Moon just left Leo, entering Virgo, staying there until Friday.
Opposition to Saturn and Neptune.
Moon will move on to Libra and then trine Pluto and Jupiter.
No major aspects on Saturday.
Moon opposes Chiron, trines the Sun and Mercury.
Moon moves to Scorpio, squaring Pluto and opposing Mars in Taurus.
Key Aspect: Venus conjunct Mercury at the very first degree of Cancer.
Additional Astrology Insights
Venus transits
Venus squares Neptune in late Pisces before moving into Cancer.
Mercury squares Neptune before transitioning into Cancer.
First quarter Sun-Moon square at the 24th degree of Virgo.
Mercury transits
Mercury squares Saturn leading to reflection and potential depression.
Mercury and Sun are sextile to Chiron.
Significance of Current Aspects
Synodic Cycles
Sun-Venus conjunction starts a new 584-day synodic cycle, forming part of the five-pointed star Venus creates.
Key point for setting new personal goals and changing allegiances due to planetary squares.
Sabian Symbol Insights
Sabian Symbol for the Sun-Quarter Moon Square:
A ship’s sailors lowering an old flag and raising a new one symbolizes a point of no return i.e. major life transitions or decisions.
This symbol highlights the need for reorientation and stabilization of energies toward creating a harmonious home life.
Energetic Themes
Cardinal Signs
Cardinal signs Aries and Cancer emphasize initiating actions but in different ways (fire vs. water element).
Venus and Mercury moving into Cancer promote themes of home, family, and emotional security.
Jupiter in Gemini
This transit encourages learning, compassionate communication, and expanding consciousness.
Inner Child Healing
Emphasis on nurturing the inner child, reconnecting with playfulness, joy, and emotional honesty.
Importance of integrating both the inner masculine/feminine and inner boy/girl energies.
Encouragement to move from intellectual judgment (head) to heart-centered emotions.
Cultural and Philosophical Reflections
Transition from Patriarchy
Present shift from thought-dominated (masculine, patriarchal) culture to heart-centered (feminine, compassionate) way of being.
Judgments are a reflection of unmet needs; emphasis on empathy and understanding over judgment.
Astrological Ages
Current transition in the astrological ages represents a move towards greater unity and connection.
Encouragement to heal ourselves to thereby help heal the world; focusing on creating a loving, compassionate immediate environment that can reflect outward globally.
Key Mantra
Mantra for the Week
"I don’t need to change the world as much as open my heart and letting go of my need to be right is a very good place to start."