa ketika kita berkomunikasi harus eh tidak boleh menghilangkan respek rasa hormat ya dan tidak ada toleransi Zero toler dia bilang jika contoh dikatakan di sini ada orang-orang yang tukang nyalain orang ya Blame game e menunjukkan ego gosip ngelompok bikin grup-grup bikin klik-klikan atau menekan e satu pihak mendominasi maka itu tidak kita izinkan ingat gak di salah satu eh orang yang ada di ruangan ini saya pernah mengatakan tidak ada toleransi jika ada seseorang yang terhadap seseorang itu pelanggaran terhadap respek ya jadi hal-hal seperti itu tidak bisa ditoleransi dan untungnya kalian saya itu mendengarkan bahwa orang tersebut tidak bisa tinggal dalam perusahaan dan Dr sagarika mengatakan tadi no toleransi Jika ada yang melakukan itu dia harus keluar dari organisasi kita tidak boleh membiarkan eh komunikasi secara tidak hormat ya dan anda harus menjadi contoh walk the talk andalah contohnya kemudian sebagai pemimpin Anda harus terlihat harus accessible anda bisa diakses Anda harus hadir visib itu bukan oh itu ya pemimpin bukan visibel mereka bisa bertemu Anda bisa bicara dengan anda bisa mendengar anda dan Jika ada masalah mereka bisa mengakses anda mereka bisa menghubungi anda berkomunikasi dengan Anda next So this is the continuation of the same point You should have clear rewarding and for the recognition systems in place so that you know you you can tell people exactly with objectivity Why you are appreciating why you are announcing a reward Where can clearly show the reasons we we Okay I should remind you again That We already 1141 means eh eh we will have no question and answer I I'm afraid that we should Cut our Okay the next in order that one more point left Yeah you please go to directly to the next point okay so The Sixth point is we need to have two Things in our employees both competency and capability but usually we find that 70% of people are either highly competent or highly capable I mean or highly committed so they are either highly committed or they are highly competent or capable okay so we want those people who are highly committed to become capable and those who are highly capable to become committed so those people who are not committed you Don't Tell Them that you know that you are not committed and you just show your work and you don't really actually bother about the organization but you THR to them a challenge you communicate with them that you please you know Upgrade your commitment to the organization it would be great so that you know we can we can promote you and you can have people under you working yes oke oke nomor en ini penting sekali ya di dalam organisasi kita akan ada dua dua tipe orang orang yang yang tidak capable dan yang capable makin ke kiri makin tidak capable makin ke kanan makin capable makin ke atas makin komit makin ke bawah eh tidak komit kalau kita bagi akan ada empat kuadran kuadran kuning itu isinya orang yang tidak capable tapi komit orang yang setia loyal ke kita tapi dia enggak mampu kalau yang yang merah itu bahaya banget sudah enggak capable juga tidak komit gitu ya yang biru masih mendingan dia dia tidak komit Tetapi dia mampu orang-orang ini gampang keluar karena dia gakit tadi SAG bilang 70% ada di kubu ini ent di kuning ent di biru 70% ada di B ini tuas anda sebagai lead sebagai pemimptuku yangj Kara dia sudahit dia dia di apa and harusaining harus buat dia Jadi sekarang Dih yang biru diaet tap dia tidakit orang kar Kak mannyaakas and sebagaier sebagai akan berisikan nanti orang-orang kuning ini dia stay tapi dia tidak mampu yang ideal adalah yang hijau di green Green box itu yang hijau itu isinya orang yang comit dan capable dan ini jumlahnya sedikit menurut Kemarin saya tanya yerday I ask Dr SAG dia bilang yang di hijau itu paling-ping 20% dari total employ kita dan bagaimana dengan yang merah what to do with the red box Dia bilang no toler Anda harus keluarkan mereka dari organisasi karena mereka jelas tidak komit dan mereka tidak mampu tidak ada harapan kasarnya Anda harus kick them out oke eh Thank you that was a lovely explanation I could also understand yeah This is the only two points here which I want to mention I finished all the communication strategies but youl have to implement it in your organization so so implementation is a challenge because people wait for perfection so don't wait for perfection just apply whatever i have taught you today apply them take some action may not be perfect don't wait for perfection So what I call is shabby Action so take shabby action and don't stop where Dr Sagara has told you these six strategies upgrade this knowledge also so become a lifelong learner youl have to continuously learn So this is my this is where I would like to end today Thank you very much for Listening to me and I have definitely shortened it a bit in the interest of time Yes If you have any questions be happy to answer let me explain the last very important m jadi gini ada yang namanya action ya Anda tidak perlu menunggu samp a ya tidak usah menjadi perfect tetapi anda harus mulai Anda harus mulai jadilah Life long learner jadilah pembelajar seumur hidup Ya ingat continuous learning eh growing mindset maka anda tidak menunggu segala sesuatu yang sempurna baru anda bergerak banyak kan orang yang Nanti Pak nunggu Ini nanti Pak ini bahkan diajak berbenah saja masih tunda-tunda eh karena dia menunggu segala sesuatunya menjadi jadi sempurna dulu Sai action mengatakan dalam kegamangan anda sebenarnya Anda harus segera mulai dalam perjalanan itulah Anda menyempurnakan gitu ya Oke kita akhiri eh presentasi beliau karena kita harus Open question gitu ya as our eh webinar is retail Zoom so we let them to ask to us soing theare I silakan sharing I stop sharing sharing and may make it our members ya R eh Bapak dan Ibu silakan untuk yang ingin bertanya R hand atau bisa mengetik ya di room chat kita di chat room kita silakan saja tema yang disampaikan ini terkait dengan Eh tadi sempat dikatakan oleh Pak Kris juga dua generasi ya lintas generasi di mana sekarang Genzi adalah yang menjadi customer-customer kita ataupun juga karyawan-karyawan kita ya ada beda pandangan ketika kita menghire mereka apa yang kita inginkan dan apa yang mereka inginkan jadi memang perlu betul-betul di ee optimalkan ini ee ketika menghir Bapak dan Ibu silakan hand belum ada yang ingin bertanya silakan kalau ada yang ingin bertanya e menurut saya tadi e kita cukup banyak tetapi e poin-poinnya Anda dapat dan kalau tadi anda eh screenshot dari presentasi Dr sagarika Sebenarnya Anda bisa mempelajari ulang karena kita Keterbatasan waktu saya tidak ingin Keterbatasan waktu ya Eh semuanya dipakai nya untuk presentasi Jadi kita tetap memberi kesempatan anda untuk bertanya silakan kalau ada yang mau angkat tangan bertanya karena memang ee mengharapkan integritas dari karyawan kadang-kadang ini ee tahapannya juga panjang ini Pak Kris ya karena mungkin mereka sudah terbentuk dari ee pergaulan yang sama begitu kan di antara sesama mereka nah sulitnya ini ketika mereka juga masuk ee ke dunia kerja ya Apakah ke depannya akan ada mentoring khusus artinya kepada generasi milenial ini di mana mereka harus bisa menangkap peluang kerja begitu Pak Kris bisa Enggak ini di Oke Makanya eh tadi dari pemaparan Dr sagerika sebenarnya pertama saat orang itu mau bergabung kita sudah saring di situ di awal kita sudah harus make sure yang masuk ke tempat kita itu adalah orang-orang yang yang memang ee komit dan punya Purpose itulah pentingnya interview jangan main-main dengan interview banyak kita ini punya orang tetapi sebenarnya kita mengumpulkan orang-orang yang masuk ke perusahaan kita tanpa Purpose kan enggak punya Purpose ke perusahaan kita itulah pentingnya interview pentingnya alat alat yang tadi dia sampaikan ada banyak tools untuk menyaring orang ketika orang mau masuk ke tempat kita sebenarnya ini ya Saya sangat gembira apa yang disampaikan oleh Dr sagarika sebenarnya hal-hal yang berulang kali sudah saya ingatkan ya Dan ini ada hubungannya dengan strategi komunikasi yang tadi dia sampaikan I Oke jadi so Bapak dan Ibu mungkin Apakah ini menjadi bagian dari yang sudah dilaksanakan di perusahaan masing-masing begitu ya Ada yang mau sharing silakan yang eh satu hal ya Eh yang agak disappointed Sebenarnya kalau saya lihat di layar itu sedikit sekali yang pimpinan perusahaan Coba kita lihat MB sedikit sekali yang pimpinan perusahaan di sini ada Pak William Pak David Happy birthday Pak David hari ini beliau Happy birthday ada Pak Yulianto Siapa lagi Siapa lagi the rest gak ada gak ada karena menganggap menganggap ini urusan urusan karyawan Ya padahal ini adalah urusan eh kita gitu ya Dr sagarika I quite surprised because in on our screen I only I only find three three of The audience are the owner you see they are very young and beautiful are not baby boomers are menial So that's great absolutely great that means we can depend on them more to you know connect with the younger staff Who are actually You know the Major majority of the employees Which Will Be The younger staff Which is an advantage and you can see in front of you there are very young people join our and they are the the staff of our audience You look so They can empathize absolutely They can empathize with their employees much much greater yes only thing one thing they should remember is no matter that they belong to the same age group or whatever the employees definitely who will join will have some expectation from them because they already into that zone in the mind that we are very very you know Smart and we will not be Understood we will be misunderstood it is already ingrained in their mind so you will have to remove that myth that myth Which they are creating when they join As an employee it will be your responsibility the owners to remove the myth and show them that both the employer as well as the employee understand each other each other's Pain points and are ready to Embrace change Which is Change of Ai and digital communication so that you know is important ya ya oke eh jadi menurut eh beliau ini Memang agak agak sulit ya kalau saya lihat Oke Pak David Tunggu sebentar ya eh saya mau Jelaskan dulu alangkah sulitnya anak-anak ini teman-teman kita rekan-rekan adik-adik ini asan ke bosnya manakala bosnya saja tidak mau mendengar hal-hal seperti ini ya ini Ini saya ngomong bahasa Indonesia do sagika enggak enggak dengar tetapi ya saya eh sebenarnya sangat kecewa eh untuk hal sepenting ini ya justru yang hadir justru eh para employee yang sebenarnya dalam hal pol tidak bisa mengubah gitu ya kan harus dari atas kan mau Ma secara pol Anda mau memperbaiki komunikasi tidak mungkin dimulai dari bawah ya Coba kalau Anda selesai retail Zoom ini anda bicara ke atasan Anda apa yang mereka pahami mereka tidak paham bahkan Apa yang dimaksud gitu ya pentingnya untuk membangun e strategi komunikasi mungkin lebih sulit itu tapi saya berharap rekan-rekan yang hadir di sini anda bisa gunakan ke bawah Anda ke bawahnya lagi ya Anda bisa membangun tim yang lebih kuat gara-gara anda mengerti Bagaimana strategi komunikasi yang harus anda bangun ya Saya berharap seperti itu tidak ada yang sia-sia gitu ya Oke Pak Dav silakan par are in the family business or something you know into the traditional business of retail They need to break away from that and use their own way of doing things That's important you know not do it As per How they are rel parents continuing till this date but employ the newer strategies that's it okay Eh please Eh Pak David you want to ask a question Open Siang Pak Kris saya pakai bahasa Indonesia Pak ya boleh boleh pakav Pak E bagaimana sih Pak komunikasinya untuk begini Pak k Sering kita temui kan kalau misalnya kita di eh interview dan mereka membuat plan mereka 5 tahun ke depan 10 tahun ke depan contohnya Pak mereka mau menjadi manajer ni Pak namun pada suatu saat dia lagi semangat-semangatnya dan kita merasa dia bisa nih Pak untuk menduduki posisi tersebut Pak namun saat eh kita over malah dia tidak berani Pak mengambil tanggung jawab itu pak itu itu eh komunikasinya itu gimana pak ya yang benar karena sering terjadi di case kita tuh eh begitu Pak Terima kasih Pak Oke Eh Pak David Eh at first when we interview The candidate Oke He has clear He has clear Purpose eh and to make a five years blueprint plan for his future but along the way he become demotivated so Oke In this case what to do Okay That's a nice question Thank you for the question see see these employees they really wouldn't you know be in a position to draw five year plan because they are not that mature they are just entering your workforce right even if they are experience somewhere else have come from somewh else they wouldn't be in a position to draw five year Plan So you need to really you know ask them questions which are much more simpler where What What do you want at the end of the day at the end of the day you don't you are not engaging them as Manager see a manager will go and show The vision of A Five yeare plan You're engaging them at a lower level right So if you engaging as a manager then you can speak about the five year plan but if you not engaging them as a leader Please don't expect them to you know that is my thinking that you don't expect them to draw five year plan That would really you know align with your Vision of their future with you for the next five years they wouldn't be able to either draw their own personal plan or the organizational plan so rather than that test on their competency test on their commitment give them situations in your retail Store where they need to be committed so ask them questions situational questions where they are they answer about a particular situation happening in the retail store and how they would react or act in that condition that would be a better way of engaging people and understanding their commitment and capability ngerti enggak Pak David ya sedikit-sedikit sih Pak Oke saya Eh saya perjelas secara singkat jadi dia bilang begini ee kalau kita berharap eh katakan dia bikin 5 5 tahun itu Menurut dia barangkali kalau dia bukan level yang cukup tinggi level manajer barangkali dia bahkan enggak bisa bikin eh five years plan-nya dia gitu ya tapi kalau m orang-orang yang yang punya Purpose yang jelas makanya penting banget mengenal profile dari e orang anda kalau orangnya ini calon-calon pemimpin nih pada dan rekan-rekan yang lain harusnya dia bisa bikin ya karena di orang yang punya profile sebagai calon pimpinan calon manajer itu biasanya mereka punya mimpi ya dia punya Ambisi ya punya punya sesuatu yang ingin dicapai biasanya begitu dari pengalaman saya tapi kalau memang yang anda rekrut itu orang orang pelaksana ya level-level staff yang tidak ada unsur d-nya maka biasanya mereka memang enggak punya mimpi enggak punya harapan enggak punya Purpose gitu Ya terus gimana dong terhadap orang-orang ini nah solusinya adalah Anda engage Anda harus eh coaching dia harus dampingi Lalu Anda ajak dia bicara gitu ya kasih dia challengchallenge di dalam keseharian Ketika anda mendampingi dia itu Anda eh challenge dia dengan e harian secara harian Makanya eh kita memang harus hadir gitu sebenarnya kalau berharap Pak David yang lakukan itu ya tidak maksud saya secara berjenjang anda punya Operation Manager anda punya Store Manager anda punya kadif kadep mereka yang harus melakukan secara berjenjang karena tidak mungkin kita sentuh semua orang karena itu Ya kita harus ee mengembangkan budaya kita di mana kita Mau ee berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang di di bawah kita gitu ya melatih juga kemampuan kita dalam eh coaching mentoring gitu ya oke thank you satu hanya bisa satu pertanyaan We only can avoid one question and ourswers bisa lanjut diemail ya his face is very satisfied with my answer I Oke thank you Thank you very much dragarika for your presentation we Really appreciate ya And I hope we can see ya in another time ya maybe in Indonesian eh Oke Bapak dan Ibu Terima kasih juga sudah bersama-sama Sebelumnya kita akan berfoto dulu sehingga kita mempunyai dokumentasi ya sebelam t Oke thank you all best am Oke Bapak dan Ibu sampai ketemu lagi pakr bapak dan ibu semua Terima kasih samp kemuamualikum warahmatah wabaruh bye eh wait wait wait a minute eh gambarnya enggak ada gambar kita tadi gak ada kita ulangin lagi yang ada harus ulang lagi take take a picture I not Fa to take theure salam grow and prosper 1 2 3 tunggu ya tunggu ya Ah I do not know why I cannot take the picture What wrong with yourone not not not my phone but my web ada yang bisa ambil Pak William bisa bisa fotoin bisa ada yang bisa ambil screenshot nanti share ke grup salam grow and prosper 1 2 3 Thank you Thank you Thank you very much see you